Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 277: Brewing Storm

Chapter 277: Brewing Storm

0When the man hiding in a special space saw Zero showing no reaction to his words, he let out a sigh.     

''How boring. We shall temporarily retreat Ms. Zero, hope next time you won't interfere as we do not wish to fall out with that monster, at least not yet.''      

''007, let's go.'' the man ordered before his presence completely vanished. 007 gave Zero one last glance before her body started vanishing; she left a word behind, startling Zero, who never expected her to be able to speak.      

''Der? What does this mean? Some code? Or it's a name?'' Zero mumbled when she recalls 007's words; she only said one word, 'Der'; as for what this word means, Zero had no idea; she was too tired to think about it now; therefore she decided to do it later.      

While sitting on the ground, Zero (Sera) heaved a long sigh.      

''I dare you to call her monster in front her, and the next day she will erase your organization to the ground. She hates to be called a monster. I don't know what you wish to accomplish by going after Alex's sister, but there's no way I'm going to sit and watch you do that. The moment you targeted those two (A/N: Well, technically it is only Gracier, but it counts as targeted Alex as well.), you have already made Elseria your enemy and knowing her, she will spare no effort in dealing with you no matter who you are or where you hide, she will hunt you down. If you knew about us, you should know that Elseria is not someone you can provoke.''      

''To think that you are experimenting on living humans. What is your goal?"      

Zero came to this conclusion after today's battle; the words that man said also contributed to this speculation; 007 was the living proof of Zero's speculation.      

''Ah! How troublesome, the demon continent aside, there's another enemy to be wary about. Sincerely, I wish to quit and live an ordinary life.''      

Suddenly Zero thought about a certain boy when she thought about having an ordinary life; she couldn't help but chuckle as she doubted she would live an ordinary life if she stayed beside him. Strangely, Zero (Sera) wasn't against it; she was even thrilled to know what kind of life she would have standing beside him.      

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!     

''Hehehe! I'm feeling strange all of a sudden. My heart started to beat faster when I imagined what kind of life I will have with you, how strange, this is unlike me; however, I don't dislike It.'' Zero (Sera) declared before her expression turned serious.      

''I hope the next time I will see you, you will have reached the goal I have set. Even though you don't, at least I hope you won't be too far from that level. I shall take care of your sister and lovers.''      

After declaring this, Zero (Sera) stood up; her destination was to join with Maria and others, like that she would protect them, especially Gracier, whom the unknown organization was after.     


At the same time, elsewhere inside the dungeon, in a room that looked like a treasure room, it would have really looked like one if not for the numerous tube containing monsters, half-human bodies. This room looks more like a laboratory than a treasure room.      

And currently inside this laboratory were two persons; one wore a lab coat doing some experiment while the latter wore all black.      

''How did it went?"      

Without turning back, the man in lab coat asked the person in black.      

''Well, it's a failure.''      

''I see.'' said the man in a lab coat, too focused on his experiment.      

''I say, Maddog, that habit of yours when talking with you and keep ignoring me piss me off. I expect a bit of respect; I'm your superior. Do not forget that.'' The Man in black warned Maddog, the scientific.      

Maddog sighed before putting a stop at the experiment he was doing.      

''My bad, so can you tell me what happened?" He asked politely as he could; Maddog didn't wish to become enemy with the arrogant little lass.      

The man in black removed his mask, his golden hair and beautiful face became visible, this man was the same man that spied on Maria and others when they were trying to train outside, inside the forest, it was the same man that talked to Zero (Sera) a moment ago.     

''Ah! An unexpected rat sneaked in; no, she is bigger than a rat; I guess I should call her dog. One of that woman's subordinates came.'' the golden-haired young man said.     

Maddog raised an eyebrow.      


''Yeah, it's none other than her. It's the famous Zero that was sent. I almost lost my life because of that girl. I heard she was strong, deadly; however, hearing it was one thing, but experiencing it was another. I couldn't even move; I don't even know how she knew I was present; the artifact I'm using should have completely hidden my presence as I hide in that special space to watch the fight, and yet I was spotted and attack. An attack that could transcend space, I feel like it could transcend time as well; however, it wasn't perfect if not even 007 couldn't do anything but watch me die. Just by imagining such a possibility send shivers down my spine.''      

''I see, that's interesting. I want to study that Zero girl.'' With a twisted smile, Maddog said this.     

The golden-haired young man chuckled when he saw Maddog's state.     

''What do we do now? With the presence of such a strong opponent, things have gotten complicated. Should we cancel the operation? I meant postpone it for another time?" Maddog asked after a moment of thinking.      

The golden-haired young man did not immediately answer; he stayed silent for a moment. What Maddog said wasn't wrong; things had become complicated with Zero's (Sera) presence, however, when he thinks about canceling everything, the young couldn't bring himself to accept it as he desired Gracier's golden-eye, with that eye, the young man was fifty percent sure to realize his greatest wish, that is to surpass his father, to stand above him, to take his place.     

Thinking about everything he would get if he managed to have that eye, the golden-haired young man decided.      

''No, we shall continue. We will wait for few days and observe how things are going before striking for good this time. I order you to bring more men, even though those defective tools are not good as 007, we shall use them as cannon fodder. Do you understand what I mean?"      

Even though Maddog didn't wish for this plan to be carried until the end, he couldn't only nod his head when he thinks about getting a valuable sample.      

''I shall follow your orders,'' Maddog said.     

''Good, let's wait for a while.''      

The golden-haired young man said before starting whistling, thinking about the day he would step on his dad, ordered him like his subordinates.      

'Hehehe! Just wait, father, you will see that I'm not worthless as you think.'      

Thus the second day passed, both Alex's group continued their exploration, unaware of the brewing storm.     

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