Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 530: How it began

Chapter 530: How it began

0Luna, who had somehow become the leader of a guild, could not help but sigh heavily, wondering how things turned out like this.     

Everything things happened a few days ago.      

Luna had just arrived in Exodus, and as she had fired, she got separated from the others; after searching for them, she concluded that it was only here who appeared here; this made her sad but remembering the final goal, she headed outside to complete quests to level up and acquire Fame points before heading to the capital.      

During a quest inside a hard-level difficulty dungeon, Luna faced an unexpected situation.      

Unexpectedly, twenty-five players were facing the final Boss of the dungeon; this Boss had a human figure but with a crow head; this boss was dressed in ragged clothes, floating before this boss was a grimoire.      

Immediately upon seeing the twenty-five players, Luna concluded that they were newbies who somehow ended up here; they weren't coordinated at all. Just with the flip of one of the pages of the grimoire erased three men, this made the remaining twenty-two panic, and a gap between their formation appeared, the boss was not going to miss out on such opportunity, the boss extended its claw and was ready to cast another spell.      

Luna was generous by nature. Maybe it was because of this she got the Saintess, so naturally, she couldn't just sit by and watch these players get wiped out. Finally, Luna stepped out.      

Her arrival drew everyone's attention; even the boss stopped and looked at her, the golden-haired young girl dressed in a spotless white robe, the first impression those players had was this woman mustn't be stained, so one of them shouted with determination.      

''Little sister, hurry up and retreat; we will hold him back; there is no need to die with us; it's our mistake we must not get dragged in.''      

Luna froze upon hearing those words; she was further shocked when the others nodded their heads as if to say they shared the same view as the man with the red armor.      

Upon seeing their behaviors, Luna couldn't help but feel a little amused as the corners of her mouth perked up. If previously she had acted upon her persona, this time she was moving because she saw that these players were worth her time, so she decided to go all out to save them; a 2 Stars Boss was not going to be easy. Still, Luna was not to be underestimated either.      

Unlike the twenty-two players, the 2 Stars Boss never saw Luna as a weak being; on the contrary, there was a dangerous aura surrounding this seemingly weak girl, which made the 2 Stars Boss sick; therefore, the boss decided to use its strongest skill.      

Kali, the 2 Stars Boss, started to chant as its grimoire pages flipped faster.      




There was a terrible rumbling sound that shocked the players making them slowly turn they're before they instantly turned pale.     

Standing before them was a sea of skeletons.      

''What? Why?"      

They couldn't believe what they were seeing; only death awaited them if they were to fight those skeletons; however, when they were about to lose faith and embrace death, they suddenly heard a voice that calmed their minds making them relieved.      

''Fall back and watch!"      

Maybe because she was too heated, Luna said something usually she shouldn't have said; however, even so, as if her words were the absolute truth, those players obeyed and stepped aside, allowing her to shine.      

''Double Instant Strengthening'' She shouted.     

Immediately following Luna's shout, a golden light covered her body, and from the other players' point of view, this light looked holy.      


The ground cracked under Luna's feet before she shot forward like a rocket and arrived before the army of skeletons.      

Boom! Crack!!!!      

A single punch erased more than ten skeletons. Those prayers standing on the sidelines were shocked.      

''So powerful.'' Muttered a small girl, there was a star shining inside her eyes; she had fallen entirely under Luna's charm.      

Bang! Bang! Boom!      

As if she was a tank, Luna moved forward, punching her way through the army of skeletons; Kali frowned upon seeing this scene; it seemed that he had underestimated this girl power, Kali decided to finish her before she could cause more damage to his undead army.      

Just as Kali was about to unleash another skill upon Luna, he froze because in the middle of the undead army, Luna raised her fist, which glowed in golden light, and she shouted.      

[4th Tier Holy Magic: Radiant Blessings]      

Golden light burst out from her body, and an illusionary image of angels seemed to have appeared behind Luna's back before covering the whole battlefield; those players felt all their fatigue being swept away, their HP restored while the undead army suffered a huge blow because Holy Magic, the Light Element being undead monster nemesis.      

Radiant Blessings golden light rapidly consumed the weak skeletons, turned them into ashes in the blink of an eye.      

This sudden turn of events shocked Kali; his summoned skeletons were erased before he could even intervene. Then before he knew it, Luna's figure shot forward like a missile, appearing before him.      

Although he was shocked, Kali still reacted by doing dodging to the side; however, he soon found out that Luna's goal since the start had never been to strike him but to snatch away the ominous staff he used to cast spells.      

Kali's body shuddered when its connection with the great staff was cut off suddenly; Luna had stowed it away in her item box, an isolated space.      

 [6th Holy Magic: Judgement Spear]      

A peerless white spear manifested in the sky before piercing Kali's body which became momentary frozen when his connection with the great staff got cut off.     



A white light covered Kali's body, and after the light disappeared, Kali was no more, and like an angel, Luna slowly descended toward the ground.     

Silence permeated the whole floor before suddenly, the same man who suggested Luna to retreat kneeled and declared.     

''Hail to the Saintess!"      

At first, nobody said anything but sounds; the other twenty-one players followed and shouted in turn.      

''Hail to the Saintess!"      

''Hail to the Saintess!"      

Luna was dumbfounded even more when those players decided to follow her and established a guild a few days later, with her as the guild master.      

~Back to the Present     

Looking at the fifty men and women kneeling before her, a subtle smile formed on Luna's face, and she declared.      

''We shall move and crush the Eternal Forest Guild, then we will head to the capital.''      

The kneeling men and women nodded; Luna smiled; she wondered how surprised Alex would be once he knew that she had established a guild? It was not something she had previously planned, but now that it has become like this, better use this opportunity to accomplish something; maybe she would be the only person to have established a guild.     

The guild master of the Radiant Guild smiled, thinking about Alex's surprised face; she wondered what kind of reward she would get.      

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