Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 179: Day Two (I)

Chapter 179: Day Two (I)


Yun Che awoke to the gentle embrace of morning, feeling utterly refreshed after a restful sleep. His companions, Mio, Retsu, Nemu, and Cang Yue, surrounded him in their usual sleeping arrangement, their presence a comforting embrace that filled him with warmth.

"Ufuuu, ohayo (Good morning), Yuu-kun. Thank you for the lovely rest," Retsu greeted him with a tender kiss on the cheek before snuggling closer.

"Danna-sama… cuddles…" Mio murmured, her arms wrapped tightly around him as if unwilling to let go of the moment.

"Eh… is it morning already?" Cang Yue's voice was soft and slightly groggy as she stirred from her slumber, her eyes blinking sleepily as she took in the scene around her.

And then there was Nemu, still clinging to her sister's body like a precious pillow, her peaceful expression a picture of serenity.

"Hai-hai… Good morning to my fiancées as well…." Yun Che chuckled affectionately, his heart swelling with gratitude for the incredible companionship he shared with these extraordinary women. "Let's get up and get some breakfast ready. We have a big day ahead of us."

"Hai…" Retsu, Mio, and Cang Yue responded in unison, their voices filled with anticipation for the day ahead. After enjoying the Special Soba the night before, Yun Che had promised them a special breakfast to start the day off right.

"After your morning bath…" Yun Che interrupted their excitement with a mischievous grin, knowing full well their eagerness for breakfast.

"Ehhhh…." The other four responded with less enthusiasm, their stomachs grumbling in protest at the delay in their meal plans.

"Don't 'Ehh' me, morning baths first, then your hair grooming. Then we eat." Yun Che's grin widened as he anticipated the inevitable protests, secretly relishing the chance to pamper his beloved companions.

"Hai…" Despite their initial reluctance, all four nodded with a smile, knowing that Yun Che's insistence on their morning rituals was an expression of his love and care for them. They exchanged knowing glances, silently agreeing to indulge him this time.

As they made their way to the bathing area, Yun Che stretched out leisurely, enjoying the sight of his companions' laughter and chatter. He couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the thought of grooming their beautiful hair, a task he looked forward to every morning.

But before he could fully relax, Cang Yue's voice broke through his reverie, her shy demeanor catching his attention.

"Before that, Yun Che…I would like to ask for a favor." she began, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush as she hesitated.

"What kind of favor?" Yun Che's curiosity was piqued, his gaze turning to Cang Yue with genuine interest.

"It's about Nezuko." Cang Yue spoke, and he now wonders why 'Nezuko'?


The arena buzzed with anticipation as the competitors prepared for another day of fierce battles. After yesterday's astonishing results, where Yun Che, Retsu, Cang Yue, and Xia Yuanba defied expectations by triumphing in five consecutive matches, the air crackled with excitement and disbelief.

"Did you see those matches yesterday? Three True Profound Realm warriors shaking up the tournament like that... it's unheard of!" exclaimed a bewildered disciple from one of the sects, his eyes wide with amazement.

"Yeah, it's insane! They were facing opponents from higher realms and holding their own. Talk about punching above your weight!" chimed in another, clearly impressed but also envious of their success.

"Seriously, their luck must be off the charts. I mean, even Princess Cang Yue was facing opponents from the Spirit Profound Realm, and she still managed to dominate. If I had that kind of luck, I'd be on an undefeated streak too," grumbled a disgruntled disciple, feeling the weight of his own less fortunate draws.

A nearby disciple scoffed at the complaint. "Luck? It's not just about luck. It takes skill, determination, and guts to face opponents from higher realms when you're at a disadvantage. Let's see you try fighting someone several levels above you while you're barely holding on in your own realm!"

The complainer fell silent, unable to come up with a retort. Indeed, the feats achieved by Yun Che and the others were nothing short of remarkable, earning them admiration and envy alike from their fellow competitors. As the arena braced for another day of intense battles, the question on everyone's mind was whether they could maintain their impressive streak and secure their spot in the next round of the tournament.

As the first light of dawn kissed the horizon, the grandstands of the arena swelled with spectators, even more crowded than the day before. Eager eyes awaited the spectacle of the tournament, drawn by the promise of witnessing the brilliance of the geniuses from the four great sects and the enigmatic contenders like Yun Che, Retsu, Cang Yue, and Xia Yuanba.

Among the throng, Xia Yuanba scanned the bustling arena, his gaze searching for his brother-in-law. Yet, despite the fervent activity around him, his thoughts kept drifting back to the encounter with the sisters from last night, particularly Mai, the older sibling. Her image lingered in his mind, disrupting his sleep with persistent thoughts.

