Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 153: The Victorian Farewell

Chapter 153: The Victorian Farewell


"Yuu-kun, I'll test her." Retsu offered herself, curious about fighting an artificial modifiable entity, especially one stronger than her. Yun Che nodded, preferring that all of his girls test Libra's strength, given their diverse fighting styles.

"Then, Libra… downgrade your powers to 70%. Use the weapons in your arsenal to fight. Switch to training mode." Yun Che ordered.

Hearing this, Libra bowed her head. "As you command… Yun-sama." Libra immediately downgraded her powers to Grand Perfection of Sky Profound Realm, matching Retsu's level.

"Training mode activated," Libra subconsciously spoke as she engaged her designated training mode. In this mode, Libra refrained from using hostile or lethal moves, allowing for a non-lethal combat experience. The alternative was hostile mode, where she would use any means necessary to eliminate her opponent. Two modes, perfectly reflecting her namesake as a heavenly scale. Given that Retsu and the others were set as essential, killing them was out of the question.

However, instead of preparing, Retsu impulsively pounced on her, using her new sword's sheath as a weapon. She slammed the sheath onto Libra's body, creating an air shockwave that forced Cang Yue to brace for support. Libra, however, didn't flinch, blocking the attack as if it didn't faze her. Witnessing this, Kon shivered on Yun Che's shoulder. "She's strong... She would've killed me with a single shot. Are you sure Retsu-aneki will be all right?"

Mio nodded in agreement. Libra's strength at 70% allowed her to effortlessly block Retsu's strike. The thought of her going full strength was daunting.

"She'll be fine. Her body is a special gigai made to support her endoskeleton. It had to be durable," Yun Che explained, unaware that his use of another modern term sparked curiosity in Cang Yue, Mio, and Kon.

"Endoskeleton…?" Kon sounded confused, encountering yet another term from the modern world.

"You'll see," Yun Che shrugged before returning his attention to the ongoing fight.

Retsu smiled in response as she is currently engaging one of the Twelve Heavenly Stars. She began executing a roundhouse kick. As expected, Libra blocked it, though she staggered slightly. The artificial brain in her analyzed Retsu's attack patterns as the two engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Soon, Libra initiated her own transformation.

"Armament Equip, Plasma sword."

Her right hand morphed into a purple energy sword, astonishing Cang Yue. The transformation was quick, and what she witnessed was Libra's hand disassembling into a sword hilt, followed by a purple energy blade slowly taking shape.

Observing this, Retsu grew excited, coating her right hand with haki. In an instant, water in the air converged on her hand, forming a haki blade as long and substantial as Libra's energy sword. Libra widened her eyes in curiosity as Retsu's blade was entirely composed of water, a manifestation of her waterbending technique. Libra remained stoic as her HUD began scanning the water blade. It was markedly different from her pure energy blade, and Retsu explained, "I have a different method from you. This is called a haki blade."

Libra, ever curious, questioned, "Haki blade…"

Retsu heightened her speed before slamming the haki blade onto Libra's energy sword. Remarkably, the water on her blade didn't dissipate despite contact with the scorching hot energy. This caught Libra's interest. The two clashed, causing shockwaves, and it became evident that, in terms of clashing, haki held the upper hand. Retsu's haki effortlessly cut through the energy blade with each collision. It seemed that, internally, haki trumped ordinary energy. Despite this, Libra's brute force, combined with her energy, could easily match any cultivator on the continent without haki.

Observing her energy blade chipping from haki attacks, Libra swiftly switched her weapons protocol.

"Armament Selection… Long Range… Plasma Cannon…"

Her left hand disassembled itself, transforming into a cannon. The weapon covered almost the length of her arm, with a barrel as long as her energy sword. The cannon's sides were equipped with cooling generators to control recoil and ensure continuous fire without overheating. Flap-like coolant devices materialized behind her. Yun Che was impressed; this cannon, derived from his memories, had cost quite a bit from the system. Its futuristic design bewildered Cang Yue, while Kon, in his excitement, had stars in his eyes. Even Mio found it cool, given that it was something she had never seen before.

Charging with purple energy, the cannon fired an energy blast towards Retsu. It wasn't a mere ray, but a high-speed blast akin to a cero. Retsu skillfully avoided the blast, and upon impact, it created a resounding boom, leaving an impressive aftermath. The power of the blast was on par with a full-powered cero, enough to obliterate any Monarch-level cultivator. Libra wasted no time, firing successive shots towards Retsu, who deftly evaded them using flash steps and elevated the fight into the air. To prevent any mishaps, Retsu took to the skies, leaving the battleground.

With Retsu in the air, Libra initiated another protocol.

"Armament selection, Sky Jet."

Similar to before, her back disassembled and transformed into a metallic octagonal-shaped backpack with a bright purple energy center. Two pairs of jet wings sprouted beside it, creating a winged jetpack. Cang Yue's eyes widened, while Kon continued to be enamored. For men, witnessing a transforming android was an exhilarating experience.

"Wow… so cool… what kind of thing is that?" Kon exclaimed.

"A winged jetpack. Libra can't fly on her own, so I had to make a jetpack with wings to help her soar the sky. It wasn't easy," Yun Che explained, recalling the effort he had invested in designing the backpack. The array of designs he had to sift through was overwhelming, but he managed to choose the best blueprint.

Despite Libra's seemingly simple appearance as a maid, Yun Che had invested significantly to bring her into existence. The combined cost of blueprints, a special gigai, an endoskeleton, and ammunition amounted to almost 2500000SP. While this figure startled him, it was a worthy investment for protecting Lin Xin and her daughter. Yun Che had amassed sufficient system points from daily missions and previous achievements, and it was about time he put them to use. He mused on how Blueprint mode would be beneficial, allowing him to safeguard his grandfather and aunt as well. However, the barrier at their home was currently sufficient. Now armed with ample system points for emergencies, Yun Che pondered when he would gather enough points to create the next Heavenly Star.

All eyes were on Libra as purple flames burst from her back and feet, leaving a trail of lights behind her as she soared through the sky. Retsu might not have been aware, but Libra had activated her afterburners, moving faster than ordinary Sky Profound Realm cultivators, leaving everyone awestruck. Libra's speed was not limited to the air; on the ground, she could easily chase down a retreating target. Deactivating her afterburners, she floated in mid-air before hovering in front of Retsu—a generic skill she possessed.

"She can float as well?" Kon turned to Yun Che, curious about this new revelation. Unlike natural beings, androids couldn't use Profound Flying Techniques.

"Anti-gravity core. She can use it to float and increase her speed multiple times faster. She can fly normally with the core, but she needed the jetpack and wings for added speed—think of it as an afterburner," Yun Che explained. The others were left perplexed; the terms were unfamiliar, and Cang Yue decided never to challenge Yun Che intellectually. If he could create such a remarkable servant, who knew what other marvels he was capable of?

In the air, Libra resumed engaging Retsu with her plasma cannon. Retsu acknowledged Libra's accuracy, realizing the android could easily pinpoint her location. As the plasma cannon fired, Retsu adeptly dodged the shots, prompting Libra to switch to prediction mode to anticipate her movements. In response, Retsu activated her Kenbunshoku No Haki, countering Libra's predictions. Without this heightened sense, one of the plasma shots might have found its mark.

Impressed with Libra's unconventional armaments and abilities, Retsu felt an excitement she hadn't experienced before. The battle showcased a unique array of weaponry, unlike the conventional swords and hammers she was accustomed to. Libra flickered and shot Retsu with her energy cannon, following up with a blade attack. Libra's speed was exceptional, and her attacks were deadly accurate. However, Retsu skillfully evaded the cannon shots, causing massive explosions on the ground, and predicted Libra's blade attacks. Despite Libra's strength being reduced to 70%, she fought at full power against Retsu but struggled to land a clean hit. Her body packed a considerable amount of firepower and weaponry. Contemplating this, Retsu grew even more excited, attempting to summon her Hollow's mask to see if Libra had any more tricks up her sleeve.

"Alright, that's enough," Yun Che's voice abruptly interrupted them.

"Ehh…Yuu-kun… she must have more tricks, right?" Retsu spoke, her excitement palpable.

"Before you get excited and go full power… it's better for you to stop… Besides, I don't want Libra to use all of her tricks yet. She wasn't made to fight soul cultivators like us," Yun Che explained, prompting Retsu to nod in understanding. Libra's powerful abilities and armaments weren't specifically designed to combat Soul Reapers unless Yun Che decided to enhance her.

"Ehhh?... Hai…I'll come down…" Retsu slumped down in disappointment before she nodded her head.

