Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Day 7 - Eyes

Day 7 - Eyes

0We were just wearing comfortable clothes since we were sleeping. Kaley went to watch duty but she changed clothes when she got back. She was wearing a spaghetti top and short shorts without anything underneath while I was wearing a simple loose shirt and thin shorts.     

"She might wake up. You know that, right?" I whispered.     

"Not if we stay quiet... your legs still numb?" Kaley said as she continued to press her body against mine.     

"Yeah, why? Wait- oh boy... " I replied but she was already giving me 'that' look.     

"Good… be quiet." she said.     

I was slowly rising in emotion and it got harder and harder it was almost painful. I looked at the view and besides her beautiful face, her bountiful breasts were now against me. She was grinding against me but every time she pulls back, I saw them being at the mercy of gravity. Her puppies were getting stretched and clumped every time she moved and I saw one of the tips starting to protrude from the top. This peculiar situation we were in made me helpless and excited at the same time.     

She planted a huge kiss in my mouth and our tongues started to move wild. We still had our clothes on while our bodies were just grinding against each other. Her hips moved in a simple pattern and we tried to make as little noise as possible. Our breaths were getting heavy but the look she was giving me was intense.     

She started to hold her mouth close because small gasps and mind-numbing moans were coming out of her mouth. I tried to hold down my grunts too in fear of waking her little sister Olivia that was sleeping a few inches above us. What we did to muffle our noise was to keep on kissing each other deeply but we kept wanting to do more and more.     

"This is really bad... but I can't stop… hngh~" Kaley broke off from my kiss.     

"Want to head somewhere more private?" I whispered.     

She shook her head and she said, "No… I'm r-really close… h-hold on..."     

I began to move my hips against her movements and we retained the same movement over and over. She let out a very soft but constrained moan and then she lost strength. Her weight pressed against my body and she twitched several times while pressed against me. I tried to perceive if there were movements from the bed, but there seems to be none. I kissed her once more but her twitching was making it difficult.     

I felt her hands go inside my shorts and she pulled it out. I felt it going through her legs first and she slipped it inside after it pushed aside an article of clothing. I could still feel the soft cloth to the side of it and the supple flesh on the other. Kaley exhaled for a moment then it suddenly entered a place which was slopping wet and warm. She immediately reacted once it was fully inside and she started to move her hips once more.     

I placed my hand on her plump ass cheeks below and then I started to squeeze them around while prodding the surface of her other opening with my finger. I was starting to lose my mind from what we were doing. Add to that the restraint that we had to go such lengths to make as little noise as possible. Her hips started to move more violently as I tried to match my movement with her. She gave me a frustrated expression when she decided to move slower since we were making that fleshy sound. What I did to make her feel good was I grabbed her ass much tighter and I shoved it harder and harder after pulling it out to the limit. She was feeling me enter her violently compared to the small movements we were doing earlier. We didn't even care if Olivia would wake up anymore because we were both so close. She started twitching before me and her face turned into a mess while I kept on pushing my hips upward. Her insides were warm and tight but I pulled it out when I was about to cum.     

We were silently gasping for air as I grabbed a cloth to wipe ourselves. We kissed once more and then we sat upright and stayed there in silence while we were leaning against each other. Doing it with as little noise as possible was very difficult but definitely something we enjoyed. Her head was tucked near my armpit while she was breathing heavily. My arm was wrapped around her waist and she held my hand towards her chest. She glanced at me and then she smiled. I glanced behind me and Olivia was still in the same position as where we've left her.     

"That… that was really crazy. But crazy good." I whispered.     

"Why are there types of crazy?" she chuckled silently.     

"Well, hmmm… that is an example of one. Wanna head out?" I said as I kissed her again.     

Day 7     

We took a shower and then we headed down while we left Olivia still soundly sleeping on the bed. Zeus followed us outside when we headed down and we saw Peanut in our house sleeping soundly.     

The sun was barely rising and I stretched my body and I playfully leaned on Kaley so she would lose balance. We then saw Chris coming inside the gate with Charlotte. They were wearing jogging pants and their shirts were soaked with sweat. They were catching their breaths and it seemed that they have jogged early in the morning.     

"Hey, you guys jogged outside?" Kaley asked.     

