Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 170: The Adventurous Date (IV)

Chapter 170: The Adventurous Date (IV)


Suddenly, the main door to the sect's central courtyard burst open, and Yun Che found himself surrounded by countless tanned disciples, reinforced by outsiders from beyond the mountain. Despite the widespread destruction, they remained determined to capture both him and Retsu. Then, their leader stepped forward, and Yun Che and Retsu raised both of their hands, preparing for what would come next. 

"This is the Yin Devourer Sect's Disciplinary Hall! You have invaded the sect and harmed our sect master! Come up with your hands up!" As the tension mounted and the sect's Disciplinary Hall was surrounded, Yun Che remained calm, his mind already calculating the next move. The sect's announcement echoed through the air, demanding their surrender within a limited timeframe. "You have five small incense of time to comply!"

But Yun Che was unfazed. With a knowing smile, he reached out with his Haki, scanning the area to confirm their adversaries' positions. Everything was falling into place according to plan.

As the countdown began, Yun Che's gaze flickered to Retsu, silently conveying his instructions. Despite the aftermath of the Rasenshuriken, she kept herself ready for the next phase of their plan..

With each passing second, the pressure mounted. "Four," the announcement declared, prompting Yun Che to make the crucial call to Retsu.

"Retsu," he began, his voice steady despite the urgency. "Go to plan B."

As the countdown reached "Three," Retsu reached for the detonator Yun Che had given her. However, a moment of uncertainty gripped her as she hesitated between the green and red switches.

"Which one is it again?" she questioned herself, her voice tinged with urgency.

"Three!" the announcement echoed once more, urging them closer to the brink. 

As the countdown reached its final moments, Yun Che's urgency grew palpable. "Retsu?" he called out, a hint of concern in his voice as he observed her grappling with the detonator.

With the pressure mounting and the countdown nearing its end, Retsu's confusion only seemed to compound. "Ah... it's the green switch and the red switch," she muttered, her fingers hovering uncertainly over the device.

"Two!" The announcement reverberated through the air, prompting Yun Che to urge her to take action. "Retsu, now might be the time to press it," he urged, a bead of sweat forming on his brow.

But before he could say anything else, Retsu made her move. Pressing the handle button of the detonator, she triggered a chain reaction of explosions that rocked the Yin Devourer Sect to its core.


Explosions erupted in rapid succession, each one more powerful than the last, as Yun Che's meticulously placed explosive marbles detonated with devastating force. The chaos and destruction unfolded before the bewildered sect members, leaving them reeling and vulnerable.


Even as Ling Ming boarded Minazuki, the one-eyed flying monster, she couldn't escape the tremors of the explosions that reverberated through the air. With a mixture of awe and relief, the beauties on board felt a sense of liberation wash over them as they watched the once-dreaded sect erupt in chaos. Each explosion was like a symbol of their newfound freedom, a cathartic release from the shackles of their torment.

As Minazuki circled around the sect, the beauties couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for their fallen comrades. They wished fervently that those who had suffered alongside them could witness the sect's demise, a long-awaited justice for all the pain they endured.

But amidst the destruction, there was also a glimmer of hope—a promise of a new beginning, free from the tyranny of the Yin Devourer Sect. With every explosion tearing through the sect's structures, they felt a sense of closure, knowing that their nightmare was finally coming to an end.


Seizing the opportunity, Yun Che swiftly drew forth a weapon from his inventory, a deadly Quincy Crossbow modified to unleash a barrage of glowing blue arrows. With lethal precision, he began picking off the distracted disciples one by one, his aim true and his resolve unwavering amidst the chaos of battle. 

The explosions tore through the heart of the Yin Devourer Sect like a vengeful force of nature, relentless and unforgiving. Within the confines of the sect's internal mountain, chaos reigned supreme as disciples scrambled frantically to escape the impending destruction.

The once tranquil halls and chambers were now engulfed in flames and debris, the very foundations of the sect's stronghold crumbling under the relentless assault of Yun Che's orchestrated explosions. Panic spread like wildfire among the sect members as they fought desperately to flee the devastation, their cries of terror drowned out by the thunderous roar of collapsing structures.

"Yuu-kun!" Retsu shouted as the chain reaction had started the destruction of the internal sect means they should start to make their way out.

"Quincy Automatic Crossbow. I modified the Quincy regular crossbow I bought from the system." Yun Che reached into his inventory and withdrew another of the sleek, futuristic-looking crossbow and passed it towards Retsu. But this wasn't just any crossbow—it was a Quincy Automatic Crossbow, a weapon of his own design and creation. He had taken a regular Quincy crossbow obtained from the system and subjected it to his ingenuity. With the system's creation mode, he dismantled the crossbow and reassembled it into a marvel of innovation.

The modifications were extensive. Yun Che had transformed the traditional crossbow into a weapon capable of automatic firing. He accomplished this by overhauling the trigger mechanism, allowing the crossbow string to realign itself automatically for rapid shots. It was a feat of engineering prowess, enhancing the weapon's functionality to a whole new level.

But the modifications didn't stop there. Yun Che had also designed special ammunition for his creation. The arrows, or rather Quincy Bolts, manifested as small, deadly projectiles fueled by his Spirit Force. With this setup, the crossbow became a relentless machine of destruction, capable of unleashing a relentless barrage without the need for reloading as long as he had sufficient Spirit Force, similar to his Ginrei Kojaku.

