Take My Breath Away

Men And Women Are Equally Evil

Men And Women Are Equally Evil

0"I'm a loser?" Sterling pointed at his own nose in disbelief.     

"Aren't you? Your younger brother is way more successful than you are. If your father didn't give you the title of general manager, how could you have the money to support a mistress?" Kaylee taunted. As she talked, she realized Sheffield was the better man. He was a top surgeon, a crack race car driver, and became the CEO of Theo Group. All this despite his older brothers making trouble for him.     

"If I'm such a loser, where did you get the money for your affairs?" Sterling retorted. The couple began to fight about their past.     

"Anyway, I'm not using your money on them. I can't even afford makeup every month on the money you give me!" Including skin care products, Kaylee would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to maintain her beauty every month.     

Her words made Sterling's blood boil. He supported her for so many years. Now it seemed like a total waste of money. "You're just never satisfied, are you?"     

In a fit of anger, he dragged her back to their bedroom. Then he stalked inside, yanking her in, too. As soon as he slammed the door, he slapped her—hard.     

A malicious gleam appeared in his eyes. "Bitch, since you're so insatiable, I know how to satisfy you!"     

He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Send some men to the Coers Hotel."     

After hanging up the phone, Sterling ignored the terrified look in Kaylee's eyes. "I'm gonna teach you a lesson!"     

"Sterling... Sterling Tang, are you crazy? I'm... I'm your wife!"     

"Then I want a divorce! How long have we been together? A decade, probably more. You still haven't given birth to a child. Even if you had a kid, I couldn't be sure it'd be mine. Why do I need such a useless wife?" Sterling had made up his mind to get rid of Kaylee and marry Dollie.     

Although Dollie was just his mistress, at least she was faithful. Kaylee had slept with countless men. A lot. To him, she was a dirty woman.     

"Fuck you, Sterling! Don't forget you cheated on me first. I was faithful. You were such a loser I had to cheat on you!" Kaylee roared hysterically.     

This was the last straw. He insulted her, called her useless. His words made her heart ache more than when she learned of his affair.     

Sterling loosened his tie and retorted, "So what? Guys always have two women in their bed. Their wife, and their mistress. In ancient times, men had many wives. One just wasn't enough. But do you know any women in any cultures did the same thing?"     

Kaylee gasped with her hands covering her face, now swollen thanks to his slap. He was really old-fashioned. Like centuries out of date! "In case you hadn't heard, it's the 21st century now. Men and women are equal! Go ahead, try and bring me to that hotel. I'll just tell Dollie that whatever I do to her is your fault!"     

"If you lay a finger on her, I'll remove it. And maybe the other nine as well! I'll post the video of you sleeping with another man online! No one will take your side after that!"     

At this point, Kaylee knew that her marriage with Sterling was over. She suddenly calmed down. "I'm done! Divorce me now, you sewer rat!"     

"Not yet!" Sterling dialed another number. "Hello, Finley? You always wanted a taste of your sister-in-law, right? Now's your chance. Go to Coers Hotel."     

Kaylee screamed and charged at him. Ignoring her red, blistered hand, she rained blow after blow on him, to no avail. "You scum! Bastard! You don't deserve to be a human! May you never have a child of your own!"     

Sterling grabbed her hands and shook her to the floor. "Change your clothes! I'm taking you to that hotel! Remember to wear the sexiest dress you own."     

"No way! Go to hell! I'm headed to the Civil Affairs Bureau! Touch me again and I'll call the cops!"     

"I don't recall giving you a choice!" Then he rudely hauled her to her feet and dragged her out of the bedroom.     

Outside, Nastas walked out of the children's room with a toy in his hand. When he saw them, he greeted, "Hi, Sterling, Kaylee..."     

"Nastas! Help me!" Kaylee screamed.     

The little boy was confused and had no idea what she was talking about.     

When they passed Sheffield's room, Kaylee broke free and pounded frantically on his door. "It's all your fault, Sheffield! If you still have some shred of human decency, save me!" she shouted.     

In the bedroom, Sheffield was changing his clothes. Evelyn looked at him and said, "She sounds pretty desperate. Aren't you going to check it out?"     

Sheffield didn't care. "That's their business. I really couldn't care less. Besides, the more they fight, the happier I am."     

They should have divorced earlier. It was a miracle that their marriage lasted more than ten years.     

Evelyn sighed, and went on with her skin care routine.     

Out in the hallway, the noise level had dropped. And then, it was completely quiet.     

"What happened when I was sleeping?" She guessed something must have happened. Otherwise, Sterling wouldn't have barged in like that. Especially the day after their wedding.     

"I scalded Kaylee's hand," Sheffield replied frankly.     

"Why?" Evelyn was confused. What had Kaylee done to make Sheffield so angry?     

"She was handsy, so I taught her a little lesson."     

"Did she touch you?" Evelyn put the eye cream down on the counter and looked at him. Displeasure could be seen in her beautiful eyes.     

"Yes. Since she couldn't control herself, I thought I should teach her a lesson."     

"Yes, if she does that again, just tell me and I'll set her right."     

"That's my baby. What did you have in mind?" Sheffield asked curiously.     

"I don't know. Hadn't thought that far ahead. I'm not that mean. Maybe I'll stick her hands together with some super glue, and then prick her fingertips with needles, just like in the historical dramas." Evelyn never thought she was a kind-hearted girl, but after she said those words, she realized that she could be pretty evil too.     

Sheffield laughed. "Listen to you! No wonder I love you!" He touched her head affectionately. "You have to be mean to the people who hurt you! Or your enemies will think that you're weak and they'll bully you more."     

"Uh huh," she agreed. Gillian was a good example. If Evelyn had let the woman know how cruel she was at the start, Gillian wouldn't have gone off on her. Maybe she'd even still be employed.     

They drove straight to the Huo manor. They thought Evelyn would be able to get a decent night's sleep and Sheffield would take Gwyn out to have some fun.     

Later that day, the media was all abuzz about the divorce of Sterling and Kaylee. Sterling had paid off the media. They blamed it all on Kaylee. Said that she was the reason they were splitting up. She had affairs with several men at the same time, and there were photos of different men going in and out of her hotel room.     

A lot of media outlets reposted the news online, and opinion pieces did a hatchet job on the poor woman. Sterling was just a victim with an unfaithful wife.     

It was a huge scandal involving the Tang family, and reporters slammed the Theo Group's phone lines. They wanted to talk to Peterson and find out whether it was true.     

Of course, Peterson knew what was going on between Sterling and Kaylee. He'd known for a long time. He also knew who was in the wrong. But he didn't say anything to the press, nor did he give an explanation to the public.     

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