Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 157: The Awakening Doll

Chapter 157: The Awakening Doll


As Yun Che woke up, he never really expected the size of the Imperial Palace to be this big.

Perched majestically atop a dramatically altered mountain, the Blue Wind Imperial Palace loomed as a testament to grandeur and mystery. This architectural masterpiece boasted four distinct circular levels, each contributing to the intricate tapestry of imperial life. The circular design of the palace, surrounded by walls in a similar fashion, created an awe-inspiring spectacle that hinted at the empire's opulence and power, all inspired by the elegance of ancient Chinese buildings.

At the base, the sprawling lower levels pulsed with ceaseless activity, a hive of political machinations and administrative endeavors that managed the vast empire. As one ascended to the second level, opulent residences of palace officials whispered with intrigue, their ornate corridors echoing with clandestine conversations. This tier also hosted the main courtyard, where traitors gathered before facing the judgment of Cang Wanhe, whether imprisonment or banishment.

Traditionally reserved for princes and their realms, the third level underwent a radical transformation. Branded as traitors, former princes yielded to an unexpected ruler—Imperial Princess Cang Yue. With seized assets and lands, the third level became her canvas, where she could shape the domain according to her imperial desires, all against the backdrop of ancient Chinese architectural inspiration.

Crowning the structure, the fourth level held the main palace—an exquisite jewel that demanded dedication to reach. Grand staircases led the way, each step carrying the weight of significance. Here, within the heart of the palace, Cang Wanhe's former power was restored, his residence standing as a symbol of power and elegance.

Beyond the imperial citadel, the city sprawled like an Ancient Chinese-inspired tapestry, unfolding over three hundred kilometers. The northeast, closest to the harbor and the sea, displayed a unique three-quarters build, marking the city's border. Despite its proximity to the sea, the circular design remained, defining the imperial city's majestic boundary, showcasing the fusion of ancient Chinese architectural aesthetics with the imperial legacy. Fishing and trading activities thrived in this coastal section, giving the metropolis a vibrant pulse. From above, the city cocooned the palace in a harmonious dance of history and modernity, a testament to the enduring legacy of the empire.

A solitary road stretched from each entrance, navigating its way through the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western gates, aiming directly for the grand palace. This thoroughfare, a symbolic artery, ushered visitors straight into the Imperial Palace which is pulsating heart of the city.


Two days later, the Blue Wind Empire bore witness to a historic event etched in its annals. The rebellion, quelled by unknown assailants, left a lingering air of intrigue. Cang Lin's defeat at the hands of his sister, Cang Yue, added an unexpected twist to the unfolding drama. With Cang Wanhe fully healed and reinstated as the Emperor of the Blue Wind Empire, gratitude welled within him for the pivotal role played by Yun Che. Yet, Yun Che, with a humble demeanour, requested that his identity remain shrouded in secrecy.

The Blue Wind Profound Palace, rushing to aid the emperor, found the matter already resolved. Yun Che's involvement, though crucial, was veiled in secrecy. Despite the resolution, the emperor extended his gratitude by granting Yun Che and his companions a special courtyard within the palace. In other words, the entire third level as the area now belongs to Cang Yue. Plans for the emperor's engagement to Cang Yue, Retsu, and Mio were underway, marking a significant development. The emperor's decision brought boundless joy to Cang Yue, granting her the independence she longed for within the palace walls.

Yun Che's anticipation bubbled over at the thought of crafting a haven within the secure embrace of the Blue Wind Imperial Palace. The tantalizing possibilities of the Blueprint Mode fueled his imagination, igniting a vision of a dream home for his future family. Tomorrow, he eagerly planned to immerse himself in the creative process, dedicating the day to designing their future dream home using the System's Creation Mode.

Yun Che, despite the vastness of the generous third level in the royal palace, chose to optimize a smaller plot for practical reasons. The entire level spanned ten kilometers, connecting the second and fourth levels. Although technically under Cang Yue's control, it seemed like a blank canvas for her future family's dreams. Navigating the expansive area required a thirty-kilometer journey from the palace gate to the core. Cang Yue, realizing the third level's space, envisioned a practical and cozy home for her family within the grand space as the level alone was too much. 

Flying became a necessity for the Imperial Family to cover the vast distances within the palace. Carriages were impractical due to the immense expanse, requiring too much time to travel from the main palace to the palace gate. Yun Che's practical approach showcased his strategic thinking, ensuring their home would fulfill dreams and blend seamlessly with the grandeur of the Imperial Palace's design.

As night descended and the full moon illuminated the surroundings, Cang Yue seized the opportunity to gather Moon Energy, replenishing what she had expended during Wrath's rampage in the sanctuary. Yun Che, anticipating a simple night's rest before their impending bending training, found himself faced with an unexpected twist.

Suddenly, a notification materialized in front of Yun Che, catching him off guard. The night, it seemed, held more surprises than he had anticipated. 


[Soul conversion is now complete; Host can now enter the inner world to activate Nemu.]


The soul conversion is complete. Yun Che widened his eyes, realizing that three months had passed since Nemu underwent the process of transforming into a proper Shinigami with a physical body. Today marked the culmination of that conversion, and he was about to welcome the newest member into his unique family.

