Take My Breath Away

Please Scream

Please Scream

0In no time, the roller coaster began to speed up. Blair could feel the strong wind hitting her face and whizzing in her ears. She couldn't help but scream out loud with her eyes shut tightly. She could imagine how scary it was.     

Regret filled her heart. Why did she choose to ride a roller coaster with Wesley? She must look a sight now.     

Her hair was a mess. She was screaming, which couldn't sound good to him. And her face was twisted into a mask of fright.     

Then she wondered why Wesley was so quiet.     

He didn't make a sound.     

If he hadn't been holding her hand, she would doubt if he was really sitting right next to her.     

Her curiosity to check on Wesley surpassed her fear of heights, so she decided to open an eye to catch a glimpse of him. Biting her lower lip, she slightly tilted her head and managed to open an eye. The man was as calm as he ever was, as if he wasn't sitting on a roller coaster but walking idly around the streets. Or relaxing in front of the TV.     

But she had no time to marvel at his preternatural calm. The next second, the roller coaster suddenly came to a drop. She felt butterflies in her stomach as her body followed the drop. In an instant, she shrieked at the top of her lungs, tears streaming down her face.     

"Wesley, Wesley!" she cried out.     

"Yes?" He turned to look at the crying woman. She didn't even dare to open her eyes.     

"Why aren't you screaming? Aren't you scared? Wanna scream with me?"     

Wesley said casually, "Look at that beautiful view. You can see for miles up here. Why should I scream?"     

"Boo...hoo...Wesley...Ah..." she cried and shrieked again when the roller coaster took a sharp turn. "Come on, play along. Everyone else is screaming," she begged.     

Instead of screaming, Wesley burst out laughing when he heard what she said. He laughed so heartily that Blair could feel his hand shaking. Blair became more agitated and shouted, "You're laughing! How can you laugh? Everyone is screaming...Aargh! Please, just this once. For me?"     

"But..." 'I'm not scared at all, ' he thought.     

After a little hesitation, Wesley finally made up his mind and cleared his throat, ready to let out a scream. However, the train slowed down all of a sudden. The time was up. "You can open your eyes. We're on the ground now."     

Blair opened her eyes and saw the roller coaster slowly sliding into the station. She took a deep breath and felt all the tension drain from her body.     

"Wow. So soon?" she said in disbelief.     

Wesley nodded, "Yeah. That wasn't so bad, was it?" To Wesley, things like this were built to scare girls like Blair, who wanted the thrills without the danger.     

Blair shook her head, but then nodded like a rattle. "Are you kidding? I felt like I was flying. Then pressed back into my seat thanks to the drops. Now I know what an astronaut feels like..."     

As they spoke, a few staff came and helped the passengers open up the lap bars. After unfastening the seat belt, Wesley got out of the coaster.     

When Blair tried to stand up, she found her legs trembling. She could hardly stand. Embarrassed, she looked at the calm man and whispered, "Wesley..."     


"I... I can't get up," she said, blushing.     

Wesley stifled his laughter and stepped over. He was getting ready to carry her out.     

Blair was worried. She wondered if he would throw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He liked doing that. If he did that in front of everyone, she swore that she wouldn't talk to him anymore.     

But then, she finally heaved a sigh of relief when he squatted down and carefully scooped her up.     

He carried her in his arms, just like he did when she had gotten drunk at Orchid Private Club.     

A few girls holding each other's arms all gasped in admiration when they saw such a romantic scene. Blair heard the girls say that they also wanted a boyfriend who could carry them.     

Wesley carried Blair all the way outside the roller coaster and sat her down on a bench. "Wait for me here. I'll get some water."     

"Okay." Blair put her hand on her chest to steady her breathing. Her heart was still pounding fast.     

Although she felt jittery the whole ride, she had a fantastic time riding a roller coaster with Wesley. He looked like nothing scared him. His calm face made Blair feel safe.     

Now he was thoughtful, and went to buy water. He knew her throat was hoarse after screaming like that.     

After a few minutes, she saw Wesley hurry back with only one bottle of water in his hand. Blair asked confusedly, "Just one? Aren't you thirsty?"     

"You drink first," he replied simply.     

Blair nodded and took the bottle from his hand. It was then that she felt how warm it was. He had bought a bottle of heated water. "Wow, they even have warm water here?" If she had known that there was heated water available here, she wouldn't have bought the cold drink for the two of them earlier.     

"Yeah. You're fragile. Don't drink so much cold water from now on," he reminded her. He was strong. Cold water or hot water meant the same to him. He could drink cold water all year round.     

"I know. It's just when I'm outside, I can't get heated drinks all the time," she explained. Most of the time, she could only find a vending machine selling cold beverages.     

Then, she took a sip of water, enjoying the warmth coursing through her body.     

Now that she had ridden on the roller coaster with Wesley, Blair had no interest in the other rides and games in the amusement park. Nothing could top that experience. Besides, it was lunchtime. Her stomach growled and she felt drained of energy. Naturally, she weakly leaned on him, looking to him for support.     

Wesley glanced at her, and pointed to the steps next to them. "Stand there," he instructed.     

Blair frowned in confusion. Nonetheless, she meekly walked over there and stood on the first step, holding the railing for support.     

He then squatted down with his back to her. "Climb on."     

Now she realized what he intended to do. She didn't budge a bit, merely staring at his broad back.     

His care for her made her wary.     

She wanted to tell him, 'Don't spoil me like this. Because I'll never find a boyfriend who treats me like you do. I'm afraid I won't be able to leave you...'     

Wesley turned around to look at the motionless woman. Seeing the dazed expression on her face, he explained, "I checked the map. The nearest restaurant is quite a walk. You're weak, so you can have a piggyback ride. Come on. Let's go!"     

Blair rolled her eyes at him. He always said she was weak. In fact, it wasn't that she was weak; it was just that he was too strong. He was a soldier.     

She looked around the people passing by and then fixed her eyes on his back again. She felt bashful, and at the same time, didn't want to tire him out, so she declined, "No need. I can walk..."     

Before she could finish speaking, Wesley decisively leaned backwards, grabbed her hands and pulled her onto his back.     

Blair was taken aback. Before she knew it, she was riding on his back.     

On their way to the restaurant, a lot of people cast them curious glances. Blair had been protesting the whole way, asking him to put her down. But he just didn't listen to her. All of her protests fell on his deaf ear.     

"Okay, I can see the sign. Please put me down. I want to walk. And I don't want to tire you out," Blair said.     

But he pretended he heard nothing. "It's not far now. Let me walk by myself," she persuaded again.     

Still, he said nothing. "Okay, okay. I've made up my mind. I'll do exercises with you, so that I'll be as strong as you one day," she said, sighing.     

"You don't have to." Finally, he opened his mouth.     

He didn't like the idea that she could be as strong as him. He was afraid she didn't need him, or a boyfriend at all if she became so strong one day.     

Before Blair could say anything else, they reached the restaurant. Wesley walked to a table and carefully put her down on a chair.     

Free at last, Blair took a tissue from her handbag and helped him mop up the sweat.     

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