Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 145: Awesome abilities

Chapter 145: Awesome abilities

0Alex stood frozen, his eyes were glued on his status's window.     

To say he was expecting something like this would be a lie. He was only expecting an increase of 10 levels at best not a jump from Rank 5 to 7, a jump of 20 levels. This surprised him.      

What he did not know was that he would have gotten more than 20 levels if not for the cost of using Silveria's big sister ability.      

''Let me check my new skills. No need to check the Normal regeneration skill as I'm already aware of what it does.'' Alex who had finally calmed down said. He then asked,     

''By the way can you tell me how do I have acquired these two unusual skills?"      

''You mean Normal regeneration and Mana Recovery?"      

''Indeed, I am talking about these two.''      

''Well, it's because of one of my Unique abilities: Snatch. Check it yourself. It appeared as one of your special abilities.'' Silveria explained.      

Indeed it was as he said, Alex could see Snatch among his newly acquired Special Abilities. Without checking he knew that this ability enables him to steal abilities from its victims. For more information he would need to check the ability, however for now he decided to start from Mana Recovery.      

Thinking on gaining more information on the said skill, a window containing a detailed information on the skill appeared.      

[Mana Recovery: A skill that allows you to recover the mana spent.     

Level 1: Recover 150 MP per hour.     

The higher is the skill's Level, the higher the recovery rate will be and fewer minutes will be needed.]     

''What a nice skill.'' Alex's eyes shined after he read the skill's description.      

''Indeed.'' Silveria nodded her head, she was sharing the same thought.     

Without wasting time Alex quickly added 4 SP to Mana Recovery thus the skill Level went up to level 5. Mana Recovery's description became like this.     

[Mana Recovery: A skill that allows you to recover the mana spent.     

Level 5: Recover 250 MP per 30 minutes.     

The higher is the skill's Level, the higher the recovery rate will be and fewer minutes will be needed.]     

With his current Mana Recovery's Level, he would need only Five hours to almost recover his Mana.     

''Nicely done.'' Silveria praised him when she saw what he did.      

Alex smiled before also adding 4 SP to his Normal Regeneration's skill, it also becomes Level 5. He then added 2 SP to his Accel skill making it Level 3. He was left with 10 SP.      

Sighing before his expression became serious, Alex summoned Razor and,      

''Master what are you planning to do?" Silveria stopped him just as he was about to put the cold blade against his left arm.      

Alex looked at her confused, ''Don't you see? I'm trying to test my Recovery's speed after I added 4 SP on Normal regeneration.''      

''Even so.'' Silveria wanted to argue but Alex stopped her with a 'don't worry' kind of look.     

''Ah! Do whatever you want.'' Silveria said while setting Alex's hand free.      

Smiling Alex used Razor to make a small cut on his left arm and waited.      

1 minute..2 minutes...     

The wound started to slowly close itself and in less than 10 minutes it was perfectly closed as if there was no injury there.     

''Good.'' Alex praised, even though that cut was not too deep, to be able to quickly heal in less than 10 minutes was a good thing.     

''Seriously,'' Silveria muttered with a sigh, she looked at Alex whose eyes were shining and thought that it was a good thing that little Alexandra was asleep or else she'd never allow him to do what he did.     

''Time to check my Special Abilities.'' Alex said with a happy smile, his eyes were full of anticipation on the possible use of his new special abilities.     

『Death's Eye: A special eye with numerous Abilities:     

1st Lock: Fear: You will be able to induce fear into your enemy just by looking at them in the eyes. Makes them relive their deepest fear.     

Create illusion and make your enemies see hell. Need a strong mental's force (i.e: High intelligence)     

Cost: 500 MP     

Note: Will not work on enemies two Rank higher.     

2nd Lock: Sealed     

3rd Lock: Sealed』     

''Waouh! Too cool. I guess the two sealed locks are unavailable because of my current level?'' Alex asked.     