"Yuu-kun? Are you coming to bed?" Retsu asked, ready to begin Cang Yue's training for the new arts she was about to acquire the next day. Moreover, she wanted to use the time to practice forming the Rasengan with one hand and learning to perfect the Rasenshuriken.

"We might have to skip sleeping for tonight," Yun Che smirked, the notification changing their plans.

"Eh, why?" Mio inquired. She wanted to gain the Fully Rested perk again for tomorrow as she had an idea to combine her darkness and air element with the Rasengan.

Turning to Retsu, he revealed, "Well… Retsu, I might have exciting news for you. Your little sister is now ready to be awakened."

"Nemu-chan? She's ready?!" Hearing this, Retsu's excitement was palpable.

"Nani… nani…. Who is this Nemu?" Mio asked with an eager curiosity.

"She's Retsu's little sister. Remember that golden egg underneath my central tree? That's her. She's currently hibernating in the inner world, undergoing a soul transformation to be born as a proper Shinigami with a Zanpakuto. The process started three months ago after I summoned her, but she wasn't ready at that time," Yun Che explained, clarifying Mio's curiosity about the mysterious figure under the tree.

Excited to meet her sister, Retsu exclaimed, "Yes! Looks like our little family is expanding now that she's awake. Yuu-kun, let's meet her!"

"Then, hop on. I might need somewhere safe to store my body. Wouldn't want Cang Yue to ask questions later," Yun Che said, leading the girls to a secluded spot to hide his main body before initiating a login into the inner world. The anticipation of meeting Nemu added a new layer of excitement to the night.


Inside the inner world, Nemu's golden bubble pulsed, indicating the completion of the conversion process. Curious Zanpakuto spirits gathered nearby, drawn by the sudden activity under the tree.

Yun Che or Yuuki which he preferred should he entered the inner world, accompanied by Mio and Retsu, stepped into the transformed inner world. The air had shifted since he unlocked the Lower Saint Body, radiating vitality that seemed capable of bringing someone to full recovery. However, the system strictly maintained its rule against allowing humans into Yun Che's inner world.

As for the Pagoda, it had transcended into a faint gold, surpassing its former silvery appearance and radiating increased brilliance. Yuuki contemplated visiting the Pagoda later since it orbited a small island adjacent to the main one. The main island, despite Yuuki's level stagnation, remained vast with a diameter of seventy kilometres.

"Onii-chan!" Mizu and Kaze shouted, embracing Yuuki without their usual truck-like approach, before turning their affection toward Mio. The phoenix displayed its fondness for Retsu, who reciprocated with gentle head rubs.

"Finally, you're here," Jasmine's voice resonated, and she appeared in her casual yukata with Ryuu curled around her neck. Yuuki noted the dragon's closeness to Jasmine, wrapping around her neck the entire time.

"Yeah, it was quite hectic outside, but everything turned out fine," Yuuki spoke, acknowledging the events in the imperial city.

"Well, good job in reclaiming the Blue Wind Empire back. We wouldn't want Xuyi's legacy tarnished by good-for-nothings. Is that girl fine too?" Jasmine inquired, expressing concern about Cang Yue.

"Little Yue? Yeah, she's fine. The Haoshoku outburst hurt her head a lot, but Kon's emergency aid and the Fully Rested perk restored her mental power to normal. You seemed to worry about Cang Yue, apparently," Yuuki smiled, surprised by Jasmine's concern extending beyond himself, Retsu, or Mio. Jasmine didn't worry much about Kon, who occasionally became her punching bag, enjoying it in his plushy form.

"*Sigh… I can't say I don't, as that girl is Xuyi's successor. I might have taken a liking toward her. I admit that girl has the potential to become a powerful monarch," Jasmine spoke, reluctantly revealing her interest in Cang Yue, primarily because she was Huan Xuyi's successor.

"She will be but much more powerful than she meant to be," Yuuki envisioned Cang Yue's promising future.

"By the way, I took the liberty of exploring that small cave you have over there. It was full of Purple Vein God Crystals," Jasmine remarked, gesturing toward the mysterious cave that had suddenly formed in the inner world, an obvious rock formation nestled in the garden amid grasses and flowers.

"Yeah, it was a gift from the system. Now I can harvest at least two kilograms of crystals every month in the future, and the current depth of the cave is probably ten to fifteen meters. It will grow as my level increases," Yuuki explained, appreciating the reward for discovering the vein and the system's ability to replicate it.

"I see you've recovered another part of your strength," Yuuki remarked, noticing Jasmine's progress in regaining her power.

"Yeah, early Sky Profound Realm. At least I can now take flight. But enough about that; I see that Nemu girl is almost awake," Jasmine said, shifting the focus to the imminent awakening of Nemu.

"Where is Kon anyway?" Yuuki asked, realizing his timing was off.

"Nee-san!!!" Kon suddenly flew out of nowhere, attempting to hug Jasmine, only to meet her fist.


Jasmine's punch landed solidly on Kon's plushy head, emitting smoke. "Ahhh, Nee-san's punch is still strong as ever," Kon spoke with a pleasured tone. He couldn't feel pain in his plushy form, but he enjoyed the impact of Jasmine's punches and the occasional frustration punch from Cang Yue.

