Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 504: Slaughter Party 2 End and the Rewards

Chapter 504: Slaughter Party 2 End and the Rewards

0Alex dodged a punch thrown at him and fell back; he looked at Ainz covered in metallic shine and shook his head. Since the man had activated his unique skill, the Steel body, regular bullets could not deal him any damage. Even the Phantom bullet only left a slight dent on the body, and Ainz groaned; Alex knew that the skill limit would run out once he was out of MP; however, he didn't plan to wait for so long.     

Although Ainz was a lot strong than him, Level 150, somehow Alex was able to toy with him using his time ability to the fullest; Ainz's frustration had reached a high level, he was faster, but his speed would suddenly fall, making Alex easily dodge his punches, once you can call it coincidence but not anymore when the same thing keeps happening again and again.     

''Fuck! Fuck!! Who the hell are you?"      

Alex chuckled, not saying anything; he moved his body under Time Acceleration and easily dodged Ainz's mad attacks. The feeling of being constantly toyed with wasn't something pleasant.      

''You freak, die, die. If you are, man, fight me head-on instead of cowering and dodging like a bug.''      

Ainz taunt fell into deaf ears. Suddenly, Alex smiled and said.      

''Time up.''      

It was like the sentence of the death gun, instantly Ainz knew that whatever Alex meant by saying those words, his ending wouldn't be good; therefore, he planned to fall back and escape; his life was too precious to be wasted on something so petty as his pride. However, Ainz knew that Alex would not let him go so easily. Therefore, he threw a punch toward Alex's head, knowing that he would dodge, and indeed Alex did dodge; however, to his surprise, Ainz's altered his fist's trajectory to descend toward the ground like a hammer.      


The fist violently struck the ground and created a giant explosion.      

Alex jumped back to escape the terrible shockwaves produced by the sudden hammering; during this time, Ainz tried to escape using the clouds in the air as cover; however, he hadn't taken his second step when all the hairs on his body rose, his instinct he had owned during his countless battles, his countless life and death situation screamed at him extreme danger, so Ainz bent his body to an impossible degree successfully managing to avoid the white flash that passed above his head, even though he had dodged he felt a searing pain on his scalp.     

Rolling on the ground, Ainz appeared on the other side, just as he stood, Alex appeared not too far from him with the same annoying smile that seemed to be saying that he still had everything under control; this behavior irritated Ainz to no end he wanted to bash Alex's skull and crack it open; however, he didn't have the leisurely to do so because Alex's next attack had been initiated.      

Silver light burst out from the silver gun, an unusual weapon; normally, Ainz would have chosen to dodge, relying on instinct. However, he couldn't because of the proximity he was to Alex, and he still believed that his Steel body could handle this level of attack, this assumption was wrong, and when Ainz learned this, it was pretty late.      



Like a fragile piece of glass, Ainz's steel body was easily dismissed, shocked; he opened his mouth to end up frozen as Alex appeared before him and put him under time stop, the silver gun penetrated his mouth, and he coldly announced.      

''Snatch!" Bang!      

Ainz's head burst like a firecracker before falling backward.      


Until the end, he couldn't understand what happened; he had thought that he had seen most of Alex's abilities, the most annoying one being his ability to slow down his opponent while he increased his speed, he thought he would at least report this to the others, and with such information, they could prepare countermeasure in their next encounter against Alex; however, before he could escape he died inexplicably.      

[Ding! Congratulations to player Alex for having completed the second part of the Slaughter quest.      

Reward: + 1 level, 50 000 Exp, 500 Gold coins, 400 Fame points, and an increase of 100 MP.      

Additional reward: Steel body.]      

Alex's face couldn't help but twitch continuously because they shamelessly said that the Steel body he painstakingly acquired was an additional reward. If he could see the system owner, he would say shame to you. However, Alex shook his head and called out his status window.     

[Alex Grim]     

Class: Magic Gunslinger     

Age: 18     


Race: High Human ????     

Level 121     

Experience Value (XP): 50000/200800     

HP: 4200/4200     

MP: 8110/8110     

STA: 3200/3200     

Magic: None     

ATK: 2570     

DEF: 2170     

AGI: 2160 (+200)      

INT: 2200     

LUK: 1780     

BP: 20     

SP: 1     

Fame: 1000     

Gift: Death Guns [???????]     

Skills: [Item box Level 4] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 5] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 5] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 4] [Gun Art Level Level 10] [High Regeneration Level 9] [Mana Synchronisation Level 10 Max] [Crimson's Bullet] [Shadow Shift Level 5] [Blade Dance Level 4] [Aurora Bullet Level 1] [Drifter Level 1] [Meteor Bullet Level 5]      

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] {Death Bullet (???)} [Time Abilities ] [Eye of Truth Level 5] [Asura Form] [Mana's Body] (Sealed due to current Level)      

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Slaughterer] [The Destroyer] [Death Master] [The Irregular] [Child of Mana] [Vampire Slayer]     

[Congratulations to player Alex to have successfully reached the threshold to be ranked on the Fame board.      

Minimum requirement: 1000 Fame points.]      

''Oh?" Alex was greatly surprised by this sudden notification; just as he wondered what this Fame board was about, he saw a new notification window appear before him. Unlike the previous ones, which were short, this one was extremely large, so large that the top disappeared into the clouds.      

{Fame board:      








N° 5230 Alex Grim: M-World: Mid-level World: 1000 Fame points.}      

''Dafuck?" Alex exclaimed, not believing what he was seeing. At the same time, elsewhere, a young man with golden eyes and lion ears and tail was also checking his rank on the Fame board.     

{N° 4705 The proud Lion King: M-World Mid-level World: 2400 Fame points.}      

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