Both opponents descended to the ground, stowing away their weapons. Yun Che praised Retsu for a job well done, patting her head, which she appreciated. Libra maintained a stoic expression, addressing Retsu, "Retsu-sama… you are really strong. My analysis indicates that if you were level 99 like me, I might be the one who would lose this fight." Libra acknowledged Retsu's superior agility, strength, intelligence, and diverse techniques. Despite her accurate firing, energy blades, and speed, Libra wasn't able to best Retsu. She recognized that Retsu was holding back and wasn't fully serious during the fight. Even with her impressive powers, what she had witnessed was just the tip of the iceberg.

"*Giggle… Libra-chan, I am simply testing you for Yuu-kun… One more thing…" Retsu approached her, enveloping her in a warm hug and continued, "Aren't you an adorable little thing?" Libra didn't resist Retsu's hug, but she harbored mixed feelings as she processed this unfamiliar human gesture. Her stoic expression shifted as she questioned, "Retsu-sama, what is this gesture?"

"A hug?" Retsu explained, smiling.

"A hug…" Libra began analyzing this human gesture, its meaning, and the emotions it conveyed. She was not familiar with such expressions, and her artificial brain struggled to comprehend it. Seeking clarity, she asked, "Retsu-sama, what is the purpose of this gesture?"

"Hai… I like to hug the person I like," Retsu responded.

"You can hug the person you like?" Libra inquired further.

"Yes… it makes them feel better when they're sad. How do you feel with this hug?" Retsu asked, testing the emotional capabilities of the artificial servant.


[Soul Type: Enhanced Modified Soul Core]

[Libra's soul core is a product of infusing a modified living soul from the system into a generic cultivation core. Serving as her power source, the soul core sustains her artificial body and determines her cultivation strength and level. While the soul core cannot evolve independently, future upgrades are possible, relying on her master's progress. With this core, Libra is a living being within an artificial body.]


Libra's artificial mind grappled with the mixed feelings she was experiencing. Despite being an artificial being, she housed a living soul within her soul core. Recognizing emotions instead of responding like a mere automaton, she closed her eyes briefly before conveying, "I feel warm." Retsu, in a mischievous tone, whispered an order to her, "Try to give Yuu-kun a hug. Don't ask for permission… just do it… Tell him how you feel." Libra acknowledged the command with a nod, saying, "As you commanded, Retsu-sama."

Retsu released her from the hug, observing as Libra made her way to Yun Che, who was engaged in conversation with Kon. Unaware of Libra's intentions, the men were immersed in their discussion about robots, oblivious to the imminent surprise. Suddenly, Libra dove into Yun Che's arms, closing her eyes, sparking confusion in his mind. Caught off guard, Yun Che was mildly shocked, trying to comprehend the unexpected hug. Kon, exhibiting a tinge of jealousy, threw a plushy punch at Yun Che, accusing him of laying hands on Libra.

"Bastard!!!…you even laid your hands on Libra?" Kon shouted.

"Hell No!! She just came and hugged me all of a sudden," Yun Che retorted.

Closing her eyes, Libra sought to feel the warmth emanating from her master, fulfilling Retsu's order, "Yun-Che-sama…. I feel warm from you." Yun Che, perplexed, glanced at Retsu, who suppressed a giggle, wearing a mischievous grin. Confused but composed, Yun Che released Libra, turning his attention toward Retsu with a quizzical expression. However, Retsu casually walked away, leaving Yun Che to sigh and follow Mio and the others, accompanied by Libra.

With a sigh, Yun Che questioned, "Did Retsu give you this strange idea?"

Libra, her stoic expression intact, replied, "Yes, she did." Yun Che released the maid, turning towards Retsu, who nonchalantly hummed her way to Mio and Cang Yue. Even Mio gave Retsu a thumbs up, acknowledging her cheekiness. Yun Che, calming himself, walked towards Mio, with Libra and the others in tow. Retsu, noticing his approach, shifted her eyes sideways but received a small tick mark on Yun Che's forehead, followed by a sudden spank on her bottom.

"Eeeep," Retsu jumped slightly, experiencing a mix of pain and pleasure.

"That's for giving her a strange idea," Yun Che spoke with an annoyed tone. Undeterred, Retsu leaned against him, remarking, "Muu…that's mean… Yuu-kun… but I won't mind another one…" Yun Che sighed, choosing to ignore her advances and turned his attention to Mio.

"Hai…hai… Mio… it's your turn." Yun Che spoke and Mio shot him with a demanding look.

"Danna-sama… I want a spank on my bottom as well," Mio demanded. Then, Cang Yue's subsequent outburst made Mio grin in embarrassment. "Retsu-chan… Mio-chan… How… how …shameless…!!"

"Ohh… Yue'er wants a spank as well? I never knew you're such a closet perv… Don't worry, Danna-sama won't spank you…. hard ~~~" Mio held Cang Yue's shoulder, her hands making their way to the poor girl's waist.

"Ara.. little Yue… if you want, Onee-san can spank your bottom for you," Retsu teased with her older sister demeanor.

"Eeeep!!" Cang Yue subconsciously held her bottom together as she ran away towards Yun Che from the two teasing ladies. Yun Che, sweatdropping, chose to ignore their antics. He admitted that Retsu's Onee-san mode was kind of hot. Given a few years, he might get his wish of having a big-boobed and caring Onee-san. He shook his head and turned towards Libra. Issuing another order, he said, "Libra, test out your two bodies method."

Unperturbed by the playful chaos, Yun Che addressed Libra, instructing her to test out her "two bodies method." Cang Yue, momentarily forgetting the teasing, questioned, "Two bodies method?"

"Hnn, Libra can split her body into two parts. Her endoskeleton and her body to fight. Her endoskeleton is stronger and more durable compared to her fleshy body. Besides, she can perform two tasks at once, and her endoskeleton is quite intimidating. I hope she never uses it in front of Xueli," Yun Che explained. 

"Splitting her body?… that's impossible, right…" Cang Yue spoke, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Mio stood in front of them, silently preparing herself to face off against Libra. What Libra did next shocked them all to the core, except for Yun Che. Maintaining her stoic demeanor, Libra's body suddenly shifted to the side, and her back began to disintegrate, as if made entirely from nano-based particles. The next moments left them utterly speechless.

As her outer body disintegrated into smaller particles, something emerged from it. A metallic humanoid, emerging seamlessly from Libra's form. Cang Yue screamed and latched onto Yun Che, her fear palpable. It was the first time she had witnessed such a phenomenon—a living being seemingly born from another.

The rest of them immediately went on guard, eyeing the metallic humanoid emerging from Libra's form with suspicion. However, Yun Che calmly raised his hand, signaling for them to stand down. "Don't get so worked up. This is Libra, or should I say, her endoskeleton. It is why she is known as a Terminatrix."

The humanoid was indescribable. Lacking skin, hair, or internal organs, it had basic human parts like a head, torso, arms, waist, and legs. Its appearance was alien, with blue lights emanating from its eye-like structures. A shining blue light adorned its chest, presumably where the Soul Core resided. Despite its humanoid shape, it lacked typical human features, such as a mouth or nose. Instead, it was composed entirely of metal, with a slender waist, arms, and legs, modeled after a female's hourglass figure, minus the female bust.

"Ter…mi…nat…rix?" Cang Yue stuttered, grappling with the unfamiliar terminology.

"Or T-X…. this is a body made for the sole purpose of modifying the weapons she had on her body. This body is also the reason she was able to withstand Retsu's attack from before, and it's completely made from the same material as your swords. It is vibration absorbent," Yun Che explained, providing some clarity as the others continued to gawk. Retsu pondered why Libra hadn't flinched when she delivered that roundhouse kick. The existence of this metallic body, crafted entirely from vibramantium, shed light on Libra's resilience. Yun Che had ensured that she will never go rogue as her soul would be protected and bound by the system.


[Body Type: Terminatrix or T-X]

[Libra's Terminatrix body type grants her the ability to manipulate her gigai by transforming them into various types of weapons available in her system. While Libra cannot use ordinary cultivation techniques, her fighting style revolves around employing modern weapons from her extensive arsenal. The inner part of her body is constructed from a pure Vibramantium endoskeleton, capable of withstanding attacks several times beyond her current level. The muscle system comprises a Titanium alloy muscle suit, allowing Libra to match the strength levels present in this world. As a Terminatrix, she can separate her body into two entities: her main body and her endoskeleton. However, caution is advised, as this method may render her soul core vulnerable despite the strength of the endoskeleton.]


Yun Che based Libra's body on one of his past research projects, originating from The Cyber Research Systems Model T-X. Originally designed as the Enhanced Logic Weapons System Cybernetic Warrior and Infiltration Unit, it served a crucial role in supporting warfare in his original world by infiltrating enemy strongholds. However, with the return of peace, the research was halted and sealed by the government to prevent potential misuse. The original Libra was crafted based on this research, a fact that felt like a miracle, given she ended up as one of the Twelve Heavenly Stars.