Meanwhile, in the distinguished seating of the Blue Wind Imperial Family, a shimmering portal materialized, revealing a familiar figure stepping through alongside Cang Yue. With a graceful flourish, the portal closed behind her, seamlessly blending her arrival into the surroundings. Adorned in her modified Narakumi's Law battle kimono and armed with her three swords, Cang Yue exuded an air of confidence and elegance. Beside her, a small figure clung to her hand, reminiscent of a younger sister by her side.

With a warm smile, Cang Yue directed the little one to wait momentarily as she approached her father, who had arrived earlier alongside Xue Ling and the other imperial protectors. Spotting Xia Yuanba waving in her direction, Cang Yue reciprocated with a cheerful wave before continuing on her path to greet her father.

"Yue'er… Congratulations on your victory yesterday," Cang Wanhe beamed with pride as he congratulated his daughter. Seeing her grown up and achieving success filled him with immense joy.

"Thank you, Father," Cang Yue replied, bowing respectfully. Her father's approval meant the world to her, especially in such a prestigious event.

Xue Ling, standing beside Cang Wanhe, then affectionately patted Cang Yue's head, her expression full of sisterly pride. The respect and admiration from those around them only added to the moment. Cang Yue knew she had to continue performing well to uphold her family's honor.

"Give it your all again today," Xue Ling encouraged before Cang Yue excused herself momentarily. With a determined look, she retreated to a corner and returned, leading a small child by the hand.

Cang Wanhe and Xue Ling's eyes widened in surprise as they beheld the beautiful black-haired child adorned in a vibrant oversized pink kimono with a delicate ribbon adorning her hair. The child's presence captivated everyone around, leaving them in awe of her beauty.

"Yue'er, who is this?" Cang Wanhe asked, his curiosity piqued along with that of the guards and Imperial Protectors present.

With a warm smile, Cang Yue dropped the bombshell, leaving everyone shocked to the core. "This is Nezuko, Master's daughter. He visited this morning to wish me luck and entrusted her to my care for the day. I'm certain she'd love to see the tournament as well."


It was quite a humorous predicament that morning. Cang Yue had requested a Nezuko clone, as she had somehow promised Chu Yueli that she would bring her over that day. So, Yun Che delved into the inner world and crafted a five-year-old Nezuko faux body. Crafting the body was easy enough, considering he had paid 10000SP per body. But there was one major problem: he couldn't find a suitable soul to control it.

Despite his pleas, Jasmine rejected his request instantly, causing Yun Che to clasp his hands together in a desperate plea. "Please..." he implored, but Jasmine sighed in refusal for the fifth time.

"I won't do it," she stated firmly, her resolve unyielding.

Yun Che tried to appeal to her sense of duty, mentioning Xuyi's successor, but Jasmine remained resolute. "I want to help the girl, but you know I have my... tendencies against other women," she explained. "I might tolerate everyone in here, but I can't say the same for those outside."

Her deep-seated aversion to women outside of their inner world was not easily overcome, even for the sake of fulfilling a promise to Cang Yue.

"Well, there's that," Yun Che sighed, acknowledging Jasmine's valid reasons. Giving up on requesting her help, he settled next to Jasmine under the spirit tree, where Yuuki himself sat. The other spirits around him were thoroughly enjoying themselves - Saru and Hebi played alongside the semi-enlarged Ryuu, while Mizu and Kaze engaged in a game of tag with Tori the phoenix and Yoruko. The Snow Sisters, meanwhile, enjoyed a tranquil teatime with Yoru.

"So, any idea who in this world I can ask for help?" Yun Che inquired, turning to Jasmine for advice.

"Can't you ask the other souls to help you?" Jasmine suggested, observing the lively scene around them.

Yun Che shook his head. "Nope, none of them have tendencies like the real Nezuko," he explained, scanning the spirits nearby. Hoyuu and Zangetsu were out of the question, as were the Snow Sisters. Zabimaru was also unsuitable. Even the twin Sogyo No Kotowari were a no-go; Mizu and Kaze were inseparable.

Yun Che's gaze then shifted towards a particular bubbly child playing tag with Mizu and Kaze. Perhaps she would fit the bill.


"Mi… Mihawk's daughter?" Xue Ling stammered, her voice filled with astonishment. Cang Yue confirmed with a nod, revealing that Yun Che had ingeniously crafted the appearance of Nezuko using the assistance of his sword spirit, Yoruko. This revelation left Xue Ling even more astonished. She couldn't believe she was standing before the daughter of such a renowned figure.

Yun Che had sought Yoruko's help, but it came with a condition—he couldn't wield her as a weapon during her assistance as Nezuko. Despite this limitation, Yun Che found it worthwhile, especially since Yoruko was amiable and easily adaptable. Cang Yue had spent the morning with Yoruko, briefing her on how to blend in seamlessly and avoid raising suspicions. Yoruko nodded happily, seeming to accept her temporary role as Nezuko.

