Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 509: Against the Blood Chalice Guild 1

Chapter 509: Against the Blood Chalice Guild 1

0Indeed was provoking the three dark guilds, especially he targeted the Blood Chalice, and he was well aware that they would act once provoked.     

The bright, full moons enveloping half the night sky splashed on the beautiful city underneath it with its illumination. Suddenly, several shadows dashed through the buildings at incredible speed, seven shadows like ninjas moved in the direction of Alex's Inn. Just as they arrived, they looked at each other before moving toward Alex's room located on the upper level.      

Suddenly, two among the seven shadows stopped before their bodies fell from the sky, and before they could even reach the ground shattered into lights, they were dead, and floating above their disappearing bodies were two red windows showing terrific numbers.     

Critical -12000      

Critical - 11000     

The remaining five men could not believe their eyes; terror assaulted their hearts, shaking them to the core. Although they were prepared for a welcome back after receiving such grand provocation, the result surpassed their expectations to the extent they couldn't fathom. It should be noted that the seven, although they came from different guilds, were the cream of the crop, top master in their field; they are Elites assassins whose level weren't low, even so, they couldn't detect their enemy before he struck, instantly killing two among them.      

Alex, who hid atop another building, chuckled; seeing the assassin's reaction, he could understand them to some extent. The reason they couldn't detect him even with their higher senses due to their class was simply that moment Alex was using Vanishing Bullet to erase his presence, and he sniped them from afar, one bullet, one kill, a bullet in the head. Alex felt like a professional sniper; his blood could not help boil.     

The five men looked at each other and communicated through their eyes before they dispersed; they decided to abort tonight's mission and go back to report the situation. A good assassin knows when to retreat when the odds are against him; you can go back to better prepare for the next time; there is no to feel ashamed of a failure if you are alive to do better the next time.      

However, while they decided to retreat, they knew that not everyone would make it back, so to ensure that at least half returned alive, they threw smoke bombs all around to block Alex's vision temporarily. At the same time, they sprinkled poisonous mist into the smoke bomb before fleeing.      

Unfortunately, Alex didn't fall for their trap; he moved the two silver guns inside his hands, bullets flew, those bullets made almost no sounds as they followed each other, the one behind smacked the one in the front increasing its speed to dreadful level.      

Pui! Pui!!      

Two assassins fell when their heads burst open because bullets entered their heads from behind.      

The remaining assassins sensed their comrades' death, and they could only grind their teeth as they escaped using random routes. They were not fooled; they could not immediately head back because it was probably what their enemy wanted.      

One and half of an hour passed when finally the last surviving assassin dragged his tired body back to their headquarter. He checked his surroundings again and again before secretly sneaking into the headquarter through a small hole. He prayed that the mysterious enemy didn't follow him here; he didn't want to be the one to bring misfortune on the guild.     

Unfortunately, for the man Alex happened to be behind him and saw what he did before sneaking in, he did the same thing without removing his concealment.      

Immediately after Alex passed through the small hole, a dark world greeted him, followed by a sudden notification.      

[Ding!.... Instant Dungeon discovered: Blood Chalice Guild Territory.]      

Alex chuckled; he had expected something like this but not so soon.      

〖Get ready you have stepped into the enemy territory, you are not the only one to have received a notification, the enemy must have received one as well.〗     

Unexpectedly, it was Nyx's voice instead of Silveria's voice; Alex was thrilled; Nyx seldom talked with him, but he didn't know why but every time he heard her voice, he felt strangely calm even though Nyx's voice was always cold.      

Alex shook his head to concentrate, as Nyx had said the enemy must be aware of him sneaking in because as the owner of this Instant dungeon, you should be aware of any intruder.      

Marcus sitting in the deepest part of the underground building, chuckled and glanced at Luriel beside him; she immediately understood her vice-guild intentions; she wore a savage grin before disappearing. Her speed was astounding, not the speed you would expect from some so big.     

Back to Alex's side. Just as he took his second step, the long-awaited notification rang out.      

[Ding!... You have triggered another hidden quest: Slaughter Party Part 3: You have found one of the Dark guild's headquarters, the Blood Chalice Guild Headquarter, the enemy has been alerted of your presence. Kill every single living thing in this building to deliver justice upon them.      

Rewards: + 3 Levels; Random chest; 2 SP.     

Failure: Death.     

Penalty: As you have stepped into their territory, your speed will decrease by 200 points, your concealment skill forcibly canceled.     

Difficulty: Extreme]     

Upon reading the content of the quest, Alex couldn't help but feel a little amused as the corners of his mouth perked up. From what Alex knows, quests are classified by difficulty: Normal, Hard, Extreme, Hell, and Abyss. Most of the quests Alex had completed until now never surpassed the Extreme mode.      

'A reward of 3 levels, a random chest, and two skill points? Not bad, although the penalty for falling the quest is scary there is no problem if one doesn't fail.' Alex mumbled.     

It was then Alex heard Silveria's chuckling.     

〖You should first look at what in front of you.〗     

Following her words, Alex looked in front of him, more precisely on the number under the quest notification window before him. He couldn't help but immediately curse.     

''What the fuck !"      

[Blood Chalice Guild Territory; current number: 300. Killed: 0     

Time limit: 6 hours     

Additional penalty: If player Alex failed to eliminate everyone in this time limit, then the guild master will show up followed by the other guild masters, and the result would be instant death.]      

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