Ignoring their plushy friend, Yuuki walked toward the pulsing golden bubble with Jasmine. "Let's greet her then."

"Yuu-kun, I am quite excited and nervous to meet her," Retsu admitted, not fully prepared to embrace the role of a sister.

"Don't worry… It'll be fine," Yuuki reassured her. Retsu had already proven herself as a good alpha among her flock of sisters, and Yuuki believed she would make a wonderful sister to Nemu, possibly becoming her Alpha as well. The air in the inner world buzzed with anticipation as they approached Nemu's awakening.


[Ding…. Nemuri Nanago is now ready to be awakened. Initiate awakening?]


"Yes, system.. please wake her." Yuuki gave his order.


[Command accepted. Initiate awakening in three, two, one.]


With a command from the system, the protective bubble surrounding the slumbering Nemu dissipated, and the girl gracefully descended to the flower-strewn grass beneath the tree. Despite her lack of clothing, Shirayuki and Kuroyuki, two Zanpakuto spirits, draped a towel over her and gently set her down.

Nemu, in all her ethereal beauty, hugged her knees, her hair cascading down her waist, unbraided and free. Aside from her lack of attire, she radiated a celestial aura, her large bust nearly comparable to Retsu's. Despite the differences from her original form, her porcelain face and cute nose hinted at the potential for stunning beauty with a little grooming.

"Nnnggghh…" Nemu's emerald green eyes fluttered open, revealing a mix of surprise and stoicism as she took in her unfamiliar surroundings and the spirits surrounding her. Her gaze eventually landed on Yuuki.

She placed her hands to the front before bowing slightly while sitting down. "Yuuki-sama, I have been waiting for you."

"You know me?" Yuuki was genuinely surprised, curious about how Nemu had acquired information about him.

Nemu nodded, her beautiful eyes observing him intently. "Yes, I have been awake all this time. The system awakened my consciousness three months ago, the moment you chose to awaken me as a Shinigami. I am currently uploaded with the necessary language of this new dimension. I have seen some of the spirits here, as I learned what I could from the system database before being awakened." 

Nemu's words indicated that she had already acquired the necessary information before her awakening. This spared Yuuki the task of reintroducing her to the intricacies of their world. Her learning had transcended the need for an education, and it seemed she had completed her history lesson before stepping into reality. 

"Please forgive me as I have been watching you, Yuuki-sama, including Retsu-sama and Mio-sama. I am grateful to you for giving me a chance to serve you. I am Nemuri Nanago, a former artificial modifiable entity. Now, I am a fully-fledged Shinigami. I am unawakened in terms of power and currently awaiting your order. I have no prior training or memories, so I might need to train before I can be your sword and shield." Nemu bowed gracefully.

"Well, that doesn't mean we can't introduce ourselves. I am Yukihira Yuuki, currently roaming this world as Yun Che. This is my spider companion, Mio, and your older sister, Unohana Retsu. The lying pervert over there is Kon," Yuuki reintroduced himself, Retsu and Mio, as well as Kon, who was still passed out from Jasmine's punch.

"I have an older sister?" The mention of her having a sister was not in the system's database, and she was indeed surprised by this revelation.

"Well, basically you are born from the system alongside Retsu. Retsu was here first, so she is your older sister," Yuuki revealed, and Retsu nodded her head.

"I…" Nemu felt nervous, not expecting to have an older sister.

"Pleased to meet you, Nemu. From now on, let's always be together, and I will always watch over you," Retsu spoke with a soft tone, extending her hand towards Nemu.

"Hai… Please guide me as well, Retsu nee-sama," Nemu spoke, expressing her happiness at discovering that the person she had been watching was indeed her sister.

"Mouuu, there's no need for formalities. Just call me Nee-chan," Retsu spoke with a cutesy tone.

"Nee…" Nemu attempted to say the honorifics, and Retsu was ecstatic.

"Nee-sama," Nemu spoke while looking down, hiding her blush in embarrassment. She was somehow embarrassed to call Retsu with a familial honorific, adding a touch of endearing awkwardness to the moment.

"Mouuu…" Retsu pouted in a cutesy way, somehow disappointed but vowed to train Nemu to call her Onee-chan in the future.

Seizing the moment, Mio extended her hand with a smile and reintroduced herself. "Well, I am Mio, Danna-sama's beloved spider companion. Pleased to meet you as well, Nemu-chan."

"Danna-sama? Mio-sama, are you married to Yuuki-sama?" Nemu inquired, sensing a relationship not registered in the system.

"Why… Yes, Nemu-chan. Perks to you for noticing," Mio proudly bluffed, eliciting jealousy from all Zanpakuto spirits except Mizu, Kaze, Hoyuu, and the old man. Even Retsu wasn't exempt.

"Mio-chan…" Retsu spoke with puffed cheeks, preparing to correct Mio's bluff.

"Ehee… I am not yet married to him, but I am waiting for his proposal." Mio didn't forget to make a face, admitting to the playful exaggeration. Yuuki sweatdropped before fake coughing, drawing everyone's attention.