As Libra's faux body returned to its normal state, she walked next to her endoskeleton, standing side by side. Even without the metallic form, she moved effortlessly. In this dual form, she became two distinct entities while remained the same person. The others remained speechless until Yun Che continued to explain, "When in this form, Libra could even withstand attacks and come out unscathed. She's basically indestructible in this form, but she is also vulnerable, as her soul core is kind of exposed."

Cang Yue turned to Yun Che, her gaze filled with a mix of awe and incredulity. The man before her, the same age as herself, held power and knowledge beyond anything she had encountered. Her mind raced with questions about his origin and the extent of his capabilities. Swallowing hard, she finally asked, "Yun Che…just who are you? How did you make all of this?"

Yun Che responded with a smile, "I just used whatever things the Moon Empress left behind, as well as using the Apple. As for who am I? I am still the same man you met before. Yun Che." His words, though seemingly straightforward, left Cang Yue with a sense of mystery. Determined to unravel the enigma, she made a mental note to delve deeper into his past.

Shifting his attention to Mio, Yun Che instructed, "Mio, this way, Libra can use her body in two different ways. Try to test her abilities." Mio nodded before taking her place in the open field. Yun Che turned towards Libra, instructing her to match Mio's current strength. The stage was set for another display of Libra's incredible capabilities.

Mio maintained her defensive stance, facing the metallic humanoid with a mix of caution and curiosity. Witnessing Yun Che's advanced technology in action, she couldn't help but acknowledge the vast difference in their worlds. The faux body launched a punch towards Mio, but she effortlessly intercepted it, showcasing her raw strength. Just as the endoskeleton joined the fray, both throwing powerful punches at each other, Mio leaped skillfully, avoiding the metallic fist and tossing the lighter faux body into the distance.

Their exchanges created a spectacle of power, causing shockwaves that shattered the earth beneath them, forming a substantial crater. Yun Che shielded his companions with the Evil God's barrier, but the intensity of the clash still chipped away at its integrity. The fight between Mio and Libra's metallic humanoid continued relentlessly, a display of Monarch-level prowess that mesmerized everyone present.

The endoskeleton disengaged from Mio, hovering in midair. Intrigued, Mio held her ground, wondering about the capabilities of this metallic entity. Suddenly, flap-like parts around its body opened, revealing hidden tubes that pointed towards Mio. The tubes expelled bursts of objects that transformed into trails of lights aimed at her. Mio remained vigilant, sensing no energy emanating from the lights. In an instant, they burst out of the humanoid, shooting towards the sky.

Counting at least twenty light trails, Mio observed as they abruptly changed trajectory, homing in on her with precision. Reacting swiftly, Mio utilized her spatial movement, enhancing her speed to evade the oncoming lights. While she skillfully avoided most, one light trail missed its mark, colliding with the forest behind her.


The explosive impact resonated through the air, adding another layer of intensity to the ongoing battle. The onlookers were captivated by the impressive display of technology and martial prowess, their eyes fixed on the unfolding clash between the Monarch-level fighters.

A massive explosion erupted behind Mio, sending shockwaves throughout the forest region. The sheer devastation caused by a single light trail left everyone in Yun Che's party wide-eyed. The destructive potential of these Jericho missiles was beyond their expectations.

Mio, still evading the pursuing lights with high-speed spatial movement, pondered the possibilities. If these missiles had existed during the battle with Wrath, could they have turned the tide against the formidable dragon? The impact of the single explosion showcased their overwhelming power.

The protective shield Yun Che had erected for his party withstood the shockwave, but the sight left them stunned. Kon couldn't help but exclaim, "What the hell did you put in that thing?!"

"Jericho missiles... I didn't expect them to be this strong," Yun Che replied with a nonchalant whistle.

"Jericho missiles? What the hell are those things?" Kon asked, still bewildered by the destructive display of power.

"Homing missiles that create a super 'boom.' Something like that," Yun Che replied with a nonchalant shrug. Memories of developing these missiles flashed through his mind, but the research was never completed before Wrath's devastating attack. Moreover, deploying these missiles against Wrath at the time would have risked the dragon draining more power from Xueli's core, delaying their efforts to locate her and expedite the detonation of her energy core.


[Unique Expendable Skill: Jericho Missiles]

Libra wields the formidable Jericho Missiles, a devastating trump card in her arsenal. These hyper-speed projectiles, enhanced with specialized power cores, showcase Libra's mastery over destructive technologies. With unparalleled speed and precision, each missile poses a cataclysmic threat, capable of obliterating vast areas and challenging even adversaries in the Sovereign Profound Realm. Transitioning seamlessly between air-to-air and air-to-ground assaults, the Jericho Missiles establish Libra as a swift and lethal force on any battlefield, leaving destruction in their wake and solidifying their reputation as a formidable presence.


"Sugoi..." Retsu mused, while Cang Yue, intrigued, questioned the concept of "homing missiles."

Yun Che clarified, "It means they'll chase you until they get you." Cang Yue gulped nervously, contemplating the consequences of encountering such missiles.

Retsu, on the other hand, cast an envious glance at Mio. Why hadn't she experienced the might of those missiles during their friendly sparring?

Continuing her evasion, Mio skillfully maneuvered to escape the remaining Jericho missiles. However, one missile, unexpectedly changing its trajectory, closed in on her. With quick thinking, Mio abruptly halted her movement and executed a swift turn. She unleashed a powerful punch into the air, creating a shockwave that shattered the space around her. The pursuing missiles, deceived by the illusion, homed in on the shattered air...


The resounding explosion marked the obliteration of the Jericho missiles, leaving a profound impact on everyone witnessing the display of Mio's incredible abilities and Yun Che's advanced technology.

All remaining missiles exploded on her last position, creating a bigger explosion compared to the first one, sending a massive shockwave that obliterated the forest area. Yun Che was glad he made some preparations with Kon by sending all the animals around them to a safe place before inviting those girls. Mio's battle with the endoskeleton this time left the area barren and full of craters for at least a 100-kilometer radius. Cang Yue had worry in her eyes, but Yun Che reassured her. The system cleanup after this might cost him thousands or tens of thousands of points.

"Don't worry, little Yue. Mio might act like a dunce, but she's smart in battle," Yun Che spoke as his eyes saw her punch the air before disappearing.

The endoskeleton didn't even flinch as it still watched the area where the missiles hit its opponent. Suddenly…


The air around it shattered like glass, revealing none other than Mio. She shattered the air around her before landing a solid blow beside the endoskeleton. She didn't punch it directly, as it absorbed the vibration of the punch, but she used her spatial and air-bending technique to create an air bomb on her fist.

"How?" Cang Yue spoke.

"Looks like she used the Mirror Dimension. Smart move…" Yun Che commented.


Her punch exploded next to the endoskeleton, causing it to fling downwards, and Yun Che commended her for this. The endoskeleton flew to the ground, but it shifted its body in an unusual way before landing on its feet, causing two trails of dirt on the ground. Mio dove towards it in an attempt to pull the same air punch, but an energy blast suddenly arrived from the distance, causing Mio to shift her head sideways to avoid it. She turned to the source, and it was none other than Libra's faux body. It was back in its armament mode, but the armament was much smaller compared to when she used it against Retsu. Based on what she read from Libra's stats, this armament mode was the basic form, as the endoskeleton was missing from the body. So, Libra's faux body could only use the basic form of weapons, which was less strong than the powerful armament mode, but it was like fighting two level 94 opponents at the same time.

Mio decided to top it up a notch before she shot a black web from her hands and surrounded the faux body with it. As for the endoskeleton, she shot another web and wrapped it around her before starting to pull it. It's true it was invulnerable to external attacks, but no one said anything about using her webs to pull it to her. She immediately pulled her web, dragging the skeleton with her in an attempt to slam it to the ground, but that thing had quick thinking, cutting the web with its plasma cutter. Mio's web was really strong, but this thing used an energy cutter to cut through the webs before twisting its body in an unusual way to land back on the ground. Libra's faux body joined it as well as it escaped the same way as the endoskeleton.

Mio suddenly had a creepy smile before she slowly coated her hands with haki. Libra might be able to fight her toe-to-toe, but she can't use haki. She never tested what would happen if the vibranium endoskeleton meets a haki-coated fist. 

"All right…that's enough," Yun Che's voice sounded in the air, and both opponents immediately stopped fighting.

Both Mio and Libra turned their heads toward Yun Che, who shielded his girls from the shockwave of the two monarch fighters.

"Ehh… but I didn't play my cards yet," Mio spoke, but only for Yun Che to retort.

