Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 397: Never Anger a Touch 5

Chapter 397: Never Anger a Touch 5

0Let rewind time to last night; the unknown organization which everybody was trying to get information on sending dozens of men to Xeeno's city, Forest of Monsters; these men had one goal, which was to get something in the deepest part of the dungeon.     

''Eight, Shall we wait and explore the forest tomorrow.'' Asked one of the leading men, codename Nine, a girl, the plain robe and strange mask couldn't hide her voluptuous figure.      

Some of the lowest members kept looking at that fat ass, great boobs with lustful eyes. Nine glared at them. If it weren't because they still have to use these fools as cannon fodder, she would have personally slaughtered them by herself.      

Calming down her boiling emotions, Nine waited for Eight to respond. As their rank stated, he was above her, stronger than her, so she could only wait for him to talk before deciding what to do.      

Finally, Eight, the brawny whose chest shined like a rough earth-colored diamond, said.      

''No, we continue. Seven and Cain are already ahead. We must lose out to them.''      

Like any organization or society, competition would never cease to exist as long their existing living beings. Eight, Nine, and the forty men between them were from the same faction, different from Seven and Cain's faction. Naturally, the competition was rude, inside the evil organization like these, competitions tend to be genuinely ruthless, if the outside world could be considered a world of the jungle where the strong prey on the weak, then inside this organization, you eat your kin to survive, to evolve into a stronger type of existence, a true devil's world, well, an approximate estimate.      

Even though Nine wished to give their men some rest after they had rushed all the way here, nonstop, she knew deep down it was impossible; she couldn't be soft-hearted, so she ordered the group to move on. As they entered the forest, they experienced all kinds of troubles, lost men before finally arriving at the floating islands; it was dawn at that time. The group appeared on an unusual island, a portal was there, the first among them to rush inside the portal got shredded into pieces, same for the second one, it was then Eight, and Nine noticed something, every time someone died, the portal would shine brighter showing sign of unlocking.      

Looking at each other, Eight and Nine came to a decision, that's to search for previous unlucky adventurers and normal people that happened to be inside the forest when the purple fog appeared, before the birth of this dungeon. And so they moved to search from island to island, it took them five hours to gather fifteen men, then they started sending the poor men toward certain death.      

Another two hours had passed since the group caught their guinea pigs. Now only six men remained (Women and Children included). By now, the portal had rainbow-colored shine, which means from their point of view that with another few sacrifices, it would totally open without any risk of passing through.      

Two other sacrifices were sent to their death, leaving four remaining; currently, it was the turn of children around twelve turn to be sacrificed.      

Johnny, the little boy who literally lost his family members, his father, mother, and big sister because of these sickos, was about to suffer the same fate, well thinking that it wouldn't be bad to join his family on whatever is going to be (Paradise or Hell). Johnny couldn't help but lament how unlucky he and his family were; they just went out to the most safest part of the Forest of Monsters to gather woods and magic berries but would have thought that things would end like this. It sucks to be normies.      

While lamenting over his pathetic existence, Johnny walked forward with dead eyes. Eight and Nine were watching everything with calm eyes; to them, these lives sacrificed weren't human, not evolved humans like them. Therefore they felt nothing even if their newborn baby got tossed in that thrash shredder portal; they are just ants; would you even bat an eyelid no matter how many ants you crushed? Definitely not.      

However, while Eight and Nine showed no emotions and weren't interested in anything other than the portal opening to lead them a bit ahead, the same couldn't be said for their subordinates, these fools even though they had lost fifteen men, only leaving twenty-five Rank 7, they found entertainment in others misery, they even bet on what kind of cry the poor sacrifice going to make as they got shredded into pieces, how long these cries would last.     

The same thing was about to happen to Johnny, so they thought it was at that moment the Juvenile God of Death descended upon them.      


Alex had just arrived when a mother was sent to the guillotine; he saw some sickos laugh about it while two slightly bigger sickos watched with an annoyed expression on their faces.      

Alex saw Johnny walked toward his death with Eight and Nine men laughing and placing bets.     

〖These people are sick. 〗Silveria spat, she had seen her fair share of atrocities but nothing like this; these people were really sick.     

Even though Nyx had not said anything, Alex and Silveria could feel her anger; talking about anger, nobody was furious than Alex; he may not be a Samaritan, but seeing people being used as grass like that could piss off even the most pacific man if he didn't have one or two screw looses.      

So, Alex moved; his anger had been transformed into strength, the more angrier Alex got, the more rational he became. Eight and Nine, alongside their men, were about to see why it was never good to anger a touch.     

Like ghosts, Alex appeared between the fifteen men; nobody noticed him at first before Eight noticed him, followed by Nine, they both shouted.      

''Watch out!!!"      

However, it was already too late; even without using Time Acceleration, Alex's speed reached a godly level; armed with the silver guns he moved, the only thing Eight and Nine heard were sounds of gunshots, and Alex wanted them to hear it. The following thing both Eight and Nine saw was their men falling to the ground like dominos, bullets pierced through their heads; it was instant death, they couldn't do anything as bullets bore through their heads, destroying their brains and leaving the skulls intact, it was cruel, the pain these men received before dying couldn't be imagined; however, it was well deserved. Their souls would suffer Eternal Damnation thanks to Nyx.     

Treats people as grass, and you will be treated as such.      

Eight and Nine shuddered under Alex heterochromia eyes, Blue and crimson locked onto them, the Death God was about to pass a judgment on them, and nobody was going to stop him.     

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