''Indeed.'' Silveria nodded at his words.     

Alex suddenly asked, ''Why did my eye seem to not work on you?"      

''Well because I'm almost immune toward your eye. More importantly, it's because your eye is not fully unlocked yet thus unable to pose any threat to me.''      

''I see. Do you also possess special eyes?"      

''Yeah, I do.'' Silveria's reply was instantaneous.      

''What it can do?" Alex asked.     

''If you lie to me I will know.'' Silveria replied.     

Alex stayed silent for a moment before finally saying,     

''Let's continue.''      

''Oi, say something.'' Silveria said when she saw Alex not saying anything after she told him about her special eyes.      

''There is nothing I can't say. Well, good luck.''     

Silveria's face twitched.     

''Why do I feel as if you're mocking me?"     

''It must be your imagination.'' Alex said while doing his best not to smile.     

''Let's move on to the next ability.''      

Silveria couldn't help but smile. ''Well, I was lying, though. My eyes can cancel any magic, however, it's useless against Big sister's eyes.''      

Alex who was planning to select a new ability and read its description stopped and asked.      

''Great, can I have one of your eyes, please?"     

Silveria's face kept twitching nonstop until she responded, ''Not gonna happen, you already have the ability that cancel any magic.''     

''I see.'' Alex said before choosing another ability and read the description.     

『Envisage: Ability to foresee attack pattern and trajectory in advance.     

2 seconds in advance.     

Cost: 500 MP』     

Alex whistled when he saw what Envisage could do.      

''That ability is related to your eye. Once you fully unlock your eye, the time to foresee an attack pattern will increase.'' Silveria told him that.      

''I see. I can't wait to see what it can do at its full potential.'' Alex said before moving towards another ability.     

『Erase: Ability to cancel any magic fired at you.     

Cost:1000 MP』     

''With my current MP, I can only use Erase two times.'' Alex lamented.      

''Even so, it's not bad, your MP will increase in the future.'' Silveria consoled him.     

''I know, it's just- Forget it. Oh? The next ability sounds good, I'm liking it just by looking at its name.''      

Silveria smiled as she knew Alex was going to appreciate this ability, he, who was lamenting on the fact that he couldn't use magic. With this it was possible.     

『Magic Bullet: Ability to create magic from the killed monster's body.     

Note: Only works on special monsters who use elements. Depends heavily on Luck.     

Cost: 350 MP     

Current numbers of Bullets: 20 bullets (10 Ice Bullets and 10 Fire Bullets)』     

''Wonderfull ability. Can I see the bullets?'' Alex asked, his eyes were shinning like a child who got a new toy and couldn't wait to test.     

''Just think about summoning them and they will come out.'' Silveria suggested.      

Alex did as he was told and then twenty small objects appeared inside his palm. Looking at those twenty small objects Alex gasped.      

In his hand was 10 blue bullets emitting chilling cold while the remaining 10 bullets were red, emitting heat. Alex quickly sends them back as the two types of energies were already drilling into his palm trying to harm him.      

''How does it works?" Alex asked.      

''Shoot it like a regular bullet however the damage it will create would be higher. When you shoot the Fire bullet it will transform into a fireball, the same with the Ice bullet. By the way, the higher is your Attack's power (stat) the more destructive these bullets would be. Well, that applies to the others type of bullets as well.'' Silveria explained how it works to him.     

''I see.'' Alex nodded his head in understanding, then he moved on to the last final ability. Snatch.     

『Snatch: Special Ability that helps you steal your target ability.     

Cost: 500 MP     

Note: The target must be dead before it can take away one of his/her abilities. Heavily rely on Luck. Can't snatch human abilities but can snatch a small amount of their XP.     

Automatically snatch any killed human XP. This doesn't work on monsters』     

''I see, indeed an OP ability. With this ability no wonder I got Normal regeneration and Mana Recovery. These two skills must be from the two-headed mutated ogre isn't it?"      