Yun Che suddenly had tick marks on his head before he sighed. "Look around you…. You want to destroy this area than it already is? And Libra…. I told to use the Jericho missiles only as a last resort, and you used all of those missiles in one go? Those things aren't cheap, you know…." Mio simply grinned while twiddling her fingers, and Libra's body and her endoskeleton simply looked sideways.

"Please forgive this incompetent maid, Yun Che-sama," Libra and her endoskeleton bowed their heads in midair. Yun Che simply calmed down before he continued his talk with Mio. "Libra can stand toe to toe with you and Retsu, but she lost the ability to counter the moment you decided to use haki. Besides, she was designed to counter the opponents from this continent though. Not haki fighters like us. You two still have a bag of tricks same as her as well. Maybe, I'll try to add something to Libra's arsenal to counter haki users, but since this continent hasn't had any of them except us, I don't think that's necessary."

Mio nodded her head before she and Libra made their way back to him. "Anyway, great job, Mio." Yun Che rubbed and patted Mio on her head, causing her to glee in excitement and turned towards Libra. "Come here and put yourself back together, Libra. I'll replenish those missiles before we leave this place."

Yun Che sighed again, as those missiles cost 1000SP each and 20000SP if he replenished all of them. Those missiles are sold by the system after he made them, and it copied the finished product into its shop. He didn't mind spending them on Libra, but he only hoped that she used those missiles as a last resort. All of those things can obliterate an entire sect if she wants to. Not to mention, she can reload them instantly as long as he replenished them beforehand. Since Libra is his creation, her inventory was connected to the system, unlike Retsu, Mio, or Kon and Libra. He can access them anytime she wants as long as both of them are connected. It means if Yun Che is within the Profound Sky Continent, he can replenish Libra's ammunition even if he is far away. He'll make sure to give her lots of missiles and only use them if the situation requires her to. Also, he would prefer she uses them if there are no innocent people lying around.

"Hai….Yun Che-sama." Both body and endoskeleton nodded before the skeleton merged back with its faux body, turning back into complete Libra once more. Cang Yue still couldn't believe her eyes. A maid can turn into a metallic monster without batting an eye. If this maid were to make her appearance in the Blue Wind Empire, she could shake the balance of cultivation. It's a good thing she stays here as Xueli's guardian. The maid slowly walked toward him before he patted her head as well. The same as before, she had mixed feelings about the body gesture she received from both him and Retsu. It feels kind of warm. The same feeling when she received the hug from Retsu. Speaking of it, she was also tackled in a hug by Mio and surprisingly, she didn't evade her.

"Retsu-chan was right. You really are cute. So, how was my fight with you?" Mio hugged Libra's body while rubbing her cheeks on her. As usual, Libra's expression was still stoic. All of them still couldn't believe this girl is actually that scary metallic endoskeleton just now. Libra kept her expression before she spoke, "Mio-sama is really strong as well, and I can see that you are holding back. From this fight, I can conclude that I will be able to fight the normal cultivators of this continent. Given that they didn't learn this haki." 

"There's only a handful of Haki cultivators in this continent though. Besides, you are more powerful than you look, Libra. I think you are ready for my special task for you, but first…" Yun Che smiled, prompting all eyes to turn towards Cang Yue. "Now, I believe it's Little Yue's turn."

"Ehhh?? How am I going to fight her? There's no way I could beat Libra on my own." Cang Yue suddenly shrank herself, visibly apprehensive from the intense battles they had witnessed. Libra's array of weapons, including the Jericho missiles, plasma cannon, and other hidden surprises, left her feeling intimidated. The fact that Libra could fly faster than ordinary Sky Profound Realm cultivators was another aspect that fueled her anxiety.

"You haven't exercised at all since Yuyun sealed your strength, right? This is your chance. Don't worry, you won't have to fight Libra directly." Yun Che reassured her.

"Ehh. Then who am I going to fight…?" Cang Yue wondered, and Yun Che turned to his maid, asking, "Libra, use your third unique skill."

"Hai… Yun Che-sama." Libra nodded before her body began to transform into small particles, shocking Mio who was still hugging her. Parts of her body melted, as if nano particles were separating from her main form into six different parts before assembling themselves into feminine figures. The figures gradually manifested into perfect replicas of Libra—six physical manifestations of herself. She had literally created copies, spitting images of herself. The clothes and appearance remained identical, but the differences were discernible in the eyes and hair, both slightly lighter compared to the original. Meanwhile, the original Libra remained comfortably nestled in Mio's embrace.


Unique Skill: Shadow Nano Clone

The enigmatic technique known as Shadow Nano Clone unfolds as six ethereal duplicates emerge, breaking away from Libra's core form. These clones are not mere illusions but serve diverse roles, excelling in distractions, infiltration, and data gathering. Despite their tactical prowess, these spectral counterparts can only harness half of Libra's original strength. Armed with modest yet effective weaponry like plasma swords and blasters, they fulfill specialized functions on the battlefield. Libra herself remains the central unit, orchestrating the clones as extensions of her own capabilities, turning them into her extra limbs, eyes, and ears during the heat of battle.


Retsu, Mio, Cang Yue, and Kon were struck with disbelief as Libra manifested six shadow clones in front of them. These clones, designed for distraction, infiltration, and data gathering, had the potential to launch sneak attacks from a distance. Imagining the chaos these clones could create with their distractions while preparing for attacks from behind left everyone astonished. These manifestations boasted half of Libra's original strength—Level 50. Truly, the Twelve Heavenly Stars showcased their formidable power.

Observing the clones before her, Yun Che took the opportunity to introduce them to Cang Yue. "These are Libra clones. While Libra can create four clones of herself, compared to her body splitting, these clones are weaker, manifesting only half of her original strength. In essence, all of the clones are at the Grand Perfection of Spirit Profound Realm. You can spar with one of them, and don't worry, Libra clones can't employ her weaponry. They only have access to basic armaments like energy swords or energy blasters."

Kon, standing on Retsu's shoulder, gleamed with excitement. "So cool! She can make clones of herself. Isn't that the same as yours, nee-san?"

Retsu maintained her composure, acknowledging, "I can make knights, not clones, you dummy. But, I admit those clones do look remarkably similar to her. Just paler…"

"But Yun Che, I am still perfecting the Santoryu. I can't use it for now," Cang Yue attempted to avoid facing Libra, but Yun Che persisted in encouraging her. "Just use your Ittoryu. Just clash a few moves with her, and you're done. If you don't want to, I can always ask the Endoskeleton to fight you."

"No... no… I'll fight the clone." Cang Yue nodded determinedly. Though these clones were only half of Libra's level, she knew they could adjust themselves to her level, and she refused to underestimate them, especially after witnessing their capabilities. Pulling out Wadou Ichimonji, she unsheathed the blade. One of the Libra clones jumped forward, introducing herself. "Greetings, Cang Yue-sama. I am Libra Unit Four. I will be your opponent for this test."

Libra Unit Four replicated the appearance of Libra but with a paler hue, making it distinguishable to cultivators who understood the Roman numeral "IV" on her neck pendant and ribbon.

"Please take care of me." Cang Yue's demeanor shifted to seriousness as she faced the Libra clone. Grateful she wouldn't have to confront the original, especially after witnessing the fearsome endoskeleton, she was eager for the challenge. Her newfound confidence, a result of training with Yuyun, impressed the others. Traveling with Yun Che promised encounters with even stronger opponents, forcing her to grow. It was her only path to survival, and she embraced it wholeheartedly.

Without hesitation, Cang Yue initiated her attacks, swinging her sword with determination. However, the Libra clone effortlessly deflected her strikes with a mere slap of its hand. Undeterred, Cang Yue pressed on, delivering relentless sword swings, prompting the clone to shift from defense to offense. Creating a small energy blade on its hand, the clone skillfully parried and clashed against each of Cang Yue's blows.

Maintaining her rhythm, Cang Yue meticulously sought a weakness, aiming to land a decisive blow. She strategically conserved her movements to avoid unnecessary fatigue. The clone, agile and swift like the original, executed a flurry of attacks, attempting to breach her defenses.

"Wow, Nee-san can hold her own against Libra," Kon marveled.

"Of course, she's been trained by Yuyun every day. After this, she might end up fighting Libra regularly to hone her skills, as Yuyun records every fight for training purposes," Yun Che explained.

"But Libra has a lot of tricks she hasn't used, right?" Kon inquired.

"Those tricks are reserved for specific situations. Don't worry; I don't think she'll deploy them in this realm, considering the normal humans in it," Yun Che reassured as he continued to observe Cang Yue.

The Libra clone transformed its left hand into an energy blaster, firing shots toward Cang Yue. She maneuvered through the desolate battlefield, evading each blast. With the landscape ravaged by Mio and the original Libra's battle, Cang Yue had to navigate carefully to escape the relentless barrage. One projectile nearly reached her, prompting an unexpected move: she coated her sword with haki and effortlessly split the energy blast in two.

