Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 139: The Old Matriarch

Chapter 139: The Old Matriarch

0During the evening, Retsu kept her promise by arranging a big meal for everyone. They were celebrating the recovery of Lin Xin and Xueli. Yun Che and Mio joined in to help with the cooking. Although they had cooked a lot of food, they felt sorry that Cang Yue couldn't be part of the feast due to her focusing on her cultivation. So, they set up a comfortable bed for her in an empty room. The amount of food prepared was a bit excessive for the celebration, but Yun Che, Mio, and Retsu were known for their hearty appetites.     

As they all sat down to eat, Lin Xin's emotions were stirred. The food before her was a stark contrast to the scarcity she had faced before. Memories of her sacrifices for her daughter moved her to tears. She let Xueli eat first, highlighting her selflessness as a mother. This gesture showcased her love for her daughter, even in the face of abundant food. It was a touching sight, as Xueli also displayed gratitude and shared her mother's emotions.     

Retsu and Mio encouraged Lin Xin to enjoy the meal. Their kindness and warmth made Lin Xin realize that she too deserved to indulge. Xueli, on the other hand, revelled in the delicious food, experiencing a feast like never before. The warmth and generosity they encountered were unlike anything they had known.     

Yun Che and the others took it upon themselves to teach Lin Xin and her daughter how to cook, expanding their culinary skills. Even if they eventually left this place, Lin Xin and Xueli could potentially use their cooking talents to make a living on the island.     

Xueli seemed comfortable around Kon, so he introduced himself to Lin Xin. Naturally, Lin Xin was taken aback by the fact that a doll-like creature could hold a conversation like a regular human. As expected, Kon's mischievous nature got the better of him, and he attempted to leap into Lin Xin's arms, only to be thwarted by Retsu's housewife ladle and Mio's swift frying pan. Despite feeling a bit uneasy under Kon's playful antics, Lin Xin couldn't help but chuckle at the plushy sounds he made as he was reprimanded.     

In the days that followed, Yun Che, Retsu, and Mio worked together to adorn the manor with Japanese-style furniture. Lin Xin and Xueli had the final say in the design choices, and Yun Che put his skills to use in bringing their visions to life. Meanwhile, Kon took on his usual role, assisting by gathering the necessary materials for their project.     

With the help of the system, creating furniture became remarkably convenient, and each time Yun Che conjured pieces in the air, Lin Xin and Xueli were left in awe. They had never imagined that cultivators possessed the ability to materialize objects so effortlessly.     

Yun Che and the others took every opportunity to introduce Japanese culture to Lin Xin and Xueli. They covered a range of topics, including language, terminology, hobbies, and culinary skills. Over time, Xueli developed a genuine interest and gradually embraced this new culture and lifestyle. Lin Xin, too, adjusted to her newfound surroundings, even adopting the practice of wearing kimonos or yukatas.     

Utilizing leftover materials from constructing the manor, Yun Che decided to create a small bathhouse. He tapped into the inner world's hot spring water supply, a move that was met with enthusiastic approval from both Xueli and Lin Xin. Not only did they learn how to properly enjoy a soak in the hot springs, but they also received lessons on bathing etiquette. It was a novel experience for them, one that allowed them to indulge like the privileged individuals of their world. This exposure to new cultural practices piqued Lin Xin's curiosity about life beyond their secluded island. She couldn't help but wonder about the lives led by those in the outside world, and even the existence of features like sliding doors amazed her, something that hadn't been seen in their native realm.     

In addition to the bathhouse, Yun Che undertook another project: modernizing the bathroom facilities. He used his knowledge of contemporary living and design principles to construct modern toilets complete with flushing systems. His dedication to catering to their needs and enhancing their living conditions was evident in his careful modifications to the house.     

As the saying goes in the world of gaming, once you start modding, you can't seem to stop.     

Yun Che was resolute in his determination to provide Lin Xin and her daughter with a life that differed from the norm in their world. He recognized the stark disparities and didn't waste any time establishing an advanced piping system to channel water from the nearby well to various areas of the house. Lin Xin and Xueli were once again amazed by the efficient functionality of everyday amenities like a water tap.     

Impressing all the girls, including his own, Yun Che's mastery of piping systems and his ability to channel water without relying on profound energy left them astonished. Their amazement deepened when they were introduced to the concept and term "electricity."     

Drawing from his experience in his original world, Yun Che set out to reimagine a project he had previously developed – the Electrical Radiation Transmitter. This ingenious device allowed him to harness electrical radiation to power various electrical appliances without the need for cables or direct electricity connections. With the assistance of the system, he successfully constructed this device. However, a challenge arose in the form of gathering the required materials and expending a considerable amount of system points to obtain the necessary blueprints.     

Concerns about radiation emitted by the device were swiftly dismissed, as it posed no harm to human beings. In his original world, radiation-related concerns had been addressed by modifying human cells on a cellular level, preventing radiation absorption. While this world's inherent energy flow from Heaven and Earth rendered radiation absorption improbable for its inhabitants, Yun Che's and the girls' powerful bodies could readily withstand any potential radiation. As such, radiation ceased to be a concern, and it even acted as a deterrent against non-cultivators venturing too close.     

