Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 400: Never Anger a Touch 7

Chapter 400: Never Anger a Touch 7

0A/N: Hooray! We reached another milestone: the 400th chapter, Thanks to all of you. Please stick with me till the end.     


''It's that so?" Alex said with the same indifferent face; it was almost like he wasn't feeling anything; however, it wasn't the case; he was angry, furious.     

As proof of the anger that he was feeling at the moment, his lips curved upward slightly, and a slight smile escaped from his mouth. Just like what happened to many people when their anger reached a certain level, Alex began to laugh softly as he took a step forward.     

''Sorry, Sakuya," Alex said and gave Sakuya a lovely smile before yanking her dislocated arm back.      


''Gah!" Sakuya bit her lip to contain the pain, sweat began to pour from her forehead.     

''Easy there, it's done. Now please rest.'' Alex said before placing Sakuya on the other side; he let her lean against a tree.      

Seven waited patiently; he even stopped his men from stepping forward. He had an amused smile on his face, especially after Alex spun and stared at him with a chilling gaze.     

''You are truly interesting, kid; I can give you that. However, do you think I'm afraid of you? That you can leave from here alive? Hihihi~ That would be the epitome of delusion if you think like that, I will kill that girl after I have-"      

''You talk too much,'' Alex said as he simply continued to walk forward slowly.      

Someone among Seven's men couldn't take it anymore, so he attacked Alex.      

''Die, you scum!"      


Before the man could even approach Alex, he exploded in bloody rain; Seven furrowed his brows while his men shuddered; a Rank 8 just died so unexpectedly and in a not nice way.      

Alex looked at Seven indifferently; he didn't even feel like he had just killed someone.     

''Do you know what your biggest mistake was? Threatening the person behind me."      

Seven looked behind Alex, and there he saw the Sakuya, looking at him like he was dead meat, this seriously pissed Seven off.     

"Oh? She? Don't worry; I'll soon take care of-"     

''Time Acceleration, Time Stop!"     


Before Seven could finish his rambling, the world in front of him stopped for a split second before returning to normal, and a horrible explosion shook the waters under their feet. Several Seven's men were sent flying; some fell into the vortex.     

After a powerful explosion that shook the giant island, frightening the survivors, afterward, it becomes silent... A silence so deadly that even the turbulent waters beneath everyone's feet did not move as if they were afraid of something.      

Seven said to possess the strongest defense between the Numbers with his physical body alone, frowned as he noticed the incredulous looks of the people around him.     

"What's with those gazes of..... Pffft!!!"     

Suddenly, the voice of Seven, the Skin manipulator, abruptly stopped, and without warning, he coughed up a large mouthful of blood.     

"What the..." Seven's widened at the sight of his blood falling into the ocean with no sign of it. He had no idea what happened! Normally, his high regenerative ability would have kicked in, and yet nothing.     

"Leader...Your.... your chest."      

One Seven's men pointed in the direction of the man's left chest with a terrified expression.      

Seven looked down in confusion but soon wished he had not done it. His eyes widened, and his pupils fluttered steadily, showing his agitated emotions.     

There was a large whole where Seven's heart used to be. As for his heart, it was gone. Seven stared at the young man in front of him with an incredulous look; he couldn't believe what just happened.     

One moment ago, he was standing there provoking the man, and in the next moment, he was seriously injured.      

None of those present except for Alex, Seven, and Sakuya (thanks to Yoroichï help) saw what happened.      

In reality, what Alex did was simple. He simply used 100% of his ability to control the wind in his legs thanks to Sleipnir, along with the tiny lightning ability that he had gained control over unexpectedly after his anger reached a certain level (something momentarily awake inside him). With overwhelming speed (Time Acceleration to increase his speed and Time Stop to stop Seven's movement momentarily), Alex punched with all his power at his enemy. After this, he simply returned to his place as if nothing had happened. One needs perfect control over one body perfect coordination to be able to do this.      