"Hmm... she has excellent hand-to-eye coordination to slice off projectiles like that," Yun Che commented internally.

Cang Yue increased her speed toward the clone, but it matched her pace. The clone appeared beside her, switching its blaster back to its hand and forming a fist. It struck her, and while the Wadou Ichimonji absorbed the vibration, the aftershock still sent her backward. Despite the clone being a level lower, it showcased superior speed and adept analysis of her moves. Cang Yue, still mastering Santoryu, found herself facing a formidable opponent.

However, the challenge was far from over. She sensed a presence behind her, and her haki warned her to evade. Reacting swiftly, she sidestepped as an energy blade narrowly missed her face, only to find another Libra clone at her previous position. This time, the signature has 'III' on her neck pendant.

"Libra Unit 3, joining as well," announced another clone with the same stoic expression. The battlefield intensified as Cang Yue confronted the multiplying adversaries, each clone presenting a distinct challenge. 

"Ehhh? Two against one… this isn't fair," Cang Yue protested, her doubts surfacing as the challenge escalated beyond her incomplete abilities. However, Yun Che responded with a cheeky grin, assuring her, "I asked her to. You'll be fine." Before she could reply, the Libra clones launched into a relentless assault, catching Cang Yue off guard.

This time, Cang Yue found herself in significant trouble, struggling to keep up with the clones' unpredictable attack patterns. Swiftly appearing next to one of them, she swung her sword, but Libra 3 effortlessly blocked her attack, allowing Libra 4 to exploit the opening by delivering a punch to her gut.

"Guhhh!!!" Sent flying, Cang Yue landed heavily on the barren ground, panting and using her sword as support. The unexpected challenge left her bewildered, as she had never been told she'd have to face two clones simultaneously. Expectations rose that she might give up, considering the overwhelming odds. However, Cang Yue surprised everyone by summoning another sword from her inner world. If one sword wasn't enough to contend with two clones, she would use two instead, introducing Shuusui as her second sword. Pulling herself up, she took a deep breath to regain her composure.

"Yuu-kun…" Retsu voiced concern, glancing at Yun Che.

"Yeah…. Just watch…" Yun Che's words prompted a nod from Retsu. Cang Yue, lacking real-world fighting experience and still uncertain about her new sword arts, faced a formidable challenge.

"Cang Yue-sama, do you still wish to continue?" inquired Libra Unit Three. The question struck a chord with Cang Yue. Gathering her strength, she rose to her feet, determined, and readied her swords. "Yeah… I won't give up that easily. I don't want to walk behind them anymore. Until I stand by their side, even death itself can't claim my life."

"Hoo…? She reminds me of someone by saying that," Yun Che mused. 

Cang Yue launched her assault against the two clones, surprising even Yun Che with her adept handling of the two-sword style. Previously, she had been dominant with her right hand, but now she effortlessly wielded swords in both hands. While Yun Che had witnessed her using the Wadou Ichimonji during the Golden Shadow assault on the city, the introduction of Shuusui and her employment of Nitoryu were revelations. Desperate times indeed called for desperate measures, and Cang Yue's determination shone through her evolving combat style.

Using haki proved futile against the clones. Libra had learned from previous encounters that haki could harm her, and she swiftly detected its presence when Cang Yue infused it into her sword attacks. Sensing the unusual energy coating the blade, Libra immediately disengaged from Cang Yue and launched attacks from a distance. Despite lacking the ability to sense haki, Libra analyzed the power and formulated a counter-strategy. Her artificial nature didn't hinder her capacity to learn and adapt from each battle.

While the clones overwhelmed Cang Yue, she held her ground admirably. Countering their close-range assaults and precisely slicing through their long-range attacks showcased her growing competence. The clones, swift and agile, posed a challenge, constantly attacking from different angles. Cang Yue's Observation Haki spared her back from potential slashes, preventing injuries that would be dishonorable for a skilled swordswoman.

Overpowered initially, Cang Yue adapted swiftly. Despite being pushed back and sent flying several times, she persisted, continuously learning and evolving. From a defensive stance, she transitioned to an offensive strategy, gaining speed and precision.

"She's getting faster…," Retsu observed.

"She's evolving with each passing moment. Yue'er is a natural genius," Mio remarked.

"She's adapting to her current situation. When she's done, she'll make the situation adapt to hers. The only problem is she doesn't have the required body arts to sustain her Santoryu," Yun Che spoke, his tone serious. Suddenly, a realization struck him, and he widened his eyes. He had a solution, something Cang Yue could learn that might complement her current skills.

"Bastard… I take that smirk of yours means something," Kon commented, noticing Yun Che's growing smirk.

"In fact, I did. I do have something Cang Yue could learn. She might have to choose, though, since we have only two weeks before the tournament," Yun Che revealed, having an idea that he immediately asked the system to compile.

"Why didn't you teach her now?" Kon remarked.

"You want her brain to explode? She's coping with Santoryu right now, and that's why I didn't teach her bending arts yet. If I gave her these mortal arts, she might not be able to cope with it. I'll give those to her when we arrive at the capital city," Yun Che explained, redirecting their attention back to the ongoing fight.

In Cang Yue's mind, the concept of equal strength or differences in power had begun to blur. While she struggled to comprehend Yun Che's gaming terms, she gradually adapted to them. What she gleaned from him was that there's no such thing as a superior realm. Levels were mere numbers. What set her apart from other cultivators was her ability to adapt to the situation.

Cang Yue slowed her breathing as fatigue set in. The Libra clones, showing no signs of weariness, closed in, preparing to attack. Despite her sense of impending danger, for now, things could not get any worse. Until…

Two shadows arrived to her left and right causing Cang Yue to go speechless. Her thoughts betrayed her as things just got from bad to worse as Libra clones with the signature 'I' and 'II' is now in front of her. She could only curse her luck for being in this situation. "Ehh??" 

"Libra Unit 1 joining as well."

"Libra Unit 2 joining as well."

"YUN CHE!! I can't handle all four of them," Cang Yue shouted, feeling overwhelmed by the four Libra clones.

Observing her struggle, Yun Che saw it as a test of her resolve. "So, you're giving up?"

"….." Cang Yue gritted her teeth at the question. Giving up was not an option. It was her trigger word, a challenge to her newfound strength. She refused to revert to the crying girl she once was, dependent and frail. This was a chance to prove that her training was not in vain, that she could stand by their side as an equal, not a burden.

Yun Che, sensing her determination, began to reconsider the situation. "I think this is a little too much. Let's call it a…"

Cang Yue interrupted him, her resolve firm. "No… I'll handle them. I want to see just how far my current limit is."

Seeing her unwavering determination, Yun Che decided to trust her judgment. "Little Yue… If this is too much…"

"It's okay, Yun Che. I want to stand next to you as your equal, not some burden. Please let me handle this." With those words, she pulled out her last sword and surprised everyone by placing the Wadou Ichimonji in her mouth, biting down on the handle. Holding Shusui and Shisui in her hands, Cang Yue completed her Santoryu stance. Retsu, Mio, and Kon widened their eyes, witnessing the emergence of the three-sword style for the first time.

"Sugoi!" Retsu exclaimed, and Yun Che couldn't help but smile. It seemed that Roronoa Zoro's fighting style would find its place in this world after all. Silently, Yun Che acknowledged, "Little Yue's now grown up."

Addressing his other fiancées and Kon, he explained, "She's still not confident using her Santoryu yet. All she needs is a little push."

"So, that's why you…" Mio began, understanding the intention.

"Yue'er has a strong will, though. It was expected since she was able to awaken it as well," Retsu added.

"She said she needed time to perfect it, but it's useless if you can't use it in a real battle," Yun Che concluded, acknowledging Cang Yue's need to apply her newfound skills in practical combat.

Cang Yue stood firm, the three blades of her Santoryu style poised for battle, her resolve cutting through the tension in the air. The four Libra clones circled around her, their stoic expressions betraying no emotion. This was the moment she had been training for, a chance to prove her growth and determination.

Without warning, the Libra clones lunged at her simultaneously, their movements coordinated and precise. Cang Yue, however, was ready. She gracefully moved her swords, intercepting each attack with calculated precision. The Wadou Ichimonji in her mouth proved to be a surprising asset, allowing her to block and counter with unparalleled speed.

Libra Unit Four, sensing the change in dynamics, gracefully leaped into the air to provide aerial support for her counterparts. Anticipating this, Cang Yue swiftly adjusted her focus, her senses honed by the Santoryu training.

