Take My Breath Away

Marry Me

Marry Me

0"Listen to me, Niles. You come over. We'll just tell Wesley that we've been together and ask him to let me go. After he agrees, I'll leave this city without you. And you'll be free," Blair said. She had been trying to find a way to leave Wesley, and this was her only way now.     

Wesley didn't have any ongoing missions. So, wherever she went, he just tagged along. And whenever he needed to do something, he would take her with him. The two of them were always together—inseparable, like shadows. She couldn't find a chance to get away.     

Niles raised his head to stare at the ceiling and sighed helplessly. "Blair, I'd rather prefer it if you just told him that it was I who had drugged him," he said into the phone. 'Wesley would be furious if Blair told him that she and I were having an affair. He'll surely kill me, ' he thought with a shiver.     

Blair pretended to be upset. "Niles, please help me this time. I promise I won't let him touch you. Trust me."     

"No, no, no. Just imagine the scene! He loves you to hell and back. What makes you think he'd let me live?" Niles was no fool.     

Blair pouted and said, "Fine! If you don't help me, I'll tell him that you drugged him. And I won't stop him from beating you up either. I may even add some fuel to the fire."     

"Wait!" Niles panicked. 'On second thought, Wesley loves Blair so much that he might actually listen to her. She may be able to stop him from murdering me, ' he thought.     

"Have you made up your mind?" she asked.     

"I'll do as you say."     

When Wesley came back home that evening, he saw Niles sitting on the sofa in his living room. "What are you doing here?" he asked with a frown.     

The disdain in his eyes made Niles' heart sting. He swiftly jumped up from the sofa.     

When she heard Wesley's voice, Blair quickly darted out of her bedroom and walked towards Niles. She slid her arm into his. "You are back," she said to Wesley.     

Wesley, who was about to change into his slippers, paused and looked at the two of them. "Come here," he told her in a dangerously calm voice.     

Blair shook her head. "Niles is here to confess something."     

In his black boots, Wesley walked over to the two slowly and stood there, towering over them like a tyrant. Niles felt uneasy and began to break free from Blair's grip.     

Blair, however, pinched his arm to make him stay put. Niles cursed inwardly because of the sharp pain and stopped struggling.     

"What's going on?" Anger and jealousy flooded through Wesley at the sight of the intimacy between his wife and his brother. He wanted to take out his gun and shoot Niles in the face.     

"I'll tell you," Blair said. She didn't think that Niles had the courage to play along under Wesley's deadly gaze.     

Wesley nodded curtly.     

"Here's the thing. Niles and I...We love each other. We're sorry that we kept it from you, but we want to be together now. So will you..."     

Blair let the sentence trail on purpose; she believed that Wesley would know what she meant. He took off his coat slowly, threw it on the sofa and twisted his wrists as he fisted his palms. "You two love each other?" he repeated.     

"Yes." Blair nodded firmly.     

"You love him, yet you willingly have sex with me every night. Sometimes, even when I am really sleepy, you still insist that I fuck you. And you always say that I make you really comfortable..." He stared into her eyes, drowning her in his words.     

'What the—? Why is he saying all this now?'     

Both Niles and Blair were shocked by Wesley's open confession.     

Blair immediately covered Wesley's mouth to stop him from saying something dirtier. "What nonsense are you spouting? Niles is still here! Don't you—" She then realized that she shouldn't have reacted that way. After all, she and Niles were "a couple" now. She withdrew her hands and explained to Niles, "He forced me. I didn't want to."     

Niles nodded. "I know. You don't need to explain."     

'Well…that was some embarrassing information I didn't need to know, ' he thought with a silent sigh.     

Wesley's lips were pursed into a thin line. "Niles, I'll give you three seconds to leave this room. If not..."     

Blair stood in front of Niles. "Don't threaten him. This has nothing to do with him. If you dare touch him, I will never forgive you."     

Niles nodded his head vigorously. Inside his head, he cried, 'Brother, this really has nothing to do with me. Why are you two dragging me into your drama?'     

Wesley snorted, "You don't want to be with me. So, your forgiveness means nothing to me." He walked past Blair, raised his fist and was about to throw a punch at his brother.     

When he saw the approaching deadly fist, Niles freaked out. "I'm so sorry, Blair! I can't do this anymore. Wesley, she's lying! She and I are not together."     

Niles ran to the other side of the living room as fast as he could to avoid Wesley's attack. Blair's eyes widened as she murmured angrily, "This was not part of our plan, Niles."     

Niles clasped his hands in prayer and begged her, "Blair, please don't drag me into this. Wesley won't hit you, but he won't think twice to kill me."     

"Wesley, stop! If you want to get to him, you'll have to go through me first!" Blair held his waist tightly so that he wouldn't be able to chase after Niles.     

Wesley dropped his fist. "Fine! I won't hit him."     

The two heaved a sigh of relief.     

"A soldier's marriage is under the protection of the law. He has violated the law. I'll send him behind bars," Wesley added.     

"Brother, please! We were just kidding. Blair has never cheated on you. Blair, tell him!" Niles was desperate for his life now.     

He knew that Wesley was a man of his word, and he didn't think he was simply bluffing.     

Blair was shocked as well; she never thought that Wesley would be so cruel to his own brother. "Wesley, let him go. I was just kidding. I love you," she muttered under her breath.     

Wesley turned to her. "Then, marry me."     

"Huh?" Blair asked, wrinkling her eyebrows. They were already legally married, so why was he asking her to marry him now?     

Wesley had already booked a diamond ring for her, and it would be ready in another two days. He had originally planned on proposing to her when the ring was ready. He didn't expect his wife and brother to make such a ruckus. "Marry me, Blair," he said again in a serious tone.     

In order to ease his brother's anger, Niles said loudly, "Blair, he is saying that he'll hold a wedding. Just say, yes!"     

Blair couldn't believe her ears. 'Did he just propose to me?     

When he proposed to Patty, he did it in front of all those people in the night club. But to me, it's just "Marry me." He doesn't even have a ring! Oh wait... He did give me a diamond ring before, but I sold that. Still, he doesn't seem sincere.'     

"No." Blair turned him down mercilessly, just like how Wesley had refused her in front of his men many years ago.     

An awkward silence rang in the air. Sensing the danger, Niles sneaked out of the apartment quietly.     

After closing the door behind him, Niles heaved a long sigh of relief. Neither Wesley nor Blair paid any attention to his departure.     

Wesley tried his best to suppress his growing anger. "How long are you going to oppose me?"     

"We need to talk," she said calmly. The two of them had never had a long talk so far. For so many years, they had lived apart and could only talk through phone calls.     

Now that he was on vacation, it was time for them to have a heart-to-heart conversation.     

Wesley grabbed hold of her wrist, startling her. She thought that he was going to hit her, so she struggled violently. "Aargh! Let me go! Wesley, if you dare lay a finger on me, I—"     

"You will what?" He pulled her into his arms and stared at her coldly.     

He felt anger pulsing through his body when he realized that she was unwilling to be intimate with him.     

"I'll call the police!" she yelled.     

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