However, Yun Che's efforts didn't end with solving the issues of electricity and water. He began contemplating the accumulation of waste from bathrooms and toilets, anticipating potential problems down the line. To address this, he devised a small waste recycling system using the system's blueprint mode. This system transformed and linked waste materials into a fusion generator situated beneath the house. This innovative setup powered the Electrical Radiation Transmitter while maintaining secrecy from prying eyes.     

Recognizing that Lin Xin lacked the ability to use profound energy to address her challenges, Yun Che took it upon himself to teach her and her daughter the ways of modern living. While he limited the use of this knowledge to only these two individuals, he had no qualms about imparting practical skills.     

With the aid of the system, the Apple of Eden, and his knowledge from his 22nd Century world, Yun Che successfully constructed a fusion generator capable of converting human and household waste into reusable energy. With the combined functionalities of the electricity transmitter and the fusion generator, he could take pride in having significantly advanced the technological landscape of this world.     

Anticipating unwanted attention due to the manor's modern style and size, Yun Che had Retsu create a Kido barrier to shield it. Lin Xin and Xueli marveled at the magical appearance, wondering if he had used sorcery to craft it. Mio and Retsu were equally amazed. They saw Yun Che not only as a culinary expert but also as a tech-savvy individual who improved human lives.     

Amid Yun Che's explanations about technology, the girls found themselves more drawn to his culinary teachings than technical details. Still, they remained curious about how humans achieved such feats without Profound Strength.     

Despite his own abilities, Yun Che didn't believe in technological advancement for everyone. He intended to help only Lin Xin and Xueli, letting the rest of this world evolve naturally. He saw no need to accelerate the humans of the Blue Pole Star into advanced civilization when technology and cultivation could coexist. Thus, he left the world's progress to its own pace.     

Within three days, under Lin Xin's attentive care, the manor transformed into a vibrant flower garden. Seeds of rare flowers collected from their past adventures, coupled with a sprinkle of the Divine Water from the system, brought about rapid growth. The sight of these remarkable blossoms, usually coveted for their cultivation-enhancing properties, now adorning the garden, would surely leave other cultivators in awe and disbelief.     

Despite the age gap, Lin Xin struck up a close friendship with Retsu and Mio. They treated her like an elder sister and often cast warm glances at Yun Che, as if he were the hero who had rescued her. Unlike the city's men who expected something in return, Yun Che had selflessly provided for the mother and daughter. Nevertheless, Lin Xin's heart remained tethered to her past.     

Though her feelings for her husband and the weight of her guilt lingered within her, Lin Xin found herself struggling to express them in Yun Che's presence. Her heartache was profound, yet her daughter had been her anchor through it all. Wondering if she could ever love again, she sought refuge in nurturing the garden alongside Xueli and learning culinary skills from Mio and Retsu, hoping to distract herself.     

Curiosity nagged at Lin Xin about one matter. She had overheard a conversation between Yun Che and the plushy Kon, a talk centered around her and her daughter's resemblance to someone named Kozuki Toki and Kozuki Hiyori. Could there be someone in the outside world who bore their likeness?     

Among other responsibilities, Lin Xin dedicated time to caring for Cang Yue. Kneeling beside Cang Yue's futon, Lin Xin knew the struggles of the eternal sleep disease all too well. She assisted Retsu and Mio in changing Cang Yue's clothes and tending to her hygiene. It was a gesture born of gratitude for Cang Yue's role as their benefactor's friend, a woman who shared their fate. Lin Xin couldn't help but wonder why Yun Che couldn't heal Cang Yue in the same manner he had healed her. Learning of Cang Yue's cultivation state, Lin Xin believed that maintaining her condition was the best course of action.     

As Lin Xin cared for Cang Yue, Yun Che found himself pondering the depths of her compassion. Despite the harsh environment she had endured in this realm, Lin Xin's heart remained as pure as freshly fallen snow. Her devotion to her daughter was unwavering, and even her care for someone she barely knew showcased the innate kindness that radiated from her. He mused over the extent of her suffering and how she managed to preserve her purity amidst the malevolent intentions of the city's inhabitants. What sort of person had she been before this world consumed her?     

Was she an arrogant female cultivator, once fierce and unyielding? Or perhaps a princess hailing from a high-ranked star realm, accustomed to luxury? Could she have been a distinguished figure from a prominent sect, or even a disciple of a formidable star realm?     

The mysteries of her past intrigued Yun Che. What events had transpired in her former life that led to her banishment into this lower realm, stripped of memories and profound strength? The dichotomy of either being shown mercy, allowing her to survive, or being cruelly abandoned to perish haunted his thoughts. Yun Che recognized the debt he owed to her late husband, the one who had saved her life.     