As for the design inspiration, Yun Che had drawn from a particular vampire hunter movie, replicating the sleek and deadly appearance of the Repeater Crossbow wielded by the protagonist. It was a weapon both elegant and lethal, a testament to Yun Che's skill and resourcefulness in crafting his arsenal. 

"A crossbow?" Retsu's curiosity was piqued as she examined the device in Yun Che's hand. It bore little resemblance to the traditional crossbows she had seen before, its design sleek and modernized, hinting at its modified capabilities.

Yun Che grinned mischievously at her puzzled expression. "Think of it like a bow and arrow, but with a twist. Instead of drawing back the string, you simply press this trigger here," he explained as he lets Retsu hold the crossbow, guiding her hand and puts his hand on hers as he demonstrate with a flick of his finger. "And then you shoot."

As if on cue, a furious disciple, fueled by rage at the sight of his fallen comrades, charged towards them with his sword raised menacingly. But before he could reach them, Yun Che swiftly activated the crossbow and fired a bolt with lightning speed, sending the assailant staggering backwards with a powerful impact.

Retsu's eyes widened in amazement as she witnessed the weapon's lethal efficiency. "Congratulations, you're officially a badass, Retsu," Yun Che declared, giving her a playful tap on the shoulder and left the second crossbow with her. "Don't worry about ammunition, it draws from my Spirit Force. Just focus on aiming and taking out these guys. Now, let's get the hell out of here!"

"What's going on?!" The disciple stationed outside the sect's entrance shouted in alarm as explosions rocked the entire vicinity.

"Explosions! Explosions everywhere!" His companion's voice trembled with fear as they witnessed the chaos unfolding before them. From the main sect buildings to the mountainside base, explosions erupted with devastating force, sending shockwaves through the air.

"Our comrades... they were caught in the blasts! We've lost hundreds of our own!" Another disciple's voice carried a mix of disbelief and despair.

"Who... who could have orchestrated such a thing?!" The members were overwhelmed by the sudden catastrophe, struggling to comprehend the extent of the destruction unfolding around them. Panic and confusion reigned as they searched for answers amid the chaos, unable to fathom the true source of the devastation. 

[Ding.. Congratulations for…]

[Ding.. Congratulations for…]

[Ding.. Congratulations for…]

[Ding.. Congratulations for…]

As notifications continued to flood in, signaling the progression of the mission to destroy the Yin Devourer Sect, anticipation surged within Retsu and Yun Che. Each kill they achieved was multiplied tenfold in experience, driving them forward with a potent mixture of determination and eagerness.

Extending her Haki, Retsu sensed that Ling Ming had successfully completed her mission, safely escorting her fellow sisters away with Minazuki. With the beauties out of harm's way, Yun Che and Retsu focused on the task at hand, relentlessly mowing down any disciples who dared to impede their progress with their automatic crossbows.

Navigating through the chaotic battleground, they pushed forward towards the entrance, where hordes of Yin Devourer Sect disciples awaited, armed and ready to defend their territory to the end. The air crackled with tension as they prepared to face off against overwhelming odds, their resolve unyielding as they braced themselves for the final showdown. 

Inside, Retsu's movements were fluid and precise as she seamlessly transitioned between her arsenal of weapons. With practiced expertise, she wielded her throwing knives and kido binders, incapacitating her targets before finishing them off with the deadly accuracy of her automatic crossbow. Her actions were a dance of lethal efficiency, each movement calculated to neutralize her enemies with ruthless precision.

Meanwhile, Yun Che unleashed chaos with his explosive marbles, sending shockwaves of destruction rippling through the ranks of the Yin Devourer Sect disciples. The marbles detonated with deafening blasts, scattering their adversaries like leaves in the wind.

Together, they formed an unstoppable duo, each complementing the other's strengths as they tore through the enemy forces with unwavering determination. As they burst through the main sect door, they were met with a formidable sight—a sea of hostile disciples standing between them and their final objective. 

"Get them!" A massive horde of disciples aimed to catch up, but instead of fleeing, both Yun Che and Retsu confronted them head-on.

"Retsu, you can use it if you want to," Yun Che granted, giving his permission with a knowing smile. Retsu's eyes lit up with excitement as she eagerly accepted the offer. With a swift motion, she stored the crossbow away before placing her right hand on her side.

In an instant, a spiraling blue sphere materialized in her hand, growing larger and more intense by the second. The air crackled with energy, and those around her couldn't help but widen their eyes in awe as Retsu unleashed her technique.

Yun Che watched with admiration as Retsu mastered the one-handed Rasengan, a feat that required immense skill and concentration. Now, she had taken it a step further, forming a Big Ball Rasengan entirely on her own.

Without hesitation, Retsu flashed into the midst of the tanned disciples, her presence commanding and formidable. With a resounding crash, she slammed her one-handed Big Ball Rasengan into the ground, unleashing a devastating wave of energy that decimated everything in its path.

The disciples caught in the center of the sphere were consumed by its power, unable to withstand its destructive force. Even those at the outer edges were thrown aside by the shockwave, their bodies battered and broken by the sheer ferocity of Retsu's attack.

"Yuu-kun!" Retsu shouted, but Yun Che was already at the forefront. He stored his own crossbow and seized a nearby broom as he faced the approaching disciples with determination.

