Take My Breath Away

I Want A Divorce

I Want A Divorce

0Niles was about to have an argument with Blair when they overheard two women chatting with each other. Their topic of conversation was Wesley.     

Nile and Blair exchanged glances knowingly before hiding in a corner to eavesdrop on them.     

"Mom, he doesn't even want to talk to me!" The woman who was complaining looked familiar.     

"He doesn't talk to you because he doesn't know you. Don't worry. I am friends with his mother. She's been worried about his marriage. Do you know why you'll be a good catch for him? We are filthy rich, that's why! The reason why I want you to marry him is that he is always busy and seldom stays at home. After you marry him, you will be able to stay at our home whenever he is away. Sounds great, right?"     

Blair rolled her eyes and shook her head. 'Sounds like Wesley can't wait to marry your daughter!'     

The young woman said in a sad tone, "He has feelings for a woman. I heard his brother calling some other woman his 'sister-in-law.' Wesley won't marry me!"     

Blair finally remembered who this woman was. She was Stella Zhuge, the daughter of TS Group's CEO.     

Niles also recalled who the woman was—the perfume witch.     

"If he really loved that woman, he'd have married her. He is more than thirty years old, and yet he is still single. That can only mean that he doesn't love her," Stella's mother said.     

It was as if this night had a grudge against Blair. First, it was Megan, and now Stella's mother.     

While Blair was immersed in her thought, something flashed past her and rushed towards the mother and daughter. "You have feelings for my brother?"     

It was none other than Niles.     

Blair immediately ran over to him and said, "Niles, what are you doing?"     

Niles didn't respond to her. Instead, he stared at the mother and daughter with an unpleasant expression.     

Stella put on a wide grin as soon as she recognized him. "Hi, I remember you. You are Wesley's brother."     

Crossing his arms in disapproval, Niles spat, "Don't pretend like we're chums. I'm only here to tell you one thing." He pointed his finger at Blair and continued, "This is Blair Jing, my sister-in-law. She and my brother are legally wife and husband. You want to marry my brother? Ha! In your dreams! He is head over heels in love with Blair."     

'Legally wife and husband?' Blair tugged at Niles' shirt and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense!"     

The Zhuges' facial expressions changed in an instant. "When did Wesley get married? How come nobody knows anything about it?" the mother asked in disbelief.     

"They got married more than two years ago. No one knows because they've kept it private. A soldier's marriage is under the protection of law. If you try to pair your daughter off with my brother, then you will be in gross violation of the law! You don't want that, do you?" Niles said.     

Blair took a deep breath and gave the young doctor a wry smile. 'He is so good at making up stories, huh?' she thought.     

Stella snorted and glared at Blair. "I don't believe you. You're lying!"     

After a short pause, Niles fished out his phone from his pocket. He scrolled through the images on his phone and showed a picture to the mother and daughter. "See? This is the picture of my brother and sister-in-law's marriage license. They've been married for two and a half years. You think my brother would make a fake license?"     

Both mother and daughter pursed their lips upon seeing the license.     

The photo on the license was indeed Blair and Wesley's. Feeling dejected, the two women could only turn around and leave with sullen faces.     

Blair grabbed the phone and took a closer look. "Wow! I didn't know you were good at Photoshop also. This looks real."     

"Huh?" Niles was confused. "Photoshop? I don't even know what that is!"     

"What? You didn't edit the license in Photoshop?" Blair was puzzled as well, but then she said, "Could it be your brother?" 'Why is Wesley good at everything?' she wondered.     

Niles took back his phone and enlarged the picture. "Look at the license number and embossed seal. I took this photo of your marriage license myself. Why would I have to edit it when it is real?"     

Blair's face paled. She realized that something was not right.     

"Who showed you the license?" she asked.     

"My brother," Niles answered honestly. "Lucky for us I didn't delete the photo. It came in handy today."     

"Who else knew about this?"     

Her sullen face startled Niles. "Blair, what's wrong? Who else knew about what?"     

"The license thing!" Her fleeting patience was only making room for her anger.     

'First, he dumped me, and I am only finding out now that we've been married for two and half years?'     

"Our family members all know that you two are married. Why are you looking at me like that? Don't tell me you didn't know because that would be crazy. Ha-ha!" Niles still didn't understand what was going on, but he decided to get back to the party.     

"You are right. I didn't know!" Blair's voice was as gloomy as a ghost's.     

Niles stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked at her. "Are you kidding me? How did you two get the licenses if you were not there?"     

"That's the same question I have in my mind." It had been a while since Wesley began to call himself Blair's husband. The whole time, she thought that he was just being naughty. But..     

Niles tried to say something, but his jaw went slack. 'Did I get into trouble again?'     

Meanwhile, Wesley was having a cigarette and enjoying the view of the night when suddenly his phone rang. Blair was calling.     

Before he could even greet her, she broke out into curses. "Wesley Li, you asshole!"     


"Divorce! I want a divorce!"     

"So you know..."     

"I have to divorce you!" Blair was bordering on insanity. She didn't think that Wesley would be so powerful.     

He casually said, "I'm a soldier. If I don't want a divorce, then you won't be able to get one on your own."     

Blair hung up on him upon hearing that.     

While she was clearly infuriated, Wesley flashed a happy smile. 'She finally knows. I'm glad I won't have to worry about making an excuse around the truth anymore.'     

Wesley was planning to have a wedding ceremony a few months later, so he could tell her about the license then. How did she suddenly know about it?     

Wesley mulled it over for a while. 'She and Niles bullied Megan together this evening. I guess this must have something to do with my foolish brother.'     

Thinking of this, he called Niles. "Hi, Wesley!" Niles' voice was always so cheerful.     

"Where are you?"     

"Um...I know why you are calling me. But you can't put the blame on me. You know I'm siding with Blair. I had to do as she said, right?"     

"She asked you to tell her that we were married?" Wesley said coldly.     

"Huh? Of course...not."     

"Niles Li, you are a dead man!"     

Niles shivered upon hearing that. "Bro, Blair and I are still at the party. You can only count on me to keep an eye on her. If you blame me for that, I'll encourage her to cheat on you."     

'Cheat on me?' Wesley chuckled. "You can try. If you pointed a gun at her head and asked her to cheat on me, she still wouldn't do it." Wesley's voice was filled with pride. No one knew Blair better than he did.     

"Humph!" Niles snorted. "Then do you want me to drive her back home or not? I can always let that foreigner drive her back. I took a closer look at him. Wait, what is his name? Oh Orion! He is a handsome guy. I really want a nephew. If Blair gives birth to a half-caste, I'll be thrilled."     

"You idiot! If she gives birth to a half-caste, it won't be your nephew," Wesley reminded his brother in a cold voice. 'I haven't seen him in just a couple days and already he sounds dumber than before.'     

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