Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



0Arriving back at the company, Zhang Xiaohua announced the acquisition of Hurricane Security. Emma arranged an office for Xiong Zhuang, officially placing him as the manager of the security department, with a monthly salary of 44,000 yuan. The other security staff would receive a monthly salary of 35,000 yuan.     

After that, Xiong Zhuang personally went to the Trade and Industry Bureau, changed the company's name to HuaXiang Security and announced the deal to his employees. Their office was still on the sixth floor of the Longteng Building.     

All that was left now was Daxia Brokerage downstairs and Ashima Dresses upstairs. Perhaps it wouldn't take long for Zhang Xiaohua to annex the other companies.     

With the security department established, HuaXiang Entertainment was now composed of nine departments.     

Looking at the company's growing strength, Zhang Xiaohua was very happy, so he decided to treat everyone to dinner.     

Usually he would take everyone out to a major hotel, but he wanted to change things up tonight. Unfortunately, there was no KTV in this world, which was a bit disappointing, but there were still a lot of quality bars out there.     


Five o'clock in the afternoon, conference room.     

At the end of the regular meeting, Zhang Xiaohua said to the senior officials present: "This afternoon, you can all get off work early, let's go out and relax.."     


Although at the top, they were after all a group of young people who were hot blooded.     


At 7 o'clock in the evening, Zhang Xiaohua led the group to the Rose Bar. All of the company's top management was here, with only Xiong Zhuang being absent.     

As a top tier bar in Tianjing City, Rose Bar was home to many wealthy clients, a place for the rich second generation to play.     

Zhang Xiaohua had gained nearly 200 million yuan in assets, and all of this was due to the people around him. He was determined to give good rewards to everyone.     

When he learned that all the people in front of him were from HuaXiang Entertainment and even the boss was here. The bar manager smiled and personally welcomed them. They prepared a VIP box for them, including a jukebox, game console and independent cinema stereo.     

After such a reception, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't allow himself to be seen as lesser. So in order to make a good impression here, Zhang Xiaohua directly gave the bar manager a tip of 1,000 yuan.     

Zhang Xiaohua called for two bottles of top-quality red wine, followed by two dozen beer cans and 10 fruit bowls, plus two boxes of Cuban cigars.     

Xu Fengnian was not used to drinking wine, so Zhang Xiaohua ordered the bar manager to open a bottle of Maotai for him, priced at around 15,000 yuan, which made Xu Fengnian flattered.     

However, in Zhang Xiaohua's heart, he knew that Xu Fengnian fully deserved the bottle.     

Everyone had witnessed it. Xu Fengnian had done a lot for the company and made a lot of contributions. How could this be compared to a bottle of Moutai.     

At this time, looking at the bottle of valuable Maotai in front of him, Xu Fengnian's eyes began to become reddish.     

He had fought for New Century for years, burning up his youth and time. But when had he ever received such a luxury?     

Especially after Cao Dequan became in charge of New Century, the Cao father and daughter completely disregarded Xu Fengnian as a person. In the end, he was also swept out by Cao Dequan.     

Looking at Zhang Xiaohua next to him, Xu Fengnian felt very gratified!     

Zhang Xiaohua personally poured a glass of wine for Xu Fengnian, and immediately took the lead to raise a cup: "Let's all pay our respects to Xu Fengnian. Thanks to Xu Fengnian's contributions to the company, we have benefited a lot!"     

They all raised a glass to Xu Fengnian, showing their respect as the younger generation.     

Xu Fengnian wiped his wet eyes and picked up his glass.     

Looking at the young faces in front of him, Xu Fengnian felt deeply embarrassed, but even more so, he felt happy. He decided to give his all to teaching his knowledge to these young people, so that they could do their best to help Zhang Xiaohua achieve greatness!     

Thinking this way, Xu Fengnian smiled and he sipped the whole cup of Maotai.     

Zhang Xiaohua refilled the wine glass and immediately looked over to Yuan Datong. He smiled and said: "I would like to thank you with this glass of wine. Without your confidence and belief in me, the company wouldn't have reached this stage. Without you, I probably wouldn't even be alive. For a long time, you have fought alongside me and I hope we can continue to do so and reach the top together!"     

Everyone toasted to Yuan Datong, who toasted back while tearing up.     

Emma then stood up and toasted: "This one goes out to you Boss. You led us here from nothing. Now I feel that my life is fulfilling. This is a life I couldn't even dream of before. And the person who changed my life is you. Boss, I respect you!"     

Afterwards Zhang Xiaohua was toasted to one by one. He was drowned in alcohol.     

Yuan Datong said: "We are all millionaires now, when Auntie gets back from her holiday we should take the chance to travel around the world and you can also take the chance to finally move out!"     

After Yuan Datong's comment, Zhang Xiaohua's mood fell slightly.     

So far, his mother and Liu Yan had been out for more than three months, this was more than enough time for them to travel around the world. It stood to reason that they should have returned, but everytime he brought it up, they delayed their return.     

Seeing Zhang Xiaohua suddenly looking down, Yuan Datong quickly lost his smile: "Hey, I was joking. We are brothers, you can stay with me however long you want to. Anyway, I don't think I could get used to the place without you, I've become too accustomed to your tormenting."     

"Yes boss, if you want to eat home cooking, you can come to my house. Thanks to you, my family successfully built the house, my parents really want to meet you to say thank you." Emma said with a smile.     

"Oh, meeting the parents already?" Zhang Xiaohua smirked at Emma, only to receive a gaze of contempt from the rest of the table…     

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