"Leave it to me! Concasse!" he exclaimed, using the broom to launch himself into the air. With a precise strike, he landed a concasse on one of the dark disciples' heads before leaping forward. Placing the broom in a strategic stance, he transformed into a whirlwind, spinning like a tornado and delivering precise kicks that sent each pursuer flying with sheer force.

But Yun Che wasn't finished. With a confident smile, he charged up his phoenix flame on his legs, which glowed with a rainbow-colored brilliance. "Diable Jamble! Frying Pan: Spectre!" He unleashed a barrage of fiery air kicks so fast that it propelled the pursuers and obliterated the main door with sheer kicking forces alone, sending the disciples tumbling down the mountain slope.

"Yuu-kun! A little too much!" Retsu exclaimed with a sigh. 

"Sorry!" Yun Che excitedly apologized, but behind them, a horde of disciples tried to catch up from the road leading to the main gate, despite the sect being blown up and covered in fire and explosions. 

"Now, let's give them a surprise they will never forget. You still have that detonator?" Yun Che asked.

"Yes, but I blew all of the explosive orbs up," Retsu spoke as she handed him the detonator. She had effectively obliterated the entire sect with multiple explosions.

Yun Che gave her a grin before holding the detonator and pressing the green and red buttons again to arm it. "Not all of them. Pressing these two buttons again arms the second phase. Now… As I mentioned before, we'll bury this sect one way or another."

Retsu, eyeing him with a puppy-eyed expression, somehow conveyed her desire, and he knew he was always weak to her eyes when she wanted something from him. Rubbing his head, he asked, "You want to press it?"

Retsu nodded with a smile, holding the detonator like a child holding a candy. Seeing this, Yun Che admitted that she was adorable doing so. "Cute…"

Since it was already armed, she simply pressed the detonation button. The moment Retsu pressed the detonator, explosions around the mountain peak initiated. It not only exploded but set off a chain of massive avalanches aiming directly at the remains of the sect. She wondered what those normal looking marbles were. She didn't know they were explosives, and she was the one who placed them on the snow on the mountain. Then, the explosive she detonated back then were these marbles as well?

Retsu's eyes widened with a mix of awe and surprise as the avalanches began their descent upon the sect, gaining momentum and ferocity. The destructive force of the cascading snow and debris seemed to be enhanced by the strategic placement of explosive charges within the sect's barrier formation. Yun Che's meticulous planning was unfolding with devastating consequences.

The avalanche not only targeted the main sect but also ruthlessly tore through the branch structures built on the mountainside. The structural foundations crumbled, and the once-sturdy buildings were reduced to rubble. The disciples, initially oblivious to the impending disaster, now found themselves caught in the chaos, desperately trying to evade the relentless onslaught.

The thunderous roar of the avalanches echoed through the mountainous terrain, drowning out any attempts at communication. Panic set in as the surviving sect members scrambled to find safety, realizing too late that their chosen location had left them vulnerable to the very forces of nature they had underestimated.

As the destruction unfolded, Retsu couldn't help but feel at awe. Originally, she planned to use Rasenshuriken again to destroy the sect, but Yun Che had other plans. He decided to provoke mother nature itself and she played a part in it. The sheer power of the avalanches, coupled with the strategic brilliance behind their execution, left her in awe of Yun Che's capabilities. They knew one thing – they were responsible for toppling an entire sect. 

"Nasty little buggers, aren't they?... I had you planted them just in case we needed a Plan C should everything go south after Plan B," Yun Che explained, his voice cutting through the chaos as the avalanche rapidly approached. The detonator in his hand served a dual purpose – triggering the orbs strategically placed on the mountain. It was a precautionary measure, a testament to Yun Che's meticulous planning, and an assurance that they wouldn't leave anything to chance, especially when dealing with a sect affiliated with the Heaven Mighty Sword Region.

With a swift motion, Yun Che scooped Retsu into a bridal carry, her laughter ringing out as he leaped off the stone railing and into the billowing snow below. The rush of wind against their faces, the thrill of the unexpected adventure, it all added a new layer of excitement to their date-turned-rescue mission.

As they descended the mountain slope, Yun Che couldn't help but marvel at the twist of fate that had led them here. "How in the world did a simple date turn into this?" he mused aloud, his voice barely audible over the howling wind.

Retsu's laughter danced in his ears, her joy infectious even in the midst of chaos. "But, it's fun," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with exhilaration as she clung to him tightly.

Yun Che then realized that they can't outrun the avalanche so he decided that now might be a good time to use it. The approaching avalanche left them with little time to spare. In response, he reached into his inventory and pulled out a technological marvel – a metallic surfboard enhanced with a Profound Core Engine and a solar sail. It was a creation born from the recently acquired blueprint, a prototype meant to transport him throughout the city without the means of flying. Both instantly switched from the energy board to this mysterious contraption. Retsu had to clung to his back after being carried, much to her dismay as Yun Che needed both his hands to navigate this new machine.

"This is..." Retsu's eyes widened as she struggled to comprehend the advanced technology before her. While not well-versed in such matters, she recognized the ingenuity behind Yun Che's invention. The metallic surfboard exuded a futuristic aura, with hexagonal shapes covering the solar sail, and profound engines emitting a soft glow.

"A solar surfer. I'll explain later. Hold on tight," Yun Che instructed, his movements swift and decisive. Retsu wasted no time and wrapping her arms securely around his torso. The panic of the impending disaster began to close in around them.