Xue Ling was taken aback by the sight of Nezuko, the daughter she had only heard about during Mihawk's previous visit. She was intrigued, wanting to learn more about this girl who was rumored to be the Heaven's Child—a five-year-old prodigy already at the First Level Earth Profound Realm. The story of her upbringing with only her father as her paternal figure added another layer of complexity to her tale.

Maybe, if she could step up…...

"Ehee… Oji-chan," Yoruko, playing the role of Nezuko, chimed in with her bubbly, friendly personality, instantly endearing herself to those around her.

"Oji-chan…?" Cang Wanhe's brow furrowed in confusion, while Cang Yue blushed at the unexpected term. Yoruko's choice of address for her father was both surprising and heartwarming.

"In master's birthplace, it meant grandfather," Cang Yue explained, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Introducing her father to Yoruko as if she were her own daughter felt strangely intimate.

"G… grand…" Cang Wanhe's eyes widened in astonishment. The child had just called him 'grandfather'? The realization filled him with a mix of disbelief and joy. It had been a long-held wish of his to have grandchildren of his own, and now, hearing this young girl address him in such a manner stirred his heart. "Little Nezuko, call me grandfather."

"Onee-chan!" 'Nezuko' turned to Xue Ling, bowing respectfully before addressing her with the term 'big sister.'

"It means big sister," Cang Yue explained, anticipating Xue Ling's questions and providing the necessary context.

"Yue'er, if I may… What is 'mother' in that language of hers?" Xue Ling inquired with a hint of shyness, making mental notes for future reference. "Just curious."

Cang Yue observed Xue Ling's behavior with interest, sensing there was more to her curiosity than met the eye. However, she chose not to dwell on it for the moment. "It means 'Okaa-san' or 'Haha,' I believe. Why do you ask?"

"Ummm… just curious," Xue Ling replied, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush as she quickly changed the subject. "Ahem, are you planning to leave her here?"

Cang Yue's smirk quickly dissolved into a composed facade as she cleared her throat. "Ehee... I wish, but someone has already volunteered to look after her."

"Eh? You can just leave her here, I can look after her," Xue Ling interjected eagerly, even Cang Wanhe's echoing the sentiment with visible excitement. His eagerness to care for Little Nezuko was palpable, evident in the way his eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"I'm sorry, big sis. I've already made arrangements. I can leave her in the palace some other time. You can look after her then," Cang Yue apologized with a bow, 'Nezuko' mimicking the gesture with adorable innocence.

Xue Ling couldn't help but feel curious about Cang Yue's choice of caretaker for Nezuko. Entrusting her to the Frozen Cloud Asgard, particularly Chu Yueli, raised questions in her mind, but she refrained from voicing them aloud.

However, before the conversation could progress further, a spectator's voice pierced through the air, drawing the attention of the crowd. "Oi... isn't that little one familiar?"

The murmurs rippled through the audience, and soon, all eyes were fixed on Nezuko. The mention of her name, coupled with her striking appearance, ignited a frenzy of recognition. She was none other than the Heaven's Child, the enigmatic figure whose legend had spread far and wide across the Imperial City.

In an instant, Nezuko became the center of attention in the Sword Discourse Arena. Sects and factions who had heard rumors of her lineage were bewildered to see her in the flesh, confirming the truth behind the speculations.

Amidst the whispers and murmurs, the Xiao Sect's reaction was particularly tense. Gritting their teeth, they saw an opportunity to strike, realizing that targeting the renowned swordsman's daughter could be a means of retaliation. However, they were not alone in their thoughts, as other sects weighed the risks and benefits of approaching the Heaven's Child.

With her newfound fame and attention, Nezuko unwittingly became a pawn in the power struggles of the martial world. Yet, for those who understood the implications of her presence, it was clear that she was not to be underestimated, for behind her stood a father whose influence and protection loomed large.

Ling Yun sat in the Heavenly Sword Villa's seating zone, his mind consumed by the events of the previous night. The encounter with the heavenly goddesses had left him seething with frustration. Despite his efforts, he had been summarily dismissed, his presence deemed insignificant in their eyes. The rejection stung, igniting a fierce determination within him.

His thoughts then turned to Yun Che, a name that sparked a flame of resentment within him. Ling Yun felt compelled to prove himself, not only to the heavenly goddesses but also to himself. If they favored strength, then he would show them strength beyond compare. He would surpass Yun Che and make them regret overlooking him.

"Big bro! It's the Heaven's Child, she's as beautiful as they described!" Ling Jie's excited voice interrupted Ling Yun's thoughts, drawing his attention to the source of the commotion. Nezuko, the Heaven's Child, stood before them, her presence captivating.