However, Alex knew it wasn't the end; there was no way a Saint would fall so easily, not the freak before him, and as expected, Seven didn't disappoint him.     


Not only did Seven, who had his heart didn't die, he even burst into laughter soon; he laughed so hard that more blood flowed out of the hollow hole in his chest; however, Seven seemed not to care as he laughed to his heart content before suddenly his body burst into a bloody fog.      

''No good!" Alex instantly Accel-ed to appear beside Sakuya to princess carry her as he took off to the sky. Just after they left, the part where Sakuya was resting at was sliced apart by a fine red thread, a blood thread.      

Sakuya shuddered, and to his horror, it didn't end there; many thin blood threads pierced Seven's men.     


Seven's men immediately shouted confused, being from the same organization, they heard about this ability; however, never in their wildest dream, they would have thought that they would experience this dreadful ability.      

Soon, Seven's men's bodies became dried up, their blood had been extracted to form a gigantic cocoon, and from within this cocoon, evil laughter could be heard.      

''Hihihihi~ This my second time using this ability, and only Zero was the one to force me to use it. Be proud of this accomplishment, and die.''      

Then the gigantic blood cocoon burst apart, and a giant of five meters appeared; the moment this giant appeared, the sky seemed to have partially turned crimson due to the overwhelming amount of evil energy.     

Looking at the giant Seven, Alex snorted, holding Sakuya with one arm; he pointed his right hand at the giant Seven; he knew he must strike before Seven got the opportunity to attack.      

Sakuya was curious about what Alex was going to do; she was secretly accumulating her Mana to activate spirit possession to help Alex in case of needs; however, this soon proven to be unnecessary as the Death gun strike for the second time.      

A pitch-black gun appeared inside Alex's hand; the moment it appeared, whether Seven or Sakuya, they became scared. Seven, even more, he launched an all-out desperate attack.      


''The end!"      

Alex said after accepting the cost of using the black gun, a dark bullet tore through the air and arrived before Seven faster than he could ever imagine; nothing he did worked, the black bullet simply entered his gigantic body, and as Alex said, it was indeed the end, not even his soul got spared as his existence was forever erased from the universe.      

At the same time that Seven was killed, somewhere a man holding someone else ripped arm frowned; this man had white hair, if Alex were here, he would have immediately identified the man as the one he recently encountered when he trying to go to that hot spring, Zero, he called himself.      

''Huh? Who is strong enough to kill Seven, that freak.'' Zero said as he watched the old man with gray hair glare at him.      

This man was none other than Sebastian, Lilith's butler; their bonds went past the superficial Master-employee level. He was like the father she lost, the last person she held parental feeling for; however, at the moment, Sebastian was in an extremely sorry state, his clothes were ripped here and there, a large cut could be spotted on his chest, he had lost one of his arms. At the same time, one of his eyes got blinded.      

''I will ask one last time. Where is the princess at the moment?" Zero asked while the injury on his back was slowly regenerating; he ignored the pain and focused on the man in front of him.      

Sebastian ignored Zero's question, clutching his severed hand, he muttered with a pained face.      

''Forgive, princess!"     

Immediately Zero had a bad feeling. Or maybe that should be called conviction. He felt a chill as if the hair on his back stood on end. He immediately tried to toss Sebastian's arm far away from him; however, it was already too late.      

That arm exploded; only the hand was left as it flew in a certain direction; meanwhile, Zero protected himself; the first explosion didn't damage him; however, the second explosion was more terrible.      


Sebastian blew himself; the explosion was so terrible that a space vortex was created and swallowed Zero alongside half of the forest the two were in.      

A few minutes later, Lilith appeared, she saw that hand, what was left of Sebastian, it was as if her blood got shattered then it happened at that moment, an annoying fly appeared.      

''Hehehehe! How unexpected to see you here, dear Princess of the demons.''      

Leonardo wearing the strange mask, appeared..     

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