Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 395: The Girl's Arrival

Chapter 395: The Girl's Arrival

0Late in the night, inside an almost empty Inn, Alex sat on his bed inside his room. A few hours ago, he left the Xeeno's adventurer guild branch and booked a room in this Inn; because of the Magic fever, the city was empty, so was most of the Inns.     

Recalling what Mathias and Ludic had told him, Alex couldn't help but sigh, five days ago, the purple fog appeared and covered the city for few minutes; two days later, Magic fever struck. At first, they didn't understand what was happening. Still, because some adventurers stated that the Forest of monsters was shrouded in heavy purple fog, Mathias and Ludic sent some men to investigate as they remembered that it was this same fog that struck the city a few days ago. The result was total annihilation, the first team didn't come back, and only a handful of men managed to come back from the other teams sent, they couldn't even formulate concrete words, their words were all illogical, like the fact that all them keep muttering slaughterer, devils.     

Unlike Mathias and Ludic, Alex knew the cause behind the purple fog; a dungeon was being born. The first team must have lost their way, if not wiped, inside the new dungeon; as for the survivors from the other teams, Alex couldn't say what happened to them, why they all became crazy.      

Alex heaved another sigh; he had refused Mathias's help to assign few adventurers for them to investigate. Not that he looks down on the adventurers in Xeeno but compared to Blue Ivy, the quality is low.      

Blue Ivy's adventurers were always fighting monsters inside the underwater dungeon; naturally, their skills were polished. Or rather, adventurers who did not have a certain level of skill would be killed in fights against monsters and wouldn't be able to live as an adventurer in Blue Ivy. One of the few exceptions was F rank adventurers who specialized in requests inside the city and didn't have to fight or those who were lucky enough to be working with more skilled adventurers. In comparison, adventurers here, although they also fight monsters in the Forest of Monsters, it is only low-rank monsters with the exception sometimes of medium rank one. They are not really strong, and this city is a quiet one, a peaceful city is to say.      

The response Alex gave Mathias and Ludic was simple, he would call over his own team, and when the two frowned, thinking maybe it would take this team a few days before their arrival, Alex smiled and reassured them. In fact, the moment he saw the purple-covered forest and heard from Silveria and Nyx, the origin of the purple fog, he immediately contacted the girls on his way to the guild, asking them to join him. To his surprise, they said they would have come even without his call; Alex then understood that Celesta must have somehow known what the purple fog meant and chose to send him some assistance.      

''I just have to wait,'' Alex said as he lay down and stared at the ceiling.      

Knock! Knock!      

There was a knocking sound on his door followed by Sakuya cheerful voice.      

''Yahoo~ Mio ga kitta. We know you are in, don't let such lovely ladies wait outside.''      


Although he said that, Alex was smiling, he couldn't hide his joy at their arrival.      

Alex unlocked the door to see Sakuya and Lilith disguised as Mio and Elsa; the three stared at each other for a moment before they smiled.      

''Please come in.''      

Alex invited them in; the girls entered and sat, Sakuya being bolder, sat on Alex's bed, Lilith on the other hand, chose to sit on a chair.      

Sitting not too far from Sakuya, Alex said.      

''It's good to see you two so soon.''      

''Hmph! Someone had thought he could enjoy a thrilling adventure on his own. Serve you right. Here we are.'' Sakuya pouted; she was dissatisfied to had been left alone; Lilith was as well; however, unlike Sakuya, who could act like a spoiled kid because of her relationship with Alex, Lilith couldn't, nor it outside of her personality.      

''It's good to see you too, Alex. Tell us what the plan is. I believe the appearance of purple fog means the birth of a dungeon, and from what I could tell, this one is pretty dangerous.'' Lilith said, on their way here because they used griffon, a mature one, Chucky's mother, they also saw the purple fog covering the Forest of Monsters, and Lilith being a princess, she has more information than ordinary people, being born as royalty come with a set of benefits, knowing what happened before a dungeon appear is one of them.      

Any playfulness disappeared from Sakuya's eyes; she decided to listen to those two.      

"Yeah, it's as you said. People here don't know that it is a dungeon emerging; they would have known if either Mathias, the guild master, or Ludic, the acting city lord, had gone to investigate; unfortunately, they couldn't; the current situation doesn't allow it. So, we three would go to investigate, many teams of adventurers have gone into the purple fog, but few came back with mental issues. Let us be prudent; this dungeon is dangerous.''      

The girls frowned after listening to Alex's explanation; Lilith knew this new dungeon was dangerous thanks to her butler send to investigate. Sebastian had said that even with his strength, he couldn't scan the whole fog; the dungeon entrance seemed to appear and disappear. Just before entering the city, Lilith lost contact with Sebastian, she didn't know what happened, and she was not really worried as she knew how strong Sebastian was.      

''Okay, I do understand that this trip will be dangerous but fret not, none of us is weak, well, if you forget, I'm the weakest of the bunches. What I'm trying to say is that you will do what we always do, believe in ourselves, believe in our comrades, no matter what we will encounter, we will triumph. We shall use our full strength immediately as we enter; this will be more prudent; I believe we will be the only one inside, well, I hope.'' Sakuya said as she looked at her man and their friend.     

Alex and Lilith looked at each other before, Alex chuckled.     

''You are right. Let's rest; we shall depart tomorrow morning.''      

That night, a group entered the purple fog ahead of Alex's group; they were dressed in red robes with a white mask adorned their faces, the symbol of a red eye was drawn on these masks, the unknown organization had appeared again.     

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