As Lin Xin continued to pour her motherly warmth onto young Xueli, Yun Che grappled with a crucial decision. He wrestled with the idea of removing the God Suppressing Formation from her. Doing so, however, would expose this star realm to the scrutiny of divine cultivators, possibly unleashing catastrophic consequences. Worse yet, Xueli might be left to navigate a treacherous path alone, the same as Xia Qingyue's. Unlike Xia Qingyue, Xueli lacked the support of a brother or father, making her susceptible to the allure of the dark side.     

Yun Che faced the harsh truth of his own limitations. Despite his strength, he felt ill-prepared to confront these challenges. The idea of facing divine cultivators left him feeling defenseless, a sense of impending defeat gnawing at him. He contemplated the slim possibility of putting up a fight, perhaps tapping into his ultimate form from Hoyuu, yet he couldn't shake the nagging realization that such efforts might still fall short.     

In the face of power, 'some' resistance simply wouldn't suffice.     


Whispers swept through the city after the recent defeat of the bandits. The once-invincible Wen Chai had been left battered and bruised by a trio of enigmatic newcomers: a young man and two women. Speculation spread that they were the same individuals Xueli had brought to heal her ailing mother. One among them, with an air of certainty, had felled the corpulent bandit and his guards using an unseen, mysterious force. The city buzzed with questions: How mighty were these strangers to dismantle a bandit battalion in an instant? And what would come next? Would the mountain bandits retaliate and reclaim their leader, or would a new figure emerge from their ranks to take the helm?     

In the heart of the city stood a sprawling estate, an opulent expanse that occupied nearly an eighth of the floating island's territory. Lavish houses surrounded a grand manor, erecting a visible social barrier between the inhabitants of this realm. It was a microcosm of hierarchy within a larger hierarchy.     

This expanse of land was vast, adorned with glistening threads of gold woven into the fabric of clothing and accessories. Yet, these threads, which could sustain a common family for a whole year, were spent on garments instead of uplifting the lives of the less fortunate. All the wealth of the land was concentrated here, forming a conspicuous divide. The streets were paved with the finest stones, while homes and fountains dotted the landscape. Even trees and flowers, meticulously crafted, adorned every nook and cranny – a display of excess. Homes within this enclave were practically mansions, each housing larger than the last. For the people who resided here, modest dwellings for families were mere closets or storage chambers. This domain stood as a chasm between the affluent and the exceedingly wealthy. Those on the outside were deemed lower than dirt, their very breath unworthy of mingling with the air of the privileged.     

The inhabitants of the estate were the epitome of richness, unrivaled in their extravagance. They alone bore the surname of the god who reigned over the land.     

A solitary word.     

One word served as a stark reminder of the divide that separated the rulers from the ruled in this realm of their own creation.     


Deep within the city, an entirely different world existed – a world that showcased the glaring gap between the wealthy and the poor. This place resembled an exclusive sanctuary, akin to a sect within the larger society. In the center stood a massive manor, grander than any other structure in this realm. This mansion belonged to the most powerful family, who boldly claimed to be descendants of the realm's gods or rulers. With immense pride, they carried the title of divine lineage, looking down on those of lower status and firmly believing that only their bloodline was fit to rule. Their commands were unwavering, and any challenge to their authority was brushed aside.     

Even the city's leader bore their esteemed family name, yet he differed from the rest of the Huan clan. Unlike his relatives who lived within the extravagant manor, the city's leader genuinely cared for the well-being of the city's people. This contrast set him apart, earning him respect in the eyes of the citizens. During a bandit attack on the city, the Huan family remained indifferent, as if the crisis was of no concern to them, as long as their own sanctuary remained untouched.     

Within the manor's walls, an older woman held court in an elegant chamber. Her face bore the marks of time, yet she exuded an air of detachment from the city's troubles. Strands of silver hair danced in the breeze, adding an air of mystery to her presence. She was surrounded by opulence, residing in a mansion built from gleaming golden stones. Even a single item from her surroundings could sustain a common family for months, but to her, these riches were mere trinkets. Seated gracefully on the balcony, she oversaw a breathtaking view reserved for the privileged few, embodying the image of a ruler surveying her realm.     

This woman, the formidable high matriarch, held sway over this exclusive domain, a domain defined by extravagance and exclusion.     

Huan Ling – a name that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it within the secret domain. The mere mention of her name was enough to make people bow in fear, as if she were a ruler of the realm itself. Her authority was unquestioned, her reputation ironclad. Not a whisper dared escape anyone's lips against her, for even the slightest criticism seemed to summon divine retribution in the form of lightning bolts – as if she held sway over the heavens.     

She had risen to become the living emblem of the formidable Huan Family's apex.     

Into this scene entered a man, his attire betraying his servitude to the Huan family. The clothes he wore were more luxurious than what most could dream of owning, and even the life of a servant seemed to offer better living conditions than those of the city's commoners. People eagerly sought to become the family's servants, even to the point of selling their own kin in exchange for the privilege. It was a world where wealth trumped power, where the affluent ruled over the weak.     

