Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!



0We skipped the big gates where the better houses were since the truck was almost full. We decided to stop at the first area we cleared since there were fewer items to take. Same as the earlier scavenging trip, we took the essentials and left the ones we didn't have an immediate use for. We eventually loaded the truck and drove inside the compound.     

"Why are you guys getting so many?" Lois remarked as he saw the truck.     

"It only had been two days since it started here and as far as we know, almost everyone that rushed to the camps still had their belongings inside their houses." I replied.     

After a while of unloading the supplies we took, we then returned to the gated house where the family had abandoned their cat.     

We found less food and water than usual although we found a few bottles of antibiotics and other types of medicine located in one of their cupboards and medicine cabinets. We also found a few more propane tanks in the kitchen along with a few bottles of alcohol placed neatly on a rack. After taking the essential items first, the group took back a dartboard, several dozen darts, a basketball hoop screwed on a board, and a basketball.     

I decided to let them load it up on the truck because those items could be used to pass the time. It was not like we would be digging deep with our nails just to finish our tasks because resting was also part of surviving. When we were about to leave, we found more kibble for Rio and a few toys that might've belonged to him.     

I looked at the truck and only a quarter of it was full since we only took the essentials and some other items. It could also be attributed that the family packed most of their items before leaving and there were items inside the house that we could leave there for now and just take when the need arises.     

"Bro, it would be nice if we could find a gun or two in some of the houses, right? The only things we could categorize as a weapon from some of the things we found are knives or some of the sporting equipment lying around." Jared mentioned and the group nodded.     

"It would be very lucky find to even get so much as a revolver from this neighborhood. Well, we'll never know for sure but gun laws are strict in this country. However, I wish we could find some tucked away in a safe or just behind a headboard of some sort." I replied.     

"So how did you get those then?" Mark asked as he pointed at the guns on our person.     

"This? Well, I did hard work on it like studying the ins and outs of the laws here and passing several tests required by the government. However, I know someone from the government and after easily acquiring the licenses for everything plus a few under the table payments, I managed to have access to them. Some ways that I wouldn't tell you- well, what's the fucking point now- I have acquired a lot more in illegal channels. If you have the right amount of money, people would simply look the other way. Good thing I invested in acquiring a lot of guns and ammo early on or else we would be using bladed weapons along with improvised stuff." I explained.     

"How about Oscar then? He surely has stocked on a lot of guns too." Jared replied.     

"Hah! Oscar? Let's just say that when he sold everything he owned in the US to move here, guns among other things weren't the ones he let go. In fact, he bought a lot~ more and exceeded his collection several times. One of the reasons that he took a lot of trips abroad is that he is stocking up on a lot of them and bringing them here. It was because even if we have gun stores in this country, the collection and the variety is not as good if you compared it to what the world has to offer." I replied.     

Jared's eyes lit up as he heard my reply. It seemed that he wanted to ask more questions but we arrived at the two gated areas right next to each other. They were secured by our own locks now so we had easy access.     

We made a thorough search and found a lot of food items preserved, perishable, and still alive which were the rabbits happily hopping around. Kaley immediately took the rabbits we discovered earlier and she tied a small ribbon to Bugs whom she named. There were a total of 7 rabbits in the cage and I already had plans to make them grow in numbers first.     

"Kaley, place them near the cans of food to be categorized easily later." I teased.     

As soon as I said that, Kaley looked at me with a glare and a pout as she placed them away from where the food items were placed. I just watched her let out a little bit of killing intent when I named the rest of the rabbits by the recipes I would cook them into.     

We also found different amounts of rice still in their sacks or in their own dispensers. Though some of them had no labels, my workers and I could easily identify what kind they were because we were selling them in my stores. Among the items, we found two water containers that had plastic spigots attached to them. We took them because I also planned to have that same container for each room in my compound easily accessible.     

We loaded the truck with the rest of the items we found and it was once again full of essential items plus items of comfort. After that, we locked the gates once more and we went back to the compound where Oscar was waiting for me.     

"Kid, how about building a 2-layered fence instead of a single barricade? It would be better to do that first, right?" Oscar suggested.     

"That sounds good, we could drill a hole to our wall and the other side so we could weld the chain-linked fence in it." I replied as I nodded a few times.     

"Heh, I just asked you but we're already planning on doing it." Oscar chuckled.     

"The fuck did you ask me then? Heh, how about the catwalk? Are you guys done already?" I replied, shaking my head.     

"The catwalk on the left side is done but the one on the right still needed a few beams to be placed to prevent it from wobbling. Oh right, the things you said that could hold the climbing ropes are also installed. We could finish the catwalk on the right side if we work on it till midnight." Oscar reported.     

