+18 - Harem Palace Sect's System

Brothels Which Hide The Culprit!~

Brothels Which Hide The Culprit!~

0Author's Note: Well, I can't think of a good title! Sorry this chapter will feel like a filler again! Also, sorry for the irregular schedule since I can't use the laptop like in the past (Since it wasn't mine to begin with)!     

I need to save up money from a patron to buy a laptop though I don't know when it will be saved up haha!~     

Hopefully it's still readable since this chapter is only edited using Crio!     

Thanks to my loyal reader who is still staying with me until now!     

Join the Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/Jx5a4Px     

Since the box seems to be ignored sometimes I will write it here again!     

I hope you can support me here:     



It was a gloomy night with the moon partly hidden by the grey clouds hanging up around the high sky.     

Within the chaotic area of the capital city of Gold Reef Island, the woman who is the culprit of this chaotic situation was staying on the topmost floor of brothels nonchalantly.     

She's talking to the leader of the brothels, her foster sister, who frowns after hearing her foster sister telling her that all brothels within the island have been taken over by mysterious forces.     

"You were too rash, Rani! Now they're out to hunt you, it would be chaotic soon within this place!" The leader of brothels scolding her with playful tone, no one know if she's serious scolding her or not since it seems she's joking.     

"…I know Risa! But I can't let him harm little girl for his fetish! In the past I don't know about it but since he dare to let me know then it was his luck which running out! If not for me getting there in time, the little girl would lose her life just for that trash!" Rani massaging her temple with annoyance since she saw Risa's alluring body swaying seductively.     

"Sigh, that's why I told you to just help us here back then! Well, it's too late now though! What do you plan from now on then?" Risa was oblivious to her annoying feeling, she said with blaming tone.     

At the end she asked her plan with a curious tone, she stared with her lusty eyes. Rani responding with only roll of her eyes while tapping the edge of her chair.     

"I don't know! Maybe I would go adventuring all over place within this realm before ascending?" Crossing her arm which make her breast bulging, then she answered her foster sister with a nonchalant tone.     

"…How about I ask my mysterious master to take you in?" Feeling speechless with Rani answer, Risa suddenly asked something after remembering her new master which is mysterious.     

She remembered the person in charge has quite a number of strong subordinates, but what made her get a deep impression is the assassin which made her feel fear.     

That Assassin Squad which of sexy and beautiful woman yet their aura is chilling cold like they were not human. She didn't know that her guess is right about they are not human but she is wrong about them as female since that squad wasn't real female.     

"Huh? Are you sure they dare to take me in? I don't want to trouble you sister! Don't try to get into this murky water! It's already hard enough for me, I don't want to make others stick their nose into something which they can't handle!" Bewildered with sudden offer, she asked Risa while telling her every disadvantage which comes to when someone decided to take her in.     

She also knows what will happen if she joined a random powerhouse which in fact has an unknown background like this. However, she didn't try to convince Risa to break relations with her new master since she can see there's no harm done.     

"Hehe, don't pretend that you can face this troubled situation! You little girl... Also, don't underestimate my mysterious master! Although I haven't meet him, I know they were strong! If not, how can they take over all brothels within this continent?" Risa waving her finger while giggling, she said with a teasing yet convincing tone.     

Her eyes were full of conviction, which Rani didn't know where it came from, until she told the fact that made Rani surprised.     

"WHAT?? Are you telling me the truth? All brothels within this continent have a strong background! No one would dare to offend countless strong forces like that!" Rani questioned her in a loud and fast manner. Her calm was nowhere in sight after hearing the fact of that mysterious power taking over all brothels in which she knew that they didn't have a simple background.     

"I'm not joking with you little girl! It's true that all over place which has brothels is taken over by them! I don't need to lie about it!" Seeing her sister didn't believe her, she pouted seductively and rebuked Rani with glaring which make her more bewitching.     

"…Okay, if they can take me in then I want to stay with you! I'd rather protect you and your place than another place if it's possible!" Taking a deep breath to calm her surprised heart, Rani decided to gamble with it since she knew that her sister wouldn't harm her with this.     

However, she still tried to get her to stay close with her sister. After all, she didn't know that mysterious powerhouse is evil or not. She believes that it's better for her to stay here as her sister protector.     

"Why? You think they're wicked people? I will tell you big secret! All woman within my brothel has been changed into fake! All of them are criminals like bandit, rapist etc... No matter how I think, there's no way they are evil since no evil would punish their own kin!!" Feeling happy after seeing her sister agree, she smiled while telling another big secret which she found confusing at first.     

She remembers at the time the person in charge was sending a batch of new women, all of which were peerless beauties, which couldn't be found in a common place.     

However, the most surprising fact is that when she found out that all of them are fake woman who is changed from man. It makes her feel fear yet excited to know her new master which is mysterious in her eyes, even she considered to give her virginity which she guard this long to the man.     

