The Sovereignty System

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

0The two young lovers woke up early in the morning. As promised Ben brought Silvana back to the Varene Dynasty through the teleport formations. She told Ben to give her a few days to talk everything over with her mother.     

She was willing to go and start a life with Ben and needed to explain everything that had happened to her mother. She was nervous her mother might not accept Ben because he wasn't a person of their closed off society.     

She hoped to bring her mother with them so she wouldn't have to continue to work the fields. It was a rough life for a women and there were no men around to help. Silvana's mother had happened to meet her father on a chance encounter when she was young and had traveled into the nearest town.     

They had to purchase new tools for her from a blacksmith and she got along with the blacksmith's son. The two of them spent a couple of days together while her tools were made and one thing led to another.     

When Silvana's mother returned to the small farming settlement she soon learned she was pregnant with Silvana. Even though she gave birth to a daughter she always cared for and loved Silvana. The two of them were very close and discussed many things openly.     

Silvana loved her mother and knew it was to late for her to advance herself in this matriarchal society here. The two of them were destined to be farmers and live simple lives. If this was the case what was there to hold them here? Silvana wanted to be with Ben even if he wasn't a Varene male.     

If the two of them loved one another and could live a great life together in Dragonshome then why stay here and live such a lonely life?     

Ben kissed Silvana goodbye and promised to come see her soon. He understood it would be alot for her mother to accept. Him being a king and living in a far off continent was even hard for him to believe sometimes.     

Ben watched Silvana as she walked down the road and then turned to collect his tent and gear he left behind. Before he left he removed the crystal from the teleport formation to make it inactive until he returned.     

On an afterthought he decided to even cover it with dirt to hide it from prying eyes. If any military or royal officials seen this and realized what it actually is it could cause a lot of trouble for Silvana and the people living here. This is still a closed border dynasty and a teleporter would be a huge violation.     

Ben gave another look around the camp before he cast Zoom to end up in the Rodara royal palace. He wanted to check in with the regent to make sure the three northern kingdoms had not come back around to cause more trouble.     

It was at a point where he actually thought about walling off the entire region but since he had his eyes now set on invading those kingdoms he would only be creating defenses against regions that would soon be his.     

'Now that it's fall I should just wait until spring to invade them. From how it seems they are going to have a rough winter with the food shortage they have now. They will be forced to spend their money to buy food from the western kingdoms and not waste it on their militaries.'     

Ben thought about how the winter would weaken them even more and made a decision to wait before he made his move. This would also allow his new troops to properly train.     

His female light swordsmen regiment and the draconian regiment along with any new recruits added to the previously established regiments were still rookies. They still needed to attend their classes and be put through their field training.     

It was true his newly recruited troops were created with more basic combat knowledge than the citizen troops they normally fought but Ben wanted his troops to be all top tier troops who could stand up against anything he put them up against.     


Ben returned to Dragonshome and went over the Military School. He entered an unused classroom and began purchasing quite a few interesting lessons. This school allowed Ben to purchase military styles from ancient earth civilizations up to current modern warfare styles.     

As for the two thousand female Light Infantry Swordsmen led by General Helena, Ben planned train them into a special purpose regiment called the Shadow Regiment. He continued to believe the key to victory was having a trained diversity of soldiers.     

He wanted more than an army that is trained to fight on the battlefield. He also need special forces who could tackle the out of the box situations.     

With this in mind Ben began creating a three course program with the purpose of creating a ninjutsu stealth infiltration/assassination regiment. He went through the system store and began purchasing lessons to train them how to hide, move, and fight from the shadows.     


[Shadow Regiment]     


[Course One]     


Light Armor Fighting     

Sword Proficiency     

Combat Archery Tactics     

Hand to Hand Combat     


Compass Land Navigation     


[Course Two]     


Kansetsu-waza joint locks     

Nage-waza throwing techniques     

Ashi-waza foot throwing techniques     

Koshi-waza hip throwing techniques     

Shime-Waza Choke Technique     

Kapu Kuialua     


[Course Three]     


Eskrima Knife Fighting     

MCMAP Knife Fighting     

Wakizashi Fighting     


Shinobi Nana-bake     

Grappling Hook Throwing Techniques     

Climbing Knots     


This was the most lesson heavy program Ben had arranged so far for his troops. This regiment of women were going to have to spend hundreds of hours in the classroom to learn all of this, but once they were trained, Ben would have a special forces unit that could tackle a variety of missions his standard troops couldn't.     

The Draconian regiment were ordered to attend the same program as the dismounted knights. They would learn sword and shield combat and how to move and fight in different formations.     

His diere tigers and war elephants would not be trained in anyway. They were a force to be unleashed to just run unrestrained through the enemy lines causing as much chaos as possible.     

As for the Shadow Regiment they needed weapons and gear made specifically for them. They would carry daggers, a Wakizashi which is a short katana, and a compact bow.     

Their issued armor would be Mythril Alloy chainmail tunics, coifs, and leggings. Over the top of their chainmail they would wear [black cotton 3/4 sleeve sweatshirt], [cuffed solid black track pants], [black one-hole mask], and [black hard knuckle tactical gloves].     

He would also issue a Grappling hook, climbing harness, climbing rope for each of them. This would allow them to climb walls and access building from upper levels.     

With their new lessons and gear it was up to them now to train and prepare themselves for the invasion across the three northern kingdoms.     

Ben had spent the past couple of days preparing gear and lessons along with checking with his officials. It was about time for him to return to the Varene Dynasty to check in with Silvana.     

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