"Well, shenanigans aside…" Yuuki spoke, lowering his head to Nemu's level. "Nemu, I never planned to treat everyone here as a servant like you were meant to be. To me, all of us are family, including you. You are my companion, just like Retsu and Mio."

Nemu widened her eyes, expecting to be treated as a servant but finding happiness in being considered an equal. "I am a companion? What about Kon?"

"That pervert? He's a gopher. So you can drill his head for all I care," Yuuki joked, and Kon responded with a plushy arm punch. "Teme!"

Ignoring him, Yuuki grinned, extending his hand. "Let's work together in the future, Nemu."

"Yes, Yuuki-sama, please take good care of me." Nemu nodded, slowly taking his soft hand.

"I prefer you call me Yuu-sama in the outside world. People over there don't know my true name, and since you are Retsu's little sister, your true name from now on will be Unohana Nemuri, Unohana Retsu's little sister." Yuuki spoke, earning a light blush from Retsu. The moment was filled with a sense of unity and camaraderie among the newly formed family. 

"Ehee, I have a real sister from now on," Retsu spoke, patting Nemu's head with eagerness, ready to guide the girl into her newfound sisterhood. Initially worried about the type of girl the system might summon, Retsu found herself delighted at the prospect of having her first little sister. Someone she could groom to be as powerful and beautiful as she desired.

"Mouuu, what about me, Ret-chan?" Mio playfully pouted, shedding fake tears. Simultaneously, Mio schemed to have Yuuki to herself while Retsu focused on Nemu—a win-win situation in her eyes.

"Mio-chan will always be my flock sister," Retsu reassured, rubbing Mio's head as they shared a playful hug, unaware of Mio's underlying motives. Yuuki sighed, acknowledging the close bond between the two despite their perpetual culinary and affectionate rivalry.

Yuuki then introduced Nemu to Jasmine, who commented that she was indeed similar to Retsu, only stoic and younger. Now, Jasmine had someone else to care for, aside from Retsu, whom she openly admitted to caring for deeply.

Despite Nemu's stoic personality, she felt genuine happiness. Her master treated her not as a mere servant but as someone worthy of developing her powers. She had gained not only an older sister but also a flock sister in Mio. The prospect of this newfound family brought warmth to Nemu's heart.

Her greatest happiness was, indeed, tied to Yuuki. From the moment she regained consciousness, Nemu had been observing him continuously, thanks to the information provided by the system. As a soul, she delved into learning everything about her master, who the system assured would not treat her as a mere servant or assistant. His interactions with Retsu, Mio, and even Kon demonstrated this.

Yuuki would visit his spirits, engaging in various activities, ranging from training and conversations to play and bonding moments. The happiest instances for Nemu were when Yuuki and Retsu came to her unconscious self, simply talking to her and treating her not as a servant but as a companion. During her waiting period, she had developed a genuine liking for her new master, yearning to discover more about him and her own past life as a modified soul.

Questions flooded Nemu's thoughts. What kind of person was she before becoming a soul? What did it mean to be happy, sad, or to love someone? Could she love Retsu as an older sister, Mio as a flock sister, or perhaps even Yuuki? The overwhelming emotions she felt were a newfound gift, and she eagerly sought to unravel their depths.

Nemu sensed that her master viewed her as a companion and Retsu as a little sister. Retsu visited her often, sharing plans for their future together. Nemu could discern Retsu's longing for a sister of her own, and now, Yuuki had granted her that wish. Being seen as a person and a sister brought Nemu profound happiness.

When Retsu introduced Nemu to the other spirits, even Kon took the opportunity to make an introduction at the same time, finding opportunities to jump to her bosom, though his antics were swiftly curbed by a punch from Retsu. This act underscored Retsu's care for Nemu, despite the latter having just awakened from her three-month slumber.

Yuuki seized the moment to assess Nemu's abilities, accessing the information through notifications. The scene was marked by a sense of warmth, unity, and the promise of a deeper connection among the members of this newfound family.


[Unohana Nemuri]


Name: Nemu (Formerly known as Kurotsuchi Nemu).

Age: 16 years old.

HP: 5000/5000

MP: 5000/5000

Elemental Attributes: Earth and Lightning

Race: Evolved Shinigami (Formerly an Artificial Modifiable Entity).

Level: None.

Body Level: None.

Zanpakuto: Unawaken.

Bankai: Unawaken.

Visored: None.

Haki: None.


Kido Skills: None.


Special Skills:

1) Hand Drills: Nemu can manipulate her Reaitsu to form a powerful hand drill. Formerly limited to her modified gigai, she can now unleash this ability with her living body.

2) Poison Immunity: Inherited from the host's Sky Poison Pearl, Nemu possesses a special poison immunity body, akin to Retsu and Mio.

3) Boosted Attributes: Nemu can enhance her Defense (Body Level/Health Regeneration), Strength (Offensive Physical and Kido Power), Intelligence (Reaitsu Regeneration) and Agility (Speed Boost) by five levels from her original state thanks to her unique powers.

4) Attribute Channeling: Nemu can balance her attributes or channel extra levels into a single attribute, unleashing formidable power. She can channel up to twenty levels into a single attribute. Attacks from these channeled attributes are significantly enhanced.

