Take My Breath Away

Life Is So Hard

Life Is So Hard

0The reporter commented, "It's pretty obvious they're very much in love." He was talking about Evelyn and Sheffield.     

"Of course. I never regretted letting Evelyn marry him. After two years apart, he jumped at the chance to propose to her. He showered her with betrothal gifts, too—like shares of Theo Group. As soon as they set a wedding date, they popped down to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their marriage certificates. He's done a good job, so far," Carlos stated.     

"So that's how it was. No need to feel guilty, Mr. Huo. They're happy now, right?"     

"Yes. I'll try my best to make it up to Sheffield. He's suffered a lot proving his love for Evelyn."     

Both Carlos' interview and Sheffield's press conference went viral. Netizens finally had something to confirm their suspicions. Naturally, the scandals about Calvert and Rowena resurfaced.     

That was where the public relations teams of Theo Group and ZL Group came in, minimizing media coverage of such things, and guiding public opinion. Gradually, people became excited about Sheffield and Evelyn getting married, and the bad old days were forgotten.     

Many people appreciated Sheffield's profound love for Evelyn, and at the same time, they were glad that she hadn't married Calvert. She would have missed out on Sheffield if she had.     

Other people brought up the old saying: "Although a man's love for a woman cannot be measured by money, it's still a way to see how much a man loves you." Anyone could tell how much Sheffield loved Evelyn. He bought her that expensive red diamond ring and used it to propose to her. He paid a high bride price to the Huo family. Not to mention the expensive wedding dress and the decorations.     

"Princess Evelyn is so lucky to have two men who love her that much," a netizen commented.     

"Mr. Tang and Mrs. Tang, please be happy forever."     

Blessings were thrown this way and that on the message boards.     

Tears welled up in Evelyn's eyes when she saw the two videos. She felt so lucky to have two men who loved her so much. It had caused a lot of trouble online, but she didn't have to worry about it. Her husband and her father took care of everything.     

But she did feel responsible, so she reached out.     

After thinking about it, she logged into her Weibo account and left a public post. "Hello, everyone. I'm Evelyn Huo. I'm sorry my affairs have taken up so much of everyone's time. I never meant for some of this to be known. And thank you Dad and Sheffield, for your help fixing this. Gwyn is our daughter. Sheffield's the real dad, and I'm her real mom. And as a mom, I'm asking people not to keep posting our photos everywhere. The kid deserves some privacy, okay? She's too young to know any better and has suffered a lot. She even got PTSD. Thank God for Sheffield, because he got her to come out of her shell. He made her laugh again, and it was a long, hard road back to normal. I don't want her to be hurt again. I just want her to grow up safe, healthy and happy. Thank you for helping us out there."     

She also selected a few other social media apps, copied and pasted her post there.     

Many people who supported her shared it on those apps. They did so with additional comments wishing the family well.     

Joshua shared Evelyn's post too and wrote, "Hey, guys. I saw them fall in love. I'm Sheffield's best friend, so I can tell you what's up. Since they met, Sheffield's been head over heels in love with Evelyn. He told me he wanted to give her the world, and he's done his best, believe me. He did one better. He gave her his heart. If you have any doubt how much they love each other, just stick around. You'll see them kiss or hug each other. Even when he went AWOL for two years, he never gave up on her. Fortunately, they're a happy couple now. I hope they stay that way. P.S.: I helped you out, bro, so now it's your turn. I'm really desperately in love with Terilynn. Remember what you promised?"     

Sheffield really didn't hang out on Weibo and almost never posted anything. The last time he'd been on there, the only thing he did was share Evelyn's pic of their marriage licenses.     

He knew Sheffield would never see his post. So Joshua called his best friend, and told him about it. Joshua convinced him to take a look at what he wrote.     

After shooting the shit with him for quite a while, Sheffield opened the Weibo app and found Joshua's post. He shared it and wrote, "Thanks for your support, man. And trust me, I got your back. You're fine, until someone tries anything. If someone does mess with you, I'll be there. As for my help, make your move! I can back you up, but I'm not a miracle worker!"     

Joshua sent a private message to him. "Dude! What kind of answer is that? Why bother replying?"     

"Because you bothered me first!"     

The heat of the whole matter lasted for a week or so on the Internet. Gradually, people stopped paying attention.     

Evelyn and Sheffield's life went back to normal. Everyone knew that they had a beautiful, cute little princess.     

Later, Sheffield figured out it was Sterling who had posted the pic and spread the rumors. He was currently serving a ten-year sentence in prison. The young CEO figured that once Carlos heard about it, the old man would make sure Sterling spent the rest of his life behind bars.     

Autumn came, and Joshua formally proposed to Terilynn. He went all out, though he wasn't as rich as Sheffield. It was still incredibly sweet and romantic.     

Terilynn said yes quickly. She didn't care if Carlos agreed or not.     

Sheffield was pretty sure Joshua was in for a rude awakening. Terilynn was Carlos' daughter, after all. Why wouldn't the old man give Joshua a hard time? But Carlos had other things in mind.     

The night Joshua proposed, Carlos made a pronouncement in front of his family. He told Terilynn, "Get Joshua to seal the deal ASAP. Bring the betrothal gifts over and nail down the wedding date."     

Everyone was surprised. This wasn't like Carlos at all. Sheffield shot to his feet and asked in disbelief, "But, Dad! I thought you were going to give Joshua the same hell you put me through. Why are you letting him off the hook?"     

"When did I say that? What are you playing at? Joshua isn't as accomplished or as rich as you are. He has a hard enough time on his own. Why should I make things more difficult for him?" Carlos said matter-of-factly.     

"Joshua refused to help you when you were trying to stop me and Evelyn from getting together. Besides, you asked me who was more important: my best friend or my father-in-law. You asked me to stand with you, not against you." Sheffield wasn't trying to pit Carlos against Joshua. But the old man was being unfair. He kept meddling in Evelyn and his relationship, and caused no end of problems. But he just gave in easily to the idea of Joshua marrying his younger daughter.     

Carlos feigned sadness. "That was my fault. I really was too hard on you. But I know what I did was wrong, and I don't want to do it again. That was a loyalty test. I wanted to figure out if you'd dump your friends and family for me. I guess now I know."     

The rest of the family burst into laughter. Carlos always had an answer ready for Sheffield.     

"Dad..." groaned the young man. 'Life is hard!' he yelled in his heart.     

Carlos nodded, "Yes, Son? What can I do for ya?"     

Sheffield was completely speechless.     

Watching the two, Matthew flashed a thin smile. Finally, someone knew what it was like to be him. Carlos had another punching bag now.     

After a short while, Sheffield and Matthew followed Carlos into the study.     

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