"Yeah, Alex joined us too. She's too quick, I could barely keep up with Chris but she just passed us a few times like it's nothing. She kept passing us on our left, it's crazy." Charlotte said.     

"Captain 'murica?" I said to myself.     

"That's good. I hope that more joins you next time. Well, a few of us were going to the gym at night. I have a few treadmills there but hitting the road in the early morning hits different, seeing the sunrise while jogging is great." I said.     

I then saw Johnny also coming inside the gate with Marco. I waved at them and he made a small salute.     

"You guys are early." I said.     

"Oh, just a force of habit. We walked around the place and scanned around for any blind spots. There were none so far. You're right, this place can be a fortress in the future." Johnny said.     

"Anything you'd recommend we add?" I asked.     

"Hmmm, so far... none seems to come to mind. Let me think about it first and I'll tell you if I come up with something." Johnny replied.     

"Do you have an extra rope or string?" Marco interjected.     

"Yes, why?" I replied.     

"I'd like to add a net to the hoops in the court. It's much nicer to hear it swoosh when it has one." he explained.     

"Oh yeah, so it just drops down and not bounce farther than it should be." I said.     

"Won't that be a waste of resources?" Johnny said.     

"We could always remove them. Besides, it's good training for one's body if you play sports. It gets boring for some people if you just kept on lifting weights at the gym." I said.     

"That is true I guess." Johnny replied while scratching his chin.     

Kaley and I paid a small visit to the barn before we all gathered at the pool area for breakfast.     

Today, my aunt made an omelet with various vegetables mixed into it and a few with just green onions or just simple ones with cheese for the kids. We had coffee or hot chocolate for anyone who wished to have it but I mixed the two. A few tried to do what I did and their eyebrows shot up when they tasted it.     

"Earpk!" Allan choked.     

"What? You didn't like it?" I asked.     

"I haven't put sugar in it yet..." he said as he soldiered through the bitterness in his mouth.     

We laughed at his face for a while then we continued on eating.     

"What's the plan today kid?" Oscar asked.     

"I'm thinking of more supply runs but there are still people here on the left side that didn't leave their homes. I saw a few heads on the last time when we burned the few bodies that we encountered in this area." I said.     

"Do you know them though?" Oscar asked.     

"Personally no, I would also like to pay a visit to a place outside to relieve an itch at the back of my head." I said.     

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Kaley asked.     

"Last time when I woke up early, Chris and the others were on watch duty. I suddenly felt a presence in the back of my head, like someone is watching me. I immediately turned around but nothing was there." I said.     

A few heads turned in my direction.     

"What?! Are you sure?!" Kaley exclaimed.     

"Not really, it could be anything at this point now. I checked the scope at that time and saw nothing. I even turned the illuminator on but there was no movement." I said.     

"Where was it from though?" Tatiana inquired.     

"From another house here, the Pineda residence. It's right before we reach the elementary school. It's a big place too, they might still be even inside but I highly doubt it." I said.     

"Then it must be them then." Oscar said.     

"If it's them, then it's all good. However, the feeling I got there was a bit different. I definitely felt something there." I said.     

"What?" Johnny asked.     

"Eyes. Like the feeling when someone is stalking you from afar but the moment you look back it's gone." I said.     

"Hold on, did Chris and the rest felt it?" Oscar asked.     

"No, they didn't. It was really faint though, not like the prickly feeling or the heavy ones that make your body slow a bit in fear or disgust. It happened in an instant and it disappears." I explained.     

"Well, how do you plan on scratching that itch if someone is inside there then? You can't just knock and say, 'Hello is someone there planning to kill me? Blah blah blah...'" Oscar said.     

"Well, that's the plan actually. I plan to head there at noon." I said flatly.     

"Kid?! Out of all the plans that you made, that's the one that made no sense at all!" Oscar shouted as he almost spat out what he was eating.     

The rest were also giving confused glances and worried expressions.     

"We passed by their house a few times and nothing happened. They have two houses there inside, one for their stay-in helpers and one for them. They could probably be around 2-3 families inside including the helpers but something was off when we passed by their place. When I looked at their house from the time when I was on watch with them, it gave me a few clues." I explained.     

"What?" they asked.     

"There were no signs of people living there." I said.     

"H-hold on, please elaborate." Johnny said.     

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