Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Lawyer Ma

Lawyer Ma

0Niu Qingshan was somewhat stumped because, according to the law, a will wasn't valid unless it was signed by both the testator and two witnesses. The testator must sign in the presence of two witnesses then each witness must then sign the will themselves.     

Therefore, even if Niu Qingshan wanted to help Cao Dequan to lie, he didn't know where to find two witnesses willing to perjure themselves to sign.     

When Niu Qingshan explained the issue, Cao Dequan listened with a smile and said: "I'll find the witnesses myself."     

Niu Qingshan, said cautiously: "What, if Chairman Ling Lao suddenly awakens? If he finds out what we did we will go to jail!"     

Cao Dequan smiled and calmly said: "You can rest assured that the old guy won't wake up in this life. Even the doctor has said that his brain tissue has already experienced serious exhaustion, even if he doesn't die, he won't awaken unless there is a miracle."     

Cao Dequan's remarks were like a reassurance. Niu Qingshan listened without any worries and quickly reached out and shook hands with Cao Dequan. They reached a consensus.     

After getting Niu Qingshan to agree, Cao Dequan finally breathed out a sigh of relief.     

Since everything was sorted, Cao Dequan didn't want to stay longer. He planned to go back to the hospital and continue to brainwash Ling Feng, but suddenly Niu Qingshan said: "Chairman Cao, since we are all on the same boat now, there is something I should probably mention."     

Cao Dequan listened and faintly felt that this matter was not finished yet. A bad premonition was born.     

Sure enough, Niu Qingshan continued and said: "Chairman Ling didn't not only make this will, but he's also said to have made a will at the Ma Law Firm. If I didn't make a mistake, the full testament of will is over there. I hope this doesn't change anything, after all we are on the same boat."     

After he said this, he pointed at the ripped up section of the will on his desk.     


Cao Dequan wanted to cry a little. He stared daggers at Niu Qingshan.     

"Why the f*ck am I paying you 20 million for then."     

"Son of a b*tch"     

Cao Dequan felt that his heart was blocked, and he couldn't help but wish Ling Qitian death. Look at all the trouble he was causing him.     

After leaving the Niu Law Firm, Cao Dequan went to the bank to withdraw 10 million in cash, and went straight to the Ma Law Firm in a rush.     

Once Cao Dequan left, Niu Qingshan smirked and laughed.     

"What a fool;" he muttered as he put away the two briefcases and stored away the ripped up will in a safe.     


When Cao Dequan arrived at the Ma's Law Firm, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.     

After that, things didn't go as smoothly as Cao Dequan imagined.     

It was now 4 pm and he still hadn't seen a shadow of Lawyer Ma. The secretary just repeatedly said that Lawyer Ma was in a meeting and had no time to see Cao Dequan.     

This was the first time that Cao Dequan had visited and been disregarded by the other party.     

However, there was no other way so Cao Dequan could only swallow his anger and continue to wait.     

He had to get this will.     

It wasn't until 5 pm, near the end of the work day, that the secretary invited Cao Dequan into the office.     

Cao Dequan had been waiting outside for two hours. He was infuriated.     

But coming to the door of the office, he changed his expression faster than flipping a page. He immediately put on a look of glee like he was visiting relatives.     

Just entering the threshold of the office, Cao Dequan looked up and saw a small desk in front, with a middle aged man sitting behind it, he looked to be around 50.     

He wore a pair of cheap plastic framed reading glasses, and a tailored suit. He looked wizened and strict.     

The office was also unobstructed, plain and bare, without any extravagance.     

Obviously, this middle-aged man was the head of this law firm, Lawyer Ma.     

Feeling slightly unsettled after looking around, Cao Dequan told his two followers to wait outside.     

Then he went straight to Lawyer Ma and then took the initiative to reach out for a handshake, smiling and introducing himself: "Pleased to meet you Lawyer Ma, I'm Chairman Cao of New Century Entertainment, soon to be father-in-law of Ling Feng, the 'chairman of the Jinsheng Group'."     

Cao Dequan thought that with his two identities, he would gain Lawyer Ma's attention.     

Unexpectedly, he just adjusted the reading glasses on his face, looked up at Cao Dequan, symbolically shook hands with him, and with an indifferent gesture, said expressionlessly: "Chairman Cao, welcome, please have a seat."     

In the face of Lawyer Ma's indifferent attitude, Cao Dequan couldn't help but glance at him with anxiousness.     

After he was seated, he smiled and said: "Lawyer Ma is a smart person. I think the purpose of my trip, Lawyer Ma should have already guessed it."     

Lawyer Ma smiled and said: "Chairman Cao is really humorous. I'm not a leach in your stomach. How can I know the purpose of Chairman Cao's trip?"     

Cao Dequan's old face blushed red at his comment.     

Lawyer Ma's smile slowly faded as he said: "If Chairman Cao has something to say please say it. As you can see, I'm a very busy man. If you want some help with legal matters please book an appointment in advance with my secretary. I will arrange time aside to talk with Chairman Cao as soon as possible. If it is a private matter, then I'm sorry, I don't think we have any thing to discuss after all, you and I are not familiar at all."     

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