Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 494: Toward Exodus

Chapter 494: Toward Exodus

0''Let's go.''      

Alex declared; the others behind him nodded before following him. Artemia, Lilith, Luna, Maria, Sakuya, Gracier, Eris, Kuina, and Leon formed one group together with Alex. They were about to use the teleportation device to head to that dungeon because it was a special place; its location was tightly guarded.      

Cecilia, the head of the second group, glanced at Alex's group. During the past few days, she tried to approach them several times but failed; except for greeting, the group showed their intentions of wanting nothing to do with her.     

''Sigh! Let's go.'' The Holy Daughter sighed before directing her group into another building.      

For this expedition, only four groups composed of 10 students would be sent into the academy; somehow, Elseria made it possible for Sera, Alice, and Pandora to sneak in.      

Alex stepped into the giant teleportation circle, the others followed. Then it was activated, golden light covered the group, and they disappeared.     

''Ah! They're gone.''      

A sudden voice echoed inside the teleportation room after Alex's group vanished.      

''Fufufu! They'd be shocked once there. I wonder if this time Mysthia's participants will do better?''      

Another voice echoed. Then two figures materialized. Two women, to be exact. Freya and Elseria. They both stared at each other for a moment before leaving.      

''Don't worry, this time will be different.'' It was Freya who said this as her figure disappeared.     

Meanwhile, thousands of kilometers from the capital, in an underground cave, there was a huge hall with a teleportation formation on the ground. Suddenly, the formation shined, and one by one, people came out.      

''So we arrived,'' Alex mumbled and looked around him; the only thing he could see was a big hall and a giant ancient-looking door in the distance.      

''Tch! It's why I hate teleportation; it makes me want to puke.'' Sakuya complained as she observed her surrounding.      

Kuina chuckled while Eris clenched her fist, probably because she was feeling nervous. Maria, Luna, and Gracier were talking, whispering to each other. Artemia, Lilith, and Leon approached Alex.     

''Shall we wait for others before heading into the dungeon?" Leon asked; however, Alex shook his head.     

''Let's immediately leave. From what the headmistress and the teachers told us. We don't need to wait for others. Even we go together, the probability of us appearing in the same place is low.''      

''Yeah, Alex is right. Let's go and pray we meet soon.'' Artemia added.      

The group left shortly after deciding not to wait for the others. Although the giant door could be seen from their previous location, it was far from the teleportation formation. The group walked for about fifteen minutes before arriving in front of z giant door emitting an ancient aura. Standing before this door, Alex and the others looked like ants.      

Alex took a deep breath and turned to face his party members.      

''We have arrived. As you know, once we go inside, we will be separated. I don't know how long it will take me to see you again, so I want to say, please be prudent. We know nothing about this dungeon except a few things. Wish you good luck.'' Alex said and pumped his fist in the air; the others followed and did the same thing.      

Then Leon said something that made everyone glare at him.      

''Should I give you emperor a bit of time to take care of your imperial Harem?"      

''Fuck off!" Alex kicked Leon; he easily dodged and laughed.      

Alex sighed, too tired to waste his energy on his friend. Taking out something from his item box, a shining crystal, he put it in the key like a hole; then it shinned brightly, covering the ancient door in numerous runes before.     

Gigi~ Gigi~      

The door was opened beyond endless light could be seen. Alex walked into this light, the others soon followed, and soon the group disappeared.     

Cecilia's group and the remaining two groups arrived just after Alex's group entered.      

''Tch! Too impatient.'' Cecilia clenched her teeth; she did the same thing as Alex did; Cecilia and her group disappeared beyond the doors, soon, the other two groups followed. The underground cave turned silent; however, soon, the temperature plummeted, the ground started freezing.      


Space was forcedly ripped apart, and from the other side, a group of people walked out. Leading them was a man wearing a white mask with an eye design on it.      

''Cain, do not disappoint me; this is your last chance.''      

The man with the white mask nodded at the voice coming from the void behind him. The rift got closed, and the man with the white mask spat out a sigh before he led his group and entered.      


In a white space, Alex soon found himself after passing the ancient door. Everything around him was white as far he could see.      

Alex quickly went through all the information he received, a dungeon-like any other. A world where races interconnected, a world like-      


Just as Alex was lost in thoughts, he heard this sound forcing him to break out of his thoughts. A blinding light forced Alex to shield his eyes; then a small creature appeared; it was his first time seeing one by Alex wouldn't mistake how they're called: Fairy.      

[Hello, welcome to the gate to Exodus: Path to ******. I'm Stella, the lovely fairy.]     

Alex's face contorted when he saw the way the fairy spoke; somehow he had the impulse of beating her.      

As if she could read Alex's mind, the fairy, Stella twirled her small body as if she was dancing.      

[No, no, that wasn't polite of you, Mr. Alexander. How can you think about beating this lovely creature? Aren't I'm the cutest thing the Supreme Beings ever created?]      

''So, you were created by the supreme beings? Then can I assume that dungeons are also their doings?''      

Instead of answering the fairy, Alex decided to gain information. Stella froze; it finally dawned on her that she had made a mistake. She sighed with a dejected expression.      

[I was too happy to finally meet someone from your world after so long that I've almost committed a blunder, how scary. Bad, bad, you're bad. Ah! Let's explain a few things to you before you head to Exodus, understood?]     

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