5) Limit Break Attribute Channeling: Once a day, Nemu can break the limits of her channeling but directly break her twenty-level attribute limit by taking her default attribute points for 10 minutes before the system restore all her attributes back to normal. 


System Skills:


1) Instant Learning

2) Gamer's Mind



Nemu, now equipped with a real soul and a living Shinigami body, can recreate and regain her former life's special skills while achieving suitable levels for cultivation. With the ability to awaken her own Zanpakuto and Bankai, she surpasses her previous counterpart in power. Nemu can even learn additional kido skills to further enhance her capabilities.

Her unique intelligence system positions her as the perfect host's assistant for creating modern technology, showcasing an aptitude for understanding technological terminology. As the chaos unfolds, Nemu's dynamic abilities and adaptability make her a formidable force in the evolving landscape of power and intrigue.


"What do you mean by 'unique intelligence system'?"


[It means she can understand the host's modern talk quite well. Do be mindful that she sometimes can't understand if you talk in circles.]


"What does that mean?"


[It means she can explain things better than you.]


Yuuki was stumped, the system spot-on about his tendency to overexcite himself when explaining technology from his world. Retsu and Mio would often share sheepish smiles, recalling the hour-long toaster rant. Nemu likely had a more concise explanation.

He momentarily forgot about it as he delved into Nemu's unique skills. One particular skill caught him off guard.

"Well, I'll be damned. Attribute Channeling?" Yun Che whistled.

"What's wrong, Yuu-kun?" Retsu asked, and Nemu regarded him with a curious expression.

"Well, Nemu has her own special skill, much like yours," Yuuki explained.

"She has Yin Yang Essence as well?" Retsu spoke with a shocked expression.

"No, but she has Attribute Channeling. It allows her to divert all her powers to attack, defense, regenerate, or speed according to her needs. She can even limit break them for 10 minutes," Yuuki clarified, revealing that Nemu could focus all her levels into a single attribute, sacrificing defense, intelligence, and speed for a powerful burst. This revelation left them all astonished.

"Sugoi! Well, she is my sister after all," Retsu exclaimed, hugging Nemu, who maintained her stoic expression, akin to a cat enduring its owner's affection.

"Yuu-sama, do you know about my previous life? What kind of person am I?" Nemu asked suddenly, and Retsu and Mio admitted they were curious as well. 

"You might want to sit down for this," Yuuki suggested, taking a seat in front of the prime tree with Nemu, Mio, and Retsu gathered around. The other spirits sat nearby, eager to know more about Nemu's previous life. He began, "Well, I do know you, but you might not like how it is going."

"Back then, you were just an artificial modifiable entity. A soul supposed to be extinguished after a single use. A soul candy. Your father from your previous life modified you to be a modifiable soul, to last longer and possibly permanently. Nemuri Nanago means sleeping number seven. You are part of his Nemuri Project, which is to create a perfect Artificial Modifiable Entity or Gikon. It means you are his seventh experiment that lasts longer," Yuuki explained, uncertain whether revealing this was the right choice. The only thing Nemu found happiness in Bleach was during its gag moments. The rest, not so much.

He began recounting bits of her life as a gigai soul and an experiment to her former father, Kurotsuchi Mayuri. A former genius for Soul Society after Urahara Kisuke's supposed betrayal, Mayuri hid a sadistic side beneath his eccentric exterior. Nemu became his guinea pig, enduring countless tests, abuses, and beatings before becoming the perfect Artificial Modifiable Entity. 

Kon might have been a good Gikon, but Nemu was better. Nemu was made not to show reactions or pain as the experiments continued. Even the last time Yuuki saw Nemu was during her victory against Pernida, only for Mayuri to deceive Pernida into consuming Nemu's body. Afterward, Mayuri activated modified cells in the shreds, multiplying them to destroy Pernida from within. All that remained of Nemu was her brain, which Mayuri used as a base to create Nemuri Hachigou.

As the spirits, Mio, and Retsu absorbed this information, anger surged within them. Retsu, despite being familiar with Kurotsuchi Mayuri from that time, vowed to kill him should he live to torment Nemu again. Mio also wouldn't hesitate to string him up and feed him to the spiders. Jasmine, having heard the tale before, expressed her anger toward Mayuri once more.

Nemu suddenly looked down, overwhelmed with unbearable sadness as her previous life was basically living and dying for Mayuri himself. If he ordered her to die, then she wouldn't hesitate to do so and just easily replaced like a spare part. In her previous life, she wasn't even Unohana Retsu's sister; she was just a Gikon. The thought saddened her deeply.

As she pondered, she felt a comforting hug. It was Retsu, embracing her tightly, as if refusing to let her go. Another pat on her head followed, this time from Yuuki, offering solace and support.

Then, he spoke with a soft tone. "If you're thinking about your previous life, you don't have to anymore. In this life, you have a living body and an opportunity to awaken your own powers. This is your own life from now on. You don't have to live just to die at the right moment anymore. You have an older sister who is looking out for you, friends who look after you, and someone who cares for you. You are not an experiment anymore. You are an evolved Shinigami, just like us."

