Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 81: Bizarre Kick

Chapter 81: Bizarre Kick

0"….." The other girls were speechless when they saw the unfurling event. It wasn't long before Cang Yue started to react. "YUN CHE!!!! Sister Retsu, let's save him." Before the others could respond, they suddenly heard a calm voice began to sound in the air.     

"Ahh, you know its rude to stomped someone in the foot. They will think that you're disrespecting them."     

Suddenly, tremors started to occur around the area the Menos had just stomped Yun Che. Scarlet flames began to spread from the Menos's foot and went all over its body like the plague. As the Menos lit with the phoenix fires, it suddenly being catapult upwards by a large force underneath it. It roared as loud as it could the moment it was lit by flames and send upwards easily. The pressure was far too significant to handle before being sent flying, even with its large body. The source of the force was none other than Yun Che himself.     

"ANTI MANNER KICK COURSE!!!!" He executes Sanji's most potent kicks, the Menos, by kicking it 180 degrees in the air with his leg. His powerful kick sent the Menos upwards before the land on the nearby army of hollows. The scarlet flames ignite on Menos's body finally consume it before spreading all over the poor hollows.     

Except for Retsu, all the other villagers and the two ladies were stunned on the spot as he sent flying a giant Menos with only a leg.     

"Bastard, never interrupt a man was he's talking with a lady." He said with a serious tone while still retains his flaming leg upwards.     

Kon was shocked to the core when he saw what he did just now. "What the hell? You kick that giant thing using only your leg?"     

He just kept a simple face and said, "Sort of."     

Then, he looked at his stunned girls. "Why don't you ladies handle the smaller ones while let me handle these giant bastard."     

"And you…" "Make yourself useful." He looked at Kon still hanging around his shoulder.     

"Ehh??!?? There's no way I could…." Kon suddenly felt Yun Che was gripping his plushy head.     

"You bastard!! What are you doing?" Kon started to struggle in his hand, but he kept a deaf ear on him.     

"Making you useful. FLY!!!" He proceeds on tossing Kon towards the nearby army of hollow. Since Yun Che's toss was mighty, Kon was catapult flying while shouting "Bastard" before landing on the military of hollows.     

It wasn't long after he landed, bright lights surround the area attracting the hollows to it. "You… I'll get you for this." Emerged from the sunshine was a golden lion's cub with a small pair of wings behind its back. Kon emerged from the lights after assuming his golden lion form. After being forced fed several pills by Yun Che, he awakened Kon's innate powers and able to access his golden lion form. However, the state started as a cub before maturing into a real golden lion. In this form, Kon can take damage, but if the damage was too much. He will revert to his ordinary immortal plushy self.     

Yun Che discovered another thing when he and Jasmine tried to punch him while in his plushy form. He was invulnerable to damage, but he still can feel the pain of being punch by him. That's why he refused to offend anyone with a significant force to avoid feeling that pain.     

Kon is finally finishing up his transformation into 'the golden lion cub'. Kon's current cultivation was at the First Level of Spirit Profound Realm. His continuous breakthrough in the phoenix's trial enable him to breakthrough faster and empower his lion form.     

"You ugly freaks, let's see how you handle the might of Kon-sama!!" Kon immediately transforms into a streak of light and travels all over the battlefield. His cultivation enables him to access a full burst of speed as he travels, destroying one hollow after another.     

Showing a smirk, Yun Che proceeds on jumping high up in the air and aim at the nearest Menos. "Diable Jamble Flambage Shot!!!"     


His kick shatters Menos's mask before engulfing them with flames from his foot. After destroying its mask, the hollow's body immediately turned into dust by his phoenix's flames. He proceeded on aiming at the next Menos. Yun Che's speed combining with his flash step, enable him to arrive instantly and hit the Menos before they tried anything. He kept on using Flambage Shot as it helped him arrived at the Menos quickly, and it's one of Sanji's powerful signature kicks.     

He floats up in the air as he stares at the two final Menos, which surpassed the lower level and entered the high-level Menos.     

