Take My Breath Away

Blair Quit

Blair Quit

0Joslyn giggled when Blair mentioned the milk thing. She replied, "Tell Wesley that. It's not my problem. It's his now."     

Promptly, Blair sent a "wow" emoji, mouth shaped like an "O."     

After the morning meeting, Filberta told Blair her bonus would be canceled because she didn't include the title of the program her group was going to perform at the company's annual gala.     

Blair was so irritated.     

She sent a WeChat message to Joslyn complaining, "Ugh! What a bitch! What did I do in the past life that was bad enough to be stuck with her? I quit! They won't have to worry about me after the Lunar New Year, cuz I won't be there."     

Joslyn's message came soon. "Calm down, girl. Take a few deep breaths. She wins if you quit. Remember the movie we saw a while ago—'You're Next?' What would Erin do?"     

After some deliberation, Blair had a sadistic smile on her face. She wrote, "She'd kill everyone and let God sort them out."     

It was Joslyn's turn to send a "wow" emoji.     

Blair added, "I want to be strong like Erin. But I don't want to cause trouble for my uncle and aunt. So I have to just keep hanging on. Erin is the female lead, and I'm not. If I were, I would ring Wesley right now and have him slap Percy around.     

Then Percy would take it out on Filberta." She had stars in her eyes at that point.     

"And?" Joslyn replied.     

"And then he'd exile the bitch to some godforsaken land and never let her come back! She pisses me off so much! Why is she targeting me? She even asked me to do a stripper dance at the annual gala! She's so disgusting!" Blair was unable to hold back her anger and continued complaining.     

But there was no reply. Blair waited for what seemed like forever. 'Maybe she's busy. I guess I should start my letter of resignation, ' she thought.     

Her friend was busy. Joslyn was scrolling through Blair's text messages and taking screenshots. As Blair's friend, she decided to do something for her.     

Joslyn sent the screenshots to Wesley and wrote, "Colonel Li, ever since Blair started at the Jin Group, she was assigned a supervisor who makes her life hell. That supervisor is the CEO's mistress. And that's not the only problem—the CEO seems to be a bad guy too. Blair is only staying there so she won't get her aunt and uncle in trouble. You've saved her in the past. Maybe you could do something now."     

When Wesley finally had a little free time, he checked his phone. He'd been working steadily, and it was already after noon. He wanted to see if Blair sent him anything. Instead, he found messages from Joslyn.     

At 4 p.m., Blair had finished her electronic letter of resignation and started going through some papers that Filberta had dumped on her desk.     

The office was blanketed in silence. Blair stretched a bit and began to translate a contract.     

She raised her head for a moment, because there was a terrible commotion outside her office.     

The sight that met her eyes was something else. Her eyes widened in surprise.     

She saw Wesley! Talbot, Bowman and Lenard were following behind him.     

In a green military uniform, Wesley strode purposefully towards her with a serious face. The closer he got to her, the more nervous she became.     

'Wesley? Why is he here?' Blair asked herself.     

The employees started melting like butter at the sight of the four men. "I love a man in uniform."     

"What are they doing here? Looking for someone?"     

"I have no idea... I can't breathe! The man in the front is so handsome! He's just my type!"     

"They are heading for Group 1's office. Are they here for Blair? Yeah, the lead guy's talking to her!"     

Blair was dumbfounded, not knowing why they were here. When they stood before her, she asked, "What's going on?"     

"Pack your stuff," Wesley said with a deadpan face.     

"Huh? What do you mean?"     

Wesley looked at her desk and said, "Pack up your desk."     

Blair was more puzzled. "Why?"     

"I'm here to pick you up."     


"This isn't a good job for you. Quit." Wesley looked at her.     

Blair was at a loss for words. 'Wesley doesn't want me to work here? Why?'     

Suddenly, a light bulb went off in her head. 'Did he talk to Joslyn?     

Did she tell him what I told her?'     

That had to be it. There was no other explanation.     

"Hi, Blair. Chief brought us here to back you up. What a caring boyfriend, huh? We can help you pack," Talbot said in a cheerful voice.     

'Boyfriend?' Blair shook her head. "No, no. Thank you." Yes, she wanted to quit. But not like this. This was way too ostentatious. She wanted her resignation to be a quiet affair.     

Wesley cast a warning glance at Talbot. He looked around the company, then fished out his phone and called someone. Apparently, the call went through, because Wesley said, "The Jin Group's building needs a fire safety check. The emergency escape route is blocked. There's not an extinguisher to be found in the translation department. And I heard that the department manager squeezed the employees and deducted their bonuses illegally..."     

Blair was shocked to hear what he was saying. She wanted to stop him, but it was already too late. Before she could say a thing, he hung up. Talbot and Bowman were monstrously efficient—her desk was all packed up.     

By the time Filberta got there, Talbot and Bowman were carrying Blair's belongings, about to leave. It was a wonder to behold, seeing her rush over in heels.     

When Filberta saw them, especially Wesley, her eyes lit up. She put on a sweet smile and asked in the softest voice, "May I ask what you're doing?"     

Wesley cast a cold glance at her. "Blair's quitting. I'm here to pick her up. We'll need a proper severance package including back pay. If you have a problem, ask Percy Jin to call me. I'm Wesley Li, and I'll be waiting for him."     

'So that's Wesley Li! The crime-buster!' The workers were all shocked.     

Filberta's smile froze on her face. 'How does a man like him know Blair?' she thought. "Mr. Li, I'm afraid that's against the rules. We need to do this through proper channels. First, the resignation process takes a month, so she can train her replacement..."     

Fury lived in Wesley's eyes. He tried to suppress his anger and said in a firm voice, "The execs withhold bonuses and make their employees do things outside their job descriptions. Now you're talking about rules? Looks to me like the Jin Group only cares about rules when the higher-ups benefit."     

Filberta was so embarrassed the rest of her face now matched the red of her lipstick. But then, panic took over, and she went sheet white. This looked bad, and the fallout could be unimaginable. She stared at Wesley's rank insignia, and didn't say another word.     

The office was once again deathly silent. Before long, a group of execs came over quickly, led by Percy.     

Percy flashed a broad smile when he saw Wesley. "Mr. Li, sirs, I'm really sorry for getting here so late. I'm Percy Jin, the CEO of Jin Group. Is there a problem?"     

When the employees saw that the CEO, the vice president and the general manager were all here, they realized that Wesley was not the guy to mess with.     

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