Despite Nemu's stoic personality, her eyes betrayed her, overwhelmed with emotions, and tears unknowingly streamed down her face. She scanned around, seeing Retsu and Mio, his Zanpakuto spirits as her friends, and him as her summoner and master. She held his hand tightly and said, "Yuuki-sama, I… Thank you for bringing me into this world. I promise I won't waste the life you gave me."

"You should thank the system. It was the one that brought you here. I only altered your fate a little bit by giving you a chance to be like us. You are a living companion, Nemu. I planned for you to live your life here with us, and you can act according to what you think is right," Yuuki spoke, and Nemu silently thanked the system core.


[Ding…. You're welcome.]


That notification meant a lot to Nemu. Yuuki extended his hand again and spoke, "Welcome to the flock, Nemu."

"Hai, Yuuki-sama. I won't disappoint you." Nemu renewed her resolve to be the best version of herself in this world. She might not have had a happy ending in her past life, but that doesn't mean it'll repeat in this world. She will make the best version of it.

"I am sure you won't. Just live for yourself, your sister right here, your flock sister Mio, and your friends here. That pervert Kon, and my master Jasmine. You and Retsu came from the system, so in this world, you are sisters," Yuuki reassured.

"Don't worry, Nemu. Onee-chan will protect you from now on," Retsu smiled as she now had a sister to care for.

"Jasmine over there might act like a big tsundere, but if she cares for you, she cares for you," Yuuki pointed towards Jasmine.

"You don't have to worry, Nemu. If this big oaf tries to be like your previous father, I'll be sure to kill him," Jasmine spoke, causing Yuuki to sweat drop.

"I was going to kill him first; get in line, sour puss," Hoyuu suddenly chimed in, causing Jasmine to glare at him.

"No, I am not. I am not that vile. Besides, I have lots of things to teach Nemu now that I have an assistant scientist," Yuuki countered.

"Assistant scientist?" Jasmine wondered.

"Someone who can help me build modern technologies from now on. The things we can wander and explore," Yuuki pondered in excitement.

"At least someone understands you," Jasmine shot with sarcasm, and he just sweatdropped, acknowledging how right she was.

"Right?" Yuuki spoke with excitement before he continued, "Anyway, we can start introducing Nemu to Cang Yue tomorrow. We can begin with her haki, kido, and possibly awaken her Zanpakuto. Nemu's a smart girl; she can learn fast."

"I can teach her how to master haki!" Mio offered.

"Then, I can teach her to use Kido," Retsu chimed in.

"Nemu might need some help with Kido since she's basically a newbie. I'll find some monster cores to initially boost her levels to surpass Beginner's Profound Realm. By the tournament, she'll be ready to join us in the secret realm after the tournament and use its high-level ground to boost her levels," Yuuki spoke. Retsu might consider introducing her to Yachiru, who is Retsu's teacher in terms of Kido, but she can simplify it for Nemu, as Yachiru's teaching might be a bit complex.

"Ehee, my sister will be much more powerful by then," Retsu squealed in excitement as she continued hugging Nemu as if the girl were a life-size doll.

"I won't disappoint, Nee-sama," Nemu suddenly pumped up.

"It's Nee-chan!" Retsu corrected her. Nemu might be the type to call her Nee-sama, but that doesn't mean she'll give up wanting her to call her that. As for the spirits, Saru and Hebi offered to be her training partners if she's interested. Shirayuki and Kuroyuki suddenly became happy, as they now have a younger model to try clothes with, since Nemu is basically a young teenager. So, they might consider learning her sizes as well, since the assets on her chest are quite big for a teenager.

All of them took a little time to familiarize each other before Yuuki brought them to the manor to get some sleep. Now that he finally had the time to explore, he could choose his own room. Turns out, Shirayuki and Kuroyuki had already put some finishing touches on the manor's interior, along with Jasmine. No wonder his stash of raw materials after building Lin Xin's manor was gone. It turns out they had been using the System's Creation Mode to build up some furniture for the manor. Not that he minded, but these girls might have used a little too much.

Arriving in one of the rooms, the snow sisters provided some clothes for Nemu for her usage, and this would be her room from now on. Retsu intended for her to have her own room, but somehow, the girl wished to share a room with her newly gained sister.

However, Retsu had already planned to share a room with Yuuki and Mio. Nemu somehow wondered if she too could share a room with him. He did say to live for herself, which means it's free for her to share him with her sister? Just like Retsu and Mio shared his affection? Does that mean he can have more in his affection? She never learned how to love before, but with these emotions, she might learn to love him as well. 

"Yuu-kun, you won't mind…" Retsu began to inquire about letting Nemu sleep together with him, but she didn't even finish her question before Mio chimed in.

"Ret-chan and Nemu-chan can sleep together in this room. She surely wants to talk more with her sister."

"But…" Retsu tried to protest, only for Mio to reply with a cheerful tone.

"Let us two lovebirds take it from here from now." With that, Mio effortlessly lifted Yuuki as if he were weightless, before running towards another room, shouting 'Yahoo' all the way. As for Yuuki himself, he pretty much let everything happen.

Retsu, on the other hand, wore an annoyed expression with a sweatdrop.

"Nee-sama? You look mad for some reason." Nemu noticed her sister's irritated expression.