The man made his way toward the woman, his demeanor clearly indicating his servile role. In hushed tones, he conveyed a message that prompted her to shatter her golden cup in astonishment. Fixing her gaze on him, she spoke with an air of arrogance, "That wretched woman still lives?! I thought her eternal slumber would save us from her presence."     

The man bowed deeply before replying nervously, "Our scouts spotted her emerging from her humble abode, accompanied by two striking women. It's as if she's been reborn, free from the suffering she once endured."     

The woman's eyes widened at the news, her disbelief palpable. She cast her cup aside, her voice dripping with disdain, "How can this be? I hoped her agony would finally end during her sleep."     

The servant continued his report, revealing more details. "It seems her daughter brought her aid, a man and two women, who triggered her revival. This trio even managed to defeat the dreaded bandit Wen Chai recently."     

A knowing smile curled on the woman's lips as she absorbed this information. She remembered the rumors that had reached her ears, the whispers of bandit extermination that had seemed impossible. She shifted her fan elegantly, her mind seething beneath her composed exterior. "So, this man was responsible for their downfall. Such weak bandits! Seems the wench has found herself an able ally. Yet, a harlot is a harlot, no matter her circumstances. She needs a reminder of her place."     

The servant, unaware of the depths of her enmity, made an inopportune suggestion, "If she troubles you so, Madam, why not eliminate her altogether?"     

SLAP! The woman's hand met his cheek with a resounding smack, her fury unleashed at his audacity.     

"Insolent servant! How dare you question my grudge against that woman?! Have you forgotten how she lured my beloved son into her web, destroying his life? She ensnared him with her allure and forced him to father her cursed offspring, before ultimately causing his demise! And you ask why she vexes me?!" Her voice echoed through the halls, her anger a palpable force.     

"This servant apologizes," the man groveled, his words genuine in their lack of understanding. He was a newcomer, ignorant of the intricate dynamics at play.     

The matriarch regained her composure, her gaze shifting elsewhere. "Is there anything else?"     

With a blend of caution and courage, the servant continued, "A grand estate has suddenly materialized where her humble dwelling once stood. It's inconceivable for such a structure to emerge in a matter of days, yet witnesses saw her leaving the estate with those two women."     

Huan Ling's attention snapped back, her curiosity piqued. The sudden appearance of an estate was illogical, especially in place of the woman's former abode. She dismissed it as inconsequential, confident that the small estate posed no threat to the mighty Huan Family. After all, if necessary, they could exploit the city's resources to quell any challenge. Then, a sinister grin curled her lips as a plan formed in her mind. "Ah, so she aims to rise from the ashes? Let her try. She ruined my son's life, and I vowed to return the favor. I shall seize whatever pitiable possessions she has left and remind her of her place. I will plunge her into destitution, just as she did to my son. I broke her once, and it won't take long to break her again."     

The servant inquired, "Shall I prepare the carriage, Madam?"     

Her sinister smile persisted as she issued her command, "Gather our men as well. And this time, if she refuses to sleep, perhaps our men can help her find slumber – after they've taken their fill."     


As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of gold and pink, Lin Xin rose from her slumber. Beside her, her daughter Xueli still peacefully slept, a serene sight to behold. Last night had granted Lin Xin one of the best rests she'd had in years. As she took in her surroundings, a swell of gratitude washed over her. This second chance at life was an opportunity to rewrite her story, to embrace happiness that had eluded her for far too long. Her life had been forever altered after her husband's passing, but she knew dwelling in perpetual mourning would neither honor his memory nor offer her daughter a fulfilling life. With resolve in her heart, she vowed to find happiness, to cherish her daughter, the embodiment of their love and union.     

As she slid open the door to her room, her gaze fell upon the figure of a man with raven-black hair. He was adorned in sweat, evidence of his morning training regimen that had been a consistent part of their routine. A flush warmed her cheeks at the sight, an immediate reaction that she swiftly dismissed. Straightening her posture, she addressed him, "Yun Che, you're up early."     

"Morning as usual, Xin'er. Oh, and breakfast is ready for everyone. I made pancakes," Yun Che replied, glancing her way. Early mornings were a habit he'd cultivated over time, thanks to a certain feisty companion who was intolerant of tardiness in their practice sessions.     

Lin Xin observed him quietly, her heart fluttering at the sight. "I see. The girls must be bathing after their training. I'm curious about the kind of training that leaves them so sweaty."     

Yun Che's grin was infectious. "Hahaha… indeed. They always make sure to freshen up after their training sessions. They are, after all, young women."     

"Aiming to look their best for the man they love," Lin Xin mused with a wry smile.     

He nodded in agreement. "I can't argue with that. By the way, Xueli has grown into a remarkable and responsible young lady. You and your husband have raised her well."     

The conversation took a momentary pause as Yun Che restrained himself from uttering a specific word. Lin Xin's gaze lowered, her eyes glistening with emotion. "He was a good man," she said softly.     