"Woohoo!" Yun Che's exclamation echoed as he activated the profound engines, flames shooting through the tubes behind the surfboard. The solar surfer hovered in the air, and Yun Che expertly stabilized it while manipulating the sail through its side railing. Retsu clung to him, her wholehearted expression reflecting a mix of exhilaration and trust.

The solar surfer, seemingly a simple board tied to a rocket, belied its complexity. Controlled by Yun Che's mind through a link with the system, it soared through the air, carrying the duo away from the cascading destruction and towards safety. 

"It's fast!" Retsu exclaimed as they accelerated through the air with the avalanche began consuming the sect. The burning sect began to swipe away under the cover of the snow as the rampaging avalanche began killing the survivors that failed to escape in time.

"A slight modification to the engines, and it could easily outrun Sky Profound Realm cultivators," Yun Che declared, his voice carried away by the wind as they raced against the relentless onslaught of the avalanche.

As they strained to outpace the avalanche, a new threat emerged. Countless figures, seemingly undeterred by the chaos, soared out of the cascading snow, flying swords under their feet, and aimed directly at Yun Che and Retsu.

"Get them!" The shout echoed through the snowy mountainside as the pursuers closed in, determined to eliminate the intruders for destroying their sect.

"More of them to the rear. Let's just outrun them," Yun Che said, his eyes scanning the approaching threats. Turning to Retsu, he urged her, "Retsu, mind doing something to slow them down?"

"With pleasure," Retsu replied with a gleam in her eyes. Swiftly, she hurled her daggers with absolute precision. The first dagger found its mark, piercing the leg of one pursuer. Blood spurted out, causing him to lose balance and crash into a tree below.

Seizing the opportunity, Yun Che maneuvered the solar surfer with sharp turns, allowing Retsu to unleash her next move. As they streaked through the air, Retsu's eyes turned glowing blue and shifted her focus to utilizing water-based energy blasts using the snowy air around her. Merging water blasts with Eagle Vision, she conjured homing water missiles to target their pursuers. Inspired by Libra's Jericho missiles, she harnessed the principles but couldn't replicate the same devastating power—yet.

The men on their flying swords tried to evade the incoming water missiles, spreading out in a desperate bid to escape. Retsu, her concentration unwavering, continued to lock onto them. The water missiles chased down their targets relentlessly until one struck, releasing pressurized water that engulfed the unfortunate man, rendering him helpless in the onslaught of nature's fury.

Then, one by one, Retsu's water homing missiles began to hit their targets. One by one their pursuers fell out of the sky before being consumed by the rampaging avalanche below. There were still several pursuers, but Retsu kept her focus on before manipulating the snow around her into producing spikes. The best thing about water benders is snow and air are their main elements. Anything that can produce water, she was able to manipulate them into her will.

Retsu skillfully manipulated water torrents, disrupting their pursuers, while Yun Che navigated through the trees, desperately trying to outpace the rampaging avalanche behind them. Sensing an opportunity, Retsu conjured Water Bending Style: Snow Mines on the trees, activated by passing intent. Several pursuers triggered the mines, and small, sharp spikes were released, rendering them unconscious before being swallowed by the approaching avalanche. The last of their pursuers managed to catch up, but Retsu promptly shot a Kido at him, shattering his flying sword, and the resulting shrapnel damaged their Profound Engine.

"Damn, we lost our thrusters!" Yun Che shouted as they descended rapidly. The snowstorm surrounding them made it challenging to see their surroundings. Yun Che extended his Haki, detecting something that compelled him to make a daring move.

"Retsu, hold on tight. I am going full throttle," he warned before guiding the solar surfer along the slope of the mountain. Disengaging its sails, he pressed on the thrusters to produce the acceleration they needed. Racing down the slope, they rapidly descended, skillfully avoiding the trees despite the limited visibility due to the snowstorm.

As they hurtled downward, Yun Che spotted something beyond the snowy chaos – a massive chasm that stood between them and safety. Despite the perilous situation, he decided to push the throttle to the maximum, determined to outpace the impending avalanche. 

"Hold on!" Yun Che shouted as the end of the slope catapulted them upwards, just as the avalanche tumbled into the snowy chasm below. Flying through the air, Yun Che expertly positioned the surfer for a landing on the side of another mountain. As they touched down, he used his Haki to create a force that slowed their speed before coming to a complete stop, causing both him and Retsu to topple forward, with Retsu ending up on top of him. 

"Hahaha… that was the best snow surf of my entire life," Yun Che slowly got up, brushing the snow off him, and then sat next to Retsu beside their crashed surfer, watching the avalanche push the remains of the sect into the chasm below. "I am sorry it's not the date that we hoped for."

"Ufuu~ To me, this is the best date ever. A couple just took down an entire sect for a date," Retsu laughed as she, too, patted the snow off her as they watched the avalanche dragged what remains of the sect into the chasm below.

"Now that you mention it," Yun Che shared her sentiment. It might not be the date they hoped for, but as long as both of them enjoyed what they did before, it might be considered a good date. Destroying a sect by burying them under a pile of snow and rescuing a lot of beautiful women? At least, it's something.


[Ding…. Congratulation for completing the Side Quest: Destroy the Yin Devourer Sect.]