"Heaven's Child?" Ling Yun echoed, his gaze fixed on Nezuko. The rumors surrounding her had spread far and wide, painting a picture of unparalleled talent and beauty. To think that such a young child could possess cultivation levels far beyond his own was humbling. She was a true prodigy, a genius among geniuses.

As Ling Yun contemplated Nezuko's status, another rumor surfaced in his mind: that she was the daughter of the renowned swordsman. This revelation only served to elevate her status even further, making her untouchable to those beneath her. Ling Yun couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority in her presence, a stark reminder of the vast gulf that separated them in terms of strength and status.

Ling Yuefeng observed Nezuko with a mixture of curiosity and awe. For such a young child, she possessed both remarkable beauty and extraordinary cultivation prowess. He couldn't help but wonder about the identity and background of her father, whose influence clearly played a significant role in shaping her remarkable abilities.

However, Ling Yuefeng's attention soon shifted to his wife, Xuanyuan Yufeng, who had been behaving strangely since morning. Gone was her usual affectionate demeanor; instead, she seemed distant and withdrawn, barely acknowledging his presence. Ling Yuefeng attempted to reach out to her, only to be met with a sharp rebuff, as if his touch was unwelcome. Even her interactions with male servants had taken a bizarre turn, with Yufeng showing an unprecedented kindness towards them while shunning the company of men.

The sudden change in Yufeng's behavior left Ling Yuefeng perplexed and concerned. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss, especially when he noticed the troubled expression clouding her features.

As for Yufeng herself, she was grappling with a profound sense of disorientation and confusion. Her memories felt fragmented and disjointed, as if she had awoken from a long and unsettling dream. The last thing she remembered was receiving a gift from Ling Yuefeng—a token of his appreciation that promised to enhance her cultivation tenfold. Yet, when she awoke this morning, she found herself in a reality that felt strangely unfamiliar.

Desperate for answers, Yufeng gently and kindly interrogated her female servants, only to learn that she had been living as the villa mistress for twenty-three years, married to Ling Yuefeng and bearing him two children. Shocked and disbelieving, she struggled to reconcile these revelations with her own fragmented memories. How could she have forgotten an entire lifetime?

Haunted by the unsettling gap in her memory, Yufeng couldn't help but wonder if her entire existence had been nothing more than an illusion. She couldn't recall her wedding to Ling Yuefeng or the births of her children—moments that should have been among the most significant in her life. Instead, she was left with a profound sense of loss and confusion, grappling with the realization that her past might not be as she remembered it.

As the truth of her forgotten past began to unravel before her, Xuanyuan Yufeng felt a surge of disbelief and horror coursing through her veins. How could she have become someone so unrecognizable, someone capable of such cruelty and vindictiveness? The revelation left her reeling, her mind struggling to grasp the enormity of what she had apparently become during the twenty-three-year gap in her memory.

The sight of Ling Yuefeng during breakfast triggered a flood of emotions within her, chief among them a seething, irrational hatred that seemed to consume her from within. It was as if he embodied all the confusion and anger she felt about her lost memories, and she longed to confront him, to demand answers. But deep down, she knew that without concrete evidence, her accusations would be dismissed as madness.

Determined to piece together the fragments of her fractured past, Yufeng turned to her servants for answers. Yet their initial reluctance to speak, born out of fear for their lives, only added to her mounting sense of unease. With patience and gentle reassurance, she managed to coax the truth from them, each revelation striking her like a blow to the gut.

The revelation that she had executed numerous women out of jealousy and suspicion left Yufeng sickened to her core. How could she have committed such heinous acts, driven by baseless paranoia and insecurity? The very thought of it made her stomach churn with revulsion. For the first time in her life, she found herself bowing in apology to her servants, a gesture of contrition and remorse that she had never imagined herself capable of. She even replaced all her servants with females to ensure she is comfortable around them.

Xuanyuan Yufeng stared at her reflection in the mirror, each glance only deepening her sense of disorientation and despair. The woman who stared back at her seemed like a stranger, her once youthful features now marked by the weight of unknown years and experiences. Despite her formidable cultivation at the Emperor Profound Realm, she felt aged, worn down by the burden of her forgotten past.

In a fit of frustration and anguish, Yufeng lashed out, her fist connecting with the unyielding surface of the mirror. The shattering glass seemed to echo her shattered sense of self, her memories fragmented and lost to the depths of oblivion. Where had her life gone? How had she become this shadow of her former self, robbed of her own identity and purpose?

And then there were her sons, Ling Yun and Ling Jie, two young men who bore her blood yet were strangers to her. Despite her lack of memories of raising them, her maternal instinct stirred within her, a primal force that refused to be extinguished. She couldn't hate them; they were innocent bystanders caught in the web of her lost memories.