Yun Che discerned her reaction, realizing that her husband's memory still held a deep place in her heart. "I'm sorry if I touched a sensitive topic," he expressed with a gentle sincerity.     

"No, it's not that," she replied, her voice tremulous. "It's just that talking about him brings back bittersweet memories that weigh heavily on my heart. But one day, I hope I can share more about him with you."     

He moved to sit beside her, offering silent comfort. "You don't have to force yourself. Take your time. Talking about it might ease the burden a bit."     

Her fingers clenched the fabric of her hakama, tears welling up. "Yun Che, why do you care about us so much? We have no relation to you, nothing to offer. Yet, you've given us everything. You treat Xueli like your own sister. Your interactions with her remind me of him."     

Yun Che's eyes met hers, the sincerity in his gaze unwavering. "I just wanted to see you and Xueli smile more. How could she be happy if her mother is weighed down by sorrow?"     

Her gaze softened, and she mustered a small smile. "I'm trying, Yun Che. But these memories, even though I slept for a year, they're still fresh."     

"Time is a great healer," he offered. "And talking about it might help."     

"We're strangers to you, yet you've been so kind to us," she continued, her emotions complex. "I often wonder why you care this much. I see the way you look at Xueli – it reminds me of him."     

Yun Che's gaze shifted, a somber expression touching his features. "I understand. Maybe I'm not the right person to ask about it, but sometimes helping others helps me forget my own pain."     

"You've experienced loss too?" Lin Xin inquired, a tinge of skepticism in her voice. This young man seemed far too young to have endured such heartache.     

A contemplative look crossed his face, and he directed his gaze towards the rising sun. "Yes, in a way. I've lost people who were important to me. Letting go, even if it's painful, sometimes brings happiness – not just for oneself but for those around you. In my case, now I have Mio, Retsu, and Cang Yue. They bring me happiness in their own ways. Dwelling in the past won't let me move forward."     

Lin Xin listened, her heart heavy with the weight of his words. "Your companions are lucky to have you. I hope to find that strength too."     

Yun Che's lips curled into a gentle smile, and he spoke with unwavering assurance, "I'm sure you will. In fact, you're stronger than me. And I hope you find the happiness you deserve."     

Her gaze held his for a moment before a small, genuine smile formed on her lips. She might not fully understand his words, but his presence was a balm to her soul, offering a glimmer of hope that happiness could be within reach.     


In the afternoon sun, a splendid and opulent carriage swept through the manor's entrance, accompanied by a retinue of imposing, sturdy men. Drawn by the finest steeds, the carriage bore the unmistakable mark of a high-ranking Huan family member. No one dared to even cast a glance upon this carriage, reserved for the family's most esteemed members. As it came to a halt, other carriages, though simpler, but no less luxurious, followed suit in an organized procession.     

Stepping out of the main carriage was an elderly woman of stern countenance, flanked by a contingent of heavily armored and robust men who clearly bore the insignia of Huan family soldiers. They moved with her as escorts, radiating an air of authority. Her gaze swept over the manor's expanse before she clenched her jaw with simmering displeasure.     

"Hmph. So this woman knows how to ensnare the wealthy to her side. After taking my son's life, now she and her devilish offspring seek refuge with another wealthy man?" The woman's voice dripped with a venomous edge as she aired her resentment. Her gaze then turned toward the manor, and a cunning notion took root. Wealthy as her new paramour might be, she, Huan Ling, held dominion over this realm. She could easily strip him of his newfound riches. "This estate… it could serve nicely as a summer retreat."     

Meanwhile, Lin Xin was engrossed in tending to the gardens near the front gate when she caught sight of the approaching carriage. A profound sense of dread engulfed her, and the flowers she held slipped from her trembling grasp. Frozen in place, she watched in terror as the woman disembarked from the carriage and began making her way toward the manor. This was a day she had hoped would never come, a nightmare from which she had tried to flee for as long as she could recall. It hadn't even been a week since she had awakened, and now the spectre of her past was bearing down on her with chilling certainty.     

By the pond, Xueli was immersed in her playful interaction with the koi fish. Suddenly, a jolt of distress ran through her, a connection between her and her mother that surpassed mere words. Responding to that innate connection, she abandoned her amusement and hastened to her mother's side. The sight of the woman approaching sent shivers down her spine – the same woman who had tormented her and her mother for far too long. She sought solace in the protective presence of her mother.     

Huan Ling, the matriarch herself, observed the two women before her with a contemptuous sneer. "You wretched harlot… still breathing, I see."     

Lin Xin's voice caught in her throat, her fear rendering her speechless. Memories she had striven to bury surged forth, vivid and painful, as she gazed upon the formidable figure of Huan Ling. The terror she felt in the woman's presence resurfaced, immobilizing her. The agonizing memories that she had tried so hard to suppress were back, all-consuming. She hadn't even confided in Yun Che and the others about this haunting presence. It was fortunate that they had gone out for shopping that morning. This was a battle she wanted to face alone, sparing them further trouble. But this woman wasn't just any woman – she was the embodiment of her misfortunes in this city. And even worse, she was the mother of Lin Xin's late husband, the man who chose love over family and ultimately paid the price.     

