Take My Breath Away

Blair Found Out

Blair Found Out

0However, just as Blair got changed and was about to take off, Wesley stood in the doorway and refused to let her leave. "What do you want?" she asked angrily.     

"I don't like what you're wearing. You need to change," he said firmly.     

She was wearing a white strapless top, leaving her shoulders bare. On top of that, she wore a black leather short skirt and silk stockings. If she raised her arms, you could see her belly button.     

Blair looked at her clothes and shook her head. "No! This is my style now." After grabbing her coat, she was about to leave.     

Wesley grabbed hold of her wrist, threw her onto the bed, pressed himself against her and held her hands against the bed. A movement of one hand, and Blair's top was torn apart.     

Seeing her ripped top, Blair got furious and punched Wesley's shoulder as hard as she could. "Seriously? That's another top you owe me for!"     

"No problem." Wesley got off the bed and adjusted his clothes. "Change. And if I don't like it, you don't leave. Simple as that."     

Blair didn't know how to respond. The man was too overbearing. She gnashed her teeth and threw a pillow at him. "Get out!"     

Wesley caught the pillow, put it gently on the bed and left the room.     

In the living room, Joslyn was holding her child. The kid was drinking water from his bottle. Seeing Wesley leave Blair's bedroom, she asked casually, "Senior Colonel Li, why do you want to go shopping with us? You afraid she and I will run off together?"     

Wesley sat on the sofa and answered, "I don't know what to do with her." He needed to keep an eye on her.     

"Huh? You afraid that she'll run off and not come back?" Joslyn cracked a joke.     

"Yeah." Wesley didn't deny it.     

Joslyn's eyes widened. "Why would you even think that? She loves you. A lot."     

"I know that. But it doesn't mean she won't leave me." He knew Blair well.     

But it didn't matter. If she wanted to get even with him for what he had done to her, he'd play along. After all, he had plenty of time now.     

Joslyn didn't know what to say.     

Not long after, Blair walked out of her bedroom, wearing a light yellow knit top and a shoulder bag. Ignoring Wesley, she simply told Joslyn, "Let's go."     

Wesley stood to his feet and scooped the little boy up in his arms. "Let me take him," he offered.     

"Are you sure you're okay with it?" Blair asked in disbelief. She didn't want to say anything to him, but she was worried about Joslyn's son.     

Wesley gave her a meaningful look. "You know I can do it." He stressed the words "do it," meaning he was good in bed.     

'That didn't sound right, ' Blair thought.     

Before she could figure it out, Joslyn chuckled. "Hey, you two. I'm still here. Watch your mouth. Little ears, you know."     

"Your husband is better at this than me," Wesley said indifferently.     

Joslyn remembered what Hartwell told her a while ago. He'd met Wesley in D City before. The soldier and Blair had been apart more than a year. Hartwell, meanwhile, had just had sex with his wife. He couldn't wait to rub Wesley's nose in it.     

Blair didn't know what they were talking about, and didn't want to know. She walked toward the door and changed into her shoes. "Joslyn, just let Wesley take care of your son. He can handle it." 'Men are supposed to hate shopping. We'll shop till we drop. This way, Wesley will tire himself out. With any luck, he won't have the energy to have sex with me tonight, ' she thought to herself.     

However, things didn't go as planned. After the shopping spree, Blair was exhausted, while Wesley was still energetic as ever.     

Wesley first drove Joslyn and her son back to their house, and then drove to the Eastern Coastal Apartments. When they arrived at the car park, it was already past eleven at night. Blair was too tired to open her eyes, so he had to carry her to their apartment.     

Blair didn't even bother to take a bath. She just washed off her makeup and brushed her teeth before bed.     

Wesley said her name several times, but she was already snoring. Sighing in defeat, he lay next to her and held her in his arms before falling asleep.     

One day, while Blair was cleaning the living room, she saw a news item on TV—a man was drugged and he raped a woman, driven mad by the drug.     

The man's reaction after getting drugged was exactly the same as Wesley's when they shared their first time. A light bulb went off in Blair's head, and she immediately called Niles.     

Niles was about to get some lunch. When he saw who it was, he slid his finger along the screen to take the call. "Hi Blair, what's up?"     

Blair couldn't care less about niceties. "Niles Li, remember when you got me that bottle of wine a few years ago. Who opened it?" she asked.     

Niles' heart skipped a beat. 'She found out?' he thought, shuddering. "What happened?" he pried. He had to know what happened, even though he was pretty sure he knew.     

"Tell me!" she roared.     

"I...opened it." He finally admitted it.     

Blair closed her eyes and growled, "What did you put in it?"     

Niles tittered awkwardly and tried to defend himself. "I...I did it for you and my brother. I was doing you a favor. And it worked. My brother applied for the marriage licenses a few days afterward. So my plan worked. No need to thank me. I—"     

"Thank you? You asshole! Your brother thought I drugged him, and he lost his shit. He even called me...called me... Never mind. Niles Li, it's all your fault!" Wesley said that she was shameless, and Blair would never forget that.     

Although he had apologized to her more than one occasion, she still couldn't get over it.     

"Blair, I'm so sorry. I was just trying to help. My brother wouldn't admit his feelings for you, so I just gave him a push. I didn't expect things to turn out like that. Blair, my dear sister-in-law, please forgive me." Niles apologized sincerely.     

Blair sniffed and said, "Fine. I forgive you, and I won't tell your brother. But you owe me, big time."     

"All...all right..." Niles felt this wouldn't end well. Blair must be plotting something.     

"I don't want to be with your brother anymore," Blair suddenly said in a serious tone.     

Niles' heart raced wildly in his chest. "Huh? Why? You're married!" 'Oh my God! I'm screwed! Wesley will kill me!' he thought bitterly.     

"I'm really tired of waiting for him. He has all these hot women who want him. Take Garnet, for example. She's so awesome, also a soldier, and I'm nothing compared to her. And that Megan Lan. I really hate her, but your brother always chooses her over me. He even had sex with Patty Chang!" Although Patty was behind bars, that didn't mean she was out of Wesley's life.     

She had once seen a text message on Wesley's phone, and Patty's name had been mentioned. That was when she knew Patty wasn't gone and forgotten.     

She had only seen the name, but not the full message. She didn't want to, and didn't dare to. She was afraid that she might not be able to handle it.     

"Now hold on. My brother never cheated on you. He wouldn't even dream of it. Don't be so suspicious." Niles was really anxious.     

"I just can't handle all the B.S. But don't worry. I won't try to kill myself again." She did her best to put Patty out of her mind, but she couldn't. And she didn't want to deal with Megan again. It was time to get out while she could. "Niles, if you don't help me, I'll tell your brother that it was you who drugged him."     

"All right, all right. I'll do whatever you want. Blair, please don't tell my brother. He'll skin me alive!"     

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