The dance of blades continued, but Cang Yue's mastery over her three-sword style was becoming increasingly apparent. The Libra clones, designed to coordinate their attacks, found themselves confounded by the unpredictable movements of her Wadou Ichimonji, Shusui, and Shisui.

The battlefield was an intricate display of flashing blades, a symphony of combat where Cang Yue took the lead. With observational Haki guiding her, she dodged, parried, and countered the Libra clones' attacks with uncanny precision. Despite their numerical advantage, the clones struggled to keep up with her evolving battle strategy.

Feeling the need to seize the momentum, Cang Yue decided to unleash a technique she had recently mastered. 

With a confident battle cry, she announced, "Santoryu: Hyokindama" (Three Sword Style: Leopard Koto Orb). 

In an instant, she jumped forward, spinning in mid-air while forming a protective orb with her three blades.

The defensive barrier created by the spinning swords became a focal point of the battle. Libra clones attacked from all directions, but Cang Yue's finesse in parrying and countering remained unparalleled. The deadly precision of the Wadou Ichimonji in her mouth caught a clone attempting a sneak attack from behind, biting into it with lethal force.

As the clash intensified, Cang Yue's confidence soared to new heights. Each maneuver deepened her understanding of Santoryu, and she seamlessly transitioned between offense and defense. The Libra clones, designed to learn and adapt, struggled to cope with an opponent whose growth exceeded their programming.

The battlefield turned into a mesmerizing spectacle, a dance of blades guided by Cang Yue's unwavering determination. Yun Che, Retsu, Mio, and Kon observed with amazement as she held her ground against overwhelming odds. The echoes of clashing swords created a haunting melody in the barren landscape, a testament to strength, willpower, and the relentless pursuit of self-improvement.

In a decisive moment, Cang Yue's relentless assaults forced one of the Libra clones to retreat. With precision and determination, she shifted her focus to the weakened adversary, ready to exploit the advantage she had carved in the midst of the fierce battle. 

"Santoryu: Oni Giri" (Three Sword Style: Ogre Cutter)

The battle cry echoed across the battlefield as Cang Yue unleashed Zoro's famed technique. Her two swords crossed over her chest, and the Wadou Ichimonji in her mouth poised horizontally behind them. With precision and speed, she executed a three-way simultaneous slashing attack. The swords danced through the air, creating a descending diagonal-crossing slash from both sides, while the mouth blade delivered a lethal horizontal cut.

From a distance, Yun Che couldn't help but smile, witnessing Cang Yue effectively utilize Zoro's signature move. 

"Even if I can't beat them. Let one of them hit this," she declared with determination. However, her confident expression quickly turned to shock.

Instead of succumbing to the devastating attack, each of the Libra units skillfully blocked every one of her swords. In a synchronized motion, they swiftly transformed their weaponry into cannons, countering her assault with explosive force. The powerful blast sent Cang Yue hurtling backward, and she reacted swiftly, stabbing her two swords into the ground to halt the momentum.

To further complicate matters, the Libra units, now standing in a diamond formation, initiated another unique skill. The rocks scattered across the devastated battlefield began to float, orbiting them as if they were the center of mass. Cang Yue found herself struggling against the unseen force, her body slowly lifting from the ground.

The battlefield transformed into a surreal spectacle as gravity seemed to lose its hold. Cang Yue, determined to stand her ground, fought against the gravitational pull, each movement calculated to maintain her footing. The Libra clones, displaying their adaptability and coordination, orchestrated a gravity-defying dance, turning the tide of the battle once again.

A notification pops in front of Mio, Retsu, Kon and Yun Che as they too widened their eyes as Libra's new signature skill came to view.


Unique Skill: Gravitas

Libra's Gravitas enables her to create an anti-gravity field, causing opponents to float around her and become easier targets. Additionally, the skill disorients flying units in the vicinity, causing them to lose their bearings.


The battleground resonated with the tumultuous clash of energy, as Cang Yue valiantly defended against the relentless barrage of gravitized rocks launched by the Libra clones. In a desperate bid to counter the overwhelming assault, she focused her energy into her blades, preparing for a move that could turn the tide.

"Santoryu... Tatsumaki! (Cyclone)" she exclaimed, unleashing a cyclone of blades that tore through the onslaught of rocks, disintegrating them with a single, powerful whirlwind. The air around her crackled with energy as the debris scattered in the aftermath.

Exhausted and on her knees, Cang Yue tried to catch her breath. The Libra units, recognizing her struggle, hesitated for a moment before closing in for a final strike. However, Yun Che's voice sliced through the tension, commanding an end to the intense training session.

"All right... that's enough," he declared, prompting the Libra clones to stand down immediately. Cang Yue, visibly drained, dropped her swords, but a Libra clone approached her, offering support. The princess stumbled, and the clone gently helped her stand.

"Cang Yue-sama? Are you well? Please forgive us for going so hard on you," Libra Unit two expressed its concern through a stoic expression.

"It's okay. It's good training for me," Cang Yue replied, shaking her head in reassurance despite she lost the fight against the Libra units. One of the clones wrapped an arm around her shoulder, while others collected her swords. Yun Che joined her, offering health and mana potions to replenish her physical state. Despite the potions, she remained weakened from the mental and physical exhaustion.

Cang Yue managed a weak smile, expressing her gratitude. "Yun Che... I'm sorry... I couldn't beat them," she confessed, avoiding his gaze. The defeat weighed on her, but she fought with determination.

Yun Che gently lifted her chin, meeting her eyes with a reassuring smile. "Little Yue, I'm sorry as well. I was a little harsh on that test. I meant to test your limits, not about winning or losing. And from what I've seen, you've grown stronger today." 

"Harsh?" Cang Yue questioned, her confusion evident in her tone.

Yun Che chuckled and explained, "Yeah, despite all the training you received from Yuyun, you're still not confident in your strength. I've seen you fight those golden shadow monsters in the city. So, I decided to give you a little push, but I admit, it was a bit unfair."

She retaliated with a weak punch to his shoulder, expressing her friendly annoyance. "You're mean, you know that? Piling all four clones on me."

His cheeky grin persisted as he replied, "That's one of it, though. The original Libra in Mio's arms over there saw your every move and devised a counter-strategy. Meanwhile, Unit Five and Six were working on counters against you. Essentially, you were fighting seven Libras at all times. She relayed it to her clones, and they used it against you."

Understanding dawned on Cang Yue as she realized the clones had been observing her every move, learning her patterns and devising counters. It seemed the original Libra had played a strategic role in the battlefield. While she admitted it was a tad unfair, Yun Che continued, "But all of us were impressed with you. You managed to devise a counterplan as well. They countered your moves, and you were able to think of another counter despite facing four clones at once."

Yun Che, with a warm smile, patted her head like an older brother congratulating his younger sister. Cang Yue smiled in response, finding the gesture surprisingly rewarding.

"Did I mention you still have a lot of missing things?" Yun Che posed a question that intrigued her.

"Missing things?" Cang Yue inquired.

"Body cultivation arts and movement arts. You faced them with your current movement arts, right? The ones you had before you met us. Of course, you're at a disadvantage," Yun Che explained, finally unveiling his observations. It became clear to her that she had focused on Santoryu and neglected the necessary body and movement cultivation.

Cang Yue considered his words. She recalled Yuyun offering some Moon Empress's arts but hesitated, waiting for Yun Che's exclusive arts. She didn't realize the deficiency until now. Yun Che, pondering her needs, smirked as he discovered the perfect arts for her. The system needed some time to compile them. He couldn't help but smirk, thinking about the potential benefits not only for Cang Yue but also for Little Fairy, Chu Yueli, or even Xia Qingyue.

Observing him smirking to himself, Cang Yue playfully snapped her fingers to regain his attention. "You have something for me, right?"

Yun Che refocused on her, nodding with a teasing smile. "Yeah… let's wait until we reach the Imperial City before I give you those arts. I'm sure you'll be able to master some of them before the tournament begins." He spoke with a hint of truth. In reality, the arts were relatively new, and the system required some time to compile them into a compendium, similar to the bending arts. These exclusive arts needed at least two weeks for a complete scan.

Cang Yue chuckled, expressing her gratitude. "Hehe… Thank you, Yun Che." She then surprised him by kissing his left cheek. While acknowledging that the test was a bit unfair, she recognized its contribution to elevating her Santoryu skills. With a slow rise, she pinched Yun Che's cheek rather hard, but in a playful manner. Yun Che, familiar with her antics, didn't resist, allowing a cheeky grin to spread across her face. "As punishment for bullying me, I want you to cook my favorite curry rice for tonight's dinner. Make it extra gravy and heavy on the meat," she demanded, showcasing her playful side.

"As you command, my princess," he responded with a playful bow, the two of them momentarily lost in their own world, oblivious to the slightly envious stares from Retsu and Mio, who were watching the interaction. 