"Hmm, just take some rest and finish it in the morning. We need people to have the energy for later." I replied.     

"Okay, boys! You heard the man! Let's take a little breather!" Oscar yelled at the guys busy at work.     

"Oh, I still need people unloading the truck." I said as I scratched my head.     

"Okay, boys! You heard the man! Chop! Chop!" Oscar yelled at the guys about to take a rest.     

The guys stopped were shaking their heads with various expressions but they still helped with unloading the items from the truck. Rin was also present and continued her job and she was also in charge of where should each item should be placed in the storage areas.     

They took a bit of time but after a while, I looked at my watch and it read 4:00 PM.     

At the same time as last time, Olivia came out running with Aya and exclaimed, "Guys! The President is having another broadcast!"     

As soon as we heard that we gathered in my living room and took our seats. We saw the president in the same getup but vigor had appeared on his face, unlike last time where we could detect a hint of stress.     

[Philippines, this is your president speaking. We had a fucking hell of a day, didn't we? We stopped the emergency sirens this morning because we learned noise attracts these sons of bitches. We're slowly learning about them so we could fight back more effectively. Our situation here is much more favorable than the other countries because we had less land to cover and water separates us from the other countries which rely on their land borders.]     

[Unfortunately, we have lost a lot of people from these two days. The first reason is this fucking virus and the other one is because of those fucking cowards that decided to save their fucking hide! I'm talking about my fucking soldiers that have gone AWOL. I hate to say this but a few DDR Camps are now unresponsive. They are either overrun or have been taken over by those fucking cowards that had the balls to call themselves soldiers. They are a fucking shame to their uniform and must be put down!]     

After the president bellowed, he paused for a bit but he was furiously looking at the camera, almost telling the soldiers that had gone AWOL that he would fuck them up the moment he sees them. It took him a few moments to calm down but he continued.     

[We have set up a fortress in Davao City and my soldiers and I are slowly taking it back from those biters. If you're not aware, Davao City is located in Mindanao, one of the island groups in our country. I would suggest the people that are close to join me in our fight or keep strong if you're far. The only means of transportation you could reach this place is through boats because we're still far from clearing the airports. Just a reminder, Luzon is the most infested because of the population density, followed by Mindanao, and lastly Visayas.]     

[Even if I'm here, don't worry if you're in the other island groups. My soldiers from the other areas are still present and aside from erecting DDR Camps, they are also guarding our dams which are providing clean water or even electricity to select areas. However, in some areas where those dams are not located, power will be unavailable because we will start conserving our energy for communications. Our broadcasts will be aired for as long as we can, every day at 4:00 PM. The news reports will be looped until midnight so we encourage you to do your work while there is still light.]     

[To those of you who have HAM Radios or Satellite Phones the frequency and the numbers we are using are displayed on the screen and we need information from all parts of the country. We are doing our best to overcome this situation but we also need help from everyone. Those that have sacrificed themselves for the cause will be honored by those who are left. This will be a hellish climb but we will need each other if we are to survive. That will be all for now, stay strong.]     

The president gave a strong salute before the broadcast ended. After that, the news reports started to take over but we instinctively looked at each other. We were looking at each other solemnly and it was far from the look of fear and helplessness the others were wearing from the first broadcast. Each one of them was slowly adapting to the situation and was having the right mindset for this scenario.     

"It sounds like despite what's happening, the government is still doing its best."     

"I agree, I first thought that the president would be holed up in a bunker waiting for everything to pass."     

"Even if he's always assuring us, we're very far from where he is. He also said that Luzon is the most dangerous island group and we are in it. Not only that, we're in NCR, the most populated region, right?"     

"Yes, but we're at the edge, not the cities located in the center."     

"He said that some of the soldiers have gone AWOL. Do you think the camp next to us is?"     

"We're not sure yet so we shouldn't scare ourselves. However, if they are, most of those living there would have died already and we would've heard the gunshots."     

"I mean, it would be dangerous being so close to them because of their weapons and all."     

"I could confirm that's not the case. I've been frequenting the areas around our base and I've flown there a couple of times already. They seem to be friendly people and they're even waving at the drone when they saw it flying around."     

"Let's just hope we could be friends with them."     

"Or we could offer allegiance so they wouldn't hurt us."     

"The fuck are you talking about?!"     

"Hey, I'm just being realistic here. You want to fight with actual soldiers?"     

"You're too pessimistic, me? I'd rather go down in a fight."     

"Guys, relax~ The soldiers here wouldn't do shit to us. Boss and Old Boss got it all under control, right?"     

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