"Yes, I am quite mad, Nemu-chan. Someone just stole Yuu-kun from me, and I am not letting it slide. Ufuuu… Someone is getting a good gripping later on." Retsu spoke with a creepy tone.

"I see…." Nemu looked confused for a moment, but she was sure her sister wasn't the only one with an annoyed expression. She swore there were four others peeping from around the corner.


In Yun Che's room within the inner world manor.

"Huff…huff…." Mio heavily breathed, staring into Yuuki's eyes with an obvious longing. How long she had waited to be alone with him right now.

"Mio?" Yuuki started to get nervous, sensing that this was the look Mio had when she had her way with him last time.

"The system must've answered my wish to give me a room with you, Danna-sama," Mio spoke with a heavy blush. Loosening her Yukata, she cooed in his ear, "Since we're here, let's do what couples usually do in private."

"Huh?" Yuuki was about to employ his escape tactic, but he realized that Mio had already bound him with her webs.

"Danna-sama~" Mio was about to kiss him, only for a looming shadow behind her to show a sinister aura as it grabbed her head from behind.

"This manor is not that private, Mio-chan~~" The looming shadow revealed Retsu alongside Nemu, both in sleeping Yukatas. Retsu was still grabbing Mio's head from behind, especially with her signature creepy smile.

"Ow..ow…ow… my head, Ret-chan… your 'iron claw' is hurting me." Retsu let go of her head before Mio turned around with a fake sad expression. "Ret-chan, what are you doing here? I just want to be alone for a moment with Danna-sama."

"Mouu… Even if my sister is here, that doesn't mean I'll leave you alone with him. You know we can't do 'couple things' before we're married," Retsu sighed.

"Eheee…" Mio rubbed her head as her plans were busted. Yuuki, however, just sweatdropped as that was her plan all along.


"Besides…" Retsu smirked as the door to his room suddenly opened, revealing Yuuki's other Zanpakuto spirits, complete with their sleeping attire and pillows. 

"Yeay… sleepover… sleepover…. Sleepover…" Mizu and Kaze sang as they entered their room, adorned in sleeping yukatas and carrying pillows.

"A sleepover? We're joining as well." Saru spoke alongside Hebi, both entering with their own pillows.

"Ara~~ that doesn't mean we're not joining as well. This is a rare chance to sleep with Yuuki-sama." Shirayuki appeared alongside her elder sister, Kuroyuki, both clad in sleeping yukatas as well.

"Indeed, Milord never tends to sleep in this world. We might as well take the chance." Kuroyuki spoke with her signature elegance.

Yuuki simply smiled as his Zanpakuto spirits, dressed in sleeping yukatas, gathered around. Kuroyuki was right; he never sleeps in his inner world and decided to take the time to visit and sleep in this world for once. Witnessing each of them with their hair down, dressed in simple sleeping yukatas, was a pleasant sight. If the system hadn't implanted the Gamer's Mind in his head, this would indeed be a heavenly sight for him.

"Muu, why is everyone here?" Mio pouted, her plan to be alone with him thwarted not only by Retsu but also by the other Zanpakuto spirits.

"Well, Mio-sama, you're not the only one who wants to sleep with him," Hebi spoke with confidence before blushing at her own statement, causing others to smirk at her.

"That sounds kind of misleading." Yuuki sweatdropped.

"I meant what I said, Yuuki-sama." Hebi smirked.

"I agree with her." Saru spoke, licking her lips.

"Us too." Shirayuki and Kuroyuki spoke with a light blush.

"We want to sleep with onii-chan as well!" Mizu and Kaze declared, unaware of the implications. Despite being thousands of years old, they still maintained their childlike minds.

"Well, Mio… Since they're all here… Why don't we get some shut-eye? It's two o'clock in the morning and we have an early day tomorrow." Yuuki suggested before Mio forgot that she had bound him just a while ago. He reminded her, "Mind getting me out of these webs?"

Mio reluctantly released him, her playful plan foiled, but that didn't mean she was ready to give up her current spot beside him.

With that, Yun Che conjured some mattresses for them. He lay in the middle, with Retsu holding his right arm and Nemu beside her. Mio took his left arm on his left side. Saru and Hebi hugged his legs, and Mizu and Kaze boldly embraced his torso. Shirayuki and Kuroyuki slept near his head.

Not that he minded sleeping like this, but it was a bit uncomfortable as each of his limbs and torso was held hostage by his girls.

Even if he woke up the next morning, their positions remained the same. Surely, he was glad these girls slept with big smiles on their faces. Even Nemu. Surprisingly, Jasmine slept next to Mio and somehow joined them, but he was certain she was laughing at his misfortune.

"Can't I have a normal morning for once?" Yuuki asked internally.


[Ding… You wanted a harem life. You got it.]


"But, I never said…" Yuuki tried to protest.


[Ding… You're welcome.]


"Sigh… Is this going to be normal in the future?" Yuuki sighed as he just let the spirits and his fiancées have their moment with him. Sucks to be the early bird if other birds aren't waking up yet.


"Danna-sama, here... Ah~~~" Mio, fully prepared to feed him during breakfast within the inner world, insisted on taking charge. Alongside Retsu, they had taken the initiative to prepare breakfast in the inner world. While the spirits had no need for physical sustenance, they joined the gathering for breakfast, and Yuuki, Retsu, and Mio found themselves with extra hands in the kitchen.