"Ehem…." Retsu suddenly interjected with a fake cough that snapped Yun Che and Cang Yue out of their intimate moment. She continued with a hint of jealousy on her face. "Yuu-kun, Sister Yue… when you two are done flirting with each other, we better go back to Lin Xin and Xueli. She might be worried about us." Cang Yue lowered her head, a healthy blush on her face, both grateful for and slightly embarrassed by their short moment of intimacy.

"Uhhh… right… Let's go back for now. Libra, you can stay in the extra courtyard within the manor and don't show yourself to Lin Xin and Xueli. You'll be their surprise on our last day here," Yun Che awkwardly coughed, while Cang Yue giggled.

"Understood, Yun Che-sama," Libra and her units nodded.

"Danna-sama, Libra's artificial, right? Does this mean she can't eat, drink, or sleep?" Mio inquired, still hugging the poor maid.

"She can actually. Her body might be artificial, but she can experience the normal things that humans do. By that, she can eat, drink, and sleep. Those things are important to recharge her soul core rather than gathering surrounding energy," Yun Che explained. Libra's body was still a gigai, albeit heavily modified. Yun Che was proud of his creation, Libra, considering she accomplished so much despite her recent creation. He regretted not being able to take her with him to the outside world, assigning her the role of Lin Xin and Xueli's protector for the upcoming years. He equipped her with an arsenal potent enough to obliterate an entire empire, but he was uncertain how Libra would fare against Divine cultivators. He could only hope that Libra possessed enough strength to protect them.

Libra merged her clones back into her main body, standing before them as if nothing had happened. Her high-energy regeneration core instantly restored her strength to full power, derived from Soul Society technology.

Cang Yue began to wonder if this was the technology Yun Che had mentioned. Somehow, she looked forward to discovering what else Yun Che could concoct.

"Cang Yue-sama, based on my observations, you lack battle experience, yet you can easily adapt to all my counters. It might take some time, but you could become a force even this continent won't be able to defeat. If I only use a single unit against you, I am certain I will lose this fight," Libra commented.

"Ehee, thank you for your honest opinion, Libra," Cang Yue expressed her gratitude with a slight bow. With their testing complete, Libra was now ready to fulfill her protector role for Lin Xin and Xueli.

After their intense training, they flew out of the area, bringing Libra along back to Lin Xin's manor.


"So, you created a maid for protecting us?" Lin Xin mused as she listened to Yun Che's story. He chose not to reveal the full extent of Libra's powers, letting Libra demonstrate her capabilities instead.

"Yeah… We couldn't be with the both of you right now, so I'll leave you in Libra's care. She's your maid and Xueli's mentor until she's ready at the age of sixteen. I trust that Libra can protect you two from harm," Yun Che promised, entrusting Lin Xin's safety to one of his Twelve Heavenly Stars.

"Please ease your worries, Lin Xin-sama. I will protect you according to my master's orders. It is my mission until my master relieves me," Libra assured as she bowed.

"Thank you, Yun Che, Retsu, Mio, Cang Yue, and Kon. Thank you for being in our lives. A few weeks ago, I was merely an asleep beggar. My daughter was just a lonely girl who wanted her mother to wake up. Now, our lives have changed. I couldn't repay any of your kindness," Lin Xin expressed her gratitude.

"Then, I will marry you in the future, Onii-chan!" Xueli responded, her words echoing the bold proclamation of Feng Xian'er back in the Phoenix Clan. Triggering a giggled response from Retsu, Mio and Cang Yue.

"Well, if Xueli is over 16 years old and as strong as your Onee-chans in the future, Onii-chan will consider it," Yun Che promised.

"Really? Yatta!" The little girl squealed in delight, completely unaware that this promise would become the catalyst for her future cultivation, setting her on a path filled with determination and ambition.

"When everything's done, I'll come and visit you. Xueli is my little bunny after all." Xueli hugged him, and then the others. Yun Che nodded to the others before they engaged Xueli, allowing Libra to introduce herself.

Amidst the distraction, Lin Xin took the opportunity to discuss her concerns with Yun Che. "Yun Che, I am worried about my origin in the future. Seeing my new self, I am afraid of what I might become once I remember everything. I… I don't wish to know more about it," she confessed, gazing at her reflection in the mirror. The green hair and eyes were the new look she acquired after the shell of her powers broke, serving as a glimpse into her past or future self. Questions about her origins lingered, creating a growing unease within her.

Who is she?


What is she?

Yun Che kept quiet, contemplating her question. "Neither do I. All I can say is your hair color might mean something in the future. Both you and Xueli have it. It might be a simple hair color in this world, but who knows what it signifies in the realms above. All I can say is, please don't leave Xueli by herself. I've seen a situation where a mother left her husband, daughter, and son behind. While the son and father coped well, not the daughter. The mother, too, had a similar situation to yours; she remembered everything and took off, all in the name of protecting her new family."

In truth, it was Jasmine who revealed this information to him. If Xueli and Lin Xin shared the same aqua-based hair color, it probably meant something significant in the Realm of the Gods. Although Jasmine didn't remember anything or find any concrete evidence, neither did the system. These shared traits likely held considerable importance.

"Is this daughter the Xia Qingyue you mentioned that night?" Lin Xin asked, indicating that she overheard the conversation, her enhanced senses allowing her to catch further details.

"Yeah…. It seems that you picked it up well," Yun Che mused, knowing that she likely heard about Xia Qingyue being his wife.

"I am sorry; I can hear, see, and smell much better nowadays," Lin Xin apologized for eavesdropping, only for Yun Che to raise his hand and grin, as it was expected.

Then, he spoke, "Your abilities are awakening slowly. It won't be long, and I hope the day doesn't come too soon. I am not sure even Libra can protect you."

Lin Xin could only imagine the situation, but she would prioritize her daughter's safety. "Yun Che, I promised. I won't leave my daughter behind like the mother of this Xia Qingyue, but if I am forced to, I hope Libra can take her away."

"It's also one of her orders. She will protect your daughter above all else," Yun Che assured the worried mother.

"Then, when you said the worlds above…" Lin Xin began, trying to piece together her vague origins.

"Yeah… You are a divine cultivator. An ascended human with the power of gods. You are not from this world or star. You are from a realm much more powerful, where they only see this world as a speck of dust. A Divine Cultivator from The Realm of the Gods."

"Divine Cultivator," Lin Xin repeated, her current worldly mind struggling to comprehend the profound significance of the sentence Yun Che had uttered. She was a powerful cultivator who had lost her memories and powers, causing her husband to find her in the forest. However, instead of dwelling on it, her mind wandered to the possibilities if her memories returned and the troubles that might follow. She turned towards him and asked, "Yun Che, if I am taken, will you and your small family come to my aid?" 

"Definitely. We will rescue you, even if you are the mistress of a heavenly clan or a goddess of a realm. We will rescue you. Besides, we promised to be family in the future, remember?" Yun Che spoke with a smile.

"Yun Che…" Lin Xin blushed at his proclamation. She softened her expression before hugging him, signifying her trust that, no matter what happens in the future, she can depend on him. "Then, please take good care of me in the future."

With that, Lin Xin decided to push her origins to the back of her mind and focus her entire attention on the important person left behind by her husband. Speaking of which…

Their moment was interrupted when Xueli ran towards them with a pouting expression. "Mama! Libra Onee-chan will teach me to fight later, but she asked me to do some exercises before we start. Muuu."

"It is important, Xueli-sama. You don't want to be a weak wife in the future," Libra responded with a stoic expression.

"Kuuu… I will be strong for Onii-chan… Just you see…" Xueli proclaimed. Normally, Lin Xin would forbid her daughter to fight but to prepare her for Lin Xin's awakening in the future, she had to do so. Moreover, that doesn't mean she can't teach her to be a wonderful woman.

"Please take good care of yourself, Yun Che. Do remember you have me and Xueli to worry about. I am easily jealous," Lin Xin spoke with a teasing but worried tone. Yun Che nodded in understanding, showing how possessive she really was when local women hit on him in the restaurant, only for those women to be chased away by Retsu, Mio, and Cang Yue. Xueli even boldly proclaimed that he belongs to her.

What kind of women had he gotten himself involved with?

Mio slowly approached them before linking her arm in Yun Che's own. "Don't worry, Xin'er. We keep harpies away from Danna-sama."

"Ufuu… we are willing to share him with you, Xin'er, but there's no way we'll share him with some harpy," Retsu spoke.

"You know, I am willing to as well," Cang Yue replied.

"No cheating, Onii-chan!" Xueli spoke with a demanding tone.

"Cheating? Oi..oi…" Yun Che sweatdropped.

