Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 263: On the Girl's side 2

Chapter 263: On the Girl's side 2

0Looking in front of her, Maria was shocked to find another two identical monsters appeared.     

The battlefield turned silent at that moment.     

To be more accurate, one of the new monsters that appeared was a little different from the others; it had a snake tail.      

Luna, Sakuya, and Gracier quickly jumped back and warily looked at new monsters.      

''Alexia, are you okay?" Luna asked.      

''Don't worry, I'm fine. Those monsters will be hard to deal with, especially that chimera one.'' Maria glared at the black goblin with a tail.     


The goblin chimera moved so did Maria.     

Sakuya and Gracier also moved to take care of one of the remaining two black goblins, while Luna dashed toward the goblin Maria had also killed. She knew she must quickly take care of this monster to assist Maria.      

Luna threw a punch straight at the head of that black goblin, and because her body was enhanced, her fist was pretty fast.      

Even so, the black goblin was able to dodge the blow by tilting his head to one side and send a kick toward Luna at the same time.      

A white shield appeared right before the goblin leg could strike Luna; she summoned her staff and used it to bash the black goblin. He couldn't dodge in time, so he was pushed a couple of steps back.      


Just as Luna was about to pursue the black goblin, she was forced to stop and immediately prepared her next move.      

Hiding among the dead goblin, an injured black goblin shaman finally finished casting his spell; he launched it.      

Hiss! Whoosh!      

A gigantic viper made from dark energy widened its jaw and pounced on Luna.     

And Luna, who was seemingly unable to react in time, was swallowed by the viper entirely.      

''I did it.''      

That was what the black goblin shaman thought. Even the goblin Luna was fighting against thought the same because he knows how powerful that spell is.      

However, before they could celebrate, a dazzling, white light flashed past their eyes, blinding them.     


In the blink of an eye, the enormous viper exploded into bits of fragments. The burning, holy energy surged like blazing flames, devouring the snake.      

Before they could open their eyes, Luna had already flashed next to the black goblin, her right palm almost the left chest of the black goblin and,      

''Holy beam''      

A blaring white light was shot from her palm and tore through the goblin's chest, leaving a big hole there.      

Everything happened too fast, and by the time the black goblin shaman could utter a word, a white arrow punctured his head, instantly killing him.     

''Hah.. hah. Hah!"      

Luna panted, she started to feel dizzy, and she knew the reason for the current feeling of dizziness. It was because she almost depleted her MP. She quickly took out a Mana recovery potion and drunk it in one gulp.      

''Pouah! It doesn't matter how many times I drunk it; I can never get used to its taste. Time to help others.''      

Quickly scanning the battlefield, Luna saw that Gracier and Sakuya battle was nearing the end; there was no need for assistance; however, Maria was struggling against the black goblin chimera.      

There were a few injuries on her body. The chimera, on the other hand, could regenerate at will, making him troublesome to deal with.      

However, Luna had the solution against such an opponent.      

Creating five white arrows around her, Luna launched them at the chimera; it was to obstruct him to give Maria enough time to jump back for Luna to treat her injuries.      

It worked, and by the time that chimera managed to take care of Luna's arrows, Maria had received treatment and heard about Luna's plan.     

Maria couldn't help but smile as she shot forward like a bullet, her sword aimed at the neck of the chimera; however, it couldn't connect, it got blocked by the chimera battle-ax.      

It was a moment a white ball came from behind Maria's back and exploded, covering her body and the chimera's body.      

The black goblin chimera bellowed because he started to feel uncomfortable, as if something was changed inside his body, and he soon got the answer.      

Maria switched to daggers, her speed increased, leaving afterimages behind she slashed at the chimera from all sides.      

Numerous wounds appeared on the monster's body, and unlike the previous times when the monster's body get healed at astonishing speed, this time something like that didn't happen; this surprised the monster, he wondered what happened to its body?      

However, he didn't have the leisure to think about it as new enemies appeared and joined the battle.     

Moving his great battle-ax, the monster blocked Sakuya's katana; his tail forced Maria back.      

Like an angel of death, Gracier, with her flaming wings, descended from the sky intending to slice the chimera into two; Sakuya had already jumped back.      


The chimera managed to block Gracier's scythe with his ax; however, he was forced to jump back because flame burst out from the scythe and tried to swallow him.      

Swoosh! Swoosh!      

Boom! Boom!     

Before the monster could stabilize his body, he was attacked by light arrows. (A/N: also known as White Arrows)     

Annoyed, the chimera bellowed, his muscles bulged to their limit, and he sent his right fist crashing against those arrows. Using his remaining arm that held the great ax, he blocked Sakuya's katana. The force of their clash sent Sakuya crashing back.      

Fortunately, Maria happened to be on her trajectory; she quickly caught her body before placing her down.      

Before she could ask Sakuya anything, a chilliness erupted deep down in Maria's heart without any warnings, instantly engulfing her entire body. She knew death was coming.      

The chimera had flashed next to them; her great battle-ax raised high, ready to claim their life.      

Luna couldn't make it in time; before her arrows could strike, the great battle-ax would have claimed their life.      

In this hopeless situation, Gracier moved; she shouted out of her lungs to catch the monster's attention.      

''You scum!"      

And it worked. Gracier immediately unleashed Dragon's eyes with all her might.      

The chimera froze for a second; Luna's white arrows arrived before the monster and exploded against him.      

A flame whip coiled around Maria's and Sakuya waists, and they were dragged back.      

Everything happened too fast, and by the time the monster was able to see again, the girls had been rescued.      


The black goblin chimera roared before charging toward the girls. Maria and Sakuya went to intercept him. They exchanged dozen of moves before falling back, leaving Luna and Gracier the opportunity to shine.      

More than forty arrows were shot at the chimera, light arrows mixed with fire arrows.      

The chimera roared; his roar was so loud that it managed to divert some of the arrows from their original target; he took care of the remaining by cutting them down.      

However, Maria and Sakuya didn't continue to attack him as he thought; they stood each at Gracier side; Luna had her hands put on top of Gracier's back.      

The monster had a bad feeling; he tried to launch his great battle-ax at Gracier; however, it was already too late.      

Luna poured almost all of her remaining MP into Gracier's body.      

''Go!!" She shouted before falling back to the ground.      

A sadistic smile found its way on Gracier's beautiful face.      

''Blossom.'' She said and,      

A beautiful fire lotus appeared out of the ground instantly before exploding, swallowing the black goblin chimera.      

Even though a normal monster would have died after such a big explosion, the chimera was still alive; however, he was a pretty bad shape, one of his legs and arm were gone. The monster was half-kneeling using his great battle-ax.      

He knew he was going to die, so he held his head high; he matched his black eyes with Maria's blue eyes before the latter swung her sword to behead him. Thus the battle came to an end.      

The girls sat on the ground to rest.      

''Seriously, what happened?'' Sakuya asked.      

''I don't know, but I can speculate that we are on the higher floor,'' Maria told them her hypothesis.      

''I wonder why it happened, though.''      

It was Luna who said this. Gracier stayed silent before speculating.      

''Maybe it was man-made. I have this feeling.''      


The others shouted unintentionally before Luna became worried.      

''I hope Alex is doing fine.''      

She was not the only one concerned about Alex's wellbeing; the others as well couldn't help but pray for Alex's safety now that they knew someone could alter their destination inside the dungeon.      

After resting for a moment, the girls moved, they decided to explore this floor.      

Meanwhile, on the other side, Alex's group was fighting.     

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