[Ding… Objective Complete]

[Complete the optional objectives to complete the XP and SP reward]


"Moreover, I get to have you all to myself today. It's the best date ever," Retsu spoke with a beautiful smile. Yun Che smiled, hugging Retsu closely. In the soft glow of the sunset, she looked breathtaking, her skin radiating like the sun itself. Captivated by her beauty, Yun Che raised his hand and gave her a tender smile before gently holding her chin. "May I?" he asked, and Retsu nodded, her anticipation evident.

With that, he kissed her soft lips, savoring the moment. The kiss lingered, both of them losing themselves in the warmth of the embrace. When Yun Che tried to pull away, Retsu pressed in, deepening the kiss, and even attacking his mouth with her tongue. They were on the mountainside, bathed in the fading sunlight, and it felt like the perfect romantic setting.

As they finally broke the kiss, Yun Che shifted his attention to Retsu's neck. As revenge for pulling him, he decided to tease her by showering it with a cascade of kisses. Retsu couldn't help but yelp in surprise, discovering the delightful sensation of being kissed on her neck. She let out a soft moan before Yun Che realized that he had gone too far. Slowly releasing her, Yun Che grinned before giving her a soft peck. "You're right. This is the best date."


"Yuu-kun... I love you. I really do," Retsu confessed with a heavy blush and hearts in her eyes. His kisses on her neck stirred something intense within her, making her momentarily lose herself in the moment. However, her Gamer's Mind forcefully intervened, helping her regain composure. With, she blushed hard and looked away but secretly happy for some reason.

"I love you too, Retsu," Yun Che confessed, his voice soft and filled with warmth as he held her close. They had lost track of time, caught up in the intensity of the moment, and now the sun was dipping low on the horizon.

As they sat down together, Yun Che couldn't shake the feeling of how close he had come to losing control earlier, when his revenge teasing had almost taken a more passionate turn. It was a reminder of the depth of his feelings for Retsu, the desire that simmered beneath the surface, waiting to be unleashed but the Gamer's Mind intervention had them regained their composure.

With a gentle embrace, Yun Che sought to convey his affection for now. They both knew that they longed for the day when they could fully express their love without restraint, but for now, they found solace in the strength of their self-control.

Smiling softly at each other, they shared a moment of quiet contentment, their bond deepening with each passing second. In that fleeting moment, they were united in their love, closer than ever before.

"Mio is really going to kill us, but can we stay like this for a little longer?" Retsu requested, a blush tinting her cheeks.

"Not only her, but I can also hear the snow sisters, Saru, and Hebi calling me for a 'talk' later. I am sure Jasmine is going stern talk me later." Yun Che sweatdropped, acknowledging that the date had stirred something within his inner world, and he had to face the consequences later.

"Let's fly towards Minazuki; the Solar Surfer needs some repairs after all that," Yun Che suggested, storing the broken Solar Surfer.

"Ufuu~ I got it covered," Retsu replied before summoning Minazuki, who was flying above the clouds toward them.

"It's impressive; it can carry almost hundreds of women on its back. I almost forgot it can grow almost double its size," Yun Che remarked, and Retsu nodded in agreement. With that, their date came to an end as they jumped aboard Minazuki, agreeing to put their romantic session on hold for now.


"Is it over?" Ling Ming inquired as they passed the remnants of the Yin Devourer Sect. What remained of the sect now lay buried beneath the snow, its structures carried away by the relentless avalanche. It was as if the sect had never existed, erased by the unforgiving force of nature. The avalanche served as a powerful cleanser, removing any trace that could lead back to Yun Che or Retsu, like a broom sweeping away footprints.

"Yes, the Yin Devourer Sect is no more. Forever entombed under the frozen snow. You girls can rest easy now. They won't hurt you anymore. It's unfortunate for those who lost their lives before we could rescue them," Yun Che declared, his voice cutting through the somber aftermath. Retsu, meanwhile, began tending to the recently rescued girls who had sustained more severe injuries.

"To aid in your recovery, I have a potion and pill for you and all of your companions. The potion is designed to restore your bodies to their former states, though I regret to say that there are aspects I cannot undo. I hope you understand my meaning, and for that, I sincerely apologize," Yun Che explained as he produced red health potions and numerous glowing blue pills. "The healing potion will aid in physical recovery, and the pill is an enhanced anti-psychotic medication. It is crafted to help relegate the memories of your experiences in the sect to mere nightmares."

The creation of the anti-psychotic pills was driven by Yun Che's desire to shield these girls from the consuming madness that could lead to unthinkable outcomes, including suicide. Although he couldn't erase their memories or the trauma they endured, he aimed to suppress the pain with the pills, akin to dimming the intensity of a haunting childhood memory.

"What will become of us?" Ling Ming voiced her uncertainty about the fate awaiting these unfortunate women.

"I will take you girls back to the Imperial City. I'm certain your families are anxiously awaiting your return, especially your little sister," Yun Che reassured. However, he couldn't shake the weight of facing the families who had lost their daughters, wives, or mothers in the sect. All that remained of the departed were the hairpins saved by the surviving girls, symbolic remnants in the wake of tragedy.

"We are but tainted women. No one would want us. Even if we heal from these wounds, the pain will persist until our last breath," Ling Ming sighed, expressing the harsh reality they faced. Yun Che could only offer words of comfort, acknowledging the truth in her words. These women were forever marked, and even if they sought a new beginning, the past would continue to cast its long shadow. Secretly, he wished for them to find solace and peaceful sleep after the harrowing events of the day.


