Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 253: Evening Date 2

Chapter 253: Evening Date 2

0''You are my angel, the one that brightened my days, never leave my side because I will never stop loving you no matter what happened, Luna Touch.'' Alex declared.     

Even if they haven't married yet, this declaration of Alex made her release once again that she was already part of the family.      

Luna felt over the moon hearing Alex's loving and sweet declaration. Her beautiful eyebrows raised as her eyes smiled in happiness. She hugged him intimately and felt how warm his chest was. A strange feeling of absolute safety and warmth always filled her body whenever she was in his embrace.      

The first time she felt this was when they were kids; she had sneaked into his chamber and asked him to let her sleep beside him, Alex accepted, and since then, she will always sneak inside his room almost as if she couldn't sleep without him.      

It might be since that day she became attached to him, her attachment developed into love, and she came to love him more after that declaration, after accepting him. Luna decided that she will never let him go in this life and even in their next one. If she were to let him go, she wouldn't feel complete without him, and his existence gave meaning to her life. For his sake, she will do anything; if he became a demon, she will still happily stay beside him as the demon's wife, no she can even turn into a demon if it could help him. This is how much he meant to her.      

Both had their thoughts, unaware that they were thinking the same thing. They genuinely love each other from the bottom of their hearts.      

Alex kissed Luna's forehead and smiled as he pointed towards one of the chairs put out near the table he had prepared, "Now, let's take a seat and have dinner. I want to spend some quality time with my fiancee.''      

Luna's beautiful golden eyes sparkled, hearing that Alex's words. She happily nodded and quickly took a seat and looked at Alex; her eyes were filled with love. She knew he noticed her mood; it was why he set up this date.      

''How attentive.'' She couldn't help but mutter this.      

Suddenly, the delectable aroma of the food Alex prepared wafted through her nose.      

After smelling it, she recognized that it was Tomato Spinach Chicken Spaghetti, one of her favorite food. Luna felt loved.      

Looking around, she was incredibly impressed with how warm and beautiful the garden looked now with all the string lights and candles, highlighting the beautiful flowers and plants even more.     

Alex sat opposite her and asked with a proud smile, "Hehehe! It seems like you love what I have done with the place."     

Luna gave a bright smile as she said,     

"Yes. It looks so beautiful, especially with the surrounding view and the moon in the sky. I feel refreshed and happy sitting here and having dinner like this. This is way better than going to those luxurious restaurants. I never thought you would decide to have dinner here. I guess you will stop surprising me."     

Alex chuckled, "Well, I guess nothing could beat the feeling we get by dining in our home. Let's dig in."     

The two happily ate their food while lovingly gazing at each other's eyes, while at times, they would look at the scenic view outside and enjoy it.     

The moon in the sky shined brighter than usual, as if she was giving them her blessings.     

Alex was the first to finish; he started to drink a glass of wine while observing Luna eat.      

'The way she remains me of a-'      

Alex abruptly stopped whatever he was about to say because Luna glared at him.      

'Are you an Esper?'      

He almost shouted this. However, he didn't and shifted his focus toward the moon.      

'I wonder if grandma is doing fine?'      

Alex couldn't help but become melancholic; her grandmother used to place him on her lap while gazing at the moon, back when he was still a child.      

''Don't worry, I think she is fine. Everyone on the other side is fine. Maybe one day we will be able to return to Earth if we become stronger enough.'' Luna consoled her fiancé after seeing the look on his face.     

Smiling, Alex said, ''I guess you are right. However, I doubt that we have the same timeline.''      

Luna could understand what he meant; she also has this worry.     

''Well, even if we can see them. We have to visit their graves and pay our respect. Let's stop thinking about those depressing stuff.''      

''Have you ever exchanged words with your Gift's spirit?" Alex raised this question after hearing Luna's words.      

''Yes, we talked few times. She told me Silveria's real identity and a bunch of other stuff.''      

At the end of her words, Luna blushed; Alex wondered what her Gift's spirit told her to make her blush when she remembered it. However, he knew Luna wouldn't answer even if he asked.     

''Do you know what High Human means?" Alex asked.     

Luna was surprised why Alex asked such a question but answered straightforwardly, ''High Humans are superior to humans.''     

''That is all?" Alex couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, he had thought she would know more than that, but it seems that he was wrong.     

''High Humans are indeed superior to humans. However, there's more than that. High Humans are part of the original races, the first races created by a supreme being. It's all I know. It seems that High Humans are rare. Why we got reincarnated into this race is unknown, but I'm sure there is a purpose behind this. Never speak about our real race to anybody. It won't end well for us.'' Alex warned Luna.      

''I see, don't worry, I understand. By the way, how long will we live for?" Luna became curious after hearing Alex's explanation of High Human's origin.     

''Around 500 years, more as we get stronger,'' Alex answered.     

''That is good. I got to spend many years alongside you until we grew old and die.'' Luna was happy to learn that High Human could live that long.      

Alex was surprised when he didn't hear Luna's wishes for eternal life.      

As if she could read his mind, Luna told him,      

''I don't care about eternal life. I will be happy if I can have it. However, even I can't; I'm content with growing old by your side. I hope you will not throw me away once I grow old.''      

''Of course, I will never do something like that. Let's live our lives to the fullest, leaving no regret behind. It may be a short-lived life, but we will make it enjoyable.'' Alex declared before embracing Luna, who came to sit on his lap.      

Alex placed something inside Luna's right palm.      

Startled, Luna quickly checked what it was. She was shocked to find a golden key; she immediately understood what this meant. She couldn't help but be overwhelmed with emotions.      

Alex's embrace got tighter; no words were needed. Both understood what others want to convey. This golden key means the Blue Haven Villa was hers to manage.      

Women are living creatures bound to be jealous no matter how much they loved someone, especially if this person shows more care to another woman than them.      

Maria became the manager of the Golden Nugget now Golden's Spoon made Luna a bit jealous even if she didn't show it.      

However, now that she also received something equal, no more valuable than Maria's, Luna was pleased, that jealousy inside her heart vanished, leaving place to happiness, an overwhelming amount of happiness.     

''Thank you. I will take great care of it.'' She said before turning her head to kiss Alex. It was a simple kiss. However, Luna kiss was filled with love.      

Alex wore a soft smile on his face, ''No need to thank me. You deserve it.''      

The two stayed silent as they observed the beautiful moon in the sky. It was peaceful; they wished for this peace to last forever. However, they knew it was wishful thinking. To live a peaceful life, they need strength, and they will become powerful.      

The two spent their time like this until they went back to sleep. That night, they slept in each other embrace, feeling each other heartbeat, not doing anything; this made them closer, strengthened their bond.     

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