Take My Breath Away

Come Back With Me

Come Back With Me

0Wesley moved aside in a flash. Stella couldn't stop her momentum and fell into the arms of the man behind Wesley. Niles had heard the noise outside the room and had decided to take a look.     

He didn't expect a woman to throw herself into his arms as soon as he opened the door. The strong perfume from the woman hit his nostrils hard. "What the hell?! Who are you? Some kind of perfume witch? Ugh! Get away from me! The smell is suffocating!" Niles struggled against her hold. He turned to his brother with the woman still clinging on to his arm. "Wesley, who is this? Please release me from her grip! Throw her into the hospital wing and have her disinfected."     

Stella's face darkened. Holding Niles' arm, she finally managed to steady herself. "Who the hell are you?! How dare you talk about me like that? Do you know who I am?" she snarled at him.     

Ignoring her rant, Niles pinched his nose and continued, "Brother, please. Take this woman away! I can't breathe!"     

Stella's face immediately flushed with embarrassment when she heard Niles call Wesley "Brother." She stammered, "Oh…so, you're… Colonel Li's brother."     

Niles stared at her in irritation. It was then that he noticed Blair not too far away from them. In an instant, the disdain on his face was replaced by surprise and joy. He called out excitedly, "Blair! My dear sister-in-law! You're here too."     

'What? Sister-in-law?' The crowd in the corridor looked between Wesley and Blair. They were shocked by this new revelation.     

Stella's eyes widened in disbelief. She stared at Blair, wondering if she had heard him wrong. 'Sister-in-law? Why did Niles address her that way?'     

Blair felt embarrassed by all the unwanted attention. She forced a smile and said, "Hi Niles. I was just about to leave. I have some work to do. Enjoy yourself. Bye." With that, she walked towards the elevator.     

Niles threw a glance at the emotionless Wesley. Seeing that his brother hadn't even budged a little, Niles sighed helplessly and thought, 'Looks like I need to put in a lot more effort to help my stupid brother gain his lifelong happiness.' He then quickly caught up to Blair. "Blair, why not join us? Carlos, Damon and some other friends are here too. Come on, it'll be fun."     

Blair would've readily agreed to Niles' invitation if she hadn't had a quarrel with Wesley. But she and Wesley were giving the silent treatment to each other, so she didn't have any good reason to stay. "I'm sorry, Niles. Maybe next time. I really should get going now."     

To convince him, she even picked up her pace, indicating that she was in a hurry. However, Niles kept up with her and asked, "Where are you going? Let me drive you. Or...I'll ask Wesley to drive you."     

"No need. Please don't bother. I came by taxi."     

The elevator doors opened. Blair hurried inside, hoping to avoid Niles further.     

But he put his hands on the elevator doors before they could close. "Blair, what happened between you and Wesley? He looked gloomy all day. And you're acting strange too. Did you two get into a fight?"     

Blair frowned. "Not really... I was just here to dine with my client. I have to work overtime tonight, so I need to leave."     

"Is that so?" Niles asked skeptically.     

"Yes, it is so. Niles, I would lose my attendance bonus for this month if I were even a minute late. I gotta go. Please!" she begged.     

Niles finally nodded and moved his hands away from the doors. Before the elevator closed, he quickly added, "Oh, right! Mom said she would fly down to plan the next step with you."     

'Plan the next step?' Blair sighed inwardly. 'There's no next step. I failed in the first step. Wesley saw through our trick and he dumped me.' Luckily, the doors closed and she didn't have to reply to Niles anymore.     

After answering a quick phone call in front of the elevator, Niles walked back to their private room.     

On his way, he happened to overhear Stella talking to someone on the phone. He heard her say, "Go and get that woman who tripped me! Tie her up and bring her to me. I'll teach her a good lesson. That bitch!"     

Niles didn't pay much attention to it and returned to the room. As soon as he slumped down on the couch next to Wesley, he took a swig of red wine and asked casually, "Wesley, who tripped that perfume witch? She's not a very kind woman, is she? I heard her ask someone to get the woman who had tripped her and teach her a good lesson." He sighed. "Tsk, tsk. Women can be so vicious sometimes. Hey! Wesley, where are you going?"     

Before he could finish speaking, Wesley rushed out of the room.     

Outside the Orchid Private Club, Blair had just hailed a cab. She opened the passenger door, but before she could get in, a muscular man suddenly sprang up from behind her and shut the car door violently. She turned around to look at the man in confusion. It was then that she saw two more well-built men standing behind the muscular man. They were staring at her with a dangerous aura.     

The taxi driver didn't want any trouble and stepped on the gas, speeding away.     

Blair calmly hung her purse on her arm and asked them in a polite voice, "Sir, what do you want from me?"     

The three men exchanged glances with each other. They had not expected Blair to react so calmly. She wasn't scared, nor was she crying for help.     

Instead, she looked very much composed. "Just come with us quietly. If you don't cooperate..." One of them swiftly pulled out a short knife from his pocket and swung it in front of her face.     

Blair nodded. "Understood. Who's your boss?"     

"Shut up. No questions. Just follow us!"     

Wesley rushed out of the club and anxiously scanned the street. In no time, he saw three men leading a woman towards the back door of the club.     

Without any hesitation, he ran towards them as fast as he could. The three men were knocked to the ground before they knew it. Everything happened in the blink of an eye.     

After a while, the men quickly limped away, covering their body parts with their hands and groaning in pain. Wesley didn't chase after them. He gripped Blair's wrist, but she struggled to break free.     

He turned around to look at her and explained, "Be good. I'll drive you back."     

"No thanks. I'll hail a cab!" she insisted stubbornly. She broke free of his grip and walked away.     

Wesley followed her silently. When they crossed the parking lot of the club, he strode towards her and covered her mouth with his hand before she could scream. He threw her on his shoulder and carried her towards his car.     

The security guards of the club witnessed the scene in shock, their mouths agape. But they knew who Wesley was, so they didn't dare say anything and just watched him walk to his car with the woman struggling on his shoulder.     

Wesley quickly opened the car door, stuffed Blair into the passenger seat and fastened her seat belt. She didn't even have the chance to protest.     

As she struggled to get out of her seat, he gripped her chin to make her face him and said sternly, "I'm just driving you to the hotel. Don't shout, don't struggle. The more you struggle, the more it excites me. Don't turn me on, understand?" As he said those words, he stroked her soft lips with his fingers.     

Blair's face turned beet red. His tone was serious, and his words were laced with passion.     

Wesley drove her to the hotel where she was temporarily staying. They remained silent the whole way. When they arrived at the hotel, he carried her out of the car like he usually did. He watched her walk into the hotel before driving away.     

On the fifth day of her stay at the hotel, Blair heard someone ring her door bell as she was about to go to bed. She opened the door and looked into the eyes of the man she had missed so much in the past few days.     

He was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands, yet his face was devoid of any emotion.     

"What?" Blair asked, pretending to be impatient. But deep down, she was excited to see him.     

Wesley handed her the bouquet of yellow carnations and said, "Come back with me."     

"I'm not related to you in any way, Colonel Li. Why should I go anywhere with you?" When she saw the yellow carnations, her insides boiled with anger.     

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