But amidst the confusion and turmoil, one thing remained clear: Ling Yuefeng, her supposed husband, was at the center of it all. She remembered his persistent attempts to win her affection, her repeated rejections, and the final gift that had apparently plunged her into this nightmare. He had stolen her life from her, robbed her of her memories and her sense of self.

Yet, despite the overwhelming sense of betrayal and anger that threatened to consume her, Yufeng resolved to remain composed, to play her cards carefully. There were mysteries to unravel, hidden knowledge and skills that she possessed without explanation. She needed answers, and she knew that returning to the sacred ground was the first step towards reclaiming her lost identity and purpose.

Today, Xuanyuan Yufeng found herself reluctantly accompanying Ling Yuefeng to the arena, her presence demanded as the mistress of the Heavenly Sword Villa. Despite her inner turmoil and desire to escape, she knew she had to maintain the facade for now.

As they sat together with obvious distance, Ling Yuefeng attempted to engage her in conversation, but his words fell on deaf ears. Yufeng remained silent, her gaze fixed ahead, refusing to acknowledge her husband's presence. Even when Ling Yun and Ling Jie approached her with respect, she greeted them with a polite yet distant demeanor, her eyes betraying a deep-seated aversion to their male presence.

Ling Yuefeng couldn't help but wonder what had caused such a drastic change in his wife. She seemed softer, more gentle than before, her newfound warmth drawing the attention and admiration of the female servants around her. Yet, her attitude towards men, including himself and their sons, was one of cold indifference, as if they were unwelcome intruders in her world.

Despite his confusion and concern, Ling Yuefeng found himself powerless to bridge the growing divide between them. He received a note informing him that he was permanently barred from entering her room, leaving him bewildered and hurt. Any attempts to communicate with her were met with silence or outright refusal, her once warm demeanor replaced by an impenetrable wall of rejection.

Just like how Chu Yuechan refused him.

Recognizing the futility of further attempts to reach her, Ling Yuefeng resigned himself to the reality of their situation. As she was a member of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, he understood the importance of maintaining harmony and respect within their household, even if it meant sacrificing his own desires and emotions in the process.


"Oh my, Nezuko is surely popular," Cang Yue remarked with a sweatdrop, acknowledging the overwhelming attention her alternate form received. Gratefully, she could now appear as herself, allowing someone else to steal the spotlight. Taking 'Nezuko' by the hand, she guided her towards the railing of their special seating zone, aware of the curious gazes following their every move. As Cang Yue graced the crowd with her presence, the sight of the Imperial Princess alongside the beloved Nezuko was nothing short of enchanting. The girl, sweetly trailing behind her like a younger sibling following an elder, added to the allure as they made their way towards the Blue Wind Imperial Family's seating area.

Meanwhile, at the Frozen Cloud Asgard, Little Fairy's eyes widened as she caught wind of the murmurs surrounding Nezuko through her Haki. Had Cang Yue chosen to appear as Nezuko today? And if so, what about her own matches?

Soon, her voice reached out to Little Fairy through their mental link. "Sister Yuechan? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, sister Yue. What's this rumor I heard about Nezuko? Did you come as her? How are you going to fight later?" Little Fairy inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Don't worry, Ufuu…. Can you come here with Sister Yueli? I might have a surprise for her," Cang Yue replied, her excitement evident.

Understanding the urgency in her sister's voice, Little Fairy quickly sought permission from Gong Yuxian and, with her approval, the Asgardian fairies gracefully exited their seating zone. Drawing the attention of onlookers with their ethereal beauty, they made their way towards the Imperial Family's seating area, where they were met with a shocking sight.


"Sister Yue! This..." Little Fairy trailed off, her astonishment evident as they approached the private seating zone of the Blue Wind Imperial Family, only to find Nezuko standing beside Cang Yue. If Nezuko was here, then who was this girl?

"Ah, this one, don't worry. You can ask Yun Che. He's the one who made this possible," Cang Yue sweatdropped, feeling just as perplexed by Yun Che's inexplicable abilities. He seemed to conjure miracles with a snap of his fingers, whether it was bringing Nezuko to life or summoning Libra. "Please don't ask me. I don't know myself, and his explanation makes my head spin."

"Nezuko!" Chu Yueli's voice rang out as she arrived, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of the little one.

"Mama!" 'Nezuko' exclaimed, darting towards Chu Yueli and wrapping her arms around her legs. The term of endearment sent a surge of warmth through Chu Yueli's veins, as if she hadn't seen her child in ages. Unbeknownst to her, Cang Yue had instructed Yoruko to use that term if she encountered the woman with braids on her sides and her hair tied in a ponytail. Embracing 'Nezuko' tightly, Chu Yueli's actions spoke of a mother's longing for her child, even if the child before her was merely an illusion. Little Fairy sighed, remembered resisting her sister back then to venture out of the Asgard to see Nezuko.