''Indeed. After killing it Big sister used Magic bullet and Snatch on the dead monster.     

Because he used two different elements: Fire and Ice. You acquired twenty bullets. As for his Abilities, you were able to acquire at least two: Normal regeneration and Mana Recovery. As for the ability to acquire XP not skills after killing a human, it's good, normally it's impossible to gain XP after killing another human, however now you don't have that problem. Well, the amount of XP you'll snatch will depend on your Luck and the stronger the human opponent is, the more XP you'll snatch, I presume.''      

''I see, I had noticed that when I killed for the first time, at that time I thought it was maybe a mistake, however, the second time made me realize that it was impossible to acquire XP from killing another human. People will go crazy if they knew I have this ability. Well, it's not like I'll start slaughtering humans or people from other races just that I have this skill. I'll go crazy if I were to do something like that.''      

Silveria smiled when she heard her Master's words. She was pleased to hear these words. It meant Alex knows what he must do or what he must not. He knows how to restrain himself. Others may abuse this ability if they had it. However, they would become crazy if they focused heavily on this ability, using it to massacre humans, not killing monsters.     

''By the way. After using Snatch to get ability from an enemy, the said ability will be reset, becoming Level 1 once it became yours.'' Silveria added.      

''I see. That's normal, though. I guess the three uniques abilities you said you possessed are: Erase, Magic Bullet, and Snatch while Death's Eye and Envisage are from your Big sister, am I right?" Alex nodded his head before raising a question.      

''Indeed, these three are my Unique abilities. While the other two are from my sister. By the way, my unique abilities are OP isn't it?" Silveria replied before asking Alex's impression of her unique abilities, she had a proud smile on her lips.     

''Yeah. They are truly OP. There is no doubt about it.'' Alex offered his honest opinion.      

Silveria smiled shyly. Alex rolled his eyes when he saw her acting this way.      

As if she remembered something Silveria suddenly announced.     

''By the way now that I'm out, the MP needed to create some bullets have changed. You only need 10 MP per normal bullet, do note that this is definitive. Homing Bullet now costs 250 MP. Range 1 kilometer.     

For other bullets it's like this:     


:black_nib: Piercing Bullet: now cost: 150 MP     

:black_nib: Vanishing Bullet: now cost: 150 MP     

:black_nib: Phantom Bullet: now cost: 300 MP     

:black_nib: Dispel Bullet: now cost 500 MP.''     

Alex was pleased with this news. I guess my hard work was now getting rewarded. He thought.     

Shaking his head Alex decided to immediately use his 400 BP. As for the remaining 10 SP, he would use them later. He quickly made use of his 400 MP. Most of the BP has been used on his MP, while what remained has been used on his Attack's stat.     

『[Alexander Kael Touch]     

Class: Magic Gunslinger     

Age: 17     


Race: High Human     

「 Rank 7」     

Level 63     

Experience Value (XP): 0/19800     

Magic Power: 2630 (+ 370 BP) :black_nib: 3000     

Magic: None     

Attack: 970 (+30 BP) :black_nib: 1000     

Defense: 880     

Agility: 975     

Intelligence: 880     

Luck: 680     

BP: 0     

SP: 10     

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*     

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 1] (+2 SP) :black_nib: Level 3 [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Gun Art Level 5] [Normal Regeneration Level 1] (+4 SP) :black_nib: Level 5 [Mana Recovery Level 1] (+4 SP) :black_nib: Level 5     

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch}      

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn]』     

Just as Alex finished distributing his BP, he heard Silveria's advice.     

''Master, quickly wear your eye patch in the case Gracier wakes up. The first time your wake up, you looked at us, however, while Leena and I, didn't suffer from locking eyes with you, Gracier almost breaks under that deadly eye of yours.''      

''What?" Alex asked surprised as he was not aware of something like this happened, he quickly put back the eye patch on his right eye.     

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