Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

To Squander

To Squander

0Since Adu had successfully held a concert at the Workers' Stadium, a new popular frenzy swept across China.     

This concert not only brought a visual and auditory feast to the fans, but also was praised by many professionals as a great pioneering work in the field of Huaxian music.     

Today, online videos of Adu's concert had been madly reposted all over the Internet. Although the videos were very vague and the sound quality wasn't very good, it still allowed people to catch a glimpse of its brilliance. The atmosphere was electrifying and sent shivers down their spines.     

Especially when 80,000 people sang with Adu at the same time, the shocking scene that was produced was so exciting and blood pumping.     

It was a pity that the videos that were currently circulating on the internet were taken by fans who went to the concert. Because the equipment wasn't professional, the duration of the videos were very short, and the picture and sound quality weren't ideal. Fans who couldn't go to the concert weren't very happy. They hoped that HuaXiang Entertainment could launch the full version of the concert as soon as possible.     

HuaXiang Entertainment also gave up the responsibility of pursuing every video uploaded, because the number of videos circulating on the Internet were too many and it was simply not pursued. There were 80,000 people at the scene and the spread of videos was too wide, so they were too lazy to pursue it.     

Fortunately, the videos currently circulating weren't very clear, and they had not reached a professional level. Therefore, if HuaXiang Entertainment launched the full version of the video or sells the album, it wouldn't affect sales too much.     

In the name of Adu, HuaXiang Entertainment also publicly published a statement on the Internet that allowed internet users to upload or download live videos of Adu's concert, provided that the Internet users must upload or download on the designated website. The website was Vimeo Net. After all, Vimeo Net was a partner of HuaXiang Entertainment, so if they benefited HuaXiang Entertainment would follow suit.     

As soon as this statement came out, many netizens became self-conscious, and many fans responded to Adu's call and ran over to Vimeo Net, which caused the daily traffic of Vimeo Net to increase dramatically, not only increasing the popularity of Vimeo Net. It also attracted a large number of advertisers to rush to cooperate with them.     

However, QuoDou on the other hand was suffering, their situation was getting worse and worse. Their daily traffic was dwindling and Yang Kun's music zone was deserted.     

Shareholders seeing the situation gave Zhu Xiangyang an ultimatum to resolve the situation in a month or he would be replaced.     

QuoDou wasn't just the result of the hard work of all the employees, but also contained all the efforts of Zhu Xiangyang. Therefore, Zhu Xiangyang couldn't bear to watch it go to ruin.     


In the past few days, the phones of HuaXiang Entertainment's; Business Department had almost been blowing up. Xu Fengnian was busy every day, constantly entertaining guests to talk about cooperation many were big customers, not to be scorned.     

This concert made Adu famous, and his popularity was soaring. Whether it was Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Adu had become an international star making him eye candy in the eyes of advertisers.     

Because Adu was injured and hadn't recovered, Zhang Xiaohua didn't arrange for him to work, but he gave him several advertisements which didn't require him to talk or sing.     

One of the beverage companies made a particularly enticing offer for Adu to make an advert, alongside Ling Ming.     

Zhang Xiaohua carefully looked over the proposal and couldn't help but sigh!     

He had truly made it now, even Coca-Cola was knocking at his door.     

Even better they were competitors of Reckless Drinks in Asia.     

Speaking of it, since Reckless Drinks took Yang Kun to be their spokesperson for the Asian region. Their sales had initially been very impressive, and several times forced Coca Cola to a dead end.     

However, since the birth of Adu, with the rapid decline of Yang Kun's popularity, the performance of Reckless Drinks began to suffer.     

Coke was offering a hundred million, for Adu and Ling Ming to be their product spokespersons.     

There was also the Huaxian Medicine Group, which was equally powerful and also offering excellent conditions.     

This time, the HMG had launched a set of throat medications. For their peppermint lozenges because of the uniqueness of the Adu's voice they wanted him as their product spokesperson.     

As a public figure, it was necessary to be responsible for the masses. So in order to ensure the quality of the medicine, Adu personally tried the new medicine that the HMG had just launched. After two days, the effects were very obvious. The efficacy of this drug was quite good, it was worth promoting.     


HuaXiang Entertainment, Conference room.     

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua was meeting with everyone, but there was no serious atmosphere in the conference room. Everyone was all smiles, feeling smug.     

In fact, no wonder everyone was happy.     

This time, the income from Adu's concert was nearly 300 million, plus the income of all the songs of Adu and Ling Ming on Vimeo Net at present, HuaXiang Entertainment had already acquired over 400 million in profit.     

"Coca-Cola is looking for Adu and Ming'er to be the product spokespersons for the Asian region. What do you think? Do you have any opinions?" Zhang Xiaohua raised an issue for everyone to discuss.     

