Death Guns In Another World

[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 501: A Chain Quest 1

[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 501: A Chain Quest 1

0Alex, who had no idea that he was being spied upon, continued to walk deeper into the Torel's mountains. Meanwhile, Silveria finally opened her mouth to answer Alex's question.      

〖I'm not sure what Fame's point is, but maybe it's related to how famous a player is. Maybe you will learn more about it once your fame reached a certain level.〗     

'I see, but you see, I've got the feeling that Fame point is more than that. Well, I don't have much information, nor do I have someone to question, so I'll just wait patiently until the time comes for me to get the answers.' Alex declared and kept walking forward.      

[Warning: Player Alex has stepped into a hostile territory filled with a misma.      

Penalty: -100 every minute.      

Countermeasure: Being a Light Element user!]      

Alex frowned at this notification; he could feel the intense blood scent in the air; it was so tense that he wondered if thousand of people had been massacred here. He could feel the putrid sense of necromancer filled the air.      

Alex looked at his HP, but fortunately, it showed no sign of going down; this was probably due to his innate ability, [Shadow Nemesis], necromancy is part of the Dark arts, which in turn are part of Shadow.      

Suddenly, skeletons rose up from the ground all around Alex.      

Alex sighed and moved his left arm.      

Bang! Bang!!!!      

Bullets flew, and skeletons disintegrated into light while notification continuously rang inside Alex's ears.      

[Player Alex successfully killed a normal Skeleton. + 50 XP]     

[....... +50 XP]      

[....... +50 XP]      

Alex gained 1500 XP after killing thirty normal skeletons.      

Then he sighed, the air around him had turned chilly, and every time he breathed, a white mist would be formed. Alex's surroundings had changed; currently, Alex was inside what looked like a graveyard. Floating above his head was this description.     

[Thousands Graves]      

Alex walked deeper into the graveyard; he encountered many skeletons, he slaughtered them without hesitation.      

Finally, Alex arrived before the cave entrance; there was a blood trace outside this case as if something had been forcedly dragged into the cave. This cave gave a creepy feeling that made one's spine chill, Alex walked into the cave without hesitation, and the moment he walked in, a system notification rang out.     

[Player Alex has entered The underground dungeon: Vivian's Maze.]      

The first floor was dark, but Alex had no trouble seeing in the dark. Surprisingly, unlike what one would have expected from a necromancer, the first floor wasn't filled with skeletons but was filled with Slimes which was unusual in itself.      


Alex only used one bullet to dispatch the twenty-something slimes making the amount of XP he had gained since stepping into this graveyard rise to 4000 XP.     

The second floor was unlike the first floor; skeletons walked back and forth as if guarding something. Their levels weren't high, with the strongest being level 100. Alex quickly took care of the forty-five skeleton; unlike the outside, the skeletons on the second floor gave 100 XP instead of 50 XP.      

Alex arrived on the third floor; his eyes widened because sitting on a chair with her head lowered was a small girl barely twelve years old; there were tinkles wrapped around her head like a crown made of thorns.      

[Elvira, Dawn's Inn owner daughter.     

Current condition: Cursed, extremely weakened.     

HP: 100/500]      

Alex frowned upon seeing this; however, he calmed down because he believed that in this kind of situation, a new notification would appear to tell him what to do. He thought, a new notification indeed appeared.      

[Chain Quest 1: Vivian's Demise: Vivian had once been a proud magician of The Renault empire, however, due to certain circumstances, she turned into the dark side and slaughtered thousands of people, this is one of her dungeons across the land, a research center used to practice and test her dark magic. Elvira, a poor mortal, became a sacrifice for her dark magic, delivered her by eliminating the final Guardian on the fifth floor.      

Rewards: 100 000 XP; 200 Gold coins, 300 Fame points, and the location of the next dungeon.      

Failure: - 500 Fame points and Vivian's curse.]      

'As expected of chain quest, the reward isn't bad.'      

Alex mumbled before walking past Elvira and headed to the fourth floor.      

The fourth floor was extremely large, unlike the previous ones; suddenly, the floor darkened, and when the light returned, a big skeleton was there, this skeleton held a bone spear in its arms, and above its head, such a notification could be seen.     

[High-Rank Skeleton, Hulk General Level 140.     

Abilities: Charge; Horizontal Slash; Dark Flame]      

Alex chuckled and looked at the skeleton before him that looked like a hulk except that it was all bones.      

Alex kicked the ground and arrived before the giant skeleton; its reaction could be said to be fast as he thrust its spear forward; however, the opponent was Alex, he didn't hesitate to use his strongest ability, one of his time ability, the giant skeleton saw its movements slowed down and easily dodged the blow and the muzzle of the silver gun landed on the giant skeleton head.      

[Aurora Bullet]      


White light burst out from the silver gun and smashed apart the skull of the giant skeleton; before the monster could understand what had just happened, he was transformed into blue light and disappeared, and Alex received a notification.     

[Player Alex has successfully killed a High-level Undead. 10 000 XP and + 50 Fame points acquired.]      

Alex breathed in and out; he immediately went down, pushing the door of the fourth floor. It made a garan garan sounds before Alex saw what was on the other side.     

It was like endless darkness that made one's spine chill to the extreme; however, to Alex, it was nothing, the only thing he saw what a bunch of rewards waiting for him to go grab them.     

Sensing the dramatic aura in the air, Alex couldn't help but feel a little amused as the corners of his mouth perked up. Confidentiality, he walked into the darkness, the door closed with a bam behind him.     

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