As the oppressive air thickened, it was clear that this woman was no ordinary visitor. She was the source of Lin Xin's anguish, her oppressor, and a living nightmare.     

"You're alive, huh? Won't stay dead, will you? Managed to charm another wealthy man, just like you did after my son's death? You shameless wench… you and your cursed child should never have existed," Huan Ling taunted as she closed in. With each step, she casually trampled upon the flower beds that Lin Xin and the other girls had tenderly nurtured. A fiery rage ignited within Lin Xin, but her terror was too overpowering to give it voice. She mustered the strength to utter one weak word.     

"No…" The word was barely audible, yet it pierced through the air, reaching the ears of the menacing matriarch. At the same time, Lin Xin clung to her daughter, her embrace an unyielding shield against the approaching storm. She was determined not to let her daughter be subjected to the same torment she had endured before.     

"Hmmm?" Huan Ling's sneer deepened, her disbelief evident. Never had she expected Lin Xin to defy her.     

"Don't you dare label her as a cursed child! She's your own flesh and blood," Lin Xin's voice wavered as she spoke, her courage mingling with fear.     

"Insolent wretch… you dare claim that spawn as my kin? A whore like you has no right to live. You who bartered your body for wealth deserve to be torn apart a thousand times. That brat, my granddaughter? Laughable! She's unworthy of the Huan name," the older woman jeered, a vindictive light gleaming in her eyes as she surveyed the scene.     

Meanwhile, Xueli, accustomed to the term "cursed child," had asked her mother about its meaning. Lin Xin, however, had refused to disclose its implications, sheltering her daughter from such a cruel reality. All she told her was that she was pure-hearted, not cursed. She explained that it was a hurtful word used by someone who didn't understand kindness.     

Lin Xin, despite the barrage of insults, remained silent. She had grown accustomed to this barrage of humiliation, which had been directed at her, her husband, and even her infant daughter. In those times, it was her husband who shielded her from the onslaught. Now, without his presence, there was no protector to shield what little dignity she had left.     

The older woman's gaze shifted to the Japanese-style manor behind Lin Xin and her daughter, and her smile twisted into something malevolent. It was the motive behind her visit. "This land now belongs to me. I've heard that my son purchased property here, and a little bird whispered that you hold the deed to it. Hand it over."     


Fear gripped Lin Xin as Huan Ling aimed to seize the last possession left by her late husband. The small sanctuary that was meant to be a legacy for her and her daughter. How much more did this tyrant seek to take from them? Lin Xin summoned her courage again and refused adamantly, determined to protect what remained of her husband's legacy. "No… He gave it to me… I won't give it to you. This is our home."     

"Oho, it seems the wench can speak up after all. Surprisingly, you haven't prostrated yourself since I arrived," the matriarch taunted once more. The men who trailed behind her, eyeing Lin Xin like ravenous wolves, exhibited a predatory hunger. They had been promised a destitute beggar to sate their desires. Lin Xin was viewed as little more than fresh meat awaiting their appetites. As they compared her to the women in the Huan estate, they found her far more alluring. The men's creepy gazes transformed her into a forbidden fruit that stoked their basest instincts, further kindling their untamed desires.     

As for Lin Xin, she was terrified once she heard the word 'kneel.' It's because of this woman. She had to kneel every time this woman came. It was out of fear and submission. She remembered she was beaten, slapped, and cursed but still kneeled in front of her and her husband. They lived far away from the estate to avoid her. Her in-laws wanted them to suffer in poverty, and they did get their wish. They took everything from her. She was exiled, beaten and made to kneel in front of this woman repeatedly. It was even worse after her husband died. She was blamed for his death, and if it wasn't for the city lord's rumor about her 'disappearance,' she might have been raped or killed in her sleep.     

A surge of panic gripped Lin Xin, threatening to spiral into a full-blown panic attack. But in the midst of her fear, a man's unwavering presence materialized in her mind—a figure who had adamantly forbidden her from ever kneeling again. Clutching her daughter tightly, she turned to face her formidable mother-in-law, determined to honor the vow she had made to herself and the man who had shown her a different path. She had promised to never kneel again, no matter the circumstances.     

With a quivering voice, Lin Xin spoke, defiance mingling with her trepidation. "No, we won't kneel before you any longer. We've severed all ties with you. Please… just leave us be."     

"Foolish woman…" Huan Ling's ire blazed, and she advanced menacingly, poised to strike Lin Xin. Bracing herself, Lin Xin clung to her daughter, preparing for the inevitable blow. It was a futile gesture, yet she was determined to stand her ground.     


However, before the slap could land, the world seemed to shift. Lin Xin's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude as a figure materialized beside her, his strong hand intercepting the intended blow. The matriarch, on the other hand, froze, her arm caught mid-air by the raven-haired young man who had suddenly emerged. Shock overpowered her as she registered this unprecedented defiance. In a realm where their authority remained unchecked, no one had ever dared to deny their whims.     

