Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 512: Alex Vs Luriel

Chapter 512: Alex Vs Luriel

0''Darling~ Let's begin, shall we? I'll take good care of you; I love delicate boy.''      

The chill Alex felt previously was intensified, and he shouted.      

''Screw you!"      

Luriel had expected this, but what she didn't expect was that Alex was able to keep his calm. Although she indeed like a boy like Alex, she knows that man like Alex hates to be called a delicate or pretty boy. She intended to disrupt him mentally by forcing him to act rashly after receiving such a nickname; in a normal situation, most people would have fallen into her scheme, but Alex didn't, which raised her evaluation of him, she licked her lips like a hungry succubus about to suck a male's essence dry.     

Alex aimed the two silver guns at Luriel and fired.      

Bang! Bang!     

Luriel sneered, her eyes shone with purple luster, and a giant purple sword appeared in her hand, which she used to evade the incoming bullets.     

Clangs! Clangs!      

Immediately following his bullets being blocked, Alex accel-ed to reappear in another location; just as he left his previous location, a crisscross slash appeared and blasted the ground apart; it even left a mark on the sturdy wall behind.      

Luriel spun the giant sword in her hands and used it as a hammer to strike the ground.      


An explosion occurred, and the ground cracked. Suddenly, Luriel felt danger coming from behind; she immediately swung her sword backward; however, she only hit empty air the actual attack came from the front.      

Alex flashed and appeared in front of Luriel, whose sword was still behind her; the guns had disappeared from his hands, his hands were now covered in a green light, he punched Luriel in the stomach.      

Sensing the dangerous aura around Alex's fists, Luriel toughened her stomach; it became covered with purple light.     


Luriel'sl body trembled; she inside rumbled, ground her teeth, and brought her giant forward, intending to crush Alex. However, the giant sword suddenly became slower, and Alex easily dodged before two silver guns appeared inside his hands.     

All the hairs on Luriel's body rose up; instantly, she knew that she must not let this man complete his attack, the instinct she had honed under countless battles, be it's here in Exodus or the real world told her so. Luriel's opened her mouth and used one of her innate abilities: Bloody roar.     

It was now Alex's turn to feel danger; however, he was a step too late; he experienced the terrible roar firsthand.      


Alex was sent flying, and he felt his ears almost rupturing; it was bleeding, he felt dizzy. Alex was shocked that Luriel had this ability. However, he had no time to think further right now because Luriel's punch had already arrived.      

Even though he used his time ability, time acceleration to slow down the incoming punch, he would still be hit regardless, so Alex bit his lips; he really doesn't want to use Time Stop right now as he felt that it was not the appropriate time yet, however, the circumstances weren't in his favor.      

However, just as he was about to use Time Stop, he immediately thought of something, he removed his right eye, and his right eye shone.      

Luriel hastily removed her punch and closed her eyes; it was an instinctual reaction; she jumped back, a phantom bullet pierced where she previously stood.      

Alex didn't give her the time before his next attack was unleashed.      

[Crimson Bullet]      

The crimson bullet tore through the air like a laser beam and arrived before Luriel; she had no time to dodge, even so, she stubbornly refused to go down, she bit her tongue and beat her chest like a gorilla, her body suddenly expanded before the crimson bullet touched her and she became enveloped in crimson light.      


Somehow, crimson bullet's usual explosiveness got reduced by half. Alex was shocked; he didn't know what kind of ability Luriel used to reduce crimson bullet might, but it seemed effective as Luriel was almost unscathed, half of her armor was gone.      

Luriel's eyes had lost their usual playfulness; now she was furious, she was going easy on this man, but he kept pushing her far and far; it was time to get serious.     

Under Alex's shocked eyes, Luriel mumbled something, and she suddenly transformed; she became taller, 3 meters tall, her skin color had turned purple, and the more astonishing change was two curved horns appeared on her forehead.      

''Oni?" Alex yelled out because the current Luriel looked like the Oni you often see in Japanese folklore.      

The transformed Luriel showed a surprised expression before chuckling.     

''It seems that you are knowledgeable. But it doesn't change anything. I will crush you, grind your bones into dust, and smoke it.''      

To Luriel's provocation, Alex responded with his own.     

''You talk too much.''      

Luriel froze before she started laughing.      

''Hehe hahaha hahaha!"      

[Overlord domain]      

Following Luriel's shout, Alex's body sank, his knee touched the ground, his bones started to emit cracking sound, he felt a suffocating feeling, he couldn't even budge and could only glare at Luriel, when he saw the small window above her head he felt cold sweat.      

[Oni Queen, Luriel Zaragoza Level 180]      

''Now, it's time to teach you a lesson.'' Luriel declared while walking slowly toward Alex as if she had all the time in the world.     

It's never occurred to her that Alex could possess a domain, this is her third year, and she had seen only a handful of people who possessed a domain, not even Marcus has one; only the guild master has one like her, so Luriel became conceited believing that she was a chosen one.      

Alex could see her arrogance; he decided to make use of this; he waited patiently, suffering intense pain; his HP and stamina were decreased at fast speed, more than half was gone.      

Suddenly, Alex's eyes flashed, and by the time Luriel noticed, it was already too late.      


Alex activated his domain and the feeling of oppression lessened; Luriel was shocked.     



Luriel was shocked for the second time, and her body was frozen because the domain she was so proud of disappeared.     


Then she heard a gunshot, even though she was surprised her body still reacted tried to dodge to the side, she thought she had dodged the bullet, but it was only the first one, the second one struck her in the head knocking her head backward.      

Critical - 20 000      

She couldn't believe it, only if she knew; however, there is no, if not even in Exodus. Luriel died unwillingly because she had underestimated her enemy.     

Alex fell onto the ground with a ragged breath; he succeeded.     

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