Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Leadership Position

Leadership Position

0Everyone was shocked, fearful, and disgusted by what I said. Oscar, Rin, and a few of my family members like Jared already saw the files so their reactions weren't as bad as the people who heard it first-hand. I could only imagine their reaction when they saw what I said and the thing was, the video only displayed that the virus was already existing several years ago and people were already researching it. It didn't prove the origin of the virus or whatever we were facing right now.     

Oscar noticed their reactions as well then he stood up and said, "This kid is not trying to scare you all for the hell of it. The way I see it, I think that those people over there have started researching the virus much earlier than we thought. The only problem with that is the methods they employ. However, if you think about it, their research must've advanced to the point that they require humans to be tested to make it work so I'm sure that death row inmates were used. To me, that's better than searching for volunteers."     

Oscar tried to diffuse the situation but what we haven't told everybody was that we weren't sure whether the people researching it were trying to make a cure or forming trials for what they created. We knew that we weren't being completely transparent with everyone, but it was best to anchor this conversation until we were sure of the facts. It was better to know nothing than half of the facts.     

"So, what are we gonna do from now on?" Jared asked.     

"We survive and wipe every fucking zombie in this place. Well, that's what I would do." Russel chimed in before I got to answer.     

"Woof!" Zeus added to the conversation.     

"Couldn't we wait for this thing to be over? It would be dangerous outside, right? We're stocked up on food and water so we're set for a while, right?"     

"We could maybe try to take more people in?"     

"What if they're dangerous?"     

"We could drive them away... or you know..."     

"What? Kill them? Can you even do that?"     


"How about weapons? Will you lend us some guns?"     

"Do you even know how to use one?"     

"Well, I saw it in the movies..."     

"Ha! I'm telling you, you're gonna shoot yourself before you kill one."     

"I have a crowbar on my bike, we could always go melee."     

"Melee? If you're gonna go melee, a spear would be the best choice."     

The group started sharing ideas after ideas but I clapped twice to get their attention. I waited for everyone to quiet down and look at me before I began to speak.     

"If we're talking about what I planned for this group, I plan to survive with everyone while taking down each deadhead I lay my eyes on. However, it will be fucking difficult even if we are fucking prepared compared to everybody outside these walls. We have a lot of food items that could last us for several years and even more if we ration them properly. Furthermore, we have a greenhouse and a barn so we could produce our own food and we wouldn't just rely on our stored goods."     

"On security, if you didn't notice already, this place is almost a fortress. It still needs some work but it's enough to have a foothold in this scenario. Also, Oscar and I have an armory where we would willingly share our weapons with all of you just as long as we teach you all about properly using it and maintaining it. A few of us know how to use guns but I'm planning to have everyone able to use anything they could lay their hands on in the future. This place is secure but it would be even better if people were actively guarding it."     

"One last thing, I invited you all here not because of the goodness of my heart nor I'm a selfless human being. I decided to gather like-minded people here such as yourselves because no one could take this thing on solo. This statement could be argued but there will always be a time when a solo player would hit their limit. Because in the real world, we always need someone that has our backs. I could say a long-winded, cringy speech about comrades but that's the truth. I need you and you need me. However, what I wanted from all of you is to follow my lead. Oscar and I are cooking something for the long run and I need everyone's support. I'm not gonna order someone to jump off a cliff or shoot themselves obviously but keep in mind that the decision I would be making is in the group's best interest."     

As I finished my little speech, I looked at everyone's faces. Most of them were already on board but there were still some that were wearing hesitant faces. They were the ones who didn't know me too well and they were just brought in with my workers, friends, and relatives. None of them voiced their opinion but I made sure to address this situation as early as possible.     

"I understand that some of you will have reservations in taking orders from me but that is how Oscar and I decided to run this place. To put it very bluntly, all of you are very inexperienced in this type of scenario. Oscar here is an army veteran but his role in this place is different from being the one in charge. Let's just say he's my right-hand man and he mostly gives me advice. However, it would be wise to follow his orders too because he knows his stuff."     

