Take My Breath Away

You Are Tying The Knot

You Are Tying The Knot

0At that moment, Wesley made up his mind—he would make Blair his woman.     

He gave her slender waist a tight squeeze and took the lead.     

With one quick movement, he was on top of her. Too impatient to wait any longer, he torn apart her strapless black nightgown.     

He kissed her passionately, while his hands ran over her soft, naked body. Although she wanted to resist his advances, she was unable to. Rather than wrestle him, she allowed him to devour her. Her arms snaked around his muscular shoulders tightly as he entered her. She bit her lips to hold back her moans.     

Wesley made love to her all night. When he finally let her sleep, the birds were already chirping outside their window. Ignoring the messy bedroom, he walked naked into the bathroom.     

Wesley didn't go to bed after that. Day broke, and he got dressed. Standing at the bedside, he fixed his eyes on the sleeping woman, lost in thought.     

Blair rolled over to the other side of the bed in her sleep, and the blanket shifted. A dark red stain was visibly seen on the light gray bed sheet.     

Wesley stared at the stain for a while before he finally realized what it was.     

A wide ear-to-ear grin appeared on his handsome face, and his heart melted.     

He had always thought that since Blair and Miller had lived together, they must have had sex. But it looked like he was wrong. After all, the blood-stained sheet was solid proof of her now stolen virginity.     

He fished out his phone and called Carlos.     

Carlos was still sleeping, with Debbie in his arms. "This better be important," he threatened in a low voice.     

"When you got your marriage certificates, neither you nor your wife was present at the scene. How did you get your certificates?" he asked, curious to know more about the procedure.     

Carlos' eyebrows shot up when he heard Wesley's question. He got out of bed quietly so that he wouldn't wake Debbie up. "Are you tying the knot?" he asked in disbelief.     

"Yeah." Wesley had slept with Blair, and he needed to take responsibility for it.     

"You are a soldier. You need to report it to your superior first," Carlos reminded his friend.     

"That's not a problem."     

After some consideration, Carlos told him how he and Debbie had obtained their marriage certificates. "The photo needed for the certificates was edited in Photoshop. Are you planning to do the same?"     

"Yes," Wesley answered as he looked at his beloved woman. He chose to have their picture photoshopped instead of actually taking a picture of them because he wanted to surprise her. 'She'll be thrilled once she sees the certificates. After all, she is head over heels in love with me, ' he thought.     

"Congratulations, bro," Carlos said, his lips curling into a small smile.     


After hanging up with Carlos, Wesley called his brother. Niles was still fast asleep. It took him a while to answer the call. "Who the hell is this?" he asked impatiently without opening his eyes.     

"Your brother."     

Niles' eyes shot open like wide saucers. "Hey Wesley, what's up?" He managed to stay calm. 'Did he already figure out that I had drugged him? So soon?'     

"Can I ask you something?" Wesley asked.     

"What?" Niles asked, his heart in his mouth.     

Wesley paused; it was hard for him to word his thoughts. "If I got drugged and slept with someone and she got pregnant, would the baby be healthy?"     

Niles' eyes went wide. 'My God! They did have sex!     

My plan worked!'     

Niles was so excited that he wanted to cry. He got out of bed and decided to pray to the fertility goddess to give Wesley a son.     

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Wesley asked with a frown.     

"What? Uh…no, I was just sleepy. There is a high chance that the baby would not be healthy. So, she should have the morning-after pill." That was when Niles finally came to his senses.     

'Shit! I was so stupid.     

I completely forgot about that. Wesley, Blair, please forgive me.'     

Niles hit the back of his head.     

'My plan sucked!'     

Niles wished he could open up his skull to check if there was something wrong with his brain.     

Without saying another word, Wesley hung up the phone and left the apartment.     

When he came back, he bought Blair some breakfast and the medicine. He put the medicine on the nightstand and placed a post-it note under it. He bent over, kissed the woman gently and left the apartment.     

When Blair woke up, she didn't remember what had happened the night before. Her head was still spinning. Her body hurt all over, a hard and painful reminder of the crazy, wild night she had had.     

Before long, the previous night's events came back to her. After all, she had been sober the whole time Wesley was banging her.     

She cursed under her breath, "What a jerk!"     


What time is it? I need to get to work.'     

Enduring the pain, she sat up and picked up her phone to check the time. 'Argh! It's switched off.'     

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Three shrieks escaped her lips.     

The first shriek was because she saw that it was three o'clock in the afternoon. The second one was because she realized her voice was so hoarse. The third was because her body was killing her.     

Before she could do anything else, she saw the medicine on the nightstand.     

She picked it up, and when she saw the label on the medicine, her heart sank.     

She then picked up the note and saw Wesley's handwriting. "Remember to have the pill," it said.     

Her heart shattered into pieces. She felt sorry for herself.     

She had no idea why Wesley was not his usual self the previous night. And in addition to all the insult from last night, he was now asking her to have the morning-after pill after their first time. 'What is wrong with him? So, he just wanted to have sex with me. Doesn't he want to take the responsibility?'     

Blair told herself to calm down. She first called her manager to ask for the day off and then took the pill.     

She waited for Wesley to come back home and give her an explanation. But to her disappointment, he didn't come back that evening. He didn't return for the next couple of days.     

It was pretty unusual for him to be away in his current position. He didn't need to join any secret missions that often now.     

On one such lonely night, Blair sat on the chair on the balcony with her iPad and posted a new topic on a forum.     

She wrote, "There is a man who knows that I love him so much. He neither wants to be with me, nor does he wish to marry me. He even refuses to accept me as his girlfriend.     

But he is really nice to me. He took me to the Happy Valley. He drove for a couple of hours to pick me up, and took me to his home to celebrate the New Year together. When I was angry at him, he sent me flowers and apologized to me. He peeled Chinese chestnuts for me and fed me. He always hugs me and kisses me.     

And just like that, a bottle of wine spoiled everything. I only wanted to enjoy some good wine with him. He thought I was trying to seduce him and said I was shameless.     

Yes, I admit that I wanted to seduce him. But that's only because I love him. And then, we had sex.     

What I don't understand is why he asked me to have a morning-after pill after we slept together for the first time. He even disappeared after that night. I haven't seen him since.     

Why? I really don't understand."     

The forum was popular among youngsters. Soon, many people left their comments on her long post. Blair read every comment carefully.     

"Sis, those closely involved in a situation may not be able to see the bigger picture as clearly as those outside the box. If a man hugs you and kisses you, but refuses to accept you as his girlfriend, it means that he doesn't love you. You even slept with him! Wake up, girl. Don't be so silly."     

"I can tell that your relationship is complicated. It might not be as simple as it seems. Nevertheless, I'm sure that he is not that into you."     

"A man who can't make you feel safe is not a good guy. Sis, listen to me. Leave him! Now!     

"He asked you to have the morning-after pill? Why didn't he just use a condom? He's such an asshole!"     

"He doesn't love you, he just wants to fuck you. When he finally falls in love with a woman one day, he will leave you."     

There were so many comments, and each of them said that the man didn't love her.     

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