"That rascal is really full of tricks, isn't he?" Little Fairy sighed, acknowledging Yun Che's knack for pulling off seemingly impossible feats. His methods remained a mystery, yet his ability to manifest a lifelike Nezuko was nothing short of miraculous.

"Yes, he does," Cang Yue agreed, marveling at Yun Che's ingenuity.

"Sister Yue! Did he drop her here?" Chu Yueli asked, her excitement barely contained. Thankfully, their seating zone was enchanted with a suppressing mute barrier, shielding their conversation from prying ears.

"Yes, he came by this morning and dropped off the little one. I'm sorry, he took off back into his training," Cang Yue explained, improvising as she went along.

"I see," Chu Yueli sighed, her disappointment evident. Yet, the presence of his daughter brought solace.

"Ufuu, probably he didn't have to worry and knows he left her with her mother. Correction, 'future' mother," Cang Yue teased, eliciting a blush from Chu Yueli.

"Sister Yue... please..." Chu Yueli's cheeks flushed brighter as she tried to contain her joy.

"Mama is like a strawberry," 'Nezuko' chimed in, observing Chu Yueli's red face with curiosity. The comparison brought a burst of happiness to Chu Yueli's heart, despite her confusion over the term 'strawberry'.

"I'm just teasing you... Well, I'll leave her in your care," Cang Yue said, entrusting Nezuko to Chu Yueli once more. Cang Yue's playful tease about her future role as Nezuko's mother filled Chu Yueli's heart with unexpected happiness.

"Where is rascal?" Little Fairy wondered as their private seating zone is empty and only Cang Yue is present.

"He'll be here shortly, they're probably preparing extra lunch," Cang Yue explained, recalling Yun Che's penchant for cooking even amidst a tournament.

"On this tournament, he still thinks about cooking?" Little Fairy sighed, amused by Yun Che's culinary dedication.

"You know him~~," Cang Yue chuckled, knowing Yun Che's passion for cooking all too well.

"Can't say I don't. He is indeed the man I adore," Little Fairy confessed, her cheeks tinted with a blush at the mention of Yun Che.

"By the way, you said yesterday that Retsu had a sister?" Little Fairy inquired, curious about the newcomer.

"Yes, she came from the Dead Spirit Realm as well to join her," Cang Yue explained, noting the resemblance between Retsu and her sister.

"What about that girl with the butterfly hairclip, Mio?" Little Fairy pressed for more information.

"Oh, that... it's best for you to get to know her yourself," Cang Yue replied cryptically, hinting that Mio was best understood through personal interaction.

"Onee-san, shall we head back to our seating? I can feel mother's cold aura," Chu Yueli interjected urgently.

"We're off, Sister Yue," Little Fairy nodded, preparing to depart as she can hold her questions for now.

"Mama! Upsies!" 'Nezuko' requested to lift her up, tugging at Chu Yueli's heartstrings as she happily oblige and cradle her.

"Nezuko, behave yourself," Cang Yue chided gently, addressing Yoruko with a mix of amusement as the real Nezuko was indeed her.

"Hai... Onee-chan!" 'Nezuko' nodded obediently before clutching her bamboo and following Chu Yueli, who happily cradled her in her arms. Onlookers couldn't help but be bewildered by the sight of Chu Yueli, the esteemed Fairy of Frozen Glass, embracing the Heaven's Child as if she were her own. Despite her efforts to maintain her composure, a small smile escaped Chu Yueli's lips, fueled by the assumption that she was Nezuko's mother.

"Look at her, cradling the child with such tenderness. It's like she's holding her own," remarked a member of the crowd, observing Chu Yueli's affectionate embrace of Nezuko. Across the arena, whispers and murmurs swirled as various sects speculated about the nature of their relationship.

"Do you think Chu Yueli is the child's real mother?" one curious observer wondered aloud.

"Impossible. Have you seen the Heaven's Child's distinct black hair and bright pink eyes? Chu Yueli doesn't resemble her at all. She's probably taken her under her wing as a disciple," another countered, pointing out the obvious differences in appearance.

"But doesn't the Frozen Cloud Asgard forbid its members from seeking love? Perhaps Nezuko is her child through a secret union," suggested a member of the Burning Heaven Clan, stirring the pot of gossip further.

"Nonsense! Chu Yueli is the wife of the empire's most formidable swordsman? Such accusations are baseless," protested others, refusing to entertain the idea that their esteemed figure would engage in such scandalous behavior.