"Mio, I can handle this..." Yuuki attempted to decline, but Mio persistently raised her chopsticks, her smile becoming increasingly determined. Eventually, he relented, accepting the offered food like a good sport, though he couldn't escape the jealous glares from those around him.

"Oishi?" Mio inquired, her expression hopeful. Before Yuuki could respond, Retsu extended her chopsticks toward him as well. "Mouuu, Yuu-kun, mine as well..."

Nemu observed the morning antics with her usual stoic expression, finding amusement in the interactions between her master, sister, and Mio.

"Is it good?" Retsu gracefully asked as she fed him her special pancakes. However, Mio was not ready to concede and promptly held up another offering before him, while Retsu efficiently did the same.

"Retsu... Mio..." Yuuki began to voice his protest, but before he could assert himself, a chorus of voices from his Zanpakuto spirits, especially Shirayuki, joined the fray, refusing to be outdone by Retsu and Mio. Even her older sister added to the playful competition. "Ah~~~"

"Master... Milord... Yuuki-sama..." The collective voices of his Zanpakuto spirits echoed, with Shirayuki expressing her determination not to lose to Retsu and Mio. Despite Yuuki's plea for them to stop, the spirited competition continued unabated. "We won't lose to them." 

"We want to as well~~~" Mizu and Kaze chimed in, expressing their eagerness. However, instead of chopsticks, they seemed intent on shoving an entire onigiri into his mouth.

"Yuu-sama..." Yuuki turned toward Nemu, only to find her also attempting to feed him. Perplexed, he questioned, "Nemu? You too?"

"Nee-sama asked me to try as well. It kind of looks fun," Nemu replied with a flat tone and stoic expression, her attempt at feeding him surprisingly endearing.

"Well, aren't we lively in the morning?" Jasmine commented with a yawn as she joined them for breakfast, showing no intention of helping Yuuki. Even Ryuu, coiled around her neck, seemed to share in the lethargy.

"Nee-san!" Kon shouted, attempting to jump on Jasmine, only to receive another punch to the head. Unfazed, Jasmine continued eating without a care.

In a last-ditch effort, Yuuki turned to his last hope. "System?"


[Ding… Survive]


"That's just helpful," Yun Che spoke internally, hoping for some miracle to save his sorry butt.

"Ring... ring... ring..." His Tenteikura ring interrupted the entire shenanigans, and Yuuki was entirely ecstatic. "Saved by the ring!"

Whoever was calling him right now was his grand savior. Yuuki gently pushed the food aside before tapping his ear. "Hang on a sec..."

The call connected, and Yuuki joked, "Ehem... Kowabunga and Co Party Service... Kowabunga, dude."

"Ummm, is this Yun Che...?" the voice on the other end spoke.

"Little Yue? Fancy calling me in the morning," Yuuki grinned, revealing that the caller was indeed Cang Yue. The other spirits knew Cang Yue but couldn't help feeling jealous.

"You were missing last night... where are you? Even Mio-chan and Retsu-chan are missing," Cang Yue inquired.

"Well, I am fetching someone from afar, and they wanted to tag along, especially Retsu. Someone ready to join our little group," Yuuki revealed without mentioning Nemu's name, leaving it as a surprise for Cang Yue.

"Someone from your world?" Cang Yue asked with a confused tone.

"Kind of... Well, she's Retsu's little sister. We're fetching her to begin her real-world training," Yuuki disclosed, keeping the mystery about Nemu's identity.

"Sister?!" Cang Yue sounded shocked. All this time, she had never known that Retsu had a sister.

"You'll see her soon enough. So, why did you call me early in the morning?" Yuuki brushed aside the topic about Nemu and focused on why Cang Yue had called him.

"Well..." As she spoke, Yuuki widened his eyes, grabbing his head and shaking it. In the end, he ended the call with Cang Yue after listening to her whole story.

"Yuu-kun? Is there something the matter?" Retsu asked with a concerned expression.

"Kind of, Little Yue's in trouble," Yuuki revealed.

"Don't tell me the so-called Dragon Empire is attacking?" Mio chimed in.

"Not exactly, she had a bit of trouble with some old farts," Yuuki spoke, referring to the challenges Cang Yue was facing in the real world.

"Ara~~ Should we get ready?" Retsu understood the situation and asked with a concerned tone, knowing that Cang Yue might be in trouble. Two days ago, her empire was seized by her own brother, and her father was about to be executed.

Yun Che shook his head as he spoke, "No... just let me handle this. You and Mio stay here and groom Nemu up before we bring her to the real world later."

Both Retsu and Mio nodded. If Yuuki could handle it, they had no qualms with it and decided to help grooming Nemu up.

"Master… Do you need our help?" The other Zanpakuto spirits asked, expressing their willingness to assist, as Zangetsu was the only one he had used in the past battle.

"No… it's kind of small this time. No Zanpakutos needed, but I might need something else," Yuuki spoke, contemplating his approach. Internally, he thought, "Maybe he needs to make an appearance after laying low for a while."

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