"Hey, isn't it a bit uncalled for to slap an unarmed mother defending her child?" The young man's voice dripped with a simmering anger as he addressed the older woman.     

The sound of her name spoken by the man she longed for washed over Lin Xin like a balm for her soul. Tears welled in her eyes as she gazed upon Yun Che, her savior, and her heart's protector.     

"Onii-chan!!" Xueli's joyous cry rang out, her hero's arrival a scene she had fervently wished for. Her hope had materialized in the form of the young man who had swiftly intervened.     

"I apologize for being late, Xin'er, Xueli. Retsu and Mio went shopping and got carried away. It turned out to be quite an adventure keeping them in check." His words danced with a sense of amusement, the memory of thwarting the advances of various men who had dared to approach his companions laced with a touch of mischief.     

"You… insolent brat. Who do you think you are? How dare you lay hands on me?" Huan Ling seethed, her efforts to break free from Yun Che's grip proving futile. His hold was unyielding, and his eyes locked onto hers with a fierce intensity.     

Maintaining his grip, Yun Che met her gaze squarely, his tone laden with stern reprimand. "You've barged in uninvited, attempting to harm Xin'er and Xueli. Your audacity knows no bounds, it seems."     

"How dare you defy the Huan Family's will? By touching us, you bring down the Creator's Wrath upon yourself!" Huan Ling's words dripped with an air of authority, her proclamation laden with ominous implications.     

The moment the phrase "Creator's Wrath" left her lips, Lin Xin's expression underwent a chilling transformation.     

The mention of the "creator's wrath" sent Yun Che into peals of laughter, his amusement erupting like a tidal wave. His laughter was infectious, spreading through the tense atmosphere like wildfire. Lin Xin tried to restrain him, cautioning him about the supposed consequences of incurring such wrath, but her warnings seemed to fall on deaf ears. It was as if Yun Che had heard the most outrageous joke in the world.     

"Creator's wrath, hahahaha! Oh, that's rich!" Yun Che managed to get out between fits of laughter. He found it incredulous that these people believed in the divine punishment of some higher being. His amusement grew with every second, and he struggled to contain his mirth. If only they knew the truth about their so-called "creator."     

"Yun Che, please, you're going to anger them!" Lin Xin pleaded, her worry for his safety overriding her astonishment at his reaction. She had seen the creator's wrath in action, and it was nothing to scoff at.     

Yun Che finally managed to stifle his laughter, wiping tears from his eyes. He spoke in a more composed tone, still bearing a hint of amusement. "Xin'er, trust me, their 'creator' is nothing to fear. They're bluffing."     

The older woman's frustration was palpable as she stared at the sky, waiting for the supposed divine retribution that never came. Her cries of indignation filled the air, her disbelief and anger mingling as she shouted accusations toward Yun Che.     

As Lin Xin watched this unfold, she felt a mix of confusion and relief. The man before her seemed immune to the creator's wrath, which was as baffling as it was comforting. She recounted the countless instances when she had witnessed lightning strikes at the command of the Huan Family, a punishment meted out to those who defied their authority. But now, that very punishment was conspicuously absent.     

Her bewilderment found voice as she inquired, "You should have been struck by the yellow lightning of the creator's wrath. It's how they punish those who oppose the Huan Family. Why didn't it work on you?"     

Yun Che adopted a contemplative expression, his mind racing as he put pieces of the puzzle together. "Bright yellow lights with strange markings, you say? I might have a guess." He looked skyward, half-expecting something to happen, but the skies remained calm.     

Lin Xin's confusion deepened, and she regarded him with curiosity. "How would you know about that?"     

"Call it intuition," Yun Che replied with a cryptic smile, his eyes glinting with mischief. He had a hunch that the creator's wrath was nothing more than a manipulated defense mechanism, and his suspicions were further solidified by his encounter with the Apple of Eden.     

A defense mechanism that ignores the administrator itself.     

His playful demeanor shifted as he turned his attention back to Huan Ling, his smile taking on a taunting edge. "Looks like the creator's wrath didn't quite pan out the way you hoped. Disappointing, isn't it?"     

The older woman's face contorted with rage and frustration, her plans unraveling before her eyes. She barked orders at her men, demanding retribution, but her words fell on deaf ears.     

Completely dismissed and ignored, the old matriarch turned around in a mixture of fury and bewilderment, only to be met with an unexpected sight. Perched nonchalantly atop her own carriage were two women, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. One had hair neatly braided, while the other sported a distinctive butterfly clip. Clad in kimonos similar to Lin Xin's, they sat there casually, munching on fruits they had procured from the market earlier. A true calmness to the chaos that had enveloped the surroundings.     

Lin Xin's eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the two women. They were the same ones who had accompanied Yun Che that morning on their shopping spree. She marveled at their calm in the presence of trouble, and the fact that they seemed to have incapacitated the Huan family's soldiers with uncanny ease. Her gaze shifted toward the woman with the butterfly clip, who seemed to be concealing an unconventional pan behind her back.     

