Battle Royale of the Sinners

Hua Tuo and Hua Shi

Hua Tuo and Hua Shi

0Chapter 8 – Hua Tuo and Hua Shi     

Hua Tuo, a physician, the divine doctor. The historian recorded that he found the first anesthetic in Ancient China. He also excelled at diagnosis and used the combination of medicinal herbs, surgery, and acupuncture to cure patients.     

However, later in 208 AD, Cao Cao executed Hua Tuo for lying to Cao Cao and not willing to be Cao Cao's personal doctor. Cao Cao was suffering a chronic headache for a long time, which several historians believed Cao Cao was suffering from a migraine or brain tumor.     

Before the execution, Hua Tuo burned down all of his medical manuscripts. But he had a change of mind later during his time in prison. He wrote down his knowledge into a scroll and passed it to a jailer. Hua Tuo said to the jailer;     

"This can preserve people's lives."     

The jailer was afraid that he would be implicated and got punished if he accepted it. So he refused. Hua Tuo then burned down the scroll and waited for the time of the execution. Majority of his knowledge was lost with his life. Only a few surgery techniques, such as castration, was remained.     

In front of Tong, that historical figure was sitting here, chatting with him.     

"Every time I see you, young master Zhang, you look healthier than ever. I really envy you."     

"Haha, but I can't be compared to you, Master Hua. You still look like you are in your 20s."     

The two were exchanging pleasantry. Though they looked like they were getting along. In the mind of Hua Tuo, he was inspecting Tong.     

'What a young lad. I've come here many times but I've never seen him sick.'     

'Ordinary people would show signs and flaws within the skin, skin color, breathing or pulse as they were aging.'     

'But he seems too perfect. His body is like a newborn baby!'     

Three years ago, Hua Tuo found a wandering merchant that was selling a unique soap while he was traveling to study herbs and medicines in various regions.     

As a doctor and a physician, he paid attention to his hygiene and cleanliness, so the unique soap caught his eyes. He wanted to buy the soap in bulk because he needed to use a lot.     

All the so-called 'soap' Hua Tuo came across before were all liquidized or was required to mix with hot water to use. They were made out of tree barks, plant ashes or crushed herbs. He had never seen a soap that could be this fragrant.     

After some exchange of information, he heard that the soap was bought from somewhere in Ji Province. Hua Tuo threw away his schedule and searched for the soap's origin.     

Then a year later, Hua Tuo found Tong. He was shocked that the creator was just a teen that was less than 15-year-old. Furthermore, he was unusually healthy. Tong's skin was so smooth that there was no flaw or any mark on him. He was like an ideal human!     

Hua Tuo didn't know that Tong had a passive skill that made him immune to all disease, thus making him immune to the deterioration of aging.     

Hua Tuo also noticed that Tong's eloquent was not that of a child, but an adult. Tong also managed the servants in his household without relying on his father.     

From that point on, Hua Tuo took interest in Tong. He even asked Zhang Jiao, Tong's father, if he could take Tong as his disciple.     

Zhang Jiao, as a healer shaman, he knew that a physician was a good job. So he was willing to.     

Zhang Jiao was planning the rebellion for years. He didn't want to implicate his son into this.     

However, Tong politely refused. Tong always wanted to be Hua Tuo's disciple, but the system missions were in the way.     

Tong afraid that if he were to leave Zhang Jiao alone, an unknown otherworlder might show up out of nowhere and killed Zhang Jiao. If Zhang Jiao were to die before he raised the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Tong would die too!     

Though Hua Tuo disappointed. He still came back to visit Tong two or three times a year to buy his soaps. He had to come here often because the soaps were spent quickly as he treated many patients and he also cleaned himself daily. Hua Tuo's wife and daughter also demanded that he should bring back the soap for them too.     

Because of the reason, today Hua Tuo didn't come here alone. He brought his wife and his daughter with him as well.     

"Come, come! Let me introduce you. This is young master Zhang Tong, the genius child I told you about. Young master Zhang, this is my wife, Zhan Ru. And this is my daughter, Hua Shi.     

"Greetings Madam Zhan. Greetings young lady Hua."     

Two elegant middle age woman and a young girl with a similar age as Tong were with Hua Tuo today. Tong was surprised to see them coming here.     

Tong glanced at Hua Shi. She looked like an average good-looking young girl that could be found anywhere in the 21st century. But in this era, she was a rare find. The mother, Zhan Ru, was also a refined middle-age woman.     

'I thought Hua Tuo was single for life. He has a wife and a child?'     