The Menos roared at him before charing the cero immediately. Since high-level Menos were the evolved version of the lower-ranked Menos, they can charge cero almost instantly and released it to him.     

"Hoo, that's fast. But can you avoid this one?" He once again charged the fire in his leg to the maximum. The other one manages to set a cero and fires it on him. As for him, he didn't avoid it and dived straight onto the incoming cero. Both his blazing leg and the cero clashed with each other like two opposing forces.     

"Hmph, tried to push me away?" He empowers his kick once more, and he travels inside the cero, splitting it apart in one go.     

"Bien Cuit, Grill Shot!!!!" (Well Cooked, Grill Shot) He emerged from inside the cero and travelled towards its body as fast as the eye. His blazing kick land on Menos's body to produce a blazing fire on it.     

"ROOARR!!!" The Menos roared as the blazing fire burn the area around his kick, creating a crisscrossed grill shape burn on it. Sanji once used this kick during the underwater battle with the Kraken. The fire travel all over its body before burning its mask, causing it to shatter. With that action, the Menos had been harassing these girls for half a month.     

Finally fell under his bizarre kick.     

Little Fairy and Cang Yue were stunned to see his spectacular performance. One month ago, his kicks were powerful, but now it's even more potent after combining them with the phoenix flames.     

He floats in the air and slowly said "Now it's just you and me. Ohh…" He noticed the last Menos had some tear on its left shoulder. The same tear he gave a month ago when he shot that last Getsuga on it.     

"You're the same guy? Looks like you've been busy for the last month." He smiled as he saw the same Menos escaped him appeared once more.     

"ROOARRR!!!" The Menos roared once more before making a grabbing motion. He knew immediately what that action means and flashed a step towards it.     

"You're not escaping this time. Bakudo #62 Hyapporankan." He immediately smashed both of his palms together and generated blue-white hexagonal-shaped rods by extending his hands apart. The uniqueness of this spell was it can cause almost hundreds of rods instantly depending on how much Spirit Force he channelled into the attack. However, if the user intends to increase the size, the rods multiplication will be replaced with enlargement. In this case, he can only use a dozen rods, but the size will change according to the target.     

He immediately threw the rod as it slowly getting more significant. The rods soon multiply into a dozen of large and long rods towards the Menos. The key to using this spell was he aimed the intended hit points using his Sharingan and observation mode. If he didn't do that, he will be like Shuuhei Hisagi, where he just threw the rods, hoping a few of them would hit. The rods hit the Menos at the critical points of its arms and legs, immobilizing them on the spot. The rods immediately immobilize any practitioner or beast, preventing them from moving.     

"What are those things?" Little Fairy looked at the blue and white rods curiously, same as Cang Yue.     

Retsu said with a smile. "That's one of his Kido spells."     

As for Cang Yue, she never heard about this kido art. "Kido?"     

"Last time, you escaped from me and now you bullied my girls with number. Ever since I got this spell, never had the chance of using it. Why don't you'll be the one who test it."     

Yun Che extends his index finger and middle finger of his right arm to the front. Before slowly shouted….     

"HADO #90 KUROHITSUGI!!!! (Way of Destruction #90, Black Coffin)"     

As he shouted, purple energy started to crawl his arm from his body to the two fingers extending to the front before aiming it upwards. The power was slowly converging on his finger as if it was ready to enter the world by force.     

Suddenly, waves of the dark torrent of energy started to envelop the Menos in the form of a black box. Suddenly several black spears of power began to form in mid-air and slowly pierce the box creating a killing box the size of a grand tower. The spears pierce the box from head to toe and lacerating the Menos inside. Since this is the first time he used this spell and the target was large. He had to use a lot of Spirit Force in conjuring this spell, but since his spirit pool was large. He didn't have any problem, especially with the Divine Water and Mana potion in his hands. Yun Che didn't dare to use the complete version of the spell since it requires more Spirit Points and changing the time and space around him. If he wanted to use the finished version, he'd be sure to be alone as the spell was too sinister for ordinary cultivators to face.     