"Hmph, mere weaklings. Kon-sama wouldn't even bat an eye at them," a streak of light emerged from the carriage, revealing a plush adorned with a lion design. It spoke fluently in the human tongue, leaving the old woman dumbfounded by its peculiar existence.     

"Well, what do expect?…they're nothing more than average humans. Pathetic. If Danna-sama permits, I could string them up and offer their bodies as sustenance to the forest's spiders," the woman with the butterfly clip declared with an air of nonchalance, her gloved hand poised as if ready to enact her gruesome plan.     

The woman with the braided hair chimed in, "Mio-chan, that's a bit intimidating. I personally prefer a clean beheading."     

"Swift and painless, just like my Retsu," Mio responded, offering a thumbs-up to her counterpart, much to the plush's imagined discomfort.     

Suddenly, the plush seemed to shiver in fear, blurting out an unintentional remark. "You two are terrifying…"     

Both women turned their attention to the plush, their gazes intense and ominous. "Did you just say something?" they inquired simultaneously, their aura emanating an undeniable aura of menace.     

"N-nothing, I am sorry…" The plush quickly recoiled, bowing repeatedly in an effort to appease the ominous duo.     

The old matriarch could hardly comprehend the scene unfolding before her. Her elite escorts had been effortlessly neutralized by these two seemingly ordinary women and their strange plush companion. In a matter of seconds, her perceived advantage had crumbled into nothingness, and she was left with a sense of complete helplessness and vulnerability. Her supposed high ground had been swiftly usurped by a trio of unexpected opponents.     

Yun Che's smile only grew wider, his tone laced with mockery. "Seems like your loyal subjects aren't too keen on following your lead anymore, little Huan matriarch. How the mighty have fallen."     

Huan Ling's face flushed crimson with a mixture of fury and humiliation. It was a stark reversal of fortunes, one that Yun Che seemed to revel in. As the situation unfolded, it became increasingly clear that the veneer of invincibility that the Huan Family had maintained was crumbling, leaving them vulnerable and exposed.     

He materialized just inches away from the old woman's face, regarding her with an air of boredom. "Listen up, old lady. I've got no clue what your grudge against Xin'er here is all about, but I suggest you beat it if you know what's good for you." He released his grip on her arm, giving her a firm push before positioning himself protectively in front of Lin Xin.     

"You…that woman manipulated you into her schemes! She murdered my son, and now…you're standing by her side?" She endeavored to plant seeds of doubt, hoping to sway him against Lin Xin by capitalizing on her already tarnished reputation.     

"Killed your son? Oh, I see… So that's the version you're peddling," he mused with a hint of scepticism. Through his interactions with the locals, Yun Che had managed to piece together the story of Lin Xin's deceased husband. It was confirmed that he had abandoned his family's legacy to be with her, but the details of his demise were shrouded in uncertainty. While some whispered about a wild beast attack, others suggested foul play.     

"She supposedly killed him the moment they met… I won't rest until I have her lifeless body," the old woman spat venomously. Yun Che's eyes darkened, his calm demeanor turning grave. It was as if she had insulted his own kin. Swiftly and without warning, he seized her by the throat, hoisting her off the ground. Despite her frantic struggles, his grip remained unyielding.     

Fearing for the situation's escalation, Lin Xin intervened, pleading with Yun Che to desist. Her pleas, however, fell on deaf ears as he kept his attention solely on the old woman who had picked a fight she could never hope to win.     

"Listen…you've just accused an innocent woman who carried no scent of adultery or moral compromise. Her heart was pure, dedicated to her child and her husband till the end. She weathered your insults, humbled herself, and even extended her compassion to strangers. You have no right to defile her as a harlot."     

"Your son made his choice back then. He willingly forfeited his family's legacy to embrace the life of a devoted husband. He cared for her till his final moments. Just as Xin'er has recounted… he was a good man," Yun Che declared, his tone weighted with respect. Understanding the implications of the old woman's claim that Lin Xin had "killed" her son, Yun Che comprehended the depth of her animosity. This was Lin Xin's mother-in-law, her history woven with disdain, resentment, and grief for her son's choices.     

"This is far from over," the old woman croaked, her voice laced with defiance and impotent rage as she struggled to regain her breath.     

"Of course, go ahead and summon your supposed divine retribution. We'll be right here, ready to face whatever you throw our way," Yun Che responded dismissively, his words a potent blend of defiance and mockery.     

Huan Ling begrudgingly withdrew, boarding her carriage in retreat. She had anticipated reaping Lin Xin's world from her, only to be thwarted by a young man who had swiftly unraveled her plans. Puzzled by why the creator's wrath had failed to manifest, she harbored doubts about the mechanism's efficacy.     

As her carriage pulled away, she vowed to fix the wrath and enact her vengeance, determined to reclaim what she believed was rightfully hers.     

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