Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 463: Toward the Core Region

Chapter 463: Toward the Core Region

0Lilith's purple eyes turned black after the dark mist surrounded her body, her head was lowered, and when she looked forward, no emotions could be seen in them except for only one thing, killing, she must kill the two dark lights outside, they must surely be that thing's minions, the abomination responsible for their sufferings, she must kill everything connected to it, kill, kill, kill and kill until there is nothing left.     

With such a goal in mind, the black-eyed Lilith moved, her speed surpassed that of the original Lilith, transformed into shadow, she moved toward Alex and Sakuya, who was having a sweet moment, madly kissing.      

The shadow may have lost in reasoning due to its hatred, but her instincts were still sharp; just before arriving toward Alex and Sakuya, she stopped as she could sense extreme danger from the male; she quickly searched through her younger and naive self pieces of information about this male and what she saw shocked her, to win against this type of opponent you better attack from afar and be unpredictable as possible.     

The shadow chuckled before condensing her mana; she used the dark element to form a condensed black spear which she threw toward Alex, and as she anticipated Alex succeed in blocking it, seeing this the dark Lilith chuckled and mumbled with a voice so cold that it chill one's soul just by hearing it.      


The spear that got deviated to the side exploded, and the explosion swallowed Alex and Sakuya whole.      

As she was sure that something like this wouldn't be able to take someone of Alex's caliber down, the dark Lilith moved, a black sword appeared in hands, using it she slashed upward, the sword light cleaved through the black cloud, seemingly wanting to split apart anything that might be inside it, however, nothing was seen.      

The Dark Lilith frowned; however, this frown was soon turned into shock followed by an intense feeling of danger; a chill ran down her spine, that girl she had not paid any attention to her crept behind and unleashed an attack.      

[Yami Maho Jigen Giri]      

The sword able to cut the world, time, and space apart moved, the dark Lilith snorted, she might have been almost caught off guard she could still not underestimate, she immediately unleashed Silent World, a skill comparable to Sakuya's dimensional slash.      


When the two skills collided, the dungeon's screamed, and the trees were cleanly cut while the two girls were sent flying, the dark Lilith clicked her tongue as she could feel a presence behind her; she thrust her sword back only to hit empty air, she frowned at the sensation of hitting empty air, then senses started warning her of extreme danger.      


The dark Lilith swore; she knew it was already late to do anything; letting Alex get closer could only result in one outcome, her loss.      

Alex appeared above her, his heterochromia glaring at her, and with a smirk, he announced.      

[Time Stop]      

The dark Lilith froze, a silver gun touched her chest, at the area where her heart shrouded entirely in the dark mist was and then,      


A silver bullet penetrated her chest before silver burst just before touching Lilith's heart. Something astonishing happened; the dark mist surrounding her heart was entirely removed as if it had never existed; at the same time, Lilith, who had regained control of her body, smiled at Alex before losing consciousness.      

Alex sighed as his gamble had worked. While he was shocked by Lilith's sudden attack, he had calmed down after learning that something seemed to be controlling her from Silveria's words. They enacted a plan to get her back; the only uncertainty was if erase would work as they thought; fortunately, it worked.      

Alex, who was holding Lilith in his arms, descended toward the ground, Sakuya who had dressed in a simple green robe, sheathed her katana and joined them.      

''How is she?" She asked while looking at Lilith, eyes filled with worry; she wondered if this kind of situation would happen again the further they progress.      

As if she could read her mind, Alex chuckled and reassured Sakuya.     

''She is fine, and don't worry, nothing will happen, it will be fine, the threat has been eliminated.''      

''Sure, let's rest,'' Sakuya said before taking Lilith away; the two went to sleep in the same tent.      

Alex was the only one that stayed behind; he looked at the moon in the sky for a moment, numerous thoughts ran through his head, but he soon shook his head and walked to his tent.     

A few minutes after Alex entered his tent, a huge eyeball appeared in the sky; the same eyeball previously spied on the group.      

Suddenly, the eyeball flinched as it could feel a presence with a tremendous amount of strength, then the eyeball knew that it could be erased at any if it showed any hostility, the first thought the eyeball had was to flee.     

However, before the eyeball could move, a voice was heard.      

''Relax, I mean no harm only if you don't threaten my master. I'm curious about something.''      

Silveria said and looked at the huge eyeball before her, some might find this thing repulsive, but she found it cute because she knew this real identity. The eyeball blinked as if to say, what are you curious about?      

Silveria chuckled and asked, ''It seems that you were doing some experiment. You were testing my master, I don't know how you know about his ability to erase magic, but you pushed Lilith to do what she did, expecting Alex to save her. If he succeeded and used the method you were expecting, it's your win; in the incoming war, you will have a chance, the curse will be lifted. Correct me if I'm wrong; all I have said is right, right?"      

The huge eyeball shuddered as Silveria's speculations had hit the bull's-eye; how could she come to this conclusion in such a short period? Unless she had once thought of the eyeball and waited for an opportunity, the eyeball just gave her one.      

The eyeball shined before transforming into the shape of a half illusionary girl.      


Silveria chuckled and looked at the girl before her; memories of the past flooded her brain; however, she shook her head as she knew that the girl before her would not remember; Silveria waited for Lilith's spirit weapon to talk.      

''Indeed, all you said is right. Please save them.'' then she bowed her head.     

Silveria smiled, thinking how she didn't change even after everything that happened; she opened her mouth and said,      

''Then send us to the Core Region.''     

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