Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 523: Misfortune come in pair 2

Chapter 523: Misfortune come in pair 2

0Lucifer, angel of salvation, sliced through the air with lightning speed and arrived before the homunculus, the naked woman stretched her hand, and a sword appeared; she used it to block Lucifer's strike.     


A metallic screech resonated when the two weapons clashed; Lucifer frowned because he could feel a huge force passing through the sword into his hand, which slightly trembled. He wondered how such a slender arm could possess that absurd strength? And why could she put on some clothes? It's too disturbing; I'm forced to stare even though I never intended to do it.     

Lucifer shook his head to concentrate on the ongoing fight; he detected Sir Perceval was moving toward him to assist him; with his help, it would become easier.      

Quickly there were already a few thin blood marks on Lucifer's face, but he was not angry or      

impatient. Instead, he calmly responded to      

the homunculus frenzy attacks. From his experience, although this naked woman was strong physically, she was like a new chick who didn't know how to use her strength. However, the most frightening about this woman was that she seemed to be learning.     

The homunculus figure was knocked off by Lucifer and fell into the crowd. She jumped up, and everywhere she passed, whether it was the golems or Lucifer's men, were torn apart under the terrifying power.      

''Shadow!" Lucifer exclaimed because Sera, armed with one shinning black dagger, appeared behind the homunculus and slashed at her repeatedly; however, the homunculus reacted faster and knocked Sera flying; she spurted blood and clashed into Sharon, the two rolled on the ground, but their figure vanished soon after.     

Lucifer frowned as he felt an ominous feeling, but he quickly shook it off as the homunculus killed most of the remaining men; seven remained among the demon lords apart from the disappeared Sera and Sharon.      

The seven alongside Lucifer ganged up on the homunculus and fought a bitter battle. They won in the end, but only three people survived.      

Qkil kneeled while trying to catch his breath; his armor was covered in blood, Lucifer was gravely injured too, only Sir Perceval looked fine with few dents on his platinum armor.      

Lucifer felt like he had suffered a huge misfortune; he lost all his men but succeeded in completing the quest; just as he was about to open his mouth to congratulate the survivors, he felt an ominous feeling, the same feeling he felt when Sera and Sharon disappeared earlier.      


Before his warning could reach Qkil, it was already too late; the only thing he saw before his head was removed from his body and danced in the air was black light.      


Qkil's head danced one few times in the air before falling into the ground with a plop sound. Time stopped, Lucifer gripped his sword so tightly that his knuckles turned white, he glared at the culprit of the situation before him, normally he should have never believed if they told him that this woman could do something like this. Yet, she did it; this was not a dream but a reality; Lucifer was well aware of this.      

Calming down his rage, he managed to squeeze out a few words.     

''Shadow, what is the meaning of this?"      

Sera, who appeared behind Qkil and suddenly beheaded him, smiled behind her mask and tilted her head to the side.     

''You are asking what the meaning of this is? Isn't it obvious I'm snatching the throne?''      

It was simple, yet it made Lucifer's eyes turn red with fury; he began to laugh as if he had lost his mind.     

''Hahahahaha! Good, really good, you're lower than a dog.''      

''Thank you for the compliment,'' Sera said as made curtsied elegantly.     

Lucifer's face twitched, the rage he had pushed down came forward, and he decided to let it loose. The trump card he had saved until now just in the case when the other guilds ambushed them, he decided to use them, he didn't bother asking a hypocritical question such as what did I do to Sharon as he knew she must be dead.      

''Perceval do it.''      

Upon receiving Lucifer's order, Sir Perceval nodded and stepped forward.      


A giant shield appeared and was embedded into the ground in front of them. Sir Perceval joining his hand in the form of prayer, just with this gesture alone, the surrounding air changed, Lucifer felt as if he was recovering at a fast speed when he looked at Sera intending to see the panic inside his eyes, he was shocked to see her brown eyes unwavering even with his trump card unleashed.      

Before Lucifer could ponder about the meaning behind her calm face, Sera opened her mouth and declared.      

''How long are you planning to stay silent for?''     

Both Lucifer and Sir Perceval froze. Sera paid them no heed as she declared.     

''The stage has been prepared; it's time for you to shine, Nihil.''      

Sera looked at Lucifer and declared.     

''You and me we will fight elsewhere.''      

Before Lucifer could place one, Sera flashed before him; her speed was unlike anything he had ever seen.     

'So, she has been concealed her strength until now?'     

Lucifer mumbled as Sera caught his face and launched him into the distance before following after him.      

The sudden development shocked Sir Perceval, but he didn't have the time to be concerned about Lucifer's fate because someone suddenly appeared like a ghost. Alice appeared.     

"T-this is..."      

Sir Perceval widened his eyes in disbelief at the      

the incomprehensible scene he was witnessing before his eyes. From the moment of Alice's arrival, he felt an emotion that he thought he had already left behind him a long time ago as this world was only a game.      

"Holy Saints' Tree of Blessing!"      

Sir Perceval's furiously thumping heart told him of the unparalleled danger before him. The oppressive premonition of death he felt compelled him to take the initiative to curb Alice, knowing that it was the only way he could survive this ordeal.      

Even while he was shouting, he had already      

started bleeding from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. The heavy price he had to pay translated into greater power as he invoked the absolute defense of his bloodline ability.      

For the first time since coming into this world, he would use his bloodline to fuel his ability; if not, he would die.     

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