Of course no one aside her sister knows she's a virgin, because her attitude is also similar to a woman who works for her within these brothels. If not for her sister as backing, maybe she would be ended in some young master within this island.     

"What do you mean fake? Bandit? Rapist? Are you sure what you said is still within one topic?" Raising her eyebrows, Rani asked with a bewildered tone. She felt her sister going to the wrong topic all of a sudden.     

"They're a man who has been converted into a woman! Don't be surprised! If not the man in charge telling me, I wouldn't know about it!" Ignoring her sister's question about her changing topic, she answered with a gentle tone.     

She didn't have to explain if its still within that topic since it was obvious once, but she knows what her sister feels about this strange information.     

"….How is it possible? Are you kidding me?" Pinching her temple, Rani asked again if her sister is joking about it. No matter how she thinks, there's no way something like this is possible.     

Although she knows that they live in a cultivation world, it's still unheard of where men can be changed into women like that.     

"Nope, I'm telling you it's true! If not for the man in charge letting one of them change back into man, I wouldn't believe it even if they give me money!" Shrugging her shoulder, Risa said with a nonchalant tone.     

"….Then how did you contact them? Is there some of their people who's staying here?" Deciding to stop this topic, she asked her sister how to contact them.     

She knows it's better for her to join this mysterious force in this current situation, she can feel her former subordinate approaching this place soon.     

Although she didn't care about them, she didn't want to harm her sister. She wanted to know if her sister had a protector or something which could guard herself while she was fighting with her pursuer.     

"Nope, they give me something like a runic seal! Here, see this mark on my hand? I can contact them through this!" Shaking her head, Risa lifting her hand to show the mark which she knows as a way to contact them.     

"…." Rani felt speechless and in doubt when she saw this, she couldn't believe that no one was there to protect her sister.     

Unknown to the two, there are two spectra assassins hiding in the Risa shadow, and one pixie who is staying at the ceiling monitoring their conversation.     


Zars is still hugging Duan Ling Shuang, and sometimes he teases her pussy, which makes her quivering from pleasure.     

He didn't take her now since he wants to let nature take it course, he didn't worry about him being horny since he has countless women in his domain.     

He still heals her with his sloth aura which makes her feel sleepy, if not for his teasing maybe she would go to sleep already.     

Zars's lap is already wet from the juice which comes out from her pussy, strangely she doesn't have a hard time breathing while she snuggles on his chest.     

He caressed her hair gently while kissing her forehead sometimes, he can see with his divine sense that the boy is trained diligently,     

Nodding his head, he feels satisfied with the boy's attitude. Although he was awkward accepting the title of father, he started to accept it since the boy's attitude is good.     

Calling the shop to feature in the system, he found there were good items to give to the boy. Closing the window, he closed his eyes while whiffing the scent from a woman which he hugged.     

He felt peace and satisfaction, but he knows that deep within him there's still a desire which demands more.     

Suddenly his eyebrows twitched since there's an incoming message icon appearing in front of him.     

[You have unread messages]     


He closed his eyes, then opened them while imagining clicking on the icon.     

[Master! There's someone who wants to submit to you! I'm sure you will be glad to take her in since she is beautiful!]     

Twitching his mouth, he felt Dejavu with this message but he didn't mind it too much.     

He saw that one pixie, which he left to Ginvork, who sent the message, massaging his temple, felt that he'd become someone similar to that of Young Master type.     

"So, they finished their job? They're really taking their time huh?"     


Tiara stretched her body, she smiled at her teacher since she felt better with her body. She didn't know that the current place is the best place in this realm.     

"Teacher! What happened after I fainted? Did that man let us go?" She asked her teacher after remembering that she didn't know what happened after she fainted.     

"…." Ningyan felt awkward with that question, she's fidgeting and confused about how to answer her question.     

"What's wrong? Did that man force us to do something immortal?" Seeing her teacher staying silent while fidgeting like a maiden in love, she felt bad about it.     

"N-no, but from now on we are his woman! You were included as well since you lost in that battle!" Seeing her disciple misunderstanding her, she took a deep breath to calm her heart.     

Then in the end she decided to tell the truth since soon or later her disciple would know about it even if she didn't tell her now.     

"…..WHAT?? WHEN DID I AGREE WITH THAT BET?" Tiara shouted with indignant feeling.     

"But you didn't say you disagree though!" Ningyan retorted to her disciple with a smirk.     

"…..That shameless man!!" Gritting her teeth, Tiara cursing the man while the image of him is appearing on her head. It makes her blush slightly while her breathing is erratic without her noticing.     

"Hahahaha! You were cursing him but I see it's not sincere! heh~" Seeing her disciple like this she know that Tiara still denying it. However she know that it's impossible for Tiara to keep this for long so she teased her with a wink.     

"….." Tiara pouted and huffed after hearing her teacher's remark, while she know it's true that the man is peerless. She doesn't want to admit it, but no matter what she thinks there's no way she can beat him.     

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