"Or perhaps there's more to it. Could the Frozen Cloud Asgard be under the protection of Dracule Mihawk himself as he enrolled his child there? If so, they're untouchable," speculated some, acknowledging the potential implications of such a powerful alliance. The mere thought of being connected to someone immune to the Sacred Ground's power sent ripples of awe through the crowd.

As the rumors and conjectures spread like wildfire, the mystery surrounding Nezuko and her relationship with Chu Yueli only deepened, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the already tense atmosphere of the tournament.

Some wondered whether Nezuko is her disciple or her child.

"Perhaps it's her motherly instincts kicking in. After all, the child seems perfectly content in her arms," chimed in another spectator, adding fuel to the growing rumors. "And considering Nezuko's comfort around Chu Yueli, it's not far-fetched to think she's her mother, even if they don't share physical resemblance."

As whispers spread like wildfire, the tale morphed into something grander, painting Chu Yueli and the mysterious swordsman as a celestial couple, blessed with the Heaven's Child Nezuko as their offspring. The notion both amused and embarrassed Chu Yueli, who couldn't help but blush at the exaggerated rumors.

However, beneath the surface, she felt a flicker of concern. The Xiao Clan's recent misfortune at the hands of her sister and Mihawk had left lingering tensions, and false assumptions about her relationship with the swordsman could spell trouble for her and Nezuko. Despite the absurdity of the rumors, Chu Yueli knew that in the world of politics and power struggles, perceptions could be just as dangerous as reality.

Yet, amidst the swirling gossip, there were skeptics who refused to buy into the sensationalized narrative. Nezuko's distinctive pink eyes, so unlike Chu Yueli's own, served as a glaring contradiction to the fanciful tales. Still, Chu Yueli remained resolute in her determination to protect Nezuko, regardless of the rumors or their potential consequences.

For now, she would focus on ensuring Nezuko's safety and well-being, even if it meant weathering the storm of speculation that raged around them. After all, in a world fraught with danger and deception, a mother's love knew no bounds even if they share no bloodline.

Little Fairy couldn't help but feel exasperated as she watched the rumors swirl around her sister and Nezuko. She wanted to smack her forehead in frustration at how easily misunderstandings could escalate, all because Chu Yueli had smiled while holding the child. In reality, her sister and Nezuko had only shared a brief interaction, and Yun Che himself considered Chu Yueli nothing more than an acquaintance.

Yet, despite the innocent truth, the rumors had taken on a life of their own, spreading like wildfire through the crowd. Now, the absurd speculation painted Chu Yueli as the spouse of the legendary swordsman, with Nezuko as their divine offspring. Little Fairy couldn't believe how quickly people jumped to conclusions based on a simple smile and a friendly gesture.

It was a frustrating reminder of how easily perceptions could be twisted and distorted, especially in the midst of gossip and speculation. Little Fairy knew that these rumors could have far-reaching consequences, potentially tarnishing the reputation of Frozen Cloud Asgard and putting Chu Yueli and Nezuko in danger.

As they entered their special seating zone, all eyes instantly fixated on them, drawn not to the fairies, but to the precious cargo cradled by Chu Yueli.

"Where did you two go just…," Gong Yuxian began, her curiosity piqued, but her words trailed off as she laid eyes on the one Chu Yueli carried. It was Nezuko, the rumored Heaven's Child who had stirred up chaos in the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

"Nezuko," Gong Yuxian uttered, her voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and apprehension.

"We're sorry, mother. Princess Cang Yue asked us to watch her for the whole day," Chu Yueli explained, her eyes still focused on Nezuko, aware of the weight of responsibility she now bore.

"You seemed keen on taking this request," Gong Yuxian observed, noting Chu Yueli's unusually strong attachment to Nezuko. Babysitting was one thing, but Chu Yueli's dedication went beyond the ordinary.

"I developed a close bond with Nezuko, please forgive me, mother," Chu Yueli apologized, bowing respectfully while still cradling 'Nezuko' in her arms.

"Judging by how the child looks at you, she sees you as a mother. Are you sure you're not her real mother?" Gong Yuxian raised an eyebrow, her tone laced with subtle skepticism as she heard the wild rumors going on. She kept herself calm as she knew Chu Yueli still had her primordial Yin and staying at the Asgard for five years without ever leaving it. However, she knew how wild rumors could be.

"Mother! No! Such an absurd accusation," Chu Yueli protested, her cheeks flushing at the implication. While the thought stirred her heart, she knew it was nothing more than a fantasy.

"Just watch over her properly. I don't think the other sects are pleased to see the Heaven's Child with us, despite knowing her full potential," Gong Yuxian sighed, her concern evident as she considered the potential dangers surrounding Nezuko's presence.

