Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 422: Inside the Dream

Chapter 422: Inside the Dream

0At the same time that Typhania finally went back after more hundred years in Alex's location. After his battle against the Sea Dragon Leviathan, Alex directly fell into the sea.     

Lilith was the first to understand that something wasn't right; she immediately stirred the boat in Alex's direction.      

Meanwhile, Alex, who was falling deeper into the sea, had lost consciousness, and yet his unconsciousness didn't stop whatever was wrecking his body from inside. Cracks appeared all over his bones, almost as if they were going to turn into a fine powder; whatever skill he had used, his body seemed unable to cope with it, his skin cracked open, black blood spurted from the cracks. Deep inside Alex's body, an astonishing change was taking place; from his heart, crimson blood appeared each time his heart was surrounded by a faint black tattoo pulsated.      

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!      

This crimson blood would travel through Alex's body and repair his broken body; his blood became more crimson, his body more robust after each strengthening.      

Deep in Alex's consciousness, he had a dream.      

An extremely vast world stood before him, the sky was dyed crimson, on the ground was an enormous black army of giants; and standing before this endless army was a lone girl, she had crimson hair floating on her back, behind him was a spinning wheel, what was inside this wheel couldn't be seen.      

The crimson-haired stretched her arm, and a long sword appeared; she swung it. Million of men were slaughtered, she switched to another weapon, it was halberd this time, and like the last time millions of men were slaughtered, each time she changed weapons a lot of men would die, the endless army was reduced instantly in more than half of its initial number, then from the other side what seemed like a man appeared, the moment this man appeared, the crimson-haired beauty expression changed for the first time, even though she slaughtered more than millions of men, her expression never did it change, however, at the apparition of this man, everything changed, the emotionless girl suddenly spoke.     

''***********, as I thought it was you, why did you do that?" Asked the crimson-haired lady with a hurt expression, she couldn't believe that this same man she used to play with would one do something so cruel.      

The man in question smiled before flicking his fingers; immediately; the crimson-haired lady felt something pierced her body; she spun around to see her friend backstabbing her.      

''Elenial, why?" She asked; however, she got a crazed expression on her always gentle friend's face followed by an unexpected answer.      

''Everything is for his love; he promised me, eternal love. Sorry, as the last Asura kindly dies for my happiness.'' the crazed woman declared.      

''I see, such pity." Declared the crimson-haired beauty before she took a drastic decision, as one of the original, she knew what her friend was capable of, why that trickster of man wanted her, so she decided never to let him have what he wants.      

As if the man understood what the crimson-haired beauty goal was, he shouted.     

''No good, stop her.'' He ordered a giant, the strongest among the giant stepped forward; he tried teleporting; however, before he could, it happened.     

''Asura: Desolate Ending!"      

The world turned crimson; the wheel behind the crimson-haired lady spun faster as she spun around to embrace her traitor friend; the latter did everything she could but couldn't get free. She could only plead with the man she decided to sacrifice everything for; it was then she saw something unbelievable, the same man who yesterday whispered sweet words as they make love, turning his head away as if giving up on her, no he did, he decided to sacrifice her. It was late to regret; she could only wish to govern over Life and creation.      

'In my next, if it ever exists one, I want to be a weapon, to sacrifice myself to fight this Evil man, making him pay. Ô nothingness, grant me my wish.'      

These were the woman's last world as the crimson light engulfed her and erased her from this universe; before the crimson-haired lady could disappear, her friends came and succeeded in rescuing her but could only seal her after making some preparations. The crimson-haired lady's last thought was, 'Primordeus and other I leave everything in your hands, you must never let him succeed, or only chaos will remain.'      

As if understood what she wished to convey, a white-clothed man and a black-clothed man nodded as if to say leave everything to us, then the dream stopped there.     

Outside, Lilith had just managed to drag Alex's heavy body up, never would have, she thought, the seemingly lean man to be this heavy. With Sakuya's help, they put Alex on one of the two boards; by now, Alex's complexion was back to normal, his skin healthy, he appeared more handsome with certain devilish mixed in.      

Softly caressing Alex's hair, Sakuya asked with a concerned voice.      

''Is everything right?"      

''Don't worry, everything is fine. It must be because he overused his body to perform that ability. Don't worry; he is just tired; he will wake up soon.'' Lilith calmed down the anxious Sakuya; the latter heaved a sigh.     

Looking at the sleeping man who had somehow conquered her heart before she even knew it, Sakuya marveled.      

''You will never cease to amaze me, Alexander.'' She said as she flicked Alex's forehead; Alex slightly wrinkled his nose before resuming his peaceful sleep.      

Lilith sighed as well and stared in a certain direction; she couldn't help but marvel at how unusual Alex's abilities are; he always manages to surprise her. This time with an ability she had never heard of—an avatar made of him holding a giant gun.      

If only they knew that in the direction where the crimson bullet disappeared to was a small uninhabited island with a mountain; however, currently, this mountain had its upper part gone, parted into two, after killing the sea dragon Leviathan, the crimson bullet fired by Alex's avatar stopped here. This island will one day be known as God's Fury island.     

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