Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



0At 7:30 pm, the award ceremony began.     

After a half-hour of singing and dancing performances a young man and woman took to the stage.     

At this point, the audience was warmly applauding. Only Zhang Xiaohua seemed to be listless. In fact, he didn't want to participate in this boring program. However, due to the strength of the music association, he couldn't help but feel helpless.     

After ten minutes, the two hosts on the stage eloquently said their opening remarks and then turned their eyes to a row of old people sitting in the front row and excitedly said: "Let us stand up now and give our warmest applause to our beloved elders!"     

The audience stood up and the applause thundered around the room.     

"Who are those old fogies?" Zhang Xiaohua applauded and absent-mindedly asked Yuan Datong.     

"They are the core figures of the Music Association and the older generation of artists who have made outstanding contributions to the domestic entertainment culture. In this circle, their status is very lofty and worthy of respect from the younger generation." Yuan Datong explained to Zhang Xiaohua.     

Zhang Xiaohua once was shocked!     

He counted those sitting in the front row to be a total of about 38 people, the average age among them seemed to be over 60 years old, the youngest looked to be in their 50's.     

Zhang Xiaohua sighed and shook his head.     

It is no wonder that the domestic music culture was so outdated. These old grandfathers and old ladies were controlling the whole situation behind the scenes.     

"How many people are there in the music association?" Zhang Xiaohua asked curiously. If there were 38 core members how many members did they have nationally.     

Yuan Datong: "In addition to the 38 core members present today, there are about 18,000 members in the country. Among them are two vice-chairmen, one party organization secretary, one honorary chairman, and one executive chairman. They are mostly made up of old artists and party members."     


Why the hell were there party members in a music association this was such blatant corruption.     

However, in Zhang Xiaohua's view, in order to change the status quo of the domestic music culture, it was necessary to make some comprehensive reforms. The first thing that needed reform was this Music Association.     

Only by removing the old and welcoming the new can they continue to progress.     

If power always remained in the hands of these people, then before they all die they shouldn't expect the domestic music culture to make any improvements.     

Unfortunately, Zhang Xiaohua wan't the chairman so he could do nothing.     

The voice of the male host spread out: "We would like to thank the various patrons for sponsoring the ceremony of our ceremony. They are New Century Entertainment, Rock Record. , XX Group, XXXX TV station..."     

Listening to the host drone on words of thank, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but be dumbfounded.     

Such a simple and old-fashioned music ceremony was sponsored by so many companies. Even if each company only sponsors 10,000 yuan, the total amount would reach more than one million. What's more, some companies directly sponsored one million yuan!     

And most likely the majority of this money, would flow into the pockets of the so-called core members.     

Seeing this Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but swear at such an easy way to make money.     

"Our first award is the award for the best musician award. Without these musicians creating and writing such beautiful songs we would be lost. So this one goes out to the silent contributors of the industry"     

After the male host finished speaking the female host picked up right after: "Let us give warm round of applause to all music creator."     

The audience stood up again and thunderous applause sounded.     

A showgirl slowly walked onto the stage, holding a square tray in her hand, an envelope was on the tray.     

The male host picked up the envelope, then opened it, glancing at it, he smiled said into the microphone: "And the award for best musician goes to..."     

The audience became silent as many became tense.     

At the same time, a lot of eyes shifted and concentrated on Zhang Xiaohua's body.     

No one could deny that this year had been his year. His songs had topped the charts multiple times in fact even currently the top 10 songs on the music chart were all his.     

Under the eyes of the public, Zhang Xiaohua also smiled silently.     

Zhang Xiaohua like everyone else, felt that no one else present could challenge him for the awards.     

Zhang Xiaohua tightened his tie and sat up. He was ready to get on stage to receive the award. Yuan Datong, Ling Ming, Emma and the others had already cast a congratulatory eye to him.     

Finally breaking his silence the host raised the voice and continued: "Congratulations to Mr. Gao Xiaosong for winning!"     

As the host finished, gasps could be heard them murmurings the audience was stunned. All eyes looked back and forth between Zhang Xiaohua and Gao Xiaosong. Everyone's face showed an incredible expression.     

It wasn't until Gao Xiaosong got up on stage and took the award that the audience recovered and began to applaud.     

"What the actual f**k, how the hell did Gao Xiaosong win?" said Yuan Datong filled with indignation.     

Ling Ming, Emma and the rest also expressed strong dissatisfaction. Only Yang Kun sat there gloating and even gave a congratulatory applause to Gao Xiaosong.     

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!     

The meaning of these two sentences, Zhang Xiaohua had deeply experienced at this moment!     

But soon he recovered.     

Well he never thought much of these awards anyway. He just came to join in the fun and fulfill his duties . Besides, he knew better than anyone else. Most of these so-called awards ceremonies were rigged. If you wanted to get the prize, it depended on whether you were willing to spend money.     

There had been thousands of scandals of people coming out and exposing the corruption behind the scenes back on earth.     

However, what interested Zhang Xiaohua was how far these people were willing to go it was fine if best musician was rigged since apart from those in the industry no one else paid much attention to it.     

But best male and female singer award were different these were awards fans and the public paid attention too.     

The eyes of the masses were clear and the popularity of Ling Ming and Yang Kun could not be covered. If they didn't receive their awards then mayhem was definitely bound to occur...     

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