"Big sister!!" Little Ning's jubilant voice echoed through the park square as Yun Che materialized after landing Minazuki in the central square. Capitalizing on the cover of night and the invisibility function of the Apple of Eden, Retsu carefully guided Minazuki to land before concealing it within her Zanpakuto. The decision was deliberate, aimed at preventing the entire city from plunging into chaos at the sight of the colossal one-eyed flying monster. Retsu's potent Reiatsu effortlessly maintained Minazuki's enormous size, a testament to her formidable spiritual power.

"Ming'er!!" The heartfelt cry of her mother pierced the night air as she hurried to envelop her eldest daughter in a tight embrace. The reunion held a touch of the miraculous, as the mother had feared she would never see her daughter again. Meanwhile, the youngest daughter, who had been shedding tears and fervently wishing for her sister's return, was now overwhelmed with joy.

"Mother…." Ling Ming's voice quivered with emotion, tears streaming down her face. "I am sorry… I won't leave home anymore."

"Big sister…" Little Ning yearned to embrace her older sister, but Ling Ming gently raised her hand, as if she feared tarnishing the innocence of Little Ning.

"Ning'er… Please…. I am tainted…. Please… don't come…" Ling Ming believed herself to be a tainted and corrupted woman after enduring countless hardships. She felt unworthy of her sister's touch.

"I don't care… Big sis is big sis…." Little Ning didn't mind as she fearlessly jumped into her sister's bosom, causing Ling Ming to cry even more. Now, she didn't care about being tainted. If her sister still loved her, that was all that mattered. Then, their mother joined in as well. "All is well. Tainted or not. You came home. That is what matters."

"Sniff…. I am sorry… Mother… I am sorry…" Ling Ming cried in gratitude as her family continued to accept her. The emotional reunion unfolded in the park square, surrounded by the warm embrace of family after a long and harrowing ordeal. Yun Che observed the unfolding scenes from a distance, a silent witness to the bittersweet reunions and heart-wrenching tragedies that followed the sect's demise. Families were reunited, wives embraced husbands, mothers cradled their children, and daughters found solace in their parents. Yet, amid the moments of joy, there were those women marked by sorrow.

Some shattered cries resonated through the air as the returned hairpins served as a poignant reminder that certain souls would never come back. The most tragic tales unfolded for those who found themselves orphaned, divorced, and abandoned after escaping the vile sect with their lives intact, left to navigate a harsh world alone. Proud families that refused their returned tainted women. It was a stark reality, and saving them from one peril meant little if they couldn't withstand the cruelties beyond.

As Yun Che and Retsu grappled with the helplessness of the situation, a realization struck—they needed someone with the power and authority to address these issues, someone like the princess herself. Yun Che quickly made the call, explaining the dire circumstances and his location.

Within minutes, Cang Yue, the Imperial Princess, arrived at the central square in her normal dress, accompanied by her guardian, Xue Ling in flight. The crowd, aware of her esteemed position and the respect she commanded, bowed in acknowledgment.

"Imperial Princess Cang Yue!" someone shouted, and the rest followed suit, expressing both fear and deep respect for her, especially after the recent rebellion had elevated her reputation.

"Everyone, please..." Cang Yue implored, gesturing for them to rise. She then turned to Yun Che, her concern evident. Xue Ling, aware of her role as the Prime Imperial Protector, took charge of maintaining order in the surroundings.

"What happened here? What kind of problem do you need help with?" Cang Yue inquired, her voice a mix of urgency and determination. She stood ready to address whatever challenges Yun Che had brought to her attention. 

"Well…" Yun Che began explaining the situation, detailing the predicament these rescued women faced. As Cang Yue listened, she couldn't help feeling a twinge of jealousy about how Yun Che's seemingly innocent date had escalated into the annihilation of an entire sect of peculiarly tanned men. Nevertheless, she put her emotions aside, focusing on the urgent matter at hand.

"Yuu-kun, Little Yue, anything we can do to help them?" Retsu inquired, her concern mirroring Yun Che's. He shrugged his shoulders, uncertain of a solution. Meanwhile, Cang Yue engaged in a discussion with Xue Ling, brainstorming ways to address the challenges presented by the rescued women.

"I'll be willing to take them," Xue Ling proposed, catching the attention of Yun Che, Retsu, and Cang Yue. The idea of Xue Ling, the Prime Imperial Protector, offering sanctuary to these girls was unexpected.

"These girls can become palace maids and protectors if they train properly. Besides, you gained a big section of the Imperial Palace to yourselves. You might need people to maintain them." Xue Ling continued, her eyes scanning the rescued women. She highlighted the opportunity for them to serve in the third level of the Imperial Palace, which lacked Imperial maids and guardians after the betrayal of Crown Prince Cang Lin.

"She provides a great idea, Little Yue. Due to our adventures, we might not be able to maintain the area ourselves. So, we do need staff members." Yun Che taps his fist on his palm.

"What is a 'staff' member?" Cang Yue wondered as she heard another term that she's not familiar with.

"But some are in their thirties. Can they start cultivation at this age?" Xue Ling questioned, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"My ancestor Cang Xue started late and became the empress. She won't turn away from those in need. I'm sure she'll accept these girls with open arms if she were here right now. They might be considered tainted, but they are by no means beyond redemption. I fear these girls might resort to selling their bodies just to survive. Why not give them a chance to work at the palace?" Cang Yue suggested, envisioning a future where these women could find purpose and stability.