"Wonder how long you can keep this up, huh?" Kon elbowed his cheek.

"Shut up," Yun Che retorted, realizing his harem was expanding beyond his control. Who knows how many more he'll meet other than the Milestone girls. He pushed it back behind his mind before he pulled out a pocket watch.

The same watch imbued with the Blutz barrier he gave to Xiao Lingxi, but this watch had a special surprise for her.

"Yun Che? This is…" Lin Xin caressed the watch as she never understood how it worked. She learned about telling time from them, but for him to give her a watch. Then, Yun Che spoke, "Well, I gave the same thing to my aunt back in my hometown. Something that can protect you and Xueli. I figured I give you two some things from us as our final gift."

Nearby, Retsu put the special necklace with similar properties she prepared around Xueli's neck. "Xueli… this necklace is from Onee-chans… take good care of it." Xueli was unable to contain herself before she cried in Retsu's bosom.

Lin Xin opened the small watch, revealing a picture of them all together. With him grinning in the middle while carrying Xueli on his shoulder. Lin Xin on his right side followed by Cang Yue, while Retsu on his left followed by Mio. Kon, on the other hand, was on his shoulder. All of them were smiling, and it made Lin Xin tear up, realizing that this picture was indeed the family she never knew she had. "Yun Che… this… Thank you."

For the first time ever, both mother and child knew they had a family all this time.

This man, accompanied by his loyal companions, discovered her daughter hidden in the depths of the forest. They not only nourished her with delectable meals but also orchestrated the miraculous revival of her mother, pulling her from the grasp of eternal slumber. Bestowing upon them both a chance at life, he empowered them to confront their deepest fears and nightmares. In the face of an ominous destiny, he valiantly rescued her daughter from an impending tragedy. This man had proven himself to be more than deserving of a place in her heart as an invaluable member of her newfound family.

She hugged him again as a thank you for giving her a family. But something caught her mind. She didn't know whether she had the right to give him advice, but she decided to do so as well. "Yun Che, a word of advice." This earned Yun Che's attention. "I don't know how you feel about this Xia Qingyue or know her that well, but I plead with you to never leave her all alone. It sympathized with me as I imagined her as Xueli if I left this world against her will. When you see her again, just be by her side."

Yun Che nodded his head, indicating his willingness to follow her advice in tolerating Xia Qingyue silently, wishing that Xueli wouldn't end up the same. Xia Qingyue is like the version of Xueli if her mother left her in early childhood, but Lin Xin would make sure she didn't end up with the same fate. With that, Yun Che accepted her wish. "I will."

"Then, I trust you to be fair to her." With her final advice, he nodded his head, and with it, they ended their stay with the mother and daughter. Turning towards his heavenly star, Libra, he gave her the mission she was meant to fulfill. 

"Protect them in our stead," Yun Che commanded, entrusting Libra with the crucial mission she was created for. After replenishing her inventory, Yun Che fulfilled Libra's purpose—guarding Lin Xin and Xueli. He even granted her access to Xuyi's tomb, an indication of the trust placed in her.

"As you commanded, master," Libra slightly bowed, signifying the commencement of her mission. The dragon coiled around Xueli's neck also nodded, affirming its dedication to protecting its mistress.

"Once your mission is complete, let's go on an adventure together, Libra. All of us. One day, I will reunite all the Twelve Heavenly Stars once more," Yun Che promised.

"I will be waiting for your return, master," Libra replied with a bow. Although they couldn't take her on their current journey, Lin Xin and Xueli couldn't be in safer hands.

Yun Che nodded solemnly. "I promise. We'll be back before you know it."

Retsu and Mio approached Lin Xin, offering words of comfort. Lin Xin, despite her usual cheerful demeanor, felt a lump in her throat. She smiled through tears, appreciating the support from her friends.

Cang Yue, too, was genuinely saddened, seeing Lin Xin as a mother figure. Despite having her own family, now she had another—a mother and a younger sister. The thought of leaving them was heart-wrenching.

As the time for goodbyes arrived, each member shared heartfelt hugs and words of encouragement. The sorrow of parting lingered in the air. Lin Xin and Xueli watched them go, tears streaming down their faces.

Now standing beside Lin Xin and Xueli, Libra observed the departure with unwavering dedication. She understood her purpose on this island—to protect those who had become her charges.

With that, Little White departed swiftly, leaving behind the mother, child, and their protector maid. They passed by Xuyi's tomb to pay their final respects before vanishing into the distance. Huan Bei gave them a wave as they passed by, overseeing the city's reconstruction. He, too, held a sense of gratitude, promising to take care of Lin Xin and Xueli, as he had promised his dear old friend.

As the group disappeared into the horizon, the bond of friendship and love endured, transcending the distance that now separated them. The journey to the Blue Wind Selection Tournament had begun, but the warmth of Lin Xin's manor and the tearful farewells lingered in their hearts.

Lin Xin and Xueli couldn't hold back their tears, watching the man who had rescued them time and time again embark on his destined path. Lin Xin smiled through her tears, acknowledging that destiny couldn't be halted by keeping him there. Yet, she remained resolved to raise Xueli into the woman she wanted her to be.


Dressed in somber black yukata, Lin Xin, Xueli, and Libra made their way towards the serene memorial site. The stone slab bearing Lin Xin's departed husband's name stood proudly, overlooking the cascading waterfall below—a place Yun Che had carefully chosen to honor his memory.

With a bouquet of flowers gathered from the floating island, Xueli approached her father's memorial. The once heavy veil of sorrow began to lift, replaced by a newfound strength and resolution. Lin Xin, her heart now more at peace, guided her daughter through the ritual.


Libra, the silent guardian, observed the memorial with a stoic expression. Though devoid of emotions, she comprehended the significance of the place and the emotions that filled it.

Lin Xin, clad in the black yukata, clasped her hands together, and with Xueli by her side, she spoke to the stone slab that held memories of the past. This time, it was a moment of closure.

"Husband… I still ache from the pain of your early departure. I promise to cherish and nurture our daughter into a wonderful woman. In time, I hope to find the strength to let you go, to seek the happiness that has eluded me since the day I awoke. I am learning to love again, to find my happiness."

With conviction, she knelt in front of the memorial, water from the pail she carried gently splashing onto the stone. "Husband, I wish you could meet Yun Che. He's been my pillar, saving me time and again. Just like you, he became an integral part of my life. Through him, I found a renewed sense of love. He's not you, and I won't compare. I want to be with him and build a new family. Thank you for giving me Xueli. When the time comes, I will move forward and pursue the happiness he brings."

Turning to her daughter, Lin Xin prompted, "Xueli, do you have something to say to papa?" 

"Papa... I really missed you, but you don't have to worry anymore. Onii-chan always makes me happy. Besides, Mama is happy with Onii-chan. One day, I am going to marry Onii-chan, and he will make us happy..." Xueli's words hung in the air, leaving Lin Xin momentarily stunned. The notion of both mother and daughter marrying the same man caught her off guard, a consideration for the future perhaps.

Suddenly, Xueli burst into tears, and Lin Xin instinctively hugged her from behind, providing a comforting embrace. Her daughter's tears flowed freely as she continued speaking through sobs. "Papa, Xueli learned how to speak Japanese... I even know how to brew tea, wear cute clothes, arrange flowers, eat delicious food... Libra Onee-chan will teach me how to fight... sobs... I even help Mama as a waitress in her restaurant... and big sisters taught me how to cook..." Xueli poured her heart out, recounting her experiences and everything she had learned since her father's passing.

Lin Xin, too, couldn't hold back her tears. As her daughter spoke, she realized how much Xueli had grown and how strong she had become. Lin Xin gently wiped away her own tears, allowing the girl to express herself fully. Libra stood behind them, witnessing the emotional moment, wearing a small smile. These were the individuals her master had entrusted her to protect—a family with pure hearts, a family that might very well become her own in the future.

Approaching from behind, Libra gently squeezed their shoulders. "He was a good man."

"A good father and a good husband, but it's time for us to let him go..." Lin Xin spoke with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

After wiping her tears, Lin Xin gently lifted Xueli into her arms, planting a loving kiss on her cheek. "Let's go home," she said, her voice carrying a mix of strength and tenderness.

Returning the kiss, Xueli nodded and turned her attention to Libra. "Libra Onee-chan?"

"Hai, Lin-sama... Xueli-sama..." Libra turned around, nodding her head. As they walked away from the memorial, Lin Xin paused, glancing back one last time. It was a new day, a fresh start for her, Xueli, and Libra. The memories of her husband would always be cherished, and the pain would slowly turn into fond remembrance. One day, when she remembered everything, she would reunite with Yun Che. Until then, Lin Xin pondered which one between her and her daughter would give their blessings first—a question only time could answer.

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