There were no such names appearing in any record by the historians. Tong thought that maybe they were not significant enough to affect the politic power. So the officials who act as historians in the ancient time didn't record them.     

Tong then sneak glanced at Hua Shi over and over again when he was chatting with Hua Tuo and Zhan Ru. He was being cautious of Hua Shi.     

'Everyone should be reincarnated in the same year. And she was about the same age as I am. Is she an otherworlder?'     

Tong smacked his forehead in his mind.     

'Even if she is an otherworlder, I can't harm her. She's Hua Tuo's relative.'     

'I need this connection with the divine doctor!'     

'If I run into trouble, I can seek shelter from him.'     

'Even if the emperor issues an imperial decree to execute the Zhang's family nine generation for rebellion, I can still be Hua Tuo disciple. Then change my surname and get away with it.'     

'Though I knew that I shouldn't let my guard down. But I should try to be friendly with her.'     

'If she's really an otherworlder, then we can talk it out.'     

'If she's just a native local. Then all is well.'     


'I thought Zhang Jiao was just a maniac shaman without a wife. He has a child?'     

A thought appeared in the head of Hua Shi.     

'I'm not familiar with Zhang Tong's name. He doesn't seem like one of those savage Yellow Turban bandits in the history.'     

'Did he took part in the rebellion and died before he got any achievement? Or he was just a commoner merchant that wasn't recorded in the history.'     

If Tong were to hear the inner thought of Hua Shi, he would be scared witless.     

Hua Shi was also one of the reincarnator that was sent from Hell. However, she didn't know that there were other reincarnators like her in this world.     

'But that doesn't matter. I should coax my father taking him with us.'     

'He doesn't belong in the Yellow Turban Army.'     

'Sending him into the army is like flushing a national treasure down the toilet.'     

'After all, he has those skins …'     

'So white, so smooth.'     

'I can hardly stop my drooling watching him.'     

'Such a first class meat is rare to come by, especially in this era.'     

'Ah … I want to taste him so bad. I feel so hungry now.'     

Hua Shi's eyes were sparkling as she was scanning Tong from head to toes.     

Tong felt chills run down the spine. He detected a weird killing intent aura.     

'Why did I suddenly feel a chill? Cold wind?' Tong was confused.     


Tong, Hua Tuo, and Zhan Ru were chatting for a while and completed their business.     

Hua Tuo then left Zhang Resident. He bought another batch of soap from Tong and currently was loading them into his carriage.     

Hua Shi walked to the side by Hua Tuo and asked.     

"Father, can't you take Zhang Tong with us? It's a waste to leave him here."     

"Oh, why is it a waste?"     

"Umm, he doesn't suit here? I meant he should be taken with us! This place doesn't fit him!"     

Hua Shi was stumbling. She didn't know how to convey her wish. She couldn't tell her parents what she really wanted or what would happen in the future. She was restricted by the system.     



Name: Hua Shi     

Age: 15     

Lifespan: 120 Years     

*Active Skill List*     

[Medical Gift] LV.2 EXP( 35/200 )     

- Diagnosis a patient and automatically find a solution for the treatment, or create a medicine for the sickness found.     

- Can create two medicine tablets or 20 milligrams of liquid medicine per one use.     

Skill Consumption: 10 years of the host lifespan.     

Skill Usage Restriction: Can only be used when treating a patient.     

System Note: A good girl? I think not!     


**Main Mission No.1**     

Mission Clear Condition: Do not tell anyone about the future events until the end of December, 180AD.     

Failure Condition: You blew a whistle like you were wi**leaks.     

Clear Reward: 1,000 years of lifespan. Bonus experiences for all your active skills.     

Mission Failure: You will die.     

System Note: You can't do shit, girl!     


Just like Tong, she was restricted by the system. The first mission she received threatened to kill her if she revealed the secrets.     

Hua Shi was aware of the existence of the Heaven and Hell. She doesn't want to go back to Hell again. Therefore, she tried her best to live like an ordinary good citizen in this era. And she played along with the historical trends for 15 years.     

'Ah, what should I tell them? I don't know anymore.'     

'I just want to eat him …'     

'His flesh, his blood, his guts, his heart, his liver …'     

'What a pity.'     

Though Hua Shi tried her best to be a good citizen and not committing any sinful acts, she couldn't suppress her desire when she saw Tong's perfect healthy body.     

In her previous life, she was sent to Hell because she had a certain hobby, a disgusting taste for humanity.     

She enjoyed cannibalism.     

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