"I can provide them with the means to start cultivation early. Xue Ling's right, the third level of the Imperial Palace needs people to take care of it," Yun Che chimed in, offering the possibility of granting these girls XP pills to jumpstart their cultivation journey. If successful, they could become the female vanguard of the palace under Cang Yue's command.

"Big sis, you can train these girls. I'm sure they are truly grateful for the shelter and food you're offering. They have the potential to become great warriors in the future," Cang Yue asserted, settling the decision. Xue Ling nodded in agreement, ready to extend her guidance and support to the women who had been orphaned and abandoned. As she addressed them, offering shelter, training, and a new purpose, the women prostrated themselves in gratitude, tears expressing their overwhelming relief and appreciation.

Little did they know, Xue Ling, the Prime Imperial Protector, had her own plans for the girls she was rescuing. While she had every intention of ensuring their safety and well-being, she also saw an opportunity to lighten her workload in the palace. By taking these girls under her wing, she could delegate some of her duties to them, allowing her more time to focus on matters of greater importance. It was a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Meanwhile, Ling Ming watched from a distance, her heart heavy with the weight of her disappearance and the realization of the dangers lurking in the shadows. As she observed Princess Cang Yue's faction, she found herself contemplating joining their ranks. It seemed like the only way for her to gain the cultivation she needed to protect herself and her family to prevent such tragedies from happening again in the future. More importantly, she feared for her sister's safety, worrying that she might be the next victim should another nefarious sect arise.

She needed power and strength.

With determination burning in her heart, Ling Ming made a silent vow to do whatever it took to ensure her sister's safety in the future.

"Can I join in as well?" her voice chimed in. Soon, other voices joined the chorus, those of girls who still had families. "Us too."

"Ming'er?" Ling Ming's mother was shocked, having just returned from a horrifying experience, but her daughter had already made up her mind to join Princess Cang Yue to be great cultivators just like Lady Retsu and Lord Yun.

"Don't worry, Mother. I want to have the strength to protect everyone in need. I won't go through that again. I refuse to be helpless any longer. Once I am ready, I'll join Princess Cang Yue's faction. But for now, I'll stay with you and Ning'er," Ling Ming declared with determination, and her mother couldn't help but smile. Joining Princess Cang Yue's faction would not only empower Ling Ming but also bring benefits to her family, preventing further bullying.

"Ning'er wants to join as well!" her little sister chimed in playfully, determined to stand by her older sister and never let her face challenges alone again. While their mother wouldn't allow it immediately due to Ning'er's young age, she silently vowed to give her blessings when the time was right. Slowly, she walked towards both Yun Che and Retsu and bowed before them. "Lord Yun, Lady Unohana, thank you for bringing my daughter back to me. To be honest, we weren't certain you were able to find her."

"Well, Little Ning'er here wanted to see her sister. Besides, it kind of made my date go so well," Yun Che spoke as he affectionately patted the little sister's head.

"I have none to offer you as gratitude," the mother of two expressed to both Retsu and Yun Che. Seeing her like this reminded them of Lin Xin. Accepting the mother's request made them not want to let similar things happen to another family.

"No need. You gave us the best date ever. That's more than enough for us," Retsu replied with a warm and wholehearted smile, reassuring the grateful mother. She bowed her head once more before left to be with her daughters.

"Now that you mention it, you never had an Imperial Court of your own, right?" Yun Che inquired of Cang Yue.

"I never had one. All of my brothers have their own legions of guards, but I never thought of having one of my own," Cang Yue admitted. Her focus had primarily been on her responsibilities and the support of Xue Ling as her guardian. That alone shows how much she trusted her.

"Then let these girls become your future maid warriors," Yun Che suggested, envisioning the possibility of a legion of powerful geniuses under Cang Yue's command, akin to the Frozen Cloud Asgard's legion of disciples. Cang Yue pondered the idea, considering the potential of leading a group that could serve a noble purpose. Despite them being tainted by their past experiences, she believed in the strength of their hearts.

According to Yun Che, she can do nothing to erase those scents, but she hopes they can forge a better future with her.

In a heartwarming turn of events, led by Ling Ming, all the rescued women prostrated themselves before Yun Che, Retsu, Cang Yue, and Xue Ling. Ling Ming expressed their deep gratitude, vowing to use this chance at life to prevent such atrocities from happening again and to serve their benefactors faithfully.

"Everyone, please..." Cang Yue attempted to have them stand, but their adamant expressions of gratitude persisted.

Yun Che's smile radiated warmth as he addressed the women before him, his voice filled with genuine care. "You girls deserved this moment. That's all I could say. Please serve Princess Cang Yue well." Retsu nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the sincerity of their mission. The women, their expressions a mix of relief and gratitude, expressed their thanks to Retsu for the emergency treatment they had received back at the sect.

From that moment forward, the women, who had nowhere else to turn, made a solemn vow to serve under Princess Cang Yue's Imperial Court. They understood that under her protection, they would have the opportunity to grow stronger, to become the shields that would defend their princess and her allies. They pledged their loyalty not just to Cang Yue and Xue Ling, but also to the man and woman who had rescued them from the depths of despair: Yun Che and Retsu.