"You all could voice your opinions and suggestions but I will have the final say. Make sure you have a very strong argument if you wish to sway my decision because if you know what type of person I am, I'm a very stubborn guy. I once convinced a guy when I was 10 to give me extra gravy and if not, I'll never move from the line." I said with a serious expression but I chuckled at the last moment.     

They were all seriously looking at me but their expressions changed as I heard a few chuckles and a few grins.     

"Anyway, if anyone still had a strong opinion against my terms, I would gladly guide you to the closest DDR Camp tomorrow, no hard feelings. Aside from that, I'll give you a farewell bag I gave to Nathan and Ariel, and whatever you brought here will be returned. Everything you brought here was recorded properly and I'll replace it with interest if we somehow used it already. So, have you all decided yet?" I concluded.     

I looked at the hesitant group and they were all in deep thought. It was perfectly understandable because the DDR Camp was filled with soldiers and they had more people. However, they'd only discover how great this place was if they continued to stay.     

"I think if you disagree with the terms he said you'd be pretty fucking stupid. This is a fortress if you ask me and a comfortable one to boot. In those DDR Camps, I guess the best place you could sleep on with the number of people there is a fucking blanket." Russel chuckled as he said out loud.     

"Even if this kid said those strong words, he's much more lenient than the commanding officers at my unit. I'd honestly be stricter than him if I was the one in charge. He's just thinking of you all because you're all civilians. However, we'll slowly tighten the noose as time goes by in a way you won't notice. By the time you do, you would all be accustomed to the change in lifestyle." Oscar chimed in.     

"I agree with what Oscar said. I was training in ROTC to be one of the senior officers. What they did there left the other ones with no breathing room, what they say is the law. If you break one of them, there will be strict disciplinary action and it fucking sucks. In our case, he's still willing to hear our opinions." Jared added.     

"Guys, I've literally traveled from Cavite to Manila and I'm in a fucking wheelchair. Add that to think about if you're worried about his leadership skills. He might do some shit that would make you think he lost it but you'd be surprised at the results. He's fucked in the head but he's a genius." Ken pointed out as he chuckled.     

"Thanks... I guess?" I gave Ken a weird look.     

"Hah! I already called you a genius, just let the other things slide, okay?" Ken was grinning because he was too far away from me.     

After that short exchange, everyone seemed to be on board with me leading them. No one objected anymore and understanding was on their faces.     

"Though we didn't technically vote, I think this kid still won the election." Oscar said as he gave a hearty laugh.     

We ended the meeting soon after but Olivia had an idea. She was holding the camera Ken lent her and she called out to everyone before we dispersed.     

"U-Umm, I think we need a group photo for this?" Olivia said loud enough for everybody to hear.     

As soon as she said that, everyone's mood seemed to lighten.     

"That sounds good, actually." I replied.     

We then gathered in front of the house as we posed for a proper photo. We made sure to include everyone and Zeus and Peanut were at the front, being hugged by the kids. Kaley and I were right next to each other and my workers were trying to squeeze us together but I quickly kicked a few shins to make them stop.     

Kaley just chuckled when she saw me do that but she leaned a little closer to me when Olivia placed the camera on a tripod.     

Olivia set a timer on the camera then she ran frantically to her position. After a few shots, she grabbed the camera to take a look at the photos. However, her expression said that something was wrong.     

"I forgot the flash, ehehe~" Oliva said embarrassingly.     

It got a few laughs but after we took a proper photo, I asked her to take individual pictures of everyone tomorrow so Rin could add that to everyone's profile. Everyone was now free to do whatever they want but I started one of my plans.     

I went back to my room to grab my M70 and binoculars. After that, I went down to the 1st floor to make coffee enough for a small thermos and a few sandwiches to pair it with.     

"Hey, where are you going?" Kaley asked.     

"Hmm? Oh, I'm standing guard at the barn." I replied.     

"All night? What are you watching for? I think no one will be able to get past this gate. Well, at least take one of your uncles with you. You've been busy, right?" Aunt Sharon interjected.     

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