Take My Breath Away

A Formal Marriage Proposal

A Formal Marriage Proposal

0Later that night, with Evelyn's help, Sheffield personally bathed Gwyn and tucked her into bed. Then, he asked someone to bring him a stack of children's storybooks and began reading the kid some of those stories.     

Evelyn left them to bond and went into the bathroom. Gwyn's giggles could be heard from the bedroom. She had to accept that Sheffield really knew how to take care of kids.     

After playing with her daddy for about half an hour, the little girl gradually drifted off to sleep as Sheffield read to her the story about a happy dinosaur.     

After making sure that Gwyn was safely tucked in bed, and confirming that Evelyn was still in the shower, Sheffield walked to the study to make an urgent phone call.     

"Old Fan, I need a favor," he said when Joshua picked the call.     

"Fuck off! You are the old fan!" Joshua bellowed.     

"Oh please, Dear Joshua. Where is your girlfriend now? I need a favor from her."     

"Get lost! And don't 'Dear Joshua' me!"     

Sheffield grunted, "Are you gonna help me or not?"     

"Let's see. Call me 'Big Brother.'"     

Sheffield rolled his eyes so hard that they could have fallen out the back of his head. But he said it anyway. "Big Brother." After all, Joshua was older than him, so it was not that big of a deal. However, once he got married to Evelyn, he would be the elder brother-in-law. And that would naturally warrant Joshua to show him some respect. Sheffield planned on making the most out of his superiority then.     

Feeling perfectly content, Joshua replied enthusiastically, "So, Maestro Tang, what do you want from your big bro?"     

"When my life was on the line that day, I had given Evelyn the diamond ring, but she is not wearing it. I guess she has left it in the Huo family manor. Ask Terilynn to search for it in Evelyn's collection room and bring it to me. No, just ask her to find out if it's there. I'll go get it myself."     

"What? How can you take back the ring you've already given to her? You trying to go back on your words? That's not cool, man."     

"You think I would go back on my word, you idiot big bro?" Sheffield chided. "I had no choice but to hastily give the ring to Evelyn that day. I was pretty sure that I was gonna die. I didn't think I would be lucky enough to survive. Now that I've recovered, I have to apologize to my lady love for my faults and make a formal marriage proposal. I want to personally put the ring on her finger." Sheffield was penniless again, so there was no way for him to buy another diamond ring. He had to wait for the dividend from Theo Group or make some money by taking tasks as Star Anise.     

And it suddenly dawned on him that he owed Joshua some six million dollars!     

It was just too difficult to get the red diamond. He had spent a lot of manpower and money on the ring. Moreover, he had even sold a few weapon designs too.     

"Wow, Maestro Tang. You really are a romantic. Fine, I'll tell Terilynn. But what if it isn't at the manor?"     

"I'm sure it is. The Huo manor is the safest place to keep the ring," Sheffield said affirmatively.     

"All right. Wait for my message." It was a trivial favor. Joshua didn't mind helping him out.     

"Thank you, my dearest! Come on, now give me a kiss. Muah!" Sheffield teased. He loved making fun of Joshua.     

"Sheffield." A woman's cold voice sounded all of a sudden. Evelyn was standing at the door, staring at him, expressionless.     

Sheffield was so shocked that he almost dropped the phone. But he reacted quickly and said to the person on the other end, "Hold on, bro. I'm pretty sure that Evelyn has misunderstood us. Please say something to her for me."     

Joshua was feeling sick after having to listen to Sheffield's teasing. Now, it was his turn to gloat. "Clean up your own mess, little bro." He laughed and hung up.     

Sheffield looked at the phone helplessly. Then he rushed to show Evelyn the call log. "Honey, I swear I was just talking with Joshua. See for yourself."     

Without bothering to cast a single glance at his phone, Evelyn asked coldly, "Have you ever considered my feelings when you casually flirt with other women?"     

"No, it was Joshua on the phone. I—"     

"I'm not talking about Joshua!" Did he really think that she was emotionless? That she didn't care if he flirted with other women? Well, he was wrong!     

Evelyn was also a woman, and she loved Sheffield. Every time she saw him flirting with other women, or when a woman came to provoke her in his name, she just pretended to be calm. But deep down, she had always wished that she could skin Sheffield alive.     

She had never had a chance to settle accounts with him before. Now was the time to finally chow him down.     

"What? Whom are you talking about then? I haven't flirted with any women recently. I swear!"     

Crossing her arms over her chest, Evelyn leaned against the door and raised her eyebrows at him questioningly. She cut to the chase. "I heard you wanted to sleep with your sister-in-law?" she asked coldly.     

Sheffield was surprised for a moment and then said, "Oh, you mean Kaylee Lou." 'They must have met. And Kaylee snitched on me, ' he thought.     

"So, you admit it?"     

Putting away his phone, he said in a relaxed tone, "Admit what? That I wanted to sleep with Kaylee Lou, that vicious woman? Really, Eve? Do you think I have such bad taste in women?"     

"Didn't you say those words to her yourself?" she pressed.     

Sheffield didn't deny. "I did. I just wanted to piss Sterling off. Evelyn, I could never—"     

"I'm not convinced!" she replied decisively, then turned around and left.     

Sheffield scratched the back of his head and followed her to the bedroom. "What can I do to make you understand? I really hate that woman."     

Evelyn avoided him and went to bed. Seeing Gwyn's sleeping face, she lowered her voice. "Then tell me why you slept with your sister-in-law when you were hardly sixteen years old."     

Something sinister flashed across Sheffield's eyes at that moment, but it was gone as fast as it had come. 'Sterling told her about it, ' he thought grudgingly. Lying on the other side of the bed, he looked at his daughter's peaceful face. Then, he looked at the little girl's mother. "Evelyn, do you think of me as a playboy with no limits?"     

Under the dim light, Evelyn saw how tenderly he looked at their daughter. "No," she said firmly. She trusted him.     

Sheffield's smile was bitter. He knew that it was time to tell her about his past. Leaning against the headboard, he started, "Let me tell you why Peterson disowned me. There are three reasons behind it. First one was that I slept with my sister-in-law. Second, three million dollars was transferred into my bank account all of a sudden. He said that I was involved in some shady business. And the last reason was that I burned my grandfather's traditional Chinese medicine notes. That kind of drove him off the edge."     

Mooney's traditional Chinese medicine notes were worth at least a hundred million dollars.     

Of course, the financial loss was not the reason why Peterson was angry. What mattered most was that those notes were the painstaking efforts of Mooney's entire life.     

Sheffield raised his thick eyebrows at Evelyn and asked, "So, what's your guess? Do you think that I slept with Kaylee?"     

Evelyn's heart skipped a beat. Then she remembered what he had told her whilst they were in D City a long time ago. He had told her that he had never slept with any other woman before her. She answered, "You didn't."     

"You are wrong. I did sleep with Kaylee."     

Evelyn's face went pale. She stared at the man in disbelief, who now had a playful smile on his face.     

"But," he added, which made Evelyn extremely nervous.     

With a mysterious smile, he continued, "Yes, we did sleep under the same quilt. But nothing happened. It was the same case when Mr. Huo tricked us two years ago. Remember that? He made you and Joshua sleep in the same bed to separate us."     

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