Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



0Under the numerous neon lights, a lonely figure was walking aimlessly on the sidewalk with only her suitcase.     

Did she not know where to go?     

Unconsciously, Zhao Zilin arrived at the Chaoyang Motel again.     

Looking at the dilapidated light signboard, Zhao Zilin looked blank and smiled silently.     

Apart from this cheap hotel, was there nowhere else to go?     

Helplessly shaking her head, Zhao Zilin carried her tired body and slowly walked into the motel, after re-registration, she walked to the room.     

Xiong Zhuang watched the whole scene take place. When Zhao Zilin walked into the Chaoyang Motel, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Xiaohua's phone. "Miss Zhao is staying at the Chaoyang Motel."     

"Chaoyang Motel?" came Zhang Xiaohua's mutter across the phone.     

It seemed that the girl really had nowhere to go, so she choose a place like that to settle?     

"Keep looking after her. No matter where she goes, follow her. Call me if anything happens." said Zhang Xiaohua.     

"Don't worry, I know what to do." replied Xiong Zhuang.     


Chaoyang Hotel, in an ordinary room, Zhao Zilin had gotten up early... no, it should be said that she didn't sleep.     

In this kind of environment, with the sounds of fierce collisions between the flesh and the swaying sounds of the bed, she didn't get much sleep.     

After some washing, Zhao Zilin dressed up and left the hotel.     

Standing outside the door of the motel and facing the sun in the sky, she took a deep breath. She had decided to go job hunting today, but before that, she had to fill her stomach first.     

Taking out her wallet, Zhao Zilin opened it, but seeing the few wrinkled notes left in it, she dismissed the idea of ​​eating breakfast.     

The road ahead was still long. Before she found a job, she had to save money where she could.     

On her pretty face, appeared a look of bitterness, but she immediately stopped her self wallowing and put on a brave smile. With her academic qualifications and being in the most prosperous city in Huaxia, she reassured herself it was only a matter of time before she found work.     

On the opposite side of the road, Xiong Zhuang was sitting in his car with his eyes locked on Zhao Zilin.     

When Zhao Zilin left, Xiong Zhuang began to silently and carefully trail behind Zhao Zilin, he would always stay within 10 meters of her, but outside the range of her vision.     

In order to save some money, Zhao Zilin didn't take a taxi, she walked on the sidewalk.     

Arriving in the city center, she walked about the streets and arrived at the doors of a company called Guangming Law Firm.     

This law firm was also one she had paid close attention for a long time. It was also her biggest hope. The firm was a private enterprise but quite small in scale, it was in its infancy stage and it was recruiting talents in the legal profession.     

Although being a lawyer wasn't her ideal career, if she could be hired as a lawyer she would definitely take it. It was better than working in a hotel as a receptionist anyway.     

With courage and spirit, Zhao Zilin slowly walked into the law firm.     

Entering the doors, Zhao Zilin took a quick glance around her surrounding, the building was quite small, only about 200 square meters. The place was full of desks, it seemed a bit crowded. But since it was the downtown area, the office environment was quite comfortable. On a long parlor sofa against the wall, there sat a group of people including men and women of all age groups holding various resumes in their hands.     

Looking at the dozen or so candidates, Zhao Zilin felt the pressure growing. When had the domestic scene become so fierce and competitive?     

No matter where you went, no matter what industry, there were so many people looking for jobs.     


Society really was cruel!     

"Miss, what are you doing?" a young receptionist walked up and asked.     

"Oh, I'm here for the job interview." answered Zhao Zilin. After so many failures, this time she couldn't help but feel nervous.     

"Please go over there and wait, after the previous applicants have finished their interviews it will be your turn." the receptionist said while smiling.     

"Okay, thank you!" said Zhao Zilin while going over to the meeting sofa, but the sofa was already full of people so she could only stand. From time to time the other applicants would cast a hostile look over to her, the smell of gunpowder filled the area. The competition was fierce and the atmosphere was dignified.     

Thirty minutes..     

One hour...     

Two hours...     

The candidates went in and out of the supervisor's office one by one but everyone seemed to come out just as confident as they went in, as if they had been hired.     

It wasn't until 11 am that Zhao Zilin was invited into the office.     

Entering the office, Zhao Zilin looked up and saw a middle-aged man sitting behind the desk. He looked to be about 50 years old, his hair was sparse and he had a strict look about him. On the edge of his desk was a plaque which read Senior Counsel, Zhuang Wentian.     

Zhao Zilin first politely bowed to Zhuang Wentian, then smiled and introduced herself: "Hello, my name is Zhao Zilin, I'm here for the interview. Here is my resume and lawyer's license, please have a look." After that, she placed her resume and lawyer's license in front of Zhuang Wentian.     

Zhuang Wentian simply looked over Zhao Zilin's information. Even though Zhao Zilin's academic qualifications were high and she had a foreign lawyers' licenses, Zhuang Wentian didn't seem to pay it much attention.     

Looking up at Zhao Zilin and seeing how young she looked, Zhuang Wentian shook his head with disappointment and said: "Do you have any experience in court? What cases have you represented? How much do you know about the law industry? How are your interpersonal relationships with the domestic judicial department?"     

In the face of Zhuang Wentian's barrage of questions, Zhao Zilin couldn't even answer a question.     

After all, she had just returned to Huaxia, during her studies abroad she had majored in business management with law as a part-time course.     

She had participated in several practice court play outs, but if they talked about practical experience, she was a bit lacking. Especially for the domestic judicial system, she was in a state of ignorance.     

Zhuang Wentian shook his head again in disappointment and said in the tone of the preaching: "A high education is not useful in Huaxia. What we need is a flexible mind and eloquence in our business. The most important thing is maturity, experience, perception and relationships in the domestic scene. You don't have these things. It seems that you are just a newcomer to the society. What we want here is performance, we don't have time to train new people. You have to know that time is money."     

Zhao Zilin was red-faced and sullen, she looked down like a little girl who had just made a mistake. In the face of the martyrdom of a grown-up, she was speechless.     

Speaking of it, she was a very confident person. During her studies abroad, she thought that she could easily settle down regardless of what she encountered. No matter what job, she could easily do it.     

However, since returning to Huaxia, she discovered that her thoughts were whimsical.     

The domestic environment and job requirements here were much more complicated than she had given them credit for. At the same time, she realized that Zhuang Wentian was right. She was indeed inexperienced. High education had no practical use except for looking good.     

Since Zhao Zilin wasn't the best candidate, Zhuang Wentian didn't want to waste time and quickly returned the resume to Zhao Zilin. He said bluntly: "Sorry, you are not our ideal candidate. You can go."     

Zhuang Wentian's words are like a knife, plunging straight into Zhao Zilin's heart.     

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