Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 125: On the other side of the Zilya's mountain 2

Chapter 125: On the other side of the Zilya's mountain 2

0Gale observed the black-clothed man in front of him after their exchanges, it should be called probing instead. finally, since the start of their exchanges, Gale opened his mouth to ask a question.     

"Tell me what is your goal? What are trying to achieve?"      

"I can't help but get curious because even if we have once been enemy in the past, in the recent years both races didn't start a feud with each other, even if we are not friendly with each other, none of us tried to find trouble with the other. So, I want to know what is your motive for killing humans, destroying several villages when they did nothing to incur your wrath. Tell me what is your goal? Is it to start another war?"      

There was a temporary silence before the disguised demon started laughing,      


"Hahahaha, my bad, you're too funny hence I couldn't help myself. I thought you were the cold type who doesn't usually speak, guess I was wrong. To answer your question, I'm not planning to start another war, and even it was the case I'll gladly welcome a war. Well, now it's not the time for that."      

The black-clothed man (demon) said but the last part was muttered almost inaudibly. Looking at Gale he continued.     

"You humans won't start a war just because few villages are destroyed and who going to know it was a demon doing? You can't communicate because we blocked all communication. As for you all who are here, hehehe! only one fate awaits you: Death. After all dead men tell no tale.''     

At the end of his words, the demon disappeared to reappears in front of Gale slashing down at him, Gale parried it, while their swords were still locked against each other, Gale pointed his finger at the demon and said,      

''Wind bullet.''      

An invisible Wind bullet was fired at the demon, chuckling as he was expecting this, the demon slightly tilting his right shoulder back he dodged the Wind bullet.     

Suddenly, Gale distanced himself from the demon as he felt a dreadful sensation, just as he jumped back, the place he was previously standing at sunk by several centimeters, no it was transformed into a small swamp, it was dark magic, it's an element mostly used by the Demon.      

''Your instinct is sure sharp but what are you gonna do about this?''      

Immediately at the end of his words, the Demon chanted,      

{Come forth and rain down on my foe: Dark Bullets}     

More than a hundred dark bullets appeared and flew at Gale.      


Taking a deep breath Gale switched stance, from one-handed to two-handed, his left leg positioned ahead of his right leg, his green eyes turned sharp, then something astonishing happened.      

The Dark Bullets that were shot at him were being cut down one by one at an extremely fast speed. The way he moves his sword was too fast to follow, in a matter of seconds almost all the dark bullets had been cut down. Gale could have chosen to avoid the dark bullets but behind him was the group of adventurers fighting against the one-armed injured ogre.     

On the other side, the demon was not surprised by Gale's choice, his figure blurred as he appeared behind Gale with his black sword in thrust stance.      

''I knew if it's you, you could pull it out.'' The demon.     

''And I knew you would also appear behind me while I'm busy dealing with your attack.''      

The face behind the black mask abruptly changed and the demon cursed his carelessness, he had been too hasty.      


Suddenly, before the black sword could pierce Gale from behind, his figure shot to the sky as if something had launched him from the ground into the air. He used the wind element on the sole of his foot to launch himself into the air like a rocket.     

Once in the air, Gale said, "Detonate Wind Bomb''      


A huge explosion occurred with the demon being caught in the blast, he was sent flying back by the impact of the wind bomb.      

However, instead of falling onto the ground, the demon quickly stabilized himself.      

Not a second after stabilizing himself, the demon spun around bringing his black sword to defend against Gale's next attack.      


The two swords clashed, creating a shriek that sent sparks flying into the air.     

''You are not bad.'' the demon commented as the two continued to casually exchanges blows.      

''You are not using your real power,'' Gale said as he sidestepped to the right just enough and the demon blade passed a hairs breath from his face.      

''Neither do you.''      

The two keep exchanging moves not going all out because they seemed to be waiting for something, for Gale it was Leena while for the demon, he was waiting for his men who are on the other side doing something else to come, and with them he could wipe out all the adventurers and go make sure that what they come to accomplish by starting all of this was completed. If it wasn't finished, he'd do it himself.     

Unknowingly both Gale and the demon dragged the fight until late in the night, they switched location several times, the adventurers fighting against the one-armed ogre finally managed to kill the ogre, however, they still lost one of their men when the one-armed went crazy on his last moment. Too exhausted and injured they couldn't help their leader, if they were to go in their current state they will only become a hindrance. Knowing this fact, they choose not to, they could only watch helplessly, those two are at another level, they were moving at fast speed exchanging blows for a moment yet they didn't even sweat.      

'We must become stronger,' thought the men as they watched Gale and the demon fight, shaking their heads they turned their attention elsewhere.     

Looking over the battlefield, they saw dead bodies littered the ground everywhere, monsters corpses mixed with human corpses, one must know that the expedition this time was huge, there were a hundred adventurers, however, currently only 40 or so adventurers remain, which would mean they have lost more than half of the Adventurers who came.     

It's a huge loss but considering the number of monsters they faced and the ambushes by the demons, it was understandable. They faced an army of thousands of monsters, there were different types of monsters, goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, Wind Wolves, Snow wolves, swamp lizards, ogres, Water Bears, and even a few griffons, not to mention the rare species, those are harder to deal with than the normal monsters.     

Shaking their heads, the survivors' drunk recovery potions, sprinkled healing potion on their injured before going back to help their comrades fight the remaining monsters.      

~Back to Gale and the demon's location.     

The two continued to fight destroying several rocks and trees on the process, they fought until the next morning, for strong people such as them, it was not hard, even though they seemed to be casually fighting their minds were elsewhere, Gale was wondering why Leena hadn't shown herself since she must have received their request for help, even if she was far away when she received it, she should have arrived by now unless...     

No. He didn't dare to think about it, Leena was said to be strong as Chris the guild master, Chris himself said so, one must know that Chris is Rank 10, so it's to say Leena is also Rank 10, if the Adventurers courting Leena were to learn this fact they would have pissed in their pants, even Gale only learned this secret recently, if it wasn't because he became Rank A and more importantly because of the current ongoing mission, he wouldn't have learned Leena's secret. So, there must be a reason for such a strong person not showing up since her summon.     

While Gale was wondering why Leena hadn't come, the demon was also wondering why his men weren't showing, he was having a bad feeling, and this bad feeling keeps growing by minute as if he was going to die as if all their plans were going to be destroyed. Also, Gale seemed to calm now he thought about it, so calm it was becoming disturbing, he gave the feeling of someone waiting for help, normally communication has been blocked hence no help should arrive at the moment. Or they found a way to bypass the barrier set in place? If it's true then it explained a lot of things and at the same time, it was a piece of bad news for him.     


Cursing under his breath he decided to quickly finish this fight and-     

Suddenly, his thoughts paused at that moment because he felt suffocating pressure locking him in a place.      

Gale smiled as he felt a load has been lifted from his shoulders.      

To the frozen demon's horror, a beautiful woman descended from the sky as if she was a celestial, however, the demon knew she was not a celestial, only someone at that level, only someone who stepped in Rank 10 could fly even though it's for a short period.      

 With the appearance of this beautiful lady, the demon knew that something must have gotten wrong, maybe all their plans will be destroyed?      

In any case, this does not bode well for him.     

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