Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 480: Clash 2 : Lucifer

Chapter 480: Clash 2 : Lucifer


Sakuya freaked out when the monster appeared before her and swung its claw.     

[Ïai Giri]      

Just as the monster's claw was about to reach her, she unleashed a quick slash.      


There was a metallic sound; Sakuya ground her teeth and borrowed the recoil from the clash to escape; the monster she wished to pursue got stopped because of Alex's attack.      

The crimson bullet sliced through the air and arrived before the monster; the latter seemed annoyed as it opened its mouth and fired a red beam at the crimson bullet.      


There was a crimson explosion, and clouds rose to the sky. Alex had caught up with Sakuya.     

''Are you alright?" He questioned while searching for the monster's location; due to the crimson cloud, it had become hard to locate it.      

''Huff! Huff! I'm okay, but that thing is dangerous. We must take care of it before reinforcements come.'' Sakuya suggested as she readied her katana. The wind started to gather around her.      

''Huh?" Alex was confused at first but soon smiled as he understood what she was trying to do.      

Lightly tapping his foot on the ground, green light burst out from under his shoes, the ground cracked as he propelled into the sky. Alex moved his eyes, his left eye turned red as he searched for the core point of this city of blood.      

The monster sensed something, she lifted her head and tried to shoot a beam at Alex to stop him from finding that thing, however,      

''As if I'd allow you to do that.''      

Sakuya's voice carried by the wind reached the monster's ears, she became furious, and when she tried to pounce on the insolent girl and tear her apart, thirteen Wind spears coming from all sides exploded on its body.     



The monster roared, numerous blood arrows appeared around its body and were about to be unleashed on Sakuya when she said.     

''Bind Kaze ito.''      

The thirteen wind spears that had previously exploded on its body hadn't disappeared; they transformed into thin wind thread that bound the monster; some of them got wrapped around the blood arrows in the air and dragged them down.      



The monster howled in pain; during this time, Alex had finally seen where what he was looking for was; he grinned and spun Silveria in his hand before aiming it toward the small blood-red crystal hidden in the northwest of his position.      

[Erase] BANG!     

The silver bullet tore through the air; time seemed to have stopped, the monster wanted to destroy this small silver light; however, she couldn't as Sakuya was blocking her way, just as the monster opened her mouth to roar, the silver bullet arrived at its destination. It pierced through numerous defenses before breaking apart the small blood-red crystal.     


The monster wailed when Blood Polis was destroyed, her supply of Life essence destroyed, the monster started thrashing. Sakuya approached her to deliver the final blow; however, it was a terrible mistake.     

''Sakuya, fall back do not get closer.''      

It was already too late; the dying monster turned into a red mist that restrained Sakuya's movement.     


She couldn't move; her katana was tightly bound against her, then an intense bloodlust was let loose on her, Sakuya's mind turned white, she momentarily lost focus. It was then from the red mist sharp fangs manifested and crept closer to Sakuya's neck; its goal was obvious to suck away every blood and life essence from this girl's body to avenge her fallen sister.     

It was then her hateful enemy voice reached her and,      

''Seriously, give me a break.''      

[Shadow Shift] [Time Decay]      

She died. Lois didn't understand what happened; all she remembered before dying was a gray bullet penetrating her body turned into a fog; usually, this body should have been immune to physical attack meaning Alex's bullets shouldn't have worked on her; however, on the contrary, it worked, and she died.     

Lois' last thought was, 'Sis, I fail you, and your highness, I'm sorry.'      

Alex spat out a sigh, shielding Sakuya behind him, he shouted.      

''Isn't it this time for you to come out?"      

Sakuya was first confused at Alex shouting at nobody; however, her eyes widened soon, and goosebumps rose all over her body.      

''Clap! Clap! Not bad. I heard many rumors about you but compared to those rumors; the real thing is more amazing Alexander Keal Touch.''      

A man appeared as if he had been there since the beginning; he wore an imperial bore, a purple crown of thorn was on top of his head.      

When Sakuya saw this man, all the cells of her body whispered only one thing, flee. She knew this man was dangerous, dangerous more than anything she ever faced; this man could toy with them as he wished, no he had begun, he was there since the beginning, yet he simply watched as thousand of his men were sacrificed. A vampire count was slain, to him that death didn't matter for the grand scheme of things.      

Alex stared at the man standing in an assured manner before him, almost as if he owned the world; well, at least he does own the demon's empire, this man, the current emperor of the demon, the man who massacred his family, killed his father to be here.     

''Lucifer,'' Alex said with difficulty the man's name he didn't wish to face, at least not now; however, not everything goes as one plan anyway.      

''Oh! My it seems I'm quite hated. I wonder why? This is the first time you and I face each other, so I'm curious as to why you hate me so much?"      

Sakuya was trembling, even though the man just stood there doing absolutely nothing, her body which instinctively knew how dangerous the man was, couldn't stop shaking. Then a warm hand covered her trembling hand to comfort her; it was Alex doing.     

''I don't hate you simply. It's just I don't like you,'' Alex responded while squeezing Sakuya's hand; it had become cold because she was afraid of the monster before them.      

There was a silence before Lucifer suddenly burst into laughter.     

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