Yun Che and Retsu, to them, were more than their saviors. Though he needed no such protection themselves as their strength surpassed any cultivators but, they swore to stand by their side, ready to wield their swords and shields in their defense should the need arise. The princess and her protector included.

Xue Ling took charge, contacting the other Imperial Protectors to arrange transportation for the rescued women back to the palace. "I'll lead them back to the palace. I've already contacted the palace to send carriages. They should be arriving shortly."

"Then you can take them. I'll take Little Yue back to the palace later," Yun Che suggested, and Xue Ling entrusted Cang Yue to him. With this, the rescued women found a newfound purpose under Cang Yue's care. Those with remaining family members left to reunite with them, while others expressed their desire to join Cang Yue's faction at a later date. The air was filled with a mix of gratitude, hope, and determination as they prepared to embark on this new chapter in their lives.

As Ling Ming walks with her family, she watched Yun Che's back with a mixture of admiration and longing, her heart pounding in her chest as she blushed furiously. But her joy was short-lived as Princess Cang Yue and Lady Unohana walked alongside him, their graceful presence casting a shadow over Ling Ming's own sense of worth. Not only them, but a lot of beauties gave their thoughts up seeing this as well.

Inwardly, Ling Ming chastised herself for harboring such foolish thoughts. She was but a tainted woman, someone whom a man like Yun Che would never deign to notice. Yet, he had saved her and her companions with genuine kindness, offering them a chance at redemption and a newfound purpose.

As they continued their journey, Ling Ming felt a sense of dejection wash over her. She would serve Yun Che with unwavering gratitude, of course, but she knew better than to expect anything beyond the role of a mere servant. The tiny wish that had flickered in her heart, the hope of being summoned by him and perhaps even becoming a concubine, faded into nothingness as she glanced at Retsu and Princess Cang Yue, their presence a stark reminder of her own insignificance.

Resigned to her fate, Ling Ming made a silent vow to herself. She would value the second chance at life that Yun Che had bestowed upon her, dedicating herself to serving him with loyalty and devotion as well as giving her family the life that they deserved. Though her heart may ache with unspoken desires, she would find solace in the knowledge that she had been given a chance to make amends, to repay the debt of gratitude that she owed to the man who had shown her kindness in a world devoid of mercy.


"So, how was your date?" Cang Yue inquired with a tone tinged with envy as Yun Che carried her, with Retsu following beside them. Yun Che glanced sideways, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, while Retsu blushed at the question.

"Besides destroying a rape sect? It was nice," Yun Che nonchalantly replied, but his response did little to appease Cang Yue's playful envy.

"So envious... going on a date like that. Leaving us behind and all," Cang Yue teased, injecting a hint of sarcasm into her words.

"We're sorry," Yun Che and Retsu apologized in unison, but Cang Yue couldn't maintain the charade for long and broke into a smile. "Ehee... Just promise me, Nemu-chan and Mio-chan a date as well."

"We can arrange that. For now, I just want to go home and get me some of that..." Yun Che's words trailed off as he was suddenly tackled to the ground by two familiar blurs hurtling towards him.

"Danna-sama!!" Mio's voice rang out, accompanied by Nemu's as they sprinted towards him. Cang Yue and Retsu stepped aside, allowing the eager duo to reach Yun Che unhindered. With a forceful shove, Mio sent Yun Che tumbling to the ground, her arms wrapping tightly around him in a tight embrace.

"Damn it, what's the license plate of that truck that hit me?" Yun Che groaned jokingly, his head spinning from the impact as Mio clung to him.

Mio quickly released him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "No fair! Taking Ret-chan on a date like that. Mio wanted to go on a date too."

"Nee-sama, that's indeed not fair," Nemu chimed in, joining Retsu's side with a stoic expression.

Retsu rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, sticking out her tongue in response. "Teehee~"

"Don't 'teehee' me, Ret-chan! Take me on a date right now, Danna-sama!" Mio demanded, her playful tone belying the affection she held for Yun Che.

With a resigned sigh, Yun Che relented. "Fine, let's discuss it tomorrow. I'll cook something up for tonight's supper. You girls must be hungry."

Cang Yue interjected with a knowing smile. "You know we won't eat anything other than your cooking, right?"

Yun Che nodded in agreement, fully aware of his girls' preferences when it came to food. As he attempted to rise, Mio seized the opportunity to jump on him again, prompting him to catch her in a princess carry.

"Me as well," Nemu declared with a stoic tone, wrapping her arms around his neck and settling into a piggyback ride.

Yun Che couldn't help but wonder at Nemu's sudden affectionate behavior, noting Retsu's earlier remarks about her feelings towards him.

"You have to shower all of us with affection, Yuu-kun," Retsu teased, slinging her arm around his.

Cang Yue, blushing slightly, chimed in with her own request as she slings his other arm. "You're my consort. You owe me a date as well."

With Mio in his arms, Nemu clinging to his back, Retsu and Cang Yue sling his arms, Yun Che realized that if he wanted to be fair to all his girls, he would have to plan individual dates for each of them—a task he was more than willing to undertake.

"Yes, my lady," Yun Che replied with a smile, bringing the chapter of his and Retsu's eventful date to a close with a satisfying ending, knowing that there were many more adventures—and dates—to come with his beloved companions by his side.

Throughout their eventful date, Retsu clung to Yun Che's arm tightly, causing both to smile at each other. At least, they both got much closer than before.

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