In Zhang Xiaohua's view, although he was boss, now the company was on track, everything couldn't be done arbitrarily, he still had to ask everyone's opinion.     

"This time the spokesmen fee is a hundred million I don't think there is any reason to refuse it. Besides, the company is a multinational company and an international brand. If we can cooperate with them for a long time, it will be beneficial to us." Xu Fengnian took the lead in publishing his opinion.     

Yuan Datong, Emma and the rest nodded in agreement.     

They were best at making music. As far as business was concerned, they really had nothing to say. As long as Zhang Xiaohua and Xu Fengnian both agreed they had no objection.     

"Okay, then it's settled." Zhang Xiaohua said to Xu Fengnian:     

"Manager Xu, I'll trouble you to contact the spokesperson for Coke and make the necessary arrangements."     

" I will talk to the person in charge of the other party as soon as possible." Xu Fengnian said solemnly.     

"There is also the Huaxian Medicine Group. Is everyone in agreement to accept their offer?" Zhang Xiaohua once again raised a topic.     

Everyone nodded in agreement.     

"That's good.." When Zhang Xiaohua looked at Mi Jia and said to her: "How much money does our company currently have?"     

Mi Jia immediately made a careful calculation. Soon, she reported: "All of our company's recent business projects add up to a total of 550 million in profit. At present, our company has up to 2 Billion in accessible funds.."     


After listening to Mi Jia's report, everyone couldn't help but feel shocked!     

The company had achieved a total of two billion yuan in available funds, which was comparable to a listed company!     

If HuaXiang Entertainment also chose to go public, then the future was definitely limitless!     

Unfortunately, Xu Fengnian said that the company's star resources were still too small, and there is no benefit in listing. Therefore, at present, they were far from the company's listing.     

In particular, Zhang Xiaohua seemed to have no intention of letting the company go public at all.     

After listening to Mi Jia's financial report, Zhang Xiaohua nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Emma and said to her: "Notify Zhou Yi, tell him to make the special videos of the Adu concert as soon as possible, then release them, first release 5 million copies. Manager Xu has opened the sales network for the company a while ago, we should make good use of this network, so this special edition of Adu's concert is sold to the whole country."     

"I'll get on it." Emma responded seriously.     

"There is also Vimeo. After the post-production of the special edition of Adu's concert, the video will be put on Vimeo Net. Since they are our partner. We can't treat them badly. There's money to be made so let's earn it together." Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile.     

Everyone was full of motivation, having experienced the taste of success!     

This feeling was really wonderful.     

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua was about to move onto the next topic when a female staff member suddenly came in from outside and asked Zhang Xiaohua: "Boss, there are representatives of two companies to see you, should I bring them up?     

"What company?" Zhang Xiaohua asked.     

Recently, there were too many representatives who wanted to see him. It was said that the two most popular male and female singers were under him, and companies had to go through them.     

"One is a representative of Tianren Pharmaceutical, and one is from Reckless Drinks." The female staff replied.     


Zhang Xiaohua was speechless, Tianren Pharmaceutical and Reckless's betrayal were still fresh in his memory.     

Their actions had put the company in a perilous situation.     

What the two companies hadn't expected was that Adu's popularity began to force Yang Kun owns down. Today, under the tyranny of Adu's fame, Yang Kun's relevance had basically fallen. Even the products that he endorsed had basically reached the level of no one caring.     

This time, hearing that Coca-Cola and Huaxian Medicine Group were interested in finding Adu and Ling Ming to speak for them. They were unable to sit still because they knew the influence of Adu and Ling Ming.     

Their sales would fall if HuaXiang sided with them.     

Sadly for them Zhang Xiaohua had absolutely no interest in working with them but he was very curious. What gave them the courage to return after what they did.     

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with them, let's kick them out."     

"Yeah, I don't want to think about what they did to us. It almost hurt our company into bankruptcy. Now they still have the courage to come crawling over? Let them roll out directly."     

Everyone said in annoyance.     

Apparently, everyone was quite dissatisfied with the two.     

"I think they should have received the news about Coca-Cola and HMG."     

Xu Fengnian said with a smile: "As far as I know, Reckless and Coke, as well as Tianren Pharmaceutical and HMG they are competitors in the business field, trying every means to suppress each other."     

"Oh, no matter what they do, they are uninvited guests to our company. I don't want to see them anyway. Manager Xu, please help me send them out for me."     

Zhang Xiaohua stood up, smiled and said to Yuan Datong and the rest: "Come with me, I will take you to a place."     

"Where are we going?" Yuan Datong asked curiously.     

"To squander." Zhang Xiaohua said as he left.     

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