Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 407: First Encounter

Chapter 407: First Encounter

0Alex lay convulsing on the ground. Blood gradually began to puddle under his stomach. The attack had penetrated Loki and did a lot of damage. If he had not used a water bullet at the last moment as a shield, he most likely would have died. His condition indeed was severe. His fingers, shoulder, and flank were burned and festering. Some of the parts even had bone exposed. The right side of his face was slightly burned, and his left eye was bleeding. There wasn't much damage to his legs. Thanks to his High regenerative ability, the wounds had begun closing; however, something seemed to slow them down. Usually, it would have recovered faster than it was doing.     

Looking at the moving Alex, the Hydra feels no joy; although he was born out of the dungeon and almost know nothing about the current world, High Humans are scarce, so he didn't want to kill this young High Human; however, he was compelled to do so, as he wasn't strong enough to go against the will of the dungeon.      

Finally arrived above Alex; the Hydra's right hand was transformed into a terrifying purple sharp claw, he raised this purple hand and mumbled.      

''Forgive me, young High Human, and farewell.''      

''Farewell as well, The end!"      

Alex said with a bloody smile on his face; he aimed Nyx from under his armpit at the Hydra with trembling hand; he had waited for this moment, so he was not going to miss the opportunity.      

Swoosh! BANG!      

Faster than the claw, the black gun fired, the black bullet left the gun chamber, the Hydra felt an immense sense of danger the moment he saw that bullet, he wished to jumped back but unfortunately, he proven to be impossible, the black bullet pierced the Hydra chest as the same time, the purple claw was about to touch Alex's back, time stopped not for Alex but for the man, his existence started getting erased from the world, it was extremely slow yet painful, suddenly, on his last breath, the Hydra heard another gunshot followed by an icy voice reminiscent of that thing.     



The Hydra felt his body getting robbed of something precious before he completely vanished from this world.     

''W-what happened?" Alex tried to stand up, but he couldn't; not only was he severely injured, but he was also out of MP as well, using the black gun coupled with Nyx momentarily borrowing his arm to fire snatch because Alex was losing consciousness at that time had depleted his MP.      


Alex was startled because in the next moment, the floor under him vanished, and he found himself free falling toward a white floor.      

Fwoosh! Bang!      

''Guh! Cough!"      

Alex slammed against a stone table, coughed blood before falling, and lay powerlessly on the white floor; his consciousness began to turn blurry as he had lost too much blood; his regenerative ability was doing its utmost to repair the damaged muscle and tissues rapidly. Still, the negative energy contained in the Aurora Shot was making it hard to recover immediately.      

If Alex were fine, he would have noticed that it wasn't the stone table he fell on but instead a stone coffin, a crystal stone coffin, and sealed inside this coffin was a woman, an extremely beautiful woman. The fair skin of the beautiful woman was tinged with a faint tinge of red. It was as if a layer of rouge had been applied to the white jade, making her already stunning appearance even more alluring.     

She was dressed in a black dress. It was a perfect blend of angelic and demonic aura as if she was a fairy who had fallen from grace.     

Her dress wasn't too revealing, but it was well-designed. The vague and indistinct feeling made one fantasize even more.     

Her graceful figure, beautiful neck, slender waist, and fair skin made her look even more charming.     

Her eyes were closed as if she was in eternal sleep. Not a single hint of emotion could be seen on her face, but she still exuded a seductive charm. There was a bit of destructive aura mixed in this charm as if when she was sleeping, she was a fairy, and the moment she woke up, she would destroy everything.      


Both Silveria's and Nyx's hearts skipped the moment they sensed the sleeping woman's presence.      

〖I felt like we have been guided here; we are dancing on someone's else tune.〗Silveria said unpleasantly.     

Somehow Silveria and Nyx felt like trouble was about to come. It was woman's instinct, and indeed trouble did come.      

Drip! Drip! Drip!      

Somehow, Alex's blood, which was left behind after the first collided against the crystal coffin, began dripping into the coffin, and strangely it happened to land on the sleeping beauty; it landed between the woman's eyebrows.      

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!      


Suddenly, Alex clutched his right chest so hard that it started bleeding; no, he was trying to claw out his chest, trying to dig something out of it. The moment Alex's blood landed between the woman's eyebrows, a crimson magic circle appeared.      


Somewhere, a world cracked, breaking apart like a fragile piece of glass, a small crimson magic circle appeared and simultaneously entered both Alex and the woman's body; in Alex's case, it was inside his chest, the pain was so intense that he started clawing his chest wanting to remove the thing engraved deep inside his chest, on his heart. The pain was so intense that blood ruptured from Alex's seven orifices; his body was continuously spasming.      


Immediately, Silveria manifested in the real world; she tried to approach Alex.     


However, Silveria soon froze in place; the beautiful woman had opened her eyes after breaking apart the crystal coffin. Her eyes were as beautiful as the starry night sky before suddenly turning crimson; the world turned crimson, Silveria found it hard to breathe.      

Ignoring Silveria, the woman floated next to Alex; she stared at him before flicking her fingers, and a drop of blood landed between Alex's eyebrows.      

''How dare you!" Silveria became furious, an intense aura burst out from her body that shook the whole floor, she began able to walk, she appeared before the woman her hand raised.      

Suddenly, the woman said, ''So, it was you! I'll be back.''      


There was a flash of light, and Silveria and the woman disappeared. Shortly after their disappearance, Alex woke up. Somehow, all his injuries had disappeared as if he never gotten injured in the first place. Alex looked around him, confused.     

''What the hell just happened?" Alex questioned; all he could remember was the blurry face of a woman with crimson eyes.     

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