Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 413: Silveria's Return

Chapter 413: Silveria's Return

0Saying that Alex wasn't surprised by the sudden declaration would be an understatement. He should have known, since the beginning Sakuya lay everything for this exact moment, playing the abandoned, making Alex says he still thinks of her before asking what love is to declare this finally, women are indeed frightening creatures, Sakuya might appear simple with extreme sadistic tendencies, but by no mean, she was brainless, if she was indeed one she wouldn't be such a good sister with Maria and Luna, the three complement each other.     

While Alex became lost in thoughts, someone unexpected spoke; it was a voice he wished to hear since a few days ago, so severely that even himself was surprised.      

〖As expected of my Master, always let the woman do all the work.〗     

'Sil, welcome back. I missed you so much. Where have you been?' Alex immediately asked Silveria where she had gone. Of course, he asked telepathically.      

〖Something happened, I will explain later. First, please answer the girl's question. It takes a lot of courage to declare what she said even though the way she does it is pretty interesting.〗     

'So you heard everything from the beginning.' Alex chuckled inwardly before turning to face Sakuya, who was waiting for his answer.      

Putting on his most dazzling smile, Alex answered.      

''Of course, I will gladly accept you. I may not love you as you love me, but I do have feelings for you; I will never hand you to anyone; you're mine in this life, and in the next one, please take care of me; I will do the same Sakuya Hishimiya.'' At the end of his speech, Alex caught Sakuya's hands in his own.      

From those heterochromia eyes, Sakuya could see sincerity, although it hurt a bit when he said he didn't love her as she does, better be sincere than hypocrite as this way you are sure to hurt the other people less.     

Leaning forward, Sakuya whispered something into Alex's ears ''I will Danan-Sama!" ; She then blew a bit of air into Alex's ear, making him shudder.      

''Hahahaha, good,'' Alex said, embarrassed.     

''By the way, I'm S.'' Sakuya suddenly declared.      

''I know.''      

''I'm a super S. An extreme sadist,'' Sakuya added; Alex flinched; he had expected this, but hearing it still left him surprised.     

''I know.''      

''Then let me step on you.'' Sakuya declared with her sweetest smile.      

Goosebumps rose all over Alex's body when he thought about letting himself step over. No way in hell he would tolerate that.      


''Sorry, I'm not an M.''      

Alex's voice echoed far away. Unexpectedly he had Accel-ed, running from the dangerous woman.     

''Lex waits; I thought you said you would accept my everything. If so, then let me step on you, dominate you.'' Sakuya said as she gave chase using Shukuchi.     

''No way,'' Alex answered and disappeared; the silent forest became lively, the moon brighter as if happy her children were enjoying themselves.      

''Tch! One day I will succeed.'' Sakuya secretly decided as she left the forest in chase of Alex.     

On the other side, Alex was floating in the sky after escaping from Sakuya; he sat cross-legged in the air.     

〖Why are you running away? Isn't it just letting her steps on you?〗     

'Screw you, Sil. There no way I'mma let her step on me; I'm not into that kind of play. If I do, the next thing would be what? Letting her put a leash on me? Running around barking like a dog? Serving as human chair? Extreme sadist has scary mind; there is no way I'm going to let her have her way with one; I would be screwed if I ever do.'      

Silveria could imagine Sakuya doing that kind of thing; the girl had a few screw looses. Well, imagining her master in one of these circumstances would be entertaining at last. Silveria thought.     

If Alex knew what his partner was thinking at the moment, he would summon and give her some good old spanking. Unfortunately, he was clueless about Silveria's dark desire.     

'Where were you and your sister? What happened?' Alex decided to switch to a more important subject. He must know what happened in that dungeon, what type of connection he had with that crimson-eyed lady, why he felt something linked to him through his heart, and what with that faint red tattoo on his chest. So many questions, Alex hopes to get some answers, if not all of them.      

〖Sigh! I was nursing my sister.〗     

'What?' Alex stood up; the shock of this news was so hard that he couldn't stay still.      

〖Calm down, she was injured during that fight with the mysterious lady with crimson hair.〗     

Alex got another shock; never he would have imagined Silveria and Nyx fighting against the mysterious lady. Silveria continued.     

〖When you fall from that floor after killing the ultimate guardian, some of your blood enters the crystal coffin to lend between the crimson-haired woman eyebrows. We believe that some contract was formed.〗     

'Contract?' Alex was surprised; now everything makes sense, that question marks beside his Gift and that title that nicknamed him as an Irregular, probably due to this second contract.      

'Is this possible for someone to have two contracts? For starters, is that lady a spirit weapon like you guys? Is she from the Divine Race?' Alex bombarded Silveria with questions.      

〖I don't think so; she is not from our race. I believe her origin is more old than uours〗     

'What? Weren't you the first races of the original world?' Alex questioned.     

〖It's what we thought, but I guess we don't know all the truth. Anyway, after the contract, the woman woke up and turned hostile; we fought but couldn't win; no, an extremely powerful entity interrupted the fight and snatched the mysterious lady away before injuring us. In summary, it's what happened. As for the real identity of this girl, I don't know; we can only find out in the future after we see her. Although we fought, it was more like a test, a show of dominance, Fufufu! We must have our revenge.〗     

Alex swallowed hard; Silveria had shown the image of the fight; it was blurry, but he could see a bit of it; the moment Alex saw those gigantic hands, his body shuddered, he felt fear like never before, only hands, and he was this scared he wondered what would happen if he were to face the person possessing this hands? How stronger is this person?     

He was still weak.      

'I must train harder; I'm still weak.' Alex declared, the corners of his mouth perked up. He was filled with anticipation to one face and beat such a strong opponent and stand at the summit.     

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