Little Fairy, Cang Yue and the villagers' mouths widened after seeing the grand size black box in front of them. It is their first time seeing such a grand scale spell used by Yun Che. Little Fairy thought that Kido spells are spells used to bind and destroy force using a small scale, but this is the first time she sees a large scale Kido in action. Yun Che made sure the spell covers the whole Menos without leaving it a way out.     

Kon stopped fighting after seeing such a spell conjured from Yun Che. Sometimes, he often wondered in his heart what kind of person was Yun Che able to master such a powerful spell.     

After the laceration process, the black box disappeared, leaving Menos' body falling to the ground and crumbled to dust. With that, Yun Che's heart was finally at peace after killing the Menos who escaped from him a month ago. The last of the Menos fall under Yun Che's spell, and the only ones were left were the weaker ones underneath Spirit Profound Realm.     

"Woooo, that spell really use a lot of energy. Good thing my spirit force control was beyond perfect. Now, I can use two thirds of the original power without harming myself. Shame I couldn't use the full power of it." Then, he proceeded on eliminating the remaining hollows with his new and evolved Diable Jamble. In few minutes, the hollows disappeared from the battlefield, and it was silent. He immediately powered down his leg before breathing a breath of relief. Even if he killed those Menos and hollows, the experience bar only filled half of it, and it'll be a while for his next breakthrough.     

Kon arrived next to him, transforming back to his plushy form. That form might be powerful, but it used a lot of his Reaitsu. So he decided to kick back and relax.     

Kon sat down near him. "Yare yare… that took a while huh?"     

Yun Che said while twisting his arm to relieve it. "Sort of, man. I need a bath after all of that."     

Then, he started to hear a rapid gush of air approaching him. He turned around and wasn't even reacting when he was hit full force by two figures he knew best. It was none other than Retsu and Cang Yue.     

"Young Master!!!!" "Yun Che!!!!" Retsu and Cang Yue hugged him square in the chest and gut before tumbling over to the ground.     

With a shocked expression, he said, "Woah there, it's only a month and you girls missed me that much."     

"I really missed you. Young master." She hugged him so hard, and her tears are slowly flowing down her cheeks.     

Cang Yue also said while hugging his stomach. "I missed you as well."     

He was shocked and said in his heart. "She's really bold. What happen to her these past month?"     

He sighed at their antics and said, "Like I said, it's only a month…."     


Yun Che was speechless seeing both Retsu and Cang Yue fell asleep on his chest and stomach while still hugging him. Their face looked so tired it's like they haven't slept for a few days.     

Little Fairy slowly sits next to him. "*sigh Looks like they finally fell asleep."     

He turned towards his still awake third companion and asked, "Little Fairy? What happened?"     

"For one month, these things have been attacking us and we kept on high alert at all times. Even if they attack wave after wave after a few days. We were still keeping on alert. So you can say, there's no peaceful sleep especially these two who constantly worried about you. Good thing you're back." She sighs with a tired tone as she speaks.     

Looking at her, he said, "What about you?"     

She turned her head, hiding her reddening face. "Hmph, what do you think?"     

Hiding his smirk, he said, "Well, you might be worried about me as well. Do you like me that….?"     


Little Fairy suddenly fell on the crook of his neck, shocking him to the core. "Little Fairy? Are you…?"     


Little Fairy fell asleep on the crook of his neck. It looks like she was right. These girls had their share of tiredness when he was training for a month. He sighs as he put his right arm around Retsu pats Little Fairy's head with his remaining arm before slowly stares at the sky. These three cared for him. Even after this, Cang Yue and Little Fairy probably denied this ever happen if he brings it up, but these three did their best to protect the village and the ruin from what he knew.     

He looked at them with affectionate eyes and said, "Thank you, girls. Just keep on resting. You've earned it."     

Kon looked at him with a jealous and annoyed face. "Chee, Lucky bastard. What so special about you for these ladies to like you."     

"Who knows." He slowly said before staring at the sky. It looks like he'll be stuck here for a while.     

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