Xia Qingyue stared at the girl before her, confirming her suspicion. This was the same child she had glimpsed in the Hall of Absolute Cold, the one who seemed unaffected by its chilling aura. When she inquired with her master, the revelation only deepened her astonishment. This girl was none other than the one who effortlessly completed the Icy Mirage Challenge Realm, a trial meant for Earth Profound Realm cultivators, in less than an hour at the tender age of five, without even utilizing Frozen Cloud Arts. Her cultivation level, that of First Level Earth Profound Realm, further cemented her status as a prodigy surpassing even Xia Qingyue's own talents.

"So, she is Nezuko," Xia Qingyue mused inwardly, awed by the girl's remarkable achievements. While Xia Qingyue herself had needed days to conquer the challenge through meticulous study and cultivation, this girl had effortlessly breezed through it. It was humbling, to say the least, to realize that someone so young possessed such exceptional talent.

For Shui Wushuang and Wu Xuexin, memories of Nezuko's extraordinary feat were still fresh in their minds. They marveled at the thought of a disciple taking on the challenge without any preparation, let alone completing it with such ease. Now, seeing the same girl standing before them, they couldn't help but wonder about her true identity and potential. If word of her exploits were to spread beyond the Frozen Cloud Asgard, it could either elevate their reputation to new heights or cast doubt upon their methods.

As Chu Yueli gently set 'Nezuko' down to arrange seating, the girl darted off to greet their disciples, extending her hand in friendly introduction. "Nezuko, desu!"

Xia Qingyue hesitated for a moment before reciprocating the gesture, gently touching the girl's hand. "Xia…Xia Qingyue."

"Shui Wushuang."

"Wu Xuexin…"

As the other two disciples also introduced themselves to the girl, Xia Qingyue couldn't help but wonder if she could somehow convince her to accompany them back to the Frozen Cloud Asgard. The thought of the knowledge and insights they could gain from her was tantalizing. She smiled at them before she ran back towards Chu Yueli happily.

Chu Yueli observed the interaction with a soft smile, noting the girl's surprisingly friendly demeanor. She exchanged a knowing glance with her mother figure and Little Fairy, silently pondering the mysteries surrounding the enigmatic small figure Nezuko. Who was she? How had she come to possess such remarkable abilities? And most importantly, what did her presence signify for the future of the Frozen Cloud Asgard?

Behind her, Shui Wushuang and Wu Xuexin leaned in close to Xia Qingyue, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern as they broached the topic of yesterday's encounter.

"Junior Sister Xia, I've been wanting to ask this since yesterday. Is that man who called you really your brother?" Shui Wushuang's curiosity was evident in her tone. "The difference between you two is quite remarkable. You possess such a delicate and refined demeanor, while your brother appears to be of a much sturdier build."

"That Yun Che is your husband, correct?" Wu Xuexin chimed in, her gaze thoughtful. "Encountering him here was quite unexpected. He seems to be a formidable individual, boasting a cultivation level of the True Profound Realm. And I must admit, he possesses a rather striking appearance with his jet-black hair... Junior Sister Xia, could it be that you harbored some affection for him when you agreed to marry him?"

"And who is this Unohana Retsu?" Wu Xuexin continued, her brows furrowing slightly. "I noticed her resemblance to her sister, but I can't help but feel uneasy around her. And as for that woman with the butterfly clip, her gaze is positively chilling. It feels as though one is staring into the eyes of a giant spider."

"A spider? Why a spider?" Shui Wushuang echoed, her expression puzzled.

"I understand," Shui Wushuang sympathized, noticing Wu Xuexin's discomfort.

Xia Qingyue gently shook her head, her expression composed as she addressed their questions. "The only reason I agreed to marry him was to honor a promise my father made in the past and out of gratitude for his father's role in saving my life. As a disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard, my feelings towards him are purely out of duty and gratitude. Despite any changes he may have undergone since we last met, my sentiments remain unchanged. The memory of his actions during our ill-fated wedding still lingers unpleasantly in my mind."

As she spoke, Xia Qingyue's thoughts drifted to her encounter with Yun Che yesterday. She couldn't deny the newfound aura of maturity and power that surrounded him, a stark contrast to the man she once knew. His presence triggered memories of their tumultuous past, including his dramatic disruption of their wedding. Yet, her thoughts were interrupted by the image of Yun Che walking alongside two captivating women, Unohana Retsu and Mio. Their closeness was evident, with affectionate gestures exchanged between them.

Despite her resolve, a faint pang of discomfort crept into Xia Qingyue's heart as she observed their interaction. She couldn't shake the feeling of inferiority in their presence, exacerbated by their intense stares. Though fleeting, this discomfort lingered momentarily before fading away.

"Unohana Retsu, Unohana Nemuri, Mio, and Princess Cang Yue," Xia Qingyue recited their names from memory. "Their connection to him remains a mystery to me."

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