Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 171: A Glimpse

Chapter 171: A Glimpse

0''Silveria, I was thinking that I'll give you another name,'' Alex said all of sudden.     

Silveria's eyes widened, ''Why all of sudden?"      

Alex scratched his head rather embarrassedly,     

''Well, you know I kinda feel like your current name is too simple, little lame if I may be blunt.''      

Silveria looked at her master strangely for a moment.      

''What is it?" Alex asked, he was feeling uncomfortable under Silveria's stare.      

Instead of answering him, Silveria burst into laughter, after laughing for a while she said.     

''My bad, it's kinda funny when you said that you feel like my name is too simple. I wonder what you were thinking about that day when you were giving me my current name?''      

''Ugh!" Alex's body stiffened.      

Truth be told, that time he just gave her a name without much thinking. Thinking about it now, it was kinda rude. It was why he decided to give her another name, he thought that the name he was about to give her now suits her more.     

''Nemesis, I'll add this name to your current one,'' he said, proud of this name. He expected her to be happy.     

However, the moment Silveria heard the name Nemesis she froze.      

Alex waited for her reaction, however, he heard nothing no matter how long he waited, finally he looked at her to find her frozen as if time had stopped for her.      

''Silveria, what is it? You don't like the new name I give you?"      

''No, no, it's not that. I'm just surprised. Nemesis huh! A fitting name for the nemesis of mages. I like it, my name will be Silveria Nemesis.'' Silveria said with a smile, however to Alex her current smile seemed strained.      

Before he could probe further to know the reason why she was acting so unusually, Silveria disappeared, before leaving she said.     

''Sorry, Master I'm feeling sleepy. Wish you good night.''      

Alex could only sigh when he saw her leave like that. In turn, he decided to sleep, he was rather tired by everything that had happened today.      


Late in the night.      

Alex who was sleeping body kept twitching nonstop, it was as if he was experiencing a nightmare, a pretty terrible nightmare.     

Currently, Alex was standing somewhere, on a battlefield, he scanned his surrounding everywhere he looks at it was destruction, only destruction. He could hear the sound of an intense fight, he saw a blue-haired girl fighting, this girl was injured, suddenly she got blasted away by what seemed to be a tail, she stabilized herself after one kilometer, suddenly something tried to attack, however, a purple-haired girl with black wings like that of a fallen angel rescued the blue-haired girl from a certain death.     

Alex saw someone dressed in golden armor desperately fighting, another one dressed in red armor was helping him. A golden-haired woman dressed in white seemed to be casting a large-scale spell.      

Someone was shouting in Alex's direction, it was an extremely beautiful woman, white hair and golden eyes, behind her was a big tree that seemed like it could pierce the sky. This woman was shouting at Alex, more importantly, her finger was direct toward Alex's arms.      

It was at that moment Alex became aware of something cold in his arms, lowering his head like a broken robot, he saw that he was holding beauty in his arms, beautiful lustrous black hair and blue eyes, however currently there was no light inside her eyes no more, she was dead, even so, she was looking at him with a smile as if to say 'Don't worry, I do not regret it. It's worth it and I believe in you. Live well.'     

Alex felt like his world had been broken apart, he had forgotten that he was badly injured. His world was broken apart, everything disappeared, no cries, no sound, no battlefield only endless darkness was what he was currently seeing, he stayed silent for a couple of seconds and he said,      

''I won't accept it. I will kill you all.''      

His current voice was so low, so cold that it could freeze one soul, he couldn't believe it was him that uttered such words, there was no emotion behind his words no hatred, only the will to destroy. To destroy everything.     

Suddenly, everything went dark and Alex woke up in the real-life, inside his room in the Blue Haven Villa.      

''Ah! Ah! Ah!" He gasped for breath. Alex held his head feeling an intense headache. His head was throbbing like crazy.     

''What was that?" He asked himself, he couldn't recall everything but he knew he was holding someone dear to him, someone dear to him who had lost her life, as for the identity of this person, he couldn't tell, he couldn't even her features clearly, everything was blurry. Even so, he was truly afraid of such a thing happening.      

Suddenly, he noticed blood in his hand, his right hand to be more accurate.      

''What the hell?"      

He looks at his right hand to check if he was injured without him knowing, however, no matter how many he checked he didn't find any injury. It was then, he noticed blood dripping onto the bed, the blood was dripping from his right eye, he unconsciously touched his right eye where the death's eye is, it was indeed bleeding, his right eye was tightly shut.      

Before he could further check what happening, he was assaulted by sudden fatigue, this was not physical fatigue, it was more like a mental one. He immediately fell asleep.      

Silveria appeared, she seemed extremely worried, she cleaned Alex's right eye, she cleaned all the blood on the bed with the flick of her fingers. She then helped Alex to put the blanket on. She caressed his face while muttering,      

''It was why I didn't want to tell you anything. Because of what you heard you unconsciously sought power to be stronger and the result is this. I don't know what happened but I promise I'll be there for you, we will, we will try everything we can, so don't worry.''      

As if her words had reached Alex, his tensed-up body after what he experienced loosened and his breathing became even.     

Silveria did not leave, she took a chair nearby and sat. She decided to watch Alex's sleeping face. She found his current face cute, a vulnerable Alex was cute, somehow it triggered her motherly side and at the same time, she wanted to pray pranks on the defenseless Alex.      

''Ah! I should control myself.'' she berated herself.     

''Nemesis huh! I never thought I'd be called like that ever again. I have almost forgotten it. How long it has been? 1 million years? 2 million? I can't remember anymore. Hah!'' she sighed looking blankly at the ceiling.      

When suddenly her eyes turned cold so cold that you could have mistaken them as her sister's eyes,      

''This time none of them will be spared, even if I have to disappeared I'll make them pay.''      

Her voice was full of hatred, unconsciously her silver eyes turned crimson, immediately all the lights in the mansion, even outside stopped working as if someone had cut off their source of energy. Everything was working using magic stones, it was to say magic. The scene of a whole mansion turning suddenly dark was eerie, so eerie that it was disturbing.     

Everything returned normal soon, Silveria was unaware of what happened. She did not know that her eyes had changed color for a moment, she was too lost in her world, she was remembering all she had lost. It was too painful, nobody should experience this.     

However, while Silveria was unaware of what happened, somewhere someone saw it, she was surprised, her piercing blue eyes twitched.      

''Who would have to? He's Indeed different. However, it's dangerous for him to unlock that ability at his current stage. I'll seal it.'' she said, her voice was emotionless.     

She made hands seals albeit with difficulty because she was chained against an obsidian throne, the black chains were tightly wrapped around her body and the obsidian throne.      

After her hands' seals finished, a blue pentagram composed of unknown characters appeared out of thin air before fleeing toward Alex, the blue pentagram entered inside his right eye, currently, inside Alex's right eye something was revolving however it stopped after the blue pentagram entered the eye. For a moment, that thing wanted to fight back, however, it failed, the blue pentagram was too strong thus managed to seal it. Alex's right eye returned to the way it used to when he first obtained it.      

~Back to chained woman's side.     

She sighed, she seemed exhausted as if she had just performed a rather heavy task. Her blue eyes pierced through space, her eyes seemed to peer through the third layers (Lower, Middle and Higher realm), she saw myriad of worlds, in some world people were fighting, destroying things, in another one they're living happily, in another one people went on an expedition to conquer more lands.     

However to her, to what she had been through, she considered what she had seen to be peaceful.     

''Ignorance is a kind of happiness,'' she mumbled. She couldn't help but let another sigh escape as she knew what was about to happen in the future, the approaching darkness, the darkness that wants to swallow everything, leaving only destruction behind.      

Closing her eyes, she murmured, ''Maybe with him, things will change. Maybe I may change.''      

Even though her voice was still emotionless, it held a tiny amount of hope. The hope that everything wasn't lost. The hope that something may change in the future.      

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