Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 531: The Lucky Girls

Chapter 531: The Lucky Girls

0At the same time, in another location, black haired beauty with a bored look on her face was listening to an old man's speech.     

''In the very beginning of the beginning, the forgotten sea of sand was ruled by Ra, under the pharaoh rule, the people lived and worked in peace.''      

The old man stopped as if to catch his breath before suddenly continuing.      

''But the good times didn't last; after the seven gods one after another, Ra fell into a deep slumber, leaving his throne behind. The seven gods fought each other for Ra's throne, and the world descended into chaos. To determine the True God, the seven gods started Ragnarok, the battle of Gods, and only the victor would be seen as the True God, the leader of the Forgotten Sea of Sand, the descended God which will ascend to the next world.''      

'What a cliché line.' the black-haired beauty thought but did not voice it out.      

''You mortals who appeared in this world have the power to challenge the gods. The one that defeated the old god will receive the proof of the new God- the shard of the Gods. Then the battle of Gods will start again, and the Forgotten Sea of Sand will welcome its new master! But we residents of-"      

The black-haired beauty abruptly cut off the old man.      

''Old man can to cut to the chase and tell us why we are gathered here? I'm starting to get bored here, I don't care for the others, but me, I'm getting fed up of your rambling, so make it short.''      

The old man's face momentarily twitched before he regained his calm faster than a chameleon changing color. The other players frowned and glared at the black-haired who paid no heed to them as if they never existed while secretly fiddling with the small gray stone inside her pocket; she believed that this must be the thing that made her get summoned into this hot desert, in the distance stood a tall pyramid remindful of Egypt beautiful Pyramids.      

The old man sighed while inwardly thinking that youngsters nowadays are impatient.     

''To make it short, every one of you presents here has received some kind of proof to be summoned into the Forgotten Sea of Sand.''      

Upon hearing the old man's words, everyone the players present nodded their heads as they remembered how they struggled before appearing here and what they had acquired; that must have been the proof the older man was talking about.      

The old man nodded upon seeing their reactions; he cleared his throat and pointed behind her back, more specifically at the giant pyramid behind him.      

''You see that pyramid over there is your final destination, the pyramid of Horus, the Seven Gods await you them, you who have proven yourself. You must kill one of the seven gods to acquire their shard of God before proceeding to the next floor in the pyramid; the final victor shall become the True God and, at the same time, the owner of the Forgotten Sea of Sand.'' the old man explained.      

The black-haired beauty chuckled and did not wait for the old man to continue before departing. This startled the others; when one of them tried to intervene, he was stopped by a handsome man who appeared to be the leader of this group.      

''Josh, let her go. Her wellbeing has nothing to do with us. We finally managed to get into the tower; we must not wait our time on a fool.''      

The man named Josh nodded before giving the handsome man a polite bow.      

''Understand Vice guild master.''      

The handsome man nodded pleased before glancing in the black-haired beauty's direction and frowned; he had purposely raised his voice a bit to let the black-haired beauty hear his voice, thinking maybe she might react, but unfortunately for him, the black-haired beauty completely ignored him and continued walking toward the pyramid.     

'Forget it! She isn't worth my time.' Soloon, the vice guild master of one of seven guilds in the capital, mumbled before looking at the old man, ready to absorb any information he would have.     

During this time, the black-haired beauty, who was none other than Sakuya, chuckled and paid no heed to the Soloon's provocation; although she had not heard what he had in its entirety, she heard the last part which she decided to ignore it.      

After entering Exodus, Sakuya appeared in a forest; from then onward, she started completing a quest upon a quest to arrive here; she had no idea where she was. She would never have thought that she was fortunate to directly appear inside the tower which pierced the sky, the same tower most of the players who appear in Exodus dreamed of climbing up.      

Currently, Sakuya was on the fourth floor, and only by completing this floor quest would she be able to ascend, to climb up to the next level. It was possible to acquire almost anything inside this tower, which had multiple names: Fantasy Tower, Tower of Gods, or Sky Tower.      

Unaware lucky she was, Sakuya moved toward the pyramid in the distance at extreme speed, powered up by the Wind element; Sakuya speed increased drastically, and soon she arrived before the giant pyramid.      

''Looking at it from a close distance, this pyramid indeed does resemble the one in Egypt. Maybe they copied the design from the one on Earth. Fufufu! They seem to be multiple entrances; I shall pick one.'' Sakuya mumbled before pointing at one of the entrances before her; her chosen entrance was smaller than the others. The reason why Sakuya selected this entrance was simply because her instinct told her to do that.      

Sakuya walked forward, and with a few steps, she walked in; she appeared inside was looked like an arena. Suddenly, some footsteps echoed from the other side of the arena. Sakuya body turned immediately tense, and she immediately summoned her katana.      

Cackle! Cackle!     

''Not bad mortal, you are courageous.''      

''I'm Geb's son and Ra's former guard, also known as the master of power and battle-Set.''      

Simultaneously, in another part of the pyramid, a blue-haired beauty entered through one of the entrances and immediately frowned as she sensed something amiss.     

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