Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 280: Phantom Snake 2

Chapter 280: Phantom Snake 2

0Alex looked at the girls for an instant before vanishing, and when he reappeared again, he was in the sky descending toward the Phantom Snake; Isabella was surprised she almost shouted to ask if Alex could fly, only Artemia and the Phantom Snake were able to see what happened. Alex accelerated for a moment before using a tree as a stepping stone to jump high in the sky; everything happened in an instant.     

Just as the Phantom Snake was about to spit his poison at the foolish human that thinks he could challenge him, the monster stopped, the Phantom Snake was confused, his body became lighter all of a sudden, by the time he realized what was happening to him, the Phantom Snake found himself in the air, at the same place that human used to be. If the Phantom Snake could make a human's expression, he would have put on a surprised expression; unfortunately he couldn't.      

Alex, who used Shadow Shift on the Phantom Snake, aimed at the floating snake and fired.      


A Phantom bullet was fired at the free-falling monster, and at the same time, as if Artemia could see the invisible bullet, she threw one of her glaives at it; the weapon was transformed into a bolt of black lightning before combining with Alex's Phantom bullet, a dark spear was created going straight toward the Phantom Snake; however, the Phantom Snake was not too be underestimated either, coiling around itself, he used his tail to strike the air to further propulse himself into, by doing this the Phantom Snake was able to dodge Alex and Artemia combined attack.      

Before the Phantom Snake could take a breather, the next attack was already upon it in the form of a gigantic water snake not losing to him in terms of height.      


Being made fun of, the Phantom Snake hissed furiously before opening its mouth so wide that it appeared as if he wished to swallow the incoming water snake; however, instead of doing that, the Phantom Snake spurt a huge poison that clashed against Isabella's Water snake.     

BOOM! Rumble!     

A big explosion occurred when the Phantom Snake poison clashed against Isabella's Water snake, creating a rumbling sound that shook the forest. The explosion was so big that the Phantom Snake was swept into it.     

''Have we won?" Isabella couldn't help but ask this; Alex's plans were pretty simple, he would first attack the monster, attract its attention before using his skill on him to switch place it before the second plan would begin, if the monster succeeds in even coming out unscathed of the second plan then Isabella would strike using her strongest attack. When the trio communicated via Silveria's channel (what the person herself wished to call it), they decided on these plans.     

Alex and Artemia were focused on the sky, thus didn't have the leisure to answer Isabella, their sights were blocked, Alex's Divine Sense range was huge enough to cover the sky, let's say he couldn't direct it toward a specific location, and he didn't wish to rely on Silveria's Divine sense, he couldn't have the time to hone his skill if he were to do that, unconsciously he would start to always ask for her help, that is something he doesn't want.     

When Alex was lost in thought, he heard Silveria's warning.      

〖Master, careful that monster hasn't died yet he is planning-〗     

Silveria's words were cut short because, at that instant, Alex saw a small black snake (less than one meter) flying toward Isabella's neck, its fangs and tail ready to tear apart the latter neck.      

Artemia finally noticed that something was amiss; however, she couldn't move in time even if she used her lightning.     

''Isabella, watch out.''     

Alex shouted before aiming his gun at Isabella.      

''What?" Isabella shouted when she saw Alex pointing his gun at her; she felt an ominous feeling, the feeling of death coming close; this didn't come from Alex, but from behind her, even though she wished to turn around and confront the enemy, her body froze feeling heavy burden, it was the small Phantom Snake domain, it was for this exact reason Silveria refused that Alex uses Shadow Shift on Isabella, he would die as when using Shadow Shift for a brief instant Alex would be vulnerable, so imagine what would happen if he was in that snake domain? He might lose his life; therefore, Alex opted for another solution, a radical one.      

Just now, he shouted Isabella's name to draw her attention, more accurately to draw out her body instinctual reaction when she would see a gun pointed at her; Isabella unconsciously raised her spear even when under the Phantom Snake domain, and then,      


A bullet left the silver gun and tore through the air; simultaneously, the Phantom Snake's fangs and its tail were about to pierce Isabella's neck; however, the bullet was faster than the Phantom Snake; the bluish bullet struck Isabella's spear.      


Isabella vomited a mouthful of blood and was sent flying by the bullet recoil when it clashed against the spear shaft; her body collided against the frozen snake that didn't think Alex would strike its comrade; it was thanks to this momentarily pause that Alex's goal was achieved.      

He hoped to save Isabella's life by striking her spear shaft; he was sure that the monster would be surprised as he first thought Alex would bluff and shoot at him in the end.      

Even so, the Phantom Snake still lived to its name; after being sent flying alongside Isabella, who fainted halfway through, the Phantom Snake twisted its body midair before spitting a poison needle at Alex.      


Everything happened too fast; Alex couldn't dodge in time; his left shoulder was pierced and became paralyzed, forcing him to drop Silveria.      

At the same time that this was happening, the Phantom Snake regained its original form and tried to finish Alex off; however, like a Lightning Goddess, the furious Artemia clad in black lightning descended from the sky and struck the Phantom Snake in the back.      


The Phantom Snake hissed, however this time, it was of pain; Artemia was surprised that even her strong attack managed to injure the snake slightly.     

Suddenly, she frowned because, from the injured Phantom Snake's back, its black blood started to transform into a mist that tried to invade Artemia's body through her pores; she knew it would be a bad end if she let it succeed, therefore she jumped back.      

At the same time, Alex made a move; he was extremely pissed right now, irritated that half of his body was paralyzed; using his death's eye to momentarily froze the Phantom Snake, he used Synthesize.     


The super bullet blew the Phantom Snake head off before he couldn't even understand what happened.      


At the same tim,e when the